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The nineteenth‐century founders of academic girls’ secondary schools in England often used an existing building, frequently a former dwelling‐house, adding to it as resources increased and curricula developed, before moving to a purpose‐built school as the venture prospered. As municipal secondary schools for girls developed in England in the wake of the 1902 Education Act, and girls’ grammar schools flourished in the wake of the 1944 Act, new buildings were increasingly provided. The newer state‐maintained schools drew on longer‐standing patterns in the siting of girls’ schools related to both gender and class, which saw schools sited in former stately homes, around rail and bus networks, and in ‘healthy’ locations. The paper analyses entries in the Girls’ School Yearbook from 1906 to 1995, to demonstrate the ‘healthy’ siting of many girls’ schools on the brow of a hill. Well into the second half of the twentieth century, the height of a school’s position above sea level and the type of soil on which the school was built were frequently cited as significant features, taking pride of place before the aims of the school, its curriculum, examination and admission policy. For many state‐educated girls today, longstanding Victorian and Edwardian concerns that girls’ education was detrimental to health have a legacy in a trudge up hills in all weathers as the prelude to a day’s academic work at school.  相似文献   

AComparativeStudyofSomeCommonEnglishandChineseMetaphorsGuoHongyiIntroductionItisgenerallybelievedthatOrientalcultures,suchasC...  相似文献   

While English is embraced worldwide as a global means of communication, its teaching and learning is a contested arena of contacts between the so-called English native-speaker culture and local learner cultures. In this study, we investigate Iranian university students’ viewpoints on the necessity and justifications for learning English and their awareness of international policies of promoting this language. A group of 855 male and female students of different fields of study at six major universities of Tehran responded to a researcher-made questionnaire and 28 participants were interviewed for more in-depth explanations about their standpoints. The findings indicate that the participants are in absolute favour of learning the English language as an undeniable necessity as a multifaceted communicative instrument. Moreover, they seem to have limited sensitivity to the potential sociopolitical functioning of English and the policies and plans for promoting the teaching and learning of this language around the world.  相似文献   

Using data from North Carolina, a new immigrant destination, we estimate differences in the quality, experience, and credentials of teachers of English learners (ELs) and teachers of native English speakers. We find that ELs are systematically assigned teachers who are more likely to have a related credential, experience teaching ELs, and experience teaching overall but who are less likely to have earned accomplished or distinguished principal ratings and who have lower value-added scores. Results suggest that school leaders assign ELs to teachers whose experience or training suggest they are prepared to support this population, but who are less effective.  相似文献   

Ambiguity is an idea,statement or erpression capable of being understood in more than one sense.The phenomenon of ambiguity,uhenever and uherever it occurs,maydirectly lead to the  相似文献   

For a period of time an idea had happened to me of getting a chance tointensify the English teaching.It came when our school turned to enrolgrad-uates from Jumior middle school who had to study in school for four years.In the Autumn of 1988.Ⅰ chose a class in major of hydraulic engineering(cl-ass 881)as an experimental unit with the agreement of the Dian’s office.The work has been carrying on and will have a result in 1992.Since there areSome colleagues inquiring about it,I’m obliged to give an account of the tes-ching plan and the destination as follows;  相似文献   

<正> This paper is a report of an empirical study of the washbaek effects of CET-4 on College Englishteaching and learning in ordinary teacher's colleges.The results of the study show that the skills,the activities andthe materials used in test preparation classes were solely consistent with those required in CET- 4;and that thenature of the impact of CET-4 on a variety of aspects of College English teaching and learning is both positive andnegative,but there are far more positive effects than negative ones,and,as a whole,the CET-4 can effectivelypromote the teaching and learning of College English.  相似文献   

<正> Space and time are the existent forms of matter. Space is vast and time has nobeginning nor end. From ancient times, people, generation to generation, have triedto examine infinite time from philosophical, scientific and literary angles. When weread Chinese and English poetry, we 've found time is the most common theme ofpoets. In Chinese poetry, the images about time are various. For example: Lu Lun  相似文献   

In recent guidelines offered to its inspectors, the Office for Standards in Education stressed the importance of monitoring the work not only of subject teachers but also of class tutors. Traditionally, programmes of initial teacher training have largely neglected preparation of their students for the centrality of this role. With the recent move to school‐based ITE there is clear opportunity for PGCE courses to address this shortfall. This paper considers the implications of a programme of initial training in form tutoring from the point of view of the School and Higher Education. It draws on recent research carried out within the Bath University PGCE Partnership scheme and specifically on the author's work as a PGCE tutor.  相似文献   

Teh Purpose of the teaching and the learning of English is to develop communicative competence.Pragmatics is one of the most essential parts of the communicative competence .It concerns the appropriate use of language.This paper aims to show the significant role of pragmatics in the teaching and learning of English and further explores the importance of cultivating students‘awareness to improve their pragmatic ability and communicative competence。  相似文献   

The purposeof the teaching and the learning of English is to develop communicative competence. Pragmatics is one of the most essential parts of the communicative competence .It concerns the appropriate use of language. This paper aims to show the significant role of pragmatics in the teaching and learning of English and further explores the importance of cultivating students' awareness to improve their pragmatic ability and communicative competence.  相似文献   

<正>This essay is intended to present the resemblances and differences between Yeats'poem Collarbone of a Hare and Blake's poem Garden of Love in regard to their theme and poetical techniques.  相似文献   

This article offers the first modern explication of the educational writings of Charles Hoole (1610–1667), arguing that his writings offer significant insight into the educational aims and methods of school instructors in seventeenth-century England. From attending to the needs of slow learners, to promoting learning games, to emphasising that children should be treated as rational actors, Hoole’s A New Discovery of the Old Art of Teaching Schoole (1660) fused theoretical expositions on the aims of education with practical recommendations to schoolmasters on how to succeed in these aims. Hoole’s writings, as well as the earlier humanist pedagogical treatises of his peers, demonstrate that early and mid-seventeenth-century schoolmasters were already discussing and potentially implementing a number of educational initiatives that historians have traditionally credited to John Locke and later eighteenth-century educational theorists.  相似文献   

Because of the differences in language,culture and mode of thinking between East and West there exist dissimilarities in the use of the subject of a sentence between English and Chinese.The essay tries to explore respectively the different characteristics and uses of the subject between the two languages which include some differences both in morphology and syntax.  相似文献   

Rhyme is one of the characteristics of English poetry,though some English poems areunrhymed. Rhyme may be used in English prose too, but much less frequently than inpoetry. The word rhymetmans "(of words or lines of poetry)to end with the same sound (asanother word, or as each other)including a vowel" (Longman Dictioary). So the followingare rhymed pairs:  相似文献   

The English language we know today is about six hundred years old.For halfthattim e, E nglish was just the language ofthe E nglish living inEngland. The m odern English language grew by about the year 1400.M any words w ere borrowed from French and G erm an.A s people from Europe (欧 洲 )travelled outside E urope,E uropean (欧 洲的 ) languages began to be used in theother parts of the world. A t first, thelanguages stayed the sam e as those inEurope, but slowly they began to growapart(分…  相似文献   

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