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Word-of-mouth (WOM) is informal communication between consumers about products and services. By using text mining techniques, WOM measured for volume and valence at the movie box office in Taiwan. A simultaneous regression of a panel Granger causality test for WOM and corresponding film performance was performed. The empirical results show that dynamic causality only runs from box office to WOM volume in the short run analysis, and the causality between WOM volume and box office is bidirectional in the long run analysis. Potential customers attend movies because of WOM in the short run, but in the long run, box office forms a signal and creates WOM. In WOM valence analysis, causality runs from positive critics to the box office in the short run, and it runs from negative critics to box office in the long run. WOM providers may need to develop different strategies for encouraging WOM behavior among their users. The implication for film managers and marketers is that a reliable way to affect box office is to stimulate positive critics in the short run and negative critics in the long run.  相似文献   

作者关键词耦合分析方法及实证研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文介绍作者关键词耦合分析方法,并通过对科学计量学研究现状的分析对该方法进行了实证研究.作者关键词耦合网络与作者合著网络的QAP分析表明,两种网络之间具有相关关系,但前者与后者相比,更能揭示出作者间潜在的关系.通过社会网络分析中的核心/边缘分析表明,作者关键词耦合网络与作者同被引网络中的核心作者群有很大的不同,前者主要包括目前比较活跃的作者.上述两个网络的因子分析结果可视化发现,作者关键词耦合分析所揭示的研究主题更加清晰.同时,作者关键词耦合分析的结果表明,目前科学计量学的研究主题主要集中在科研评价研究,基础理论研究的内容比较少.  相似文献   

新闻媒介生产什么?如何生产?为谁生产?对于这些问题的解答都直接取决于对新闻“是什么”的认识。本文以经济学中有关私人物品、公共物品等概念为分析工具,论证了“新闻是公共物品”的论点。  相似文献   

美国ERMS产品的分析与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
由于图书馆电子资源品种的激增以及电子资源有复杂性、不稳定性等特点,电子资源管理系统应运而生。电子资源管理整体解决方案的实施,需要通过ERMS来实现。根据开发者用途的不同,美国ERMS产品主要分为三类:ILS商开发的ERMS;自产的ERMS;数据商开发的ERMS。这些ERMS产品都采取了相应的电子资源元数据标准。通过对美国电子资源管理系统产品发展历程和基本情况的分析,从行业层面、应用层面及发展层面得出了对我国图书馆电子资源管理的启示。  相似文献   

This article applies recently developed nonparametric kernel regression estimation methods to quantify the conditional distribution of motion picture earnings. The nonparametric, data-driven approach allows the full range of relations among variables to be captured, including nonlinearities that usually remain hidden in parametric models. The nonparametric approach does not assume a functional form, so specification error is not an issue. This study finds that the nonparametric regression model fits the data far better than the logarithmic regression model employed by most applied researchers; it also fits the data much better than a polynomial regression model. The nonparametric model yields substantially different estimates of the elasticity of box-office revenue with respect to production budgets and opening screens, and the model also has very good out-of-sample predictive ability, making it a potentially useful tool for studio management.  相似文献   

In 2010, the Civilians—a New York based investigative theater company—received a three‐year grant from the National Science Foundation to develop The Great Immensity, a play addressing the complexity of climate change. The rigorous research that the Civilians puts into each production, the balance of scientific content and public engagement, the inclusion of scientists within the artistic development process, and the effort to engage a varied audience via a multi‐platform media approach, make the project a relevant case study for curators working with public science communication.  相似文献   

文章选取美国佐治亚大学和南卡罗来纳北部大学的综合性馆藏发展政策、纽约大学的分学科的馆藏发展政策为切入点,从馆藏发展政策的基本内容,馆藏发展政策的特色以及分学科馆藏发展政策的细节制定等,对馆藏发展政策较成熟的美国高校图书馆进行实证研究,以兹对国内高校图书馆在制定馆藏发展政策方面有所借鉴。  相似文献   

This is an annotated bibliography of recent works (papers, articles, and book chapters) in the burgeoning field of Internet economics. Publications on Internet economics were sought through traditional research means and by searching the World Wide Web. An introduction to the bibliography explains how the references were sought and identifies key themes that emerge from the research, particularly as they relate to media scholarship. Entries are listed in alphabetical order. Each citation is accompanied by an annotation of at least a few sentences that summarize the cited work's key points as they relate to Internet economics.  相似文献   


This article reviews the test of a home market model of international trade in media products using a movie industry database covering 6 major countries (the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom) over the 1950 to 2003 period. In support of the model, this study finds a consistently positive relation between domestic theater box-office market shares and various measures of domestic movie spending or domestic movie attendance, and negative relations between domestic movie spending and the market shares of imported American film products. Based on these results, declining domestic film production industries in Europe and Japan after about the 1970s, along with growing dominance of the world film market by the United States, is attributed to a relatively rapid growth of domestic consumer spending on movies in the United States.  相似文献   

面对共同的发展与挑战,我国公共图书馆界也需利用战略管理工具。运用文本分析法对20份美国公共图书馆战略规划进行分析,从中提出应从体例、内容、制定主体、保障方式、评估体系等方面借鉴美国成功经验,构建中国式战略规划的核心体系。  相似文献   

博客社区内的非正式交流:基于网络链接的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博客是互联网上一种新型的计算机中介交流系统.随着越来愈多的科技用户使用博客进行在线交流,博客社区逐渐已经成为一种重要的科学交流网络.借助社会网络分析技术和中国最大的IT博客社区内的链接数据,我们对博客交流网络的结构特征进行了探索分析.分析结果表明博客交流网络是一个小世界,幂律现象十分明显;博客网络内存在核心博客和普通博客之分,两者共同组成了各种星状拓扑结构的子群.本文的发现对于创新科学交流体系和设计新一代科学交流系统具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文通过质化研究的方法,分析了中国美剧网上迷群是如何通过角色扮演来进行自我认同建构的。  相似文献   

利用问卷调查与访谈法,对辽宁师范大学和大连医科大学两所高校的263位不同专业在校大学生的电子图书和纸质图书两种阅读行为进行了调查分析.结果表明,在阅读方式偏好上,大学生偏爱电子阅读,且以工学专业所占比例最高;在阅读内容上,不同专业大学生在纸质与电子图书方面都以休闲娱乐为主;在阅读行为和阅读习惯上,阅读一本纸质书所花费的时间有日趋缩短倾向,且深受所学专业和成长环境影响.阅读电子图书主要以在线阅读为主,获取途径主要依赖搜索引擎.这些发现为高校改进图书馆的数字资源建设与服务提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

The Bureau of the Census initiated the American Community Survey (ACS) in 2005. It will revolutionize the use of census data by providing annual updates to statistics that in the past were collected only every 10 years. Statistics will be published for areas of 65,000 people or more every year. The Bureau of the Census will distribute data for areas of between 20,000 and 64,999 in "3-year period averages." The first 3 year average will appear in 2008 covering 2005–2007. Subsequent data will be issued annually for the following three year periods. (e.g., 2006–2008, 2007–2009) Statistics for areas smaller than 19,999 will be published in 5-year period averages, the first to be published in 2010 covering 2005–2009. Subsequent data to be issued annually will cover 2006–2010, 2007–20011, … This paper provides background information about ACS, similarities and differences between it and the decennial census, the interpretation of statistics based upon period averages, relationships among ACS and other Bureau of the Census Surveys, and the expected future of the survey.  相似文献   

对上海民间职业演艺团体的改造始终是解放初期上海文艺战线中社会主义改造的重点之一。本刊前已陆续刊载部分有关各职业剧团的社会主义改造史料。现将 195 4年上海市文化局对全市民间职业剧团调查研究的有关史料整理刊布 ,俾利研究者参考。由宣刚选编整理  相似文献   

本文从研究方法、研究焦点、研究媒介类型以及学科交叉四个方面对101篇美国新闻学博士论文进行了内容分析。在与美国新闻传播期刊论文同类结论相比较的基础上,作者发现研究对象中的美国新闻学博士论文在研究方法、研究焦点上呈现多样性;在研究媒介类型以及学科交叉方面则体现了集中化。  相似文献   

文章分析了信息经济学对图书馆学的影响和渗透,认为两者在相互碰撞的过程中促进了图书馆学的发展,扩大了其研究对象,深化了其研究内容,尤其是诸如信息不对称现象在图书馆工作中比比皆是,如何消除这种信息的不对称,是搞好图书馆工作的一个重点.这对于认识图书馆学长期争论的"名"与"实"、"公益性"和"经济性"的不同见解是有很有启发的.  相似文献   

文章通过分析和比较美国10所重点高校图书馆的网站信息,剖析了美国高校图书馆读者服务变革的原因和创新举措,揭示了高校图书馆读者服务的管理理念和发展规划,旨在为国内大学图书馆服务质量的提升提供有益的参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

与传统的引文分析方法不同,引用认同和引证形象分析以作者(引用者和被引者)为研究对象。文章选取图书情报界6位著名学者作为研究对象,进行实证研究,探讨引用认同和引证形象的分布规律以及作者的引用风格,并对作者引用认同和引证形象做对比分析。  相似文献   

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