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Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process of integrating cognition, emotion, and behavior in our lives. In school settings, it involves systemic practices to incorporate SEL into leading, teaching, learning such that adults and children build self- and social awareness, learn to manage their own and other’s emotions and behavior, make responsible decisions, and build positive relationships. Here, we describe RULER, a systemic evidence-based approach to SEL, including its Theory of Change, and key theories that are foundational to the approach. RULER’s implementation model also is described, which involves training for school leaders, educators, and staff; integrating SEL into the curriculum across grade levels; infusing SEL into schoolwide practices and policies; and engaging families and the broader community. RULER’s current and expected outcomes for children and adults are reviewed, including both proximal (e.g., more developed emotion skills and enhanced classroom climate) and distal (e.g., reduced teacher stress and burnout and greater academic performance) outcomes. RULER’s future directions also are discussed.  相似文献   

传统道德本质上是建立在血缘基础上的“特殊主义”道德,现代道德本质上是超越人的自然联系的“普遍主义”道德,因此道德的现代化转型可以视为现代道德对传统道德自然基础的超越;道德的这一转型是社会转型的必然要求和价值体现;人本化、普遍化、主体化、公共化和理性化是其基本内涵;在中国境遇中,这一道德转型尚未完成,推进自然道德的消解和现代道德的整体生成,是道德建设的现代性目标。  相似文献   

李可  董利亚 《成人教育》2019,39(12):36-41
当前社区学习资源存在诸多问题,如缺乏资源认证机制、学习支持服务不足、缺乏长期引导机制和资源整合共享机制不完善等,如何有效整合利用社区学习资源已成为推动社区教育健康、协调、可持续发展亟待解决的问题。在"互联网+"时代背景下和智慧学习环境下,应基于学习资源协同建设、资源审核评估、资源整合优化、学习支持服务和评价反馈的社区学习资源整合利用模式,实现社区学习资源的整合利用。  相似文献   

信息技术与学习方式的整合(integration)是近几年来一个新的研究课题,这种整合具有其内在的规定性,它是与分化相对的一种学习设计与实施的理念和策略。其最基本的本质规定性就是信息技术进入学习活动,成为学习活动结构中的基本要素。  相似文献   

This paper discusses student and teacher perceptions of a new development in the use of the predict–observe–explain (POE) strategy. This development involves the incorporation of POE tasks into a multimedia computer program that uses real-life, digital video clips of difficult, expensive, time consuming or dangerous scenarios as stimuli for these tasks. The program was created by the first author to be used by pairs of secondary physics students to elicit their conceptions of force and motion and encourage discussion about these views. In this computer learning environment, students were required to type full sentence responses that were recorded by the computer for later analysis by the researcher. Other data sources for this study included audio and video recordings of student discussions, interviews with selected students and their teachers, classroom observations, and student questionnaires. This paper will report on some findings from the study, focussing on student and teacher perceptions of the computer-mediated POE tasks. The findings have implications for the effective use of multimedia to enhance meaningful learning in science classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper examines important factors in maximizing children’s experiential learning in the context of inquiry-based children’s museums. Learning is understood as situated in physical, social, and interactive context that is best achieved when children have opportunities to engage in play-based inquiry. Recommendations for maximizing children’s learning in museums, supporting children’s interactions with peers and adults, and offering affordances for children’s play are discussed.  相似文献   

随着“以学生为中心”的教学理念的深入,自主学习和合作学习已被广泛应用到英语教学的实践中。文章从自主学习和合作学习的基本内容、两者共同的理论基础角度,分析论述这两种学习模式可整合应用于英语教学。同时提出,自主学习中的个体性、独立性与合作学习中的互赖性、社交性可能存在矛盾的质疑。通过教学实验,调查学生自主学习与合作学习水平,得出学生两种学习能力不存在矛盾并且呈现中等正相关性。这两种学习能力实为互相补充、相辅相成,并可结合应用以提高英语学习效率。  相似文献   

