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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):726-741
Now that an increasing number of journalists and editorial offices make use of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to research, break, distribute and discuss the news, social media guidelines are being issued with increasing frequency by news organizations that want to indicate to journalists what is and is not permitted on these platforms. This study investigates how Flemish journalists experience the sense and nonsense of these social media guidelines, focusing on rules that prescribe their behaviour on Twitter. Analysis of 20 in-depth interviews demonstrates that the majority of Flemish journalists find the introduction of rules concerning the use of Twitter unnecessary. The argument heard most often is that the journalist's common sense should be enough to deal with the platform in the proper way. A number of journalists even find the rules a curtailment of individual freedom. Guidelines concerning specific formal requirements—such as mentioning the employer in the Twitter biography and/or account name, or the requirement to only use one account—encounter particular resistance. The journalists interviewed are, however, favourably disposed to a list of non-enforceable recommendations. Based on these findings, the tweeting journalists seem to indicate that they themselves are able to both adapt their use of social media to fit traditional professional norms and adapt those norms to fit the media logic of the Twitter platform.  相似文献   


Scholarly and pragmatic definitions of the term “engagement” vary drastically. This article attempts to capture the nuances of the term by exploring journalists’ roles on social media where “engagement” is supposed to be particularly prevalent. Using in-depth interviews, we gauge the attitudes of traditional political journalists as well as those who think of themselves as “engagement specialists” about their responsibilities in interactive spaces. In addition, we analyze what kinds of engagement are happening in these spaces, and how citizens’ expectations are being articulated, in terms of journalist-audience relationship—an organic resultant of engagement. We found that journalists are taking on new kinds of roles in social spaces—often in the name of “engagement”—but that work is not always particularly interactive with citizens; rather, content is engaged with. In contrast, citizens look to journalists to play a number of roles that range from civic guide to therapist. Thus, relationship building happens sporadically. Furthermore, engagement level is dependent on the platform and its affordances. This research offers a continuum of social media engagement conceived as relationship building that can reconcile the disparities in how we define engagement, and suggests newsrooms appreciate the nuances via a series of recommendations.  相似文献   

2015年中国的新媒体行业将会有更加精致化与个性化的发展,在移动终端上的垂直化社交将成为未来社交的一大趋势.可穿戴设备也给了人们无限想象的空间,虽然尚无厂家做出杀手级的应用,但可穿戴装置所切割出的微小信息将会为未来的信息传播带来更多可能.在企业端,中国互联网公司将媒体内容不断融合,并利用平价的产品来布置渠道,大融合时代的到来已经不可避免.最后,我们看到新媒体与社会运动的关联越来越受到关注,在新型社会运动中,新媒体己成为改变社会价值观的一股力量.  相似文献   

整合传媒:新媒体进行时   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
整合、融合和汇聚已成为当代传媒形态发展的主流。并存是现象,互补是功能,融合是趋势,创新是结果。作为媒体形态创新的努力,整合传媒在一定程度上代表着今天新媒体的进行时态。  相似文献   

降低成本、扩大市场和增加收益是传统媒体媒介融合持续推进的前提条件,事实上由于规模效益、范围和经济不足导致传统媒体在媒介融合过程中产品边际成本上升、沉没成本增大、市场开拓乏力和收益增长受限.传媒管理体制改革只有打破条块分割、扩大整体资本容量,并把非规则化的意识形态诉求转变为文化安全基础上的规范法制诉求,才能解放经营管理者的创新能力,才能从根本上突破传统媒体媒介融合中成本、市场和收益的困境.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to probe into the social media use by Chinese climate journalists through the examination of their professional practices on social media. Taking COP21 as a case, the study conducted a survey from Chinese COP21 journalists and analyzed WeChat and Weibo posts from Chinese journalists and tweets from their UK and US colleagues. The results show the prevalent use of WeChat among Chinese journalists and the personalization of the social media content accordingly. Compared to their Western counterparts, the use of social media for professional purposes by Chinese COP21 journalists was relatively limited. Nevertheless, several patterns of using social media were identified. Specifically, Chinese journalists tended to more frequently express personal opinions, discuss work experience and favor conventional news sources of authority than UK and US journalists. The results also suggest that climate change in Chinese media discourse will remain more a policy-related issue instead of an environmental or scientific issue, with Chinese government playing a central role.  相似文献   

张红梅 《新闻界》2009,(2):63-64,102
本文从媒介组织的角度出发,引入管理学的战略弹性概念,指出媒介组织的战略弹性在媒介融合过程所产生的规制作用,并提出提升媒介组织战略弹性、增强媒介融合效果的具体参考策略.  相似文献   

