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在对Etic和Emic的关系分析和研究的基础上,发现在26个英文字母和单词的字母位之间,单词和句子的单词位之间,句子和篇章的句子位之间都呈现出Etic和Emic关系.Etic具有无序列性、不区分意义的特点,Emic具有序列性、区分意义、互补分布、对比、和最小对立体的特点.处于Etic关系中的英文字母,单词和句子是聚合关系,处于Emic关系中的音位、单词的字母位、句子的单词位和篇章的句子位既有聚合关系又有组合关系.因此,从认识论的角度出发,语言学研究的顺序应该是Etic1-Emic-Etic2.  相似文献   

"主位"与"客位"概念是人类学研究中非常重要的一对范畴,"辉格"与"反辉格"则是研究科技史的两种不同的倾向。这两对范畴,虽然分属于两个不同的学科领域,有很多相异之处,但在更深层的意义上,二者也存在着许多共性。对两对概念的比较研究能使我们对它们的理解更深入的同时也会产生一些富有启发性的观点,这也是有意义的科学编史学研究。  相似文献   

作为一种文化现象的楚辞文学,在其载体内外和因缘空间,表现出多样态的文化交流、整合、吸纳、排拒与融合的动态过程。楚辞的文化认同和冲突集中表现为楚辞的文化焦虑、楚辞的宗教文化特性以及楚人精神结构中的故国意识与历史观念,这些因素综合在一起导致楚文化的蜕变和兴盛。  相似文献   

美国黑人作家拉尔夫·埃利森的小说《看不见的人》通过主人公谦恭﹑愤怒﹑彷徨﹑反省的四部分讨论了处于边缘文化的黑人身份问题。身份问题的解决对于在当今世界多元文化并存和全球化的局势下构建和谐社会具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

该文主要从政治象征的角度,考察“辫子”作为一种政治符号在明末到民初这一特殊时段所承栽的象征意义,以及它在构建国家认同、民族认同和社会认同中的作用。全文分为三个部分:一、考察“辫子”被“政治化”及其“去政治化”的过程;二、“辫子”在不同的政治思想脉络中所呈现出的不同意义;三、“辫子”作为个人权利的象征在清末民初是如何被运用的。  相似文献   

According to Jones, Wells, Peters, and Johnson (1993), being political is a necessary part of a coach's repertoire, because a coach's effectiveness and longevity may depend not only on a favorable win–loss record but also on an individual's ability to gain the approval of contextual power brokers (e.g., athletes, other coaches, or owners). Although only limited research has been done examining power and interpersonal relationships in coaching, there remains a paucity of work investigating the micropolitics inherent in such relationships. The aim of this article is to make the case for how the adoption of a micropolitical perspective could serve to further our understanding of the power-ridden, contested nature of sports coaching. After an introductory examination of the concept of micropolitics in the educational literature, a discussion of how such practice is beginning to emerge in recent ethnographic coaching research is presented. The literature addressing the micropolitical nature of teachers' interactions and relationships with other pedagogical stakeholders is then explored in terms of providing future avenues of critical investigation into the social complexity of coaching. Finally, a concluding section summarizes the main points and highlights their implications for future work.  相似文献   

Polio eradication has received greater attention in medicine and public health than communication studies. In the context of a Northern Nigerian vaccination stoppage by Islamic faith-based organizations (FBOs), this study—informed by the inter-organizational collaboration literature—focused on the FBOs. Through analyses of 119 statements by 19 FBO spokespersons in Nigerian newspapers, the study found the FBOs claimed an identity of concern for the people’s representation and safety; constructed the identity of federal government organizations (FGOs) as unjust, unethical, and unresponsive; constructed the identity of global north organizations (GNOs) as preoccupied with depopulation, operating above the law, and as bullies; and described FGO/GNO communication practices as authoritarian, closed, and deceptive.  相似文献   

"教育"概念的词源考古与现代研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过中西词源学考古式的探源和众说纷纭的多样界定之梳理及其原因分析,在理解“教育”本义和综合现代研究的基础上,本文试图重新定义之并重新阐释其内涵,以期还原“教育”的本真:教育是在适当的环境下(中),施教者通过人道的方法,经由有意安排的计划、内容和组织,通过引导并进而影响受教育者的身心、思想与行为朝着真、善、美正向改变,从而达到预期的目的和目标的一种人类善的社会实践。  相似文献   

通常所说的反义词即是指意义相反的词,着眼其"异",其实反义词不仅有"异"的一面,还有"同"的一面.反义词中的"同",即必须要有共同的意义领域,"同"是构成反义词的基础.同时在共同的意义领域中它又有对立的一面,"异"是"同"中的对立关系.异中有同,同中有异,反义词是同与异的对立与统一.  相似文献   

近年来,国内外逐渐展开了对不礼貌现象的语用学研究,不礼貌现象与身份构建的辩证关系已成为研究的热点问题之一。有意不礼貌是基于特定的交际意图而采用的特殊语用策略。文章基于《红楼梦》中人物对话,对有意不礼貌语境下的人物身份构建展开讨论,旨在揭示有意不礼貌与身份构建之间相互制约、相互影响的辩证关系,并结合具体的语料,详细论述强势身份、突显身份和情感身份在有意不礼貌语境下的构建过程。  相似文献   