开放课程资源与社交学习的整合——Openstudy的启示   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
文章介绍了Openstudy的创建、发展和典型案例,剖析了Openstudy的学习流程和学习平台,同时将它与其他几个开放课程资源项目进行对比分析,指出整合开放课程资源与社交学习是开放课程资源发展的趋势之一,并论述了其对我国精品课程建设的启示。  相似文献   

在基础教育课标和教材双重变革的背景下,高中语文教学应该改变逐点解析学科知识、逐项训练学科技能的传统教学方法,在理解学习任务群基本特点、把握统编教材使用方法的基础上,设计整合真实情境、典型内容、典型方法和必要资源的学习任务,引导学生在自主、合作、探究的言语实践活动中实现语文核心素养的综合提升。  相似文献   

为超越认知心理学的局限,深度学习研究从狭义走向广义成为必然.复杂科学为广义深度学习研究提供了全新视角,学习科学为学习系统简化提供了合理依据,以此可重新审视深度学习的缘起、内涵、机制及过程.研究结合人工智能历史演变,指出深度学习缘起于认知心理学的重塑、课程与教学论的变革以及教育技术学的突破;基于对既有内涵的梳理,认为深度学习是学习科学视阈下对信息深度加工过程、教师深度引导过程、技术深度支持过程三者的最优整合;依托影响因素分析,点明深度学习的发生机制以知识内容为客观载体、以真实情境为客观条件、以心理机能为主观意识;从纵向优化和横向整合两个方面建立了深度学习的一般过程模型,其间三个"深度过程"和"三维机制"不断趋于最优整合,共同促进学习者深度学习.  相似文献   

为超越认知心理学的局限,深度学习研究从狭义走向广义成为必然.复杂科学为广义深度学习研究提供了全新视角,学习科学为学习系统简化提供了合理依据,以此可重新审视深度学习的缘起、内涵、机制及过程.研究结合人工智能历史演变,指出深度学习缘起于认知心理学的重塑、课程与教学论的变革以及教育技术学的突破;基于对既有内涵的梳理,认为深度学习是学习科学视阈下对信息深度加工过程、教师深度引导过程、技术深度支持过程三者的最优整合;依托影响因素分析,点明深度学习的发生机制以知识内容为客观载体、以真实情境为客观条件、以心理机能为主观意识;从纵向优化和横向整合两个方面建立了深度学习的一般过程模型,其间三个"深度过程"和"三维机制"不断趋于最优整合,共同促进学习者深度学习.  相似文献   

论修学、旅游与华文教育的三位一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修学、旅游与华文教育的融合发展是教育国际化、素质化以及三者良性互动的必然要求,文章分析了三位一体化教学方式的发展现状,探讨了这一教学方式的具体运作,并提出了加快修学旅游的产品设计、重点开发东南亚华裔的修学旅游以及加强高校与企业、国际旅游机构的合作等发展措施。  相似文献   

在词汇习得过程中词汇教学和附带习得分别起什么作用,如何将两者有机的结合?本实验结合受试间和受试内两种设计,考察两组不同的受试者在不同的条件下对两组词汇习得情况。对第一组词汇,测试前对照组只接受词汇教学,实验组在词汇教学后辅助阅读含目标词文章。对第二组词汇,两组都通过一次性阅读附带习得。本研究考查学习者分别在习得词汇的词性、词义、搭配和语境提示下产出目标词四个方面有无区别,并对比一次性阅读对促进生词词汇习得和已教词汇习得的异同。研究发现词汇教学在促进词汇习得各方面效果明显好于一次性阅读,但词汇教学之后进行广泛阅读可以更好地巩固加深已教词汇的习得,词汇量作为一个重要因素在广泛阅读中既影响生词词汇的习得也影响已有部分知识词汇的习得。  相似文献   