媒介融合:粘聚并造就新型的媒介化社会   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
“媒介融合”这一概念的提出,肇始自将传统媒介融合于一体的想象,但是,随着媒介技术的发展特别是信息技术的日新月异,各种新的媒介形态不断涌现,这也使媒介融合呈现出诸多全新的特质,本文尝试从媒介融合的现状、媒介融合所引发的媒介的裂变与重组、媒介融合所引发的媒介生产方式的革命等层面切入探讨媒介融合现象,进而分析由此而来的媒介化社会浪潮和未来发展之路。  相似文献   


This paper analyses to whom Spanish journalists feel responsible. To achieve this objective, we sent out a survey to Spanish journalists to ascertain their opinion on this question. The journalists’ point of view was then compared with that of the general public though six focus groups consisting of Spanish citizens from six cities in Spain (Barcelona, Castellón, Madrid, Sevilla, Mondragón and Santiago de Compostela). Lastly, five in-depth interviews were conducted with journalism experts (e.g., directors of professional journalist associations). The main results show that the journalists feel particularly responsible to their conscience, the journalism code of ethics and their sources. The citizens, in contrast, believe that journalists should be responsible to the audience. We contextualised the Spanish finding in the European context by comparing our results with those derived from a study among European journalists.  相似文献   

新技术的应用触发了不同媒体之间的著作权争端,充分运用著作权许可制度是新闻媒体融合发展的现实需求.为保障新闻媒体融合向纵深发展,著作权制度要坚持基本的价值目标,发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,同时树立互联网思维和大数据思维,在新闻作品著作权归属制度、著作权许可制度和著作权侵权判定标准等方面进行规则创新.  相似文献   

互动·整合·大融合——媒体融合的三个层次   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
媒介融是分层次、分阶段进行的过程。第一层次是媒介互动,即媒体战术性融合;第二层次是媒介整合,即媒体组织结构性融合;第三层次是媒介大融合,即不同媒介形态集中到一个多媒体数字平台上。在媒介融合的过程中,内容和服务应是媒介最重要的关注点。  相似文献   

本文拟以几个国家的媒介管理现状的比较,来探讨媒介融合所需具备的政策条件,为我国当下的媒介管理提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

刘冰 《编辑之友》2018,(1):65-68
媒体融合必须解决文化的融合问题,文章论述了媒体融合进程中的四种文化价值维度——个人主义相对集体主义、权力距离的大小、阳刚相对阴柔、对不明朗因素反应的强弱.文化的融合应该系统推进,价值观的统一是文化融合的核心问题,行为层文化的融合应予以制度化保障,器物层文化融合释放着文化符号力量.  相似文献   

张宏伟 《新闻界》2008,(1):81-82
本文在融合媒体的背景下,对北京奥运会新闻传播进行了研究:媒介组织结构与工作流程变化;奥运报道源与传播主体多样化;差别性优势满足受众新的需求;跨媒体联动营销;媒介融合下奥运报道的监管。  相似文献   

高鸿 《新闻界》2008,(3):112-114
在文化的产业化进程中,文化的"他律"遮蔽了"自律",文化消费主义大行其道。从长远来看,视觉文化艺术及其教育的可持续健康发展何以维系的问题已经不容回避,当代视觉艺术及其教育在文化消费主义影响下的生存境遇亟需引起广泛的关注,文化价值取向的异化和扭曲现象应当引起深入务实的探讨。  相似文献   

刘子龙 《出版科学》2016,24(1):15-17
媒体融合发展是当前国内传统媒体面临的迫切任务,从媒体融合发展的趋势和规律看,笔者认为传统媒体的融合发展过程可能需要经历三个主要的渐进发展阶段,为此,传统媒体也要采取有针对性的发展策略。  相似文献   

融媒时代新闻价值新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘冰 《编辑之友》2015,(1):60-63
融媒时代新闻价值取向发生了很大变化,正确认识这些变化是做好融合新闻报道的前提.文章论述了时新性、重要性、接近性、显著性、趣味性等五大新闻价值属性在新媒体传播环境下的变化,并就新闻报道操作提出相应见解.  相似文献   

李彪 《编辑之友》2018,(3):40-44,85
技术的革新带来了传播格局的转向,接力传播、关系传播和情感传播成为媒体融合面临的新格局,新闻生产与内容分发呈现出多元主体参与的社会大生产,媒体融合概念受到了实践挑战,出现了逆火效应和盈利模式匮乏等问题,未来媒体成为一种选择和解构想象,最后,文章从社会空间再造、大内容产业转型、媒体基因革新和消费社群嵌入等角度提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

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