现代汉语中"给"[kei214]有动词、介词、助词多种用法,由此构成了庞大的"给"字句家族。前人对"给"字句的研究多集中在现代汉语层面,现在将采用对语料库定量分析的方法,从源语义的角度探讨"给"字句的历时演变。通过分析"给"的义项在各个时期的变化,找寻现代汉语"给"字句的源头,并且对"给"字句产生之初的句式结构进行分析,为进一步描写现代汉语的"给"字句奠定基础。  相似文献   

在当前形势下,明确辅导员的"双重身份"有利于辅导员队伍的稳定。但教师和行政管理干部两种角色的内在紧张决定了辅导员的"双重身份"只能是权宜之计,不利于辅导员队伍的长期稳定和辅导员自身的专业化成长。今后,应努力克服辅导员"双重身份"的内在冲突,要通过合理设定辅导员岗位角色,将管理与教育适度分离,使学生事务管理专业化和学生思想教育专业化相互促进;要理顺管理体制,明确角色期望,逐步促进辅导员身份意识的产生;要提高其专业化水平,使之真正成为"单一身份、多重角色"的独立群体。  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to examine the religious and ethnic identity of youth attending a Jewish summer camp in Texas. A strong aspect of participants' Jewish identity is formulated in reaction to the surrounding Christian society, with which they negotiate a compromise to live relatively comfortably. The informal religious education and temporary community of the camp allow exploration of a proactive Jewish identity. A typology is developed with two sets of opposed concepts of identity: individual versus peoplehood and internal versus external. Sub-regions differentiate between fearful versus benevolent external identity and between psychological versus traditional internal identity.  相似文献   

自由与生命的冲突--评析凯特·肖班《一个小时的故事》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国女作家凯特*肖班的<一个小时的故事>,不到两千字,却集中、戏剧性地表现了一个女人的自我意识的突然发现,并取得了强烈的艺术效果.  相似文献   

中国古代社会,以权力为维度,社会群众可被分为"平民"与"臣子"两大类。较之于物质状态下的身份,"身份确认"作为一种精神活动具有超现实性、主观性、灵活性,直接作用于文学创作(文学思想、文学创作内容、风格)。纵观明代复古派领袖李梦阳一生文学创作活动,于共时状态下,"平民"与"臣子"身份确认兼具;于历时状态下,由于受外部社会、政治、经济等客观因素与自身性情主观因素影响,"平民"与"臣子"身份确认强度此消彼长,呈变化发展趋势。  相似文献   

《阿凡达》是超现实主义的杰出代表作,通过现代多维空间场景转换技术,展现了主人公杰克在两种不同社会文化冲突中不断挣扎和自我反省,最终重新确立自己身份的过程,揭示了民族中心主义是文化对立的根源,人类只有正确对待民族中心主义,树立跨文化意识,抛开固有偏见,平等对待"他文化",才能在全球化语境下实现多元文化共存。  相似文献   

对冲突生活观念的适应是现代人寻求生活幸福的重要保障.以629名大学生为研究对象,通过对其中167名大学生的开放式调查揭示对大学生影响突出的20对冲突生活观念.对462名大学生的问卷调查揭示,大学生对冲突型生活观念的认同判断用时明显多于非冲突型生活观念,其认同度低于非冲突型观念,引发冲突感最高的属于道德类冲突生活观念,认同度判断和冲突感存在性别、年级、专业、城乡和民族差异,相比冲突生活观念选择者和认同者,冲突生活观念融合者有更高的主观幸福感和社会适应性.  相似文献   

This study investigated deaf children's "security of attachment" relationships with their hearing parents and the relationship of parental attitudes toward deafness. Subjects included 30 deaf children and their hearing parents. The children ranged in age from 20 to 60 months. Instruments used included the Attachment Q-Set, the Attitudes to Deafness Scale, and parental interviews. As a group there were no differences between security of attachment scores of deaf children toward either of their parents; however, there were marked differences within individual dyads of mother–child/father–child relationships. In addition, negative correlations were found between parents' attitudes towards deafness scores and their deaf children's security of attachment scores. Implications for the field include the importance of inclusion of fathers in attachment studies and fathers' active participation in early intervention programs. The relationship between parental attitudes toward their children's disability (deafness) and attachment relationship provides further evidence for the critical role of early intervention in the development of children with special needs.  相似文献   

This study investigated deaf children's "security of attachment" relationships with their hearing parents and the relationship of parental attitudes toward deafness. Subjects included 30 deaf children and their hearing parents. The children ranged in age from 20 to 60 months. Instruments used included the Attachment Q-Set, the Attitudes to Deafness Scale, and parental interviews. As a group there were no differences between security of attachment scores of deaf children toward either of their parents; however, there were marked differences within individual dyads of mother-child/father-child relationships. In addition, negative correlations were found between parents' attitudes towards deafness scores and their deaf children's security of attachment scores. Implications for the field include the importance of inclusion of fathers in attachment studies and fathers' active participation in early intervention programs. The relationship between parental attitudes toward their children's disability (deafness) and attachment relationship provides further evidence for the critical role of early intervention in the development of children with special needs.  相似文献   

从传播学的角度研究视觉传达设计的叙事策略,井着重探讨其消费主义"神话"形态及平面化叙事方式、视觉幻境、符号意义、文化悸论等身份认同问题.  相似文献   

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