在当前教育领域内,远程学习、数字化学习与在线学习环境这些专业术语并不少见,学习者和相关研究人员在面临这些专业术语时往往会存在一些理解上的偏差,在使用过程中也会存在一些困惑,因此很有必要对这些术语进行深入研究。目前数字化学习、在线学习与远程学习环境领域相关的研究较多,他们之间的差异不仅仅是表达术语层面,重要的是不同学习环境的侧重点和呈现特点有一定的差异。为此,我们通过实证方法分析研究该问题,总结学习者是如何认识这些学习环境的。结果表明,不同学习者对数字化学习、在线学习与远程学习环境有不同的期望和认知。  相似文献   

Case-based learning and problem-based learning have demonstrated great promise in reforming science education. Yet an instructor, in newly considering this suite of interrelated pedagogical strategies, faces a number of important instructional choices. Different features and their related values and learning outcomes are profiled here, including: the level of student autonomy; instructional focus on content, skills development, or nature-of-science understanding; the role of history, or known outcomes; scope, clarity, and authenticity of problems provided to students; extent of collaboration; complexity, in terms of number of interpretive perspectives; and, perhaps most importantly, the role of applying versus generating knowledge.
A leader who gives trust earns trust.His profile is low, his words measured.His work done well, all proclaim,“Look what we’ve accomplished!”—Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching
Problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) are at least as old as apprenticeship among craftsmen. One can envision the student of metals at the smelting furnace, the student of herbal remedies at the plant collector''s side, or the student of navigation beside the helm. In recent years, however, PBL and CBL have emerged as powerful teaching tools in reforming science education. Most notably, these approaches exhibit key features advocated by educational researchers. First, both are fundamentally student-centered, acknowledging the importance of actively engaging students in their own learning. As the responsibility for learning shifts toward students, the role of the instructor also shifts, from the conventional authority who dispenses final-form knowledge to an expert guide, who motivates and facilitates the process of learning, while promoting the individual development of learning skills. The efforts of an ideal teacher may well be hidden. As Lao Tsu suggested centuries ago, educational achievement is measured by what a learner learns more than by what the teacher teaches.Second, in orienting more toward student perspectives and motivations, CBL and PBL tend to focus on concrete, specific occasions—cases or problems—wherein the target knowledge is relevant. Contextualizing the learning contributes both to student motivation and to the making of meaning (construed by many educators as central to functional memory and effective learning). The cases and problems are not merely supplemental illustrations or peripheral sidebars, but function centrally as the very occasion for learning. This style of learning resonates with views of cognitive scientists that our minds reason effectively through analogy and models, as much as through the interpretation and application of general, abstract principles.A third feature, and perhaps the most transformative, is the potential of PBL and CBL to contribute to the development of thinking skills and an understanding of the nature of science, beyond the conventional conceptual content. As students work on cases or problems, they typically exercise and hone skills in research, analysis, interpretation, and creative thinking. In addition to benefiting from practice, students may also reflect explicitly on their experience and thereby deepen their understanding of scientific practices. But such lessons do not emerge automatically. The instructor must make deliberate choices and design activities mindfully to support this aim.In these three ways, PBL and CBL have proven valuable in many settings and hold promise more widely. An instructor first venturing into the realm of CBL and PBL, however, may easily be overwhelmed by the variety of approaches and the occasional contradictions among them. The literature is vast and includes sometimes conflicting claims about appropriate or ideal methods. This paper aims to introduce some of the key dimensions and to invite reflection about the respective values and deficits of various alternatives. It hopes to inform pedagogical choices about learning objectives and foster corresponding clarity in classroom practice. It also hopes, indirectly, to promote clarity on values and learning outcomes among current practitioners and in educational research and to provide perspective on the discord among advocates of specific approaches.1The first two sections below introduce CBL and PBL, respectively, as instructional strategies reflecting certain values. (A teacher might well adopt both simultaneously.) Beyond these basics, there are many dimensions or distinctions to consider, addressed in successive sections (and summarized in 2 In addition, PBL gained recognition largely from applications in professional education—medical, business, and law schools (Butler et al., 2005 ). These instructional contexts tend to emphasize training. Contemporary science education, by contrast, tends to highlight student-based inquiry and understanding of scientific practices (National Research Council, 2012 ). The original approaches, as models, may need adapting. Most notably, the difference in context, between learning how to apply knowledge and learning how knowledge is generated, can be critical, as described below. The principles surveyed here can help guide the teacher in crafting an appropriate instructional design to accommodate specific contexts and values.

