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国际数学课堂录像研究(LPS)表明东亚数学教学具有许多相似性:教师主导下的聚焦学生的全班教学,内存一致的课堂教学结构,"结构化的问题解决"导向教学,关注数学思想渗透和数学推理等.中美数学课堂的个案比较分析还发现,美国教师更为关注重要的数学观点及长远教学目标,重视数学多元表征.这些结果对如何改进我国数学教育有重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

A successful practice grounded in the principles that guide the current mathematics education reform effort requires a qualitatively different and significantly richer understanding of mathematics than most teachers currently possess. However, it is not as clear how teachers' mathematical understandings develop and how those understandings affect instruction. This paper explores two avenues for K-6 teachers' mathematical development, (a) engagement in inquiry into mathematics itself, and (b) investigation of children's mathematical thinking, illustrating how the need for these two kinds of investigations arises in classroom situations and how they can be pursued in a professional development setting.  相似文献   

The literature supports a collaborative approach for instructing special education students. Further, instruction should promote self-regulated learners who are involved participants in goal-directed, self-motivated, collaborative activities. Given the foregoing, we developed a program for upper elementary language/learning impaired students. Our program included (a) a collaborative model of service that also involves the learner, (b) mechanisms of transfer of strategies from the resource room to the classroom, (c) mechanisms to enhance learner self-regulation, and (d) instruction in comprehension strategies. As a result of this program, students improved their comprehension ability and their ability to self-assess and regulate. Communication among team members was greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

数学课程改革的基本出发点是促进学生全面、持续、和谐地发展。它不仅要考虑数学自身的特点,更应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,市这次数学课程改革的一个亮点。随着时代的发展,数学与其他学科的联系更加紧密,在课改背景下数学课堂教学有怎样的发展趋势,本文从"五化、一辅助"即:"数学教学内容的生活化;数学学习的活动化、过程化;数学教学美学化;数学教学内容的趣味化;数学教学的层次化;计算机辅助数学教学"等方面进行论述。  相似文献   

现代外语教学法的基本理论几乎都建立在通过习得彻悟学得最终又完成习得的基础之上。我国当前中小学英语教学大部分陷入了令人担忧的误区。要走出误区 ,消除负面影响必须做到 :勿让习得者象学得者一样学外语 ;不抑优势扬弱点 ,以母语为拐杖 ;毋以“破砖”、“碎瓦”建大厦 ;莫以“争面子、图虚荣、逞能”为学英语的目的 ;切忌三天打鱼两天晒网  相似文献   

小学数学课堂教学生活化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新《普通高中数学课程标准》突出了以学生为本,强调了“改善教与学的方式,使学生主动地学习”。要使学生主动地学习,教师就必须从传统的灌输式数学课堂教学中走出来,充分发挥学生在教学过程中的主体性。构建“参与”型数学课堂,让学生参与数学课堂教学,是一条可以尝试的途径。  相似文献   

新<普通高中数学课程标准>突出了以学生为本,强调了"改善教与学的方式,使学生主动地学习".要使学生主动地学习,教师就必须从传统的灌输式数学课堂教学中走出来,充分发挥学生在教学过程中的主体性.构建"参与"型数学课堂,让学生参与数学课堂教学,是一条可以尝试的途径.  相似文献   

This study explored support for engagement in 2 settings: a high school basketball team and high school mathematics classrooms. Specifically, the study examined 3 aspects of these practices: (a) access to the domain, (b) opportunities to take on integral roles, and (c) opportunities for self-expression in the practice. Drawing on videotape and interview data from 2 African American high school students' participation in basketball and mathematics class, as well as interviews with players' teachers and coaches, this article analyzes how these 3 aspects of practices afforded differential engagement across settings. Findings indicated that the practice of basketball supported deep engagement as players had greater access to an understanding of the domain, were assigned and took up a unique role that was integral to the practice, and had opportunities to express themselves and feel competent. The high school mathematics classroom differentially afforded these opportunities, with 1 student taking them up and the other being unable to, and thus being less engaged. Potential implications of these 3 aspects of the practices for students' practice-linked identities and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

数学课堂教学生态化是以课堂为落脚点,用生态的理念,力求营造一种和谐的、动态的、充满生命力、可持续性教授知识、学习知识和交流知识的数学课堂教学生态环境。而数学审美教育在促进数学课堂教学生态中有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

