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The reliability and validity of the PLAYfun and PLAYbasic tools were assessed. The PLAYfun, PLAYbasic, Canadian Agility and Movement Skill Assessment (CAMSA) obstacle course, and Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) were administered to children (aged 8–14 years) in two remote Canadian communities. Inter-rater reliability of the PLAYfun and PLAYbasic were good-to-excellent for average measures and moderate-to-good for single measures. The PLAYfun subscales were poor-to-excellent for average and single measures. The internal consistency of the PLAYfun tool was good, PLAYbasic was poor-to-good, and the individual subscales were poor-to-good. Convergent validity was moderate-to-large for the PLAY tools and CAMSA obstacle course, and small-to-moderate for the PLAY tools and the PAQ-C, and small-to-moderate for the PLAY tools and age. For children and youth in northern Canada, the motor competence aspect of physical literacy is most accurately assessed using the complete PLAYfun tool and two raters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the test–retest reliability and validity of a new Youth Physical Activity Self-Report measure. Heart rate and direct observation were employed as criterion measures with a sample of 79 children (aged 7–9 years). Spearman's rho (ρ) correlation between self reported activity intensity and heart rate was .87 for weekday and .795 for weekend; the correlation between self-reported activity duration and duration as measured by heart rate were .837 and .684 for weekday and weekend, respectively. These correlations fell when recalled inactivity was excluded from analysis. A correlation of ρ = .557 was found between self-reported activity intensity and direct observation. Results establish support for the self-report measure as an effective tool for measuring the previous day physical activity of younger children.  相似文献   

The goal of the current study was to establish the factor validity of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment (Robertson-Wilson, Lévesque, & Holden, 2007 Robertson-Wilson, J., Lévesque, L. and Holden, R. R. 2007. Development of a questionnaire assessing school physical activity environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11: 93107. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) using confirmatory factor analysis procedures. Another goal was to establish internal reliability and test–retest reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis results of this study supported a slightly altered version of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment's school physical activity environment subscale. Internal reliability was adequate, while test–retest reliability was questionable. In brief, the pattern of findings indicated that while the original Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment is likely adequate for some research purposes, a slightly modified version (Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment-R) was psychometrically stronger. However, given the distinct differences in samples used in the original validation study and the current study, more research on the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment is needed to determine if the current results and Robertson-Wilson et al.'s (2007 Robertson-Wilson, J., Lévesque, L. and Holden, R. R. 2007. Development of a questionnaire assessing school physical activity environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11: 93107. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) results are sample specific.  相似文献   

目的:检验体育活动乐趣量表(PACES)对国内青少年的适用性,为制定适合国内青少年的体育活动乐趣量表提供参考。方法:采用整群随机抽样,抽取吉林省某县实验小学和沈阳市某区铁路第五小学4~6年级838名学生,进行PACES和主观锻炼体验量表(SEES)调查。结果:PACES中文修订版共13个条目,探索性因素分析提取了积极和消极2个因子;验证性因素分析验证了量表二维结构的有效性(χ2=138.1,df=66,χ2/df=2.09,P<0.01;GFI=0.896,CFI=0.957,NFI=0.927,IFI=0.957,RMSE=0.064)。PACES与SEES中的积极幸福感维度呈显著正相关(r=0.580,P<0.01),心理烦恼(r=-0.623,P<0.01)和疲劳维度(r=-0.546,P<0.01)呈显著负相关。总量表及正负2个维度的内部一致性α系数分别为0.858、0.834、0.871;间隔4周后量表重测信度分别为0.887、0897、0.854。结论:PACES中文修订版在国内青少年群体中具有良好的信效度,可以用来测量国内青少年体育活动乐趣水平。  相似文献   

This study assessed the performance of the original version of the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP; Fox & Corbin, 1989 Fox, K. R. and Corbin, C. B. 1989. The Physical Self-Perception Profile: Development and preliminary validation. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11: 408430. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) as compared to a revised version. University students (N?=?259) participated in the study, each answering and comparing the clarity of the original and a revised PSPP. While participants found the revised version to be significantly clearer, it performed similarly to the original in select analyses of internal consistency and construct validity. The original structured alternative format did not have lower levels of socially desirable responding, as compared to the Likert-type ordered response scale format of the revised PSPP. Because the revised version was deemed clearer, performed similarly to the original on select psychometric analyses, and did not have any data loss, there is merit in further examining additional validity and reliability evidence for the revised PSPP.  相似文献   


The Rogers' Strength Test, the Kraus-Weber Test of Minimum Muscular Fitness, and a battery of motor fitness tests were administered to 169 freshmen, sophomore, and junior girls at Shoreline High School, Seattle, Washington. Each test was administered two or more times in order to investigate the reliability of the tests. The results seemed to indicate that the Rogers' Strength Test and Washington Battery were reliable, that those who scored high on the Washington Battery and on the PFI had a much lower percentage of failures on the Kraus-Weber test than did those with poor Washington Battery and PFI scores, and that there was a moderate correlation (.54) between the Washington Battery and the PFI.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if a folk-dance performance checklist had logical validity and to establish intrarater and interrater reliability coefficients for raters using the checklist. Fourth-grade students were videotaped during regular physical education classes to create videos for raters to view and score. A total of 5 educators with backgrounds in physical education or dance participated in a training session and coded videotaped performances. Intrarater and interrater reliability were documented in 2 ways: percent of agreement and intraclass coefficients based on the 1-way repeated measures analysis of variance model for a single measure and the average of all measures. The results of the study support the importance of a training session when using a checklist as a method to evaluate student performance. All raters were able to be trained to effectively apply the performance standards after one 4-hour training session and demonstrated high interrater reliability when scoring 3 of the 6 skill components.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of outcome likelihood, outcome value, and outcome expectancy using data collected from students in secondary school physical education classes. Dependent measures were examined for construct, concurrent, and predictive validity, as well as internal and temporal reliability. The results of the investigation indicated the following. First, confirmatory factor analyses for the dependent variables (outcome likelihood, outcome value, outcome expectancy) revealed a suitable fit of the data with a hypothesized factor structure. Second, significant associations between these variables and other personal beliefs and values provided sound evidence for the concurrent validity of outcome likelihood, outcome value, and outcome expectancy. Third, results of regression analyses revealed that outcome likelihood and outcome value had strong predictive validity in predicting physical activity behaviors. Finally, the internal reliabilities of self-report scales for the outcome likelihood, outcome value, and outcome expectancy over a three-semester period were satisfactory. The temporal reliabilities were also acceptable.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of an instrument designed to measure student perceptions of curricular goals in physical education, the Curricular Goals in Physical Education Questionnaire. Participants were 879 Finnish students from grades 7 to 9 (412 girls, 467 boys; mean age 13.81). An exploratory factor analysis was performed on Sample 1 (n = 287), revealing a four-factor solution and suggesting that factor structure be cross-validated with confirmatory factor analysis in Sample 2 (n = 592). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated an acceptable fit and supported the four-factor model. Tests for gender invariance supported configural, metric, and scalar invariance. Analyses of factor mean differences indicated that girls attributed more importance than boys to physical education’s health-related goals, social and emotional learning, and motor skill development. This study confirmed the validity of the Curricular Goals in Physical Education Questionnaire to assess student perspectives on curricular goals across gender. In order to improve factor structure the authors suggest the addition of an item measuring skill acquisition to future versions of the instrument.  相似文献   

There is limited published validity and reliability evidence to support using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Two studies were conducted to evaluate validity and reliability evidence for the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. In Study 1: 69 adults completed the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (three months apart; n?=?54), International Physical Activity Questionnaire, fitness and anthropometric measures. All participants wore a pedometer and 53 participants wore an accelerometer for seven days at baseline. In Study 2, 16 adults completed the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire 10 days apart. Global Physical Activity Questionnaire moderate and vigorous minutes were correlated with the accelerometer moderate (r?=?0.28) and vigorous (r?=?0.48) physical activity. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and International Physical Activity Questionnaire were related for sedentary behaviors (r?=?0.51), moderate-to-vigorous (r?=?0.48) and vigorous (r?=?0.63) PA. Global Physical Activity Questionnaire moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was associated with percent fat (r =??0.32), estimated VO2 max (r?=?0.26), and step count (r?=?0.39). The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire demonstrated graded differences across categories for step count, body mass index, waist circumference, percent fat, fitness, and accelerometer measured activity. Short-term test–retest reliability (10 days) ranged from 0.83 to 0.96 while long-term reliability (three months) was 0.53 to 0.83. These data provide low-to-moderate validity and generally acceptable reliability evidence for the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Flemish Physical Activity Computerized Questionnaire (FPACQ) in employed/unemployed and retired people. The FPACQ was developed to assess detailed information on several dimensions of physical activity and sedentary behavior over a usual week. A triaxial accelerometer, the RT3 Triaxial Research Tracker (RT3), in combination with a written 7-day activity record, was used as the objective criterion measure. In employed/unemployed people, 2-week test-retest reliability for several activity variables calculated from the FPACQ was good to excellent with intraclass correlations (ICCs) ranging from .67 to .99. In retired people ICCs were lower but, except for time spent eating, still fair to excellent, ranging from .57 to .96. Except for time spent in leisure time activities for men and the average energy expenditure related to sports participation in women, correlations between the RT3 and the FPACQ generally supported the relative validity of the FPACQ for employed/unemployed people (r ranging from .37 to .88). Values for retired people were somewhat lower (r ranging from .15 to .85), but most variables still reached at least moderate correlations. Concerning absolute validity, the FPACQ generally overestimated physical activity and underestimated sedentary behavior compared to the RT3. From this study, it can be concluded that the FPACQ is a reliable and reasonably valid questionnaire for assessing different dimensions of physical activity and sedentary behavior.  相似文献   