Table 1.

Key dimensions shaping learning environments and outcomes in CBL and PBL
• Occasion for engaging content: Contextualized (case based) or decontextualized?
• Mode of engaging student: Problem based or authority based?
• Instructional focus: Content, skills, and/or nature of science?
• Epistemic process: Apply knowledge or generate new knowledge?
• Setting: Historical case or contemporary case?
• Epistemic process: Open-ended or close-ended?
• Authenticity: Real case or constructed case?
• Clarity of problem: Well defined, ill defined, or unspecified?
• Social epistemic dimension: Collaborative or individual?
• Complexity of social epistemics: Single perspective or multiple perspectives?
• Scope: Narrow or broad?
• Level of student autonomy: Narrow or broad?
Open in a separate windowFocusing on distinctions in pedagogical approaches encourages one to think more rigorously about educational values and aims. For example, is knowing content the ultimate aim? To what degree is understanding scientific practice and/or its cultural contexts also important? What are the aims regarding analytical or problem-solving skills—or learning how to learn beyond the classroom? Is student motivation, or engagement in learning, a goal? Does one hope to shape student attitudes about the value or authority of science—or to recruit more students into scientific careers or to promote greater gender or ethnic balance? What role is afforded to student autonomy, either in shaping one''s own learning trajectory or as an independent thinker? Possible outcomes range from traditional conceptual content to skills, attitudes, and epistemic understanding. Different methods foster different outcomes. The goal here is to help one clarify one''s aims and align them with the appropriate strategies or teaching tools.3  相似文献   

学习APP使用中存在用户使用APP辅助学习过程中自制力较差且易被移动设备中的娱乐软件等所吸引、使用APP软件学习知识不易内化、用户需要多个学习APP才可满足某一学科的学习需求,无整合和管理功能、选择APP的途径较为单一且没有针对性,缺少快捷专业方式去引导学习者去选择等诸多问题。对此,可采取对学习APP资源进行整合与管理以及对整合与管理平台的功能进行优化设计等措施。  相似文献   

信息技术广泛而又深入地渗透到大学生的学习和生活,但在具体的大学生学习实践中,学习者主动性不足、学习交互行为匮乏、所谓的探究性学习活动形式化严重,学习资源利用意识欠缺等表现普遍,大学生学习质量的提升依然具有较大空间。学习科学的发展重新阐释了学习的本质,提供了泛在互联网络和计算设备的普适计算(Pervasive Computing,Ubiquitous Computing)环境,使泛在学习(Ubiquitous Learning)成为可能。大学校园应科学地配置和整合已有的数字化学习环境,从技术设施、学习资源和学习共同体三个方面,为大学生构建支撑泛在学习的技术文化环境。  相似文献   

信息技术与研究性学习整合于专题学习网站的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息技术与课程整合是教育信息化领域中的重要组成部分,信息技术与研究性学习整合于专题学习网站是信息技术与课程整合的新视点.本文从信息技术与研究性课程整合的基本要求出发,对信息技术与研究性课程整合于专题学习网站的优势、网站开发的理论基础及专题网站设计的基本思路几方面进行了深入的探讨.  相似文献   

高职院校产学研与校企合作的基本问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产学研结合是高职院校可持续发展的基本问题.在高职内涵建设过程中,校企合作成为制约高职院校发展不可逾越的瓶颈.校企合作实现的主要困难在于合作的利益机制尚未有效建立,政策法律的支持力度不够、高职院校的教育教学改革未能与时俱进.实现校企合作需要政府、企业、高职院校多方努力.  相似文献   

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