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新世纪图书馆工作量化管理改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
指出传统的定额管理由于缺乏图书馆各项工作的横向比较,其价值逐渐退化,现行的量化指标评分制又带有主观感情色彩,认为图书馆量化管理的最佳改革方向,是用计算机进行实时计量控制,并提出用IC卡辅助计时、质量权值、竞相招标、定量填充等进行量化管理的新方法。  相似文献   

图书馆借阅量配额管理是一种主动配额管理.图书馆存在配额数量偏低引发资源闲置、配额依据缺失导致人书错位、配额时间固定影响流通效果等问题,主要是受图书馆自身的观念、技术、环境以及读者的阅读诉求等方面的影响.图书馆需要从树立更为开放的流通理念、注重数字化图书馆建设、升级借阅系统功能、促进图书馆转型等方面加以解决.  相似文献   

图书馆编目工作定额管理新概念   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对编目工作定额管理的再认识,探讨图书馆及其编目工作实行定额管理的条件、定额管理中质量与数量之间的关系、定额管理的监督机制、网络环境下的编目定额等问题。  相似文献   

对科技教育经济社会等复杂或模糊现象的评价的基本原理和基础理论进行了探讨。首先把社会领域的数量关系概括为事物之间的大小多少强弱关系、非因果性历史规律关系、相关及因果关系3种。计量评价揭示第一种关系,是基础;其次讨论了计量评价的历史与现状、计量评价理论的构成,同时讨论了数量指标、质量指标、效益指标、综合指标依次包含而不可代替的关系,以及如何运用现代数学方法进行测度;最后讨论了计量评价的指标选择、分类、建模以及评价结果检验的数学规则与方法。  相似文献   

Using consortia and other collective funds to purchase materials for multilibrary use is a difficult process, especially when the materials are to be housed in one or another member libraries. This paper describes how one stratagem for using such funds has been tied and found to be an effectiue means of increasing area self-sufficiency. Criteria for materials selection and location are discussed, and stipulations imposed upon participating institutions are outlined.  相似文献   

图书馆的定额管理与目标管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Quotas of the library quota management are very hard to fix and some types of work are also hard to quantitate.The target management is far more advanced than and superior to the quota management.Thus,it should be introduced by the library in order to get rid of all sorts of malpractices.It has four main features,namely,entirely,timeliness,sense of participation and thought of encouragement.The basic procedures of it are:establishing the target,laying down plans of operation and estimating results.ref.3  相似文献   

图书借阅量应具备一定的"质量",但目前其配额数量保守、配额依据缺失、配额时限固定给图书借阅造成了不良影响。究其原因在于重藏轻用的传统观念、读者阅读的多样诉求、滞后的图书借阅技术、不太友好的图书借阅环境等。需要从树立藏书与利用的正确观念、升级图书馆管理系统的借阅功能、重新定位图书馆的角色等方面采取措施加以解决。参考文献8。  相似文献   

本文从个别小型图书馆分编工作的一些做法入手,分析、探讨了同类图书馆分编工作的定额,针对解决小型图书馆在分编工作定额管理情况下的人、财短缺问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

从国内外计算机辅助编制知识组织系统的发展现状出发,针对国内相关系统的一些缺陷和不适应性,对分类主题一体化的知识组织系统设计理念、结构体系进行研究。重点分析了包括《中图法》第五版编辑维护系统在内的一体化创建维护系统的功能、问题、实现技术与方法。  相似文献   

本文分析了民国时期大型画报<良友>从1926年至1937年间的分销模式及发行策略.在国内政局尚不稳定、出版发行市场尚不成熟的背景下,<良友>作为一份商业性画报,自主建立起一个立体、分层、ⅱ遍布海内外的市场化分销体系,发行量稳定在较高水平,其发行模式对于今天依然具有一定启示意义.  相似文献   

图书馆评估研究进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]总结国内外图书馆评估研究现状,为我国图书馆评估理论研究与实践工作提供参考。[方法/过程]从评估基本理论、评估主体、评估内容、评估体系与指标、评估方法5个方面对国内外图书馆评估研究进行全面梳理与评述,并提出图书馆评估未来发展方向。[结果/结论]从研究内容看,国外评估主体多元化,国内评估主体单一;国外评估内容由绩效评估转向成效评估,而国内依然注重投入评估;国外评估方法呈现综合化趋势,国内则以定性方法为主;国外广泛采用国际标准进行评估,而国内评估指标缺乏标准化和规范化。从研究类型看,评估理论研究方面有大量关于引进国外评估方法和成功案例的介绍,而实践应用研究略显不足。  相似文献   

National Science & Technology Information (STI) infrastructure of Korea has been independently developed as a decentralized system within the government ministry. In order to effectively establish the national STI infrastructure, it is essential to create a networked and integrated system in the domestic and foreign information infrastructure. This study aims to analyze current national STI infrastructure and to suggest specific ways in which domestic and foreign STI infrastructure may be utilized.  相似文献   

