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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(44):161-172
Guidelines developed by the American Association of School of Librarians and the Reference and Adult Services Division of the American Library Association can aid school library media specialists in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of reference and information services for the school community. This article discusses the value of such professionally sanctioned guidelines and uses two documents, Information Power and "Information Services for Information Consumers," as the basis for a checklist for assessing building-level school library media reference services. Media specialists can use this checklist in evaluating and upgrading reference services within their schools.  相似文献   

档案学界与图书馆学界的对话   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
王金玉(郑州大学文博学院档案系教授): 从历史上看,档案与图书可以说是同根同源的,保存档案与图书的机构也是难以区分的.档案与图书的管理方法也有许多相似之处. 档案与图书都是人类文明发展到一定历史阶段的产物,是人们用文字、图画……  相似文献   

新媒体跨越时空的传播,打破了传统社会结构中人际传播、组织传播、群体传播以及大众传播的边界,这意味着社会关系的重构。在社会关系重构中,作为公民社会发展的要素,如公民身份、公共理性以及媒体公共空间等对促进社会有机团结、推动公民社会健康发展意义重大,所有这些集中体现在人们日常生活的对话与沟通中。本文从中国公民社会及其特征、公民身份与公民意识、媒体公共空间中对话与沟通何以可能等方面进行梳理、总结,分析媒体公共空间中中国公民社会发展所涉及的一些基本问题,探讨建构公民日常对话与沟通的思想价值基础。  相似文献   

新闻史研究:“问题”与“理论”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国新闻史研究应该力避没有生命力的流水账,必须要有问题意识,才能以抽象概括的理论语言,总结复杂而具体的历史事实,抽丝剥茧,甚至画龙点睛。理论烛照史料,使我们洞察材料背后曲折的意义和内在联系。但倘若走另一个极端,理论先行,生吞活剥,将中国材料硬塞进宏大社会理论的紧箍咒(例如哈贝马斯的公共领域),这种理论霸道也不足取。本文提倡以默顿的中距理论,联系媒介文本到更大的政治、经济和文化脉络。  相似文献   

Recent debates between scholars representing political economy and cultural studies are reminiscent of exchanges between administrative and critical researchers in the 1970s and 1980s that produced no clearly opposing valuations undergirding their respective paradigms. Little real dialogue seems likely from the current debates between cultural studies and political economy, particularly as represented in the "colloquy" between them published in Critical Studies in Mass Communication. A close reading of that colloquy reveals stereotypes at work, which contrasts sharply with scholarship applying more integrative approaches, particularly the work applying critical research and theorizing on media artifacts, media institutions, and media audiences.  相似文献   

The rise of digital media labs and spaces for content creation in public libraries has been documented in the scholarly literature. However, fewer studies have investigated the outcomes of media literacy initiatives in community media centers (CMCs) and how they might inform similar programs and services in public libraries. This article reports findings from a study that used qualitative research to investigate the current goals and activities of CMCs across the United States. The findings show that the educational, social, and community benefits of these programs could be useful for public libraries to consider in developing or augmenting their own media literacy initiatives.  相似文献   

本文从媒介与社区生活的互动出发,回顾了媒介形态演变对社区生活的影响历程。在描述新媒介尤其是互联网进入社区模式的基础上,作者认为新媒介的作用机制并非简单地产生新社区或消减旧社区,而是以嵌入社区邻里交往的方式来拓展居民已有的社会联系。  相似文献   

媒体功能泛娱乐化与社会责任的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖飞  徐慧萍 《新闻界》2008,(2):56-57
本文通过对媒体发展中的泛娱乐化现象进行剖析,对媒体应担负的社会职责进行了再认识。  相似文献   

Emerging theory suggests that news directors in local television emulate the thinking of their general managers. This possibility has proven difficult to test, however, because news directors and general managers generally have unrelated work roles. A study of anchor hiring, a duty they do have in common, reveals a shared concern about both journalistic and economic factors. Thus it may be a mistake to assume these managers always prioritize the "bottom line" as some have speculated.  相似文献   

Community radio can serve as an important national resource, giving local voices access to media and providing an alternative to mainstream broadcasters. This study examined the status of community radio in two contrasting settings: Thailand where community stations number in the thousands and Malaysia where community radio has so far not been allowed. Although Thailand's community broadcasters started their operations without formal authorization, successive governments have not taken action to force their general closure. However, steps to create a legal status for them have moved at a sluggish pace. In Malaysia, authorization for community radio stations seems never to have been seriously considered even though public groups have expressed enthusiasm for the idea. In both nations, political considerations have been major factors governing the slow development of policies for community radio.  相似文献   

日前.陕西电视台台长王广群与四川大学新闻传播研究所所长欧阳宏生就走西部特色媒体经营之路.实施电视品糖营销.启动新机制等问题展开了一番对话。  相似文献   

Community radio and television in Spain are not yet fully regulated. It was 2005 in Catalonia and 2010 in Spain before some recognition of this kind of media was included in audiovisual regulations, and then it was marginally and the licensing process was not yet established. Despite this lack of regulation, however, in Spain there are several community or alternative media operating. This article examines the evolution of communication policies regarding these media, and the main issues of discussion in their regulation, to see whether the process and the results of this regulation fit the promises of a deeper democracy implicit in the Information Society project.  相似文献   

This article offers an analysis of the impact of professional social-media engagement upon authors. Authors primarily use Facebook, Twitter and there is growing use of Pinterest. Authors use social-media platforms primarily for marketing, publicity and making contact with readers. They tend to adopt a multi-layered approach to self-presentation and the lines between their ‘public’ and ‘private’ identities are blurred. The research reveals a limited author-reader community, but a much stronger online author–author community, founded upon practical support and encouragement. There are implications for the publishing industry as authors believe their publishers lack social-media expertise. The commercial benefits of maintaining a social-media presence are unclear for many authors.  相似文献   

新媒体在社区传播中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫波  郑博 《新闻界》2008,(2):83-84
分析社区传播的相关机制,把握新媒体在社区传播中的特性和作用,利用好新媒体,发展社区传播。  相似文献   


This study explores the perceptions of and responses to the content and relationship levels of interpersonal conflict. Most subjects perceived both levels of the conflict. Gender and cognitive complexity were found to relate to the number and, in some cases, the types of responses produced by subjects.  相似文献   

问题和出路:传媒与女性关系的本土化思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传媒敞开和遮蔽的特性在中国语境下,表现尤为明显.女性被传媒严重遮蔽,表现为:女性传媒人、女性主体形象、女性受众三重缺失.加强媒体人性别意识培训、建立官方和民间的传媒监督机构、充分利用自媒体传播两性平等知识,是解决传媒中女性三重缺失的出路.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the online audience community as a strategic resource for media work. It opens up a current perspective on the audience community, which has received scarce attention in research both conceptually and empirically. The article provides an empirical analysis of the various ways in which the audience community can serve as a resource in the work of journalists. The conclusion is that the audience community can have wide-ranging strategic significance and implications for media work and media brands. In particular, observing and connecting with the audience community can help journalists acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of the audience, as well as strengthen commitment and engagement among the audience with the media brand. As a consequence of collaborating with the audience community, new journalistic roles and tasks are emerging.  相似文献   

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