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The psychiatric community has only recognized Asperger Disorder (AD) as a distinct syndrome since 1994. Therefore, for most early childhood educators, AD is still a new diagnosis. The majority of the children with AD are being educated in the general education classroom although it's not uncommon to see specialized placements. Unfortunately, due to the uniqueness of this condition, teachers often question their academic and classroom management skills with these youngsters. This article suggests basic strategies in each area of AD that are useful in helping the student demonstrate success in the general education classroom or in specialized services. In addition, the characteristics of AD in young children are provided with some early indicators that may be important in early identification and referrral for specialized services.  相似文献   

信息化时代高校图书馆的核心职能应该是进行专业化的知识组织,形成新的知识产品,开展学科化的知识服务。高校图书馆只有立足于学科发展,才可能完成从传统的资源管理走向知识管理,从资源服务走向学科化的知识服务的根本转变。本文从学科化服务的角度阐述了高校图书馆知识组织与知识服务的核心价值观与内涵,并从全国高校图书馆特别是985高校图书馆目前的迫切需要出发提出了知识服务工作的增长点。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the evaluation of special education services for handicapped infants. The research question posed is whether early intervention programming results in reduced need for specialized services when children are age-eligible for elementary school. The primary focus of the paper is the development of a predictive model which may be useful in assessing the efficacy of early intervention services. The predictive model is applied using longitudinal data from a small sample of moderately handicapped infants. The preliminary findings support the contention that earlier intervention results in a lessened need for special education services in subsequent years. The paper also discusses the benefit-cost issues related to the efficacy question under investigation.  相似文献   

A qualitative case study in 15 community colleges across the country found that learning assistance centers and specialized skills labs are an important means of increasing students' academic preparedness for postsecondary study. Since these facilities provide instruction or support in reading, writing, and math skills, it appears that they play a valuable remedial role. