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This study examines the institutional affiliations of authors who have published in the three major journals of School Psychology and two additional journals started recently in the field between January, 1985, and July, 1991. The specific journals examined were Psychology in the Schools, Journal of School Psychology, and the School Psychology Review. These journals comprise the primary research outlets in School Psychology. In addition, papers published in Professional School Psychology and the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment were also included in the analysis because these represent relatively new publication outlets for School Psychology. Findings regarding institutional productivity are compared with those obtained from previous studies in this area.  相似文献   

再论学术期刊载文的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前我国学术期刊存在的功能错位现象,较全面地论述了学术期刊载应具有的基本特征,即思想性、科学性、创新性、实用性、逻辑性、规范性、可读性。指出提高学术期刊载的学术水平和学术价值,回复学术期刊应有的功能,是一个涉及社会多方面的大工程,它需要多管齐下,方可奏效。  相似文献   

School counselors, when serving as consultants and assuming consultee roles, can contribute significantly to the well-being of gifted students at all school levels. This article summarizes pertinent current training of school counselors, social and emotional concerns of gifted children and adolescents, and the practice of consultation as it relates to school counseling. In addition, brief narratives describe consultations related to peer relations, underachievement, college and career decisions, assistance to classroom teachers and parents, small-group work, potential misdiagnosis, alternative and affective curriculum, and diversity.  相似文献   

Article, book, and dissertation entries in reference lists in one volume year for two counseling journals were searched for accuracy. Among 2,388 verified references (85.7% of all cited references), 1,072 (44.9%) contained at least one error. Multiple errors in some references produced a total of 1,643 faults or errors. Data were tallied by reference segments (e.g., author, title). Findings paralleled data in five reports of similar research, principally for medical journals, published in the 1970s. The nature and frequencies of deviations from the original source were such that only some of the errors could be explained as typographical. At least with reference list preparation, writers in the counseling field, as well as elsewhere, seem to be taking insufficient care in their scholarly writing.  相似文献   

This content analysis follows Borders's (2005) review of counseling supervision literature and includes 184 counselor supervision articles published over the past 10 years. Articles were coded as representing 1 of 3 research types or 1 of 3 conceptual types. Articles were then analyzed for main topics producing 11 topic categories.  相似文献   

自核心期刊植入中国,国内学术界、期刊界诸多学者逐渐开始了对核心期刊的起源、在中国的发展及其功能的衍生蜕变过程进行了深入的思考和剖析,提出了许多观点和建设性意见。大家一致认为,应该在现有核心期刊研究的基础上,尽快制定出科学的、细化的、可操作性强的学术评价标准,并不断修订和完善,以确保其学术评价的科学性、合理性、公正性。  相似文献   

The authors conducted a survey of members of the American College Counseling Association to ascertain the experiences and opinions of college counselors on several pressing issues within the college counseling profession. Survey results from 133 respondents indicated that counseling centers may benefit from increasing the number of group counseling interventions by increasing the multicultural competence of services provided, by implementing crisis/disaster mental health initiatives, and by more effectively consulting with other professionals on campus.  相似文献   

A survey of counselors and counselor educators was conducted to assess information and attitudes with regard to death education, training in death and dying, and the appropriateness of dealing with death in the schools. Results showed that an overwhelming majority of both the responding counselors and the counselor educators felt that school counselors should work in this area (both counseling and death education). Although both these groups recognize the need for training in death and dying, little is presently being done to help counselors acquire the necessary skills and awareness to work in the area of death and grief. Recommendations for changes are included.  相似文献   

A total of 580 vocational rehabilitation counseling professionals from Rehabilitation Services Administration Region III responded to a 40-item, forced-choice questionnaire regarding perceived needs for training in the area of psychiatric rehabilitation. Although it was identified as least available, opportunity for continuing education was rated as the optimal vehicle for training rather than formal academic course work or agency in-service programs. Translating psychiatric diagnoses into functional behavioral terminology was ranked foremost as a specific training need; training in career counseling and realistic goal planning and job-seeking skills and job placement needs of the psychiatrically disabled client ranked second and third.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of a survey of district-level school counseling supervisors in Virginia. The results indicate that few school divisions employ individuals with the title of guidance supervisor. In divisions where such positions exist, they are staffed most often by individuals with guidance training and experience. The supervisors surveyed indicated that they spend a substantial portion of their time providing direct consultative support and assistance to counselors, engage in few research activities, and have few consultative contacts with counselor educators. Recommendations regarding school counselor supervision are offered based on survey data.  相似文献   

A national survey for all schools offering graduate training for school principals and for school counselors was conducted to determine the amount of preservice training principals receive related to school counseling and development. A questionnaire was mailed to the head of the administrator-training program at each of the 407 universities identified, and 376 responses were returned. Findings with respect to counseling and development courses required in administator-training programs, counseling and development courses available as electives, and counseling and development-oriented components in required administration courses are presented. Also, suggestions for counselor educators regarding methods of improving the counseling and development-related training received by educational administrators are offered.  相似文献   

The scholarly journals in professional and scientific fields serve the function of communicating new knowledge and informed discourse on the major issues affecting the field of counseling, and editorial board members (EBMs) serve as gatekeepers of what information will be communicated. The ability of EBMs to make sound judgments directly affects the quality of research and scholarship published. This study analyzed one important EBM qualification, the scholarly productivity of the editorial board members of three major American counseling journals (The Counseling Psychologist [TCP], the Journal of Counseling Psychology [JCP], and the Journal of Counseling and Development [JCD]). An analysis of the productivity rates of editorial board members on these journals was conducted using the PsycINFO database. The results indicated that editorial board members of JCP have significantly more experience publishing than members of TCP and JCD. The differential publication rates of editorial board members suggest that these three journals place different emphasis on scholarly productivity as part of their selection criteria for editorial board membership and may reflect that the three journals have different missions and serve different clientele. These findings have implications, not only for the profession of counseling in the United States, but also for the international counseling community.This article is dedicated to our esteemed colleague, Stephen G. Weinrach, who died after a long and courageous battle with leukemia on April 24, 2004. This article was the last that Steve was working on prior to his death. It was his brainchild. The contributions that Steve made to the counseling profession over the years are inestimable. He was truly through his numerous writings and professional association activities the “conscience of the couseling profession.” He is dearly missed.  相似文献   

Doctoral programs in counseling were surveyed concerning their comprehensive examination practices. Most programs require examinations, but practices vary widely regarding degree of structure and procedures.  相似文献   

伊朗伊拉克关系研究(1979-1991)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在过去40余年中,伊朗和伊拉克两国关系错综复杂,特别是在伊朗1979年革命以后,由于教派分歧、地区领导权争夺、领土纠纷等因素,两伊冲突呈加剧趋势,并且最终导致爆发两伊战争。海湾战争使两伊关系有所改善,但好景不长。随着冷战结束和地区形势变化,两国的国际处境越发困难,国内问题也层出不穷,因此在经历了革命与战争的磨难后,两国关系渐趋解冻并获绳一些发展,但前景仍不容乐观。  相似文献   

当前高校校报普遍存在着长稿偏多的现象,根据高校校报自身的任务和特点,应该在刊载字数、版面安排,写作方法等方面采取措施多采用短稿,以加大信息承载量。  相似文献   

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