对信度、效度的概念进行了解析,分析了其相互之间的关系,对信度和效度在体育测量评价中的应用领域及存在的问题进行了研究,并对信度、效度检验的应用研究提出了可行的建议,以期更好的控制测评情境,尽量降低信度和效度的误用几率及测评误差。  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the amount of Italian television coverage dedicated to men's and women's sport and the number of male and female viewers during the 2004 Summer Olympic Games. AUDITEL-AGB Nielsen Media Research Italia provided the TV airtime data for the sport events broadcast, which were classified into three categories: men-only, women-only, and mixed-gender. The viewer sample was divided by age and gender and included three audience parameters: mean audience, share, and appreciation index. The last item is calculated from the program duration, audience permanence, and the share related to programs broadcast by other Italian channels. In particular, the appreciation index was used to investigate the relationship between (a) the viewer's and sport participants' gender and (b) the effect of Italian participation and expectations for sport achievement. The data showed that Italian male athletes outnumbered their female counterparts. Women's sport was allotted significantly less airtime than men's sport, but this imbalance was not proportional to the gender difference in the overall athletes' participation in the Games. Although the female audience represented 45% of the total, a significantly higher male mean audience and share were found. On the other hand, the appreciation of men's and women's sport events was balanced after equating for differences in media coverage. Moreover, sport achievement might have a positive effect on the trend toward equality of gender coverage, indicating that a global multisport event such as the Olympic Games is central to communicating a national image and identity independently of the athletes' gender.  相似文献   



Physical therapists (PTs) have a unique opportunity to intervene in the area of health promotion. However, no instrument has been validated to measure PTs’ views on health promotion in physical therapy practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the content validity and test-retest reliability of a health promotion survey designed for PTs.


An expert panel of PTs assessed the content validity of “The Role of Health Promotion in Physical Therapy Survey” and provided suggestions for revision. Item content validity was assessed using the content validity ratio (CVR) as well as the modified kappa statistic. Therapists then participated in the test-retest reliability assessment of the revised health promotion survey, which was assessed using a weighted kappa statistic.


Based on feedback from the expert panelists, significant revisions were made to the original survey. The expert panel reached at least a majority consensus agreement for all items in the revised survey and the survey-CVR improved from 0.44 to 0.66. Only one item on the revised survey had substantial test-retest agreement, with 55% of the items having moderate agreement and 43% poor agreement.


All items on the revised health promotion survey demonstrated at least fair validity, but few items had reasonable test-retest reliability. Further modifications should be made to strengthen the validity and improve the reliability of this survey.Key Words: health promotion, physical therapy, validity, reliability  相似文献   

Experiencing mindfulness during movement-based interventions (e.g., yoga) may help support adaptive physical activity motivation processes in youth. However, there is currently no measure for assessing state mindfulness with youth within the context of physical activity. The purpose of this study was to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate a measure of state mindfulness for physical activity in youth. In study one, cognitive interviews with youth (N = 15) ages 8–13 evaluated the State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity item comprehension and preference for developmentally worded modifications. Results suggest that problems with item comprehension were more likely in youth younger than 10. In study two, the State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity, or a modified version, was administered randomly to middle-school students (N = 481). Internal consistency reliability, confirmatory factor analyses, model-based reliability omega, and correlations with theoretically relevant variables combined with the qualitative evidence provided stronger initial support for the use of the original State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity with middle-school students.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the Tritrac-R3D Activity Monitor, a new instrument designed to improve assessments of physical activity. Comparisons were made with a heart rate monitor and with a Caltrac Activity Monitor. Thirty-five children (ages 9–11 years) were monitored on 3 different school days with all 3 instruments. The Tritrac was moderately correlated with the heart rate monitor (r =.58) and highly correlated with the Caltrac monitor (r =.88). By taking advantage of the minute-by-minute timing capability of the Tritrac and the heart rate monitors, it was discovered, that the correlations between these instruments were highest during free play situations (lunch/recess, recess, after school) and were lower when activity was more limited (class time) or structured (physical education). The ability of the Tritrac to assess activity on a minute-by-minute basis may greatly enhance its overall utility.  相似文献   

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