馆际合作,实现文献资源共享或信息资源共享,业已成为与图书馆有关的国家信息政策、政府部门规章和地方性法规、地方政府规章规定的重要内容。但有关信息资源共享的法律表达,几乎都是原则性规定,实质内容不多,可操作性还有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

The market shares of Hollywood movies in European and Asian markets are so large that policymakers around the world are concerned about the import domination not only in theaters but also in the subsequent windows. Media economists acknowledge that domestic producers have an advantage in terms of a "cultural discount," referring to the unavoidable disadvantage of imported films. However, expenditure on a film's production also determines the extent of popular appeal, thus creating an advantage for films that have a large and wealthy home market base such as Hollywood. In this article, I aim at understanding the dynamics of these 2 seemingly opposing forces in the motion picture market in Korea. I review the film market in Korea, explore the relation between performances of 2 windows, theaters and home video, over the two countries-the United States and Korea-and compare the determinants of performance of Hollywood and local films in Korean box offices. A strong hit orientation and preference for local content was empirically found.  相似文献   

日本受众少有“顽固”的色彩,相反,他们在与媒介的互动中更具“忠实”、“顺从”的特性。对于一个采行民主主义体制、且大众传播业极为发达的先进国家来说,这似乎是一个大异其趣的独特现象。这一令人费解的矛盾现象,至今尚未引起海内外传播学界的关注。笔者认为,至少从三个方面,不难得出日本的受众绝非“顽固的受众”,而是在社会传播学领域最具典型意义的“忠实顺从的受众”这一答案。  相似文献   

新书待编时间长是各类图书馆编目工作中都会遇到的问题,也是一个经常让管理者感到困惑的问题.文章结合编目工作的特点和规律,从传统的定额管理和目标管理,到当前的团队管理,分析各种管理方法的优势和局限,探究适合所在馆编目工作的管理方法,以解决新书积压问题.  相似文献   

The school librarian is a manager — despite what others and they themselves might believe. The school library management experience resembles that of the public, special, and academic library. There are common issues of self-sufficiency, conflicting roles, problematic patrons, and lack of respect. School library managers face unique challenges as well. They often have unusually constricted budgets, dubious personnel support, little time to plan, and facilities that are routinely co-opted for other purposes. They are expected to be technology experts and teach on a regular basis. They act as “loco parentis” for their patrons. They must not just promote their services but advocate for their existence. Graduate library schools often offer few courses in school library management for a variety of, usually economic, reasons. Traditional management courses should be supplemented by in-the-field experience and observation as well as input from practicing school librarians. In conclusion, I offer a wish list of school library management tips from my 30+ years of experience.  相似文献   

王霞 《大观周刊》2012,(40):96-96
目前,国内梁式转换层结构的工程设计与施工经验逐渐增多,但在施工方面并没有十分系统的经验总结,本文主要就高层建筑钢筋混凝土梁式转换层钢筋的连接和安装展开讨论。  相似文献   

13-14世纪前后,欧洲社会普遍面临的一个重要的社会现实,便是近代城市的兴起。这些自诞生起就把自我置身于欧洲大陆-地中海经济网络之中的商业中心们,开始了他们对中世纪伊始就自给自足的、以庄园经济为代表的封建经济体系的冲击。随之而来的,便是人口的经济结构、文化结构,进而是政治领域、精神文化素养的彻底改变。处在中世纪尾声阶段的罗马天主教会及其教会文学理论,也便在近代的前夜这一时间段里,绽放出走向终结前最为璀璨的花朵。由于新旧两种经济因素在这个时间段内交叠,教会文学作为当时欧洲文学界的主要代表,自然而然便既要传承封建神学的世界观,也不得不同时蕴涵着新时代人文主义的光辉。以托马斯·阿奎那为代表的天主教经院哲学便提倡用理性思维阐释神学。在这个过程中用神学教义阐释文学理论也便是赋予文学美学合理性、合法性的唯一道路。他强调文学的形式论本质上是对认知三位一体教义,尤其是认知上帝的形式--"圣子"的一个组成部分。  相似文献   

The origins and functions of the World Health Organization (WHO) Library and the global, regional, and national objectives of the WHO Health Literature Services Program (HLSP) are reviewed. WHO is an aggregate of nations and not a supra-national body. With limited resources and unlimited needs, HLSP is involved in surveys, training, regional medical libraries, national and regional networks, bibliographic services and document delivery, promotion, coordination, and communication. The basic concept of HLSP eschews internationally-conceived, self-contained technical projects in favor of broad programs based on national planning. Small rural centers receive more attention than large urban hospitals, and preventive medicine together with health education and community involvement are of more immediate concern than curative medicine. National self-reliance implies national initiative but not necessarily national self-sufficiency. Recent planning and implementation of HLSP activities are described.  相似文献   

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