In this period of designing controls to producegreater teacher accountability, the NationalWriting Project (NWP) stands as an importantcontrast, teaching us what it means to developthe capacity of teachers. We undertook atwo-year study of the NWP by looking intenselyat two sites, an urban and a rural site. Wesought to understand and document what teacherslearned from their induction to the WritingProject, what they took back to their classroomand how they stayed involved in various localnetwork activities. By looking at the five weeksummer invitational seminar held on thecampuses of their respective sites, we foundcore activities as well as other ancillary onesthat helped teachers gain a set of principlesand ways of working that they took back totheir classrooms. We also found a welldeveloped set of activities run in networkfashion that gave teachers numerousopportunities to stay connected, to leadprofessional development in their localcontexts, to explore special interest groups,and to become members of a powerful learningcommunity. We highlight two of six teachersthat we studied who provide an example of hownetwork learning is linked to classroomteaching. The success of the NWP as aprofessional development network rooted inteachers' work with teachers teaching teachersas a core element, suggests that networks suchas these may be well suited to the rapid changein our society as well as to the growingcomplexity of teachers' work.  相似文献   

The student-assessment results that schools must report to satisfy No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements could be useful in pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in instructional programs and students' skills. However, many school staffs lack the expertise to learn from assessment results. We describe lessons learned from a yearlong workshop aimed at helping 10 schools with this crucial work. Attended by school-based teams consisting of teachers, administrators, and graduate students in education, the workshop (a) explored different types of data and data analyses and (b) helped teams use data to analyze a school-specific problem and create an action plan. Lessons we learned include: schools need (a) a process for engaging in conversations around teaching and learning, (b) an opportunity for support of analyses of data from their school, and (c) leadership committed to the endeavor. Many participating school teams learned lessons from student-assessment results with important implications for instructional improvement.  相似文献   

对情感、兴趣等非智力因素在数学学习中动力性作用作了一定的阐述和探讨.  相似文献   

徐冬青 《中学教育》2011,8(2):89-93
从预设走向生成,从独白走向对话,从知识记忆走向思维提升是当代课堂教学改革的基本走向,而要实现三个转变,其前提是需要实现课堂教学从封闭走向开放的整体转向.  相似文献   

在小学数学的研究性学习中,学生的学习从单纯的行为参与转向积极的情感体验和深层次的认知参与,其自我意识和自我监控能力得以培养。小学数学课堂研究性学习注重体验性、交互性和生成性,在学习内容方面着力于素材重构、结构重组。它的基本程序及实施策略主要是:创设情境,提出问题;提供时空,自主探究;评价反思,丰富体验。  相似文献   

随着语言教学不断向交际化方向发展,传统的教学模式受到挑战,逐渐转变成以学生为中心的课堂教学模式。本文从转变教学观念和学习观念,确定英语课堂教学中的教师作用和学生地位,营造民主平等的教学氛围,培养学生自主学习,尝试小组合作、开展互动教学等方面来阐述如何创造“以学生为中心”的英语课堂教学。  相似文献   

长期以来,课堂合作的实践直接以合作学习为主,这样的课堂合作实践明显存在一些问题.如合作过程不够流畅,合作实践容易出现偏差等.从根本上来说,现实课堂合作的诸多问题基本上都和学生合作素养能力不足有关.因此,要推进课堂合作学习,首先要让学生学习合作,这是课堂合作实践完善的必要选择.结合合作学习和学习合作的本质差距,课堂合作的...  相似文献   

The quality of students' mathematics classroom discussions is an important factor in determining mathematics classroom learning outcomes. Good mathematics classroom discussions provide an opportunity for ideas to be shared and developed, but not all mathematics classroom discussions produce these learning opportunities. In this paper I discuss three constructs (subject, purpose, and frame) and how they can be used to analyze and characterize the quality of students' mathematics classroom discussions in terms of the mathematics learning potential that those discussions provide. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Active learning involves students engaging with course content beyond lecture: through writing, applets, simulations, games, and more (Prince, 2004 Prince, M. 2004. “Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research.” Journal of Engineering Education 93: 223232.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). As mathematics is often viewed as a subject area that is taught using more traditional methods (Goldsmith &; Mark, 1999 Goldsmith, L. T., &; J. Mark. 1999. “What is a Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum?”. Educational Leadership 57: 4044.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), there are actually many simple ways to make undergraduate mathematics courses more active, starting with the discussion of the syllabus. This article describes simple ways to turn course introductions, review of prior knowledge, and formative assessment into active learning experiences for students.  相似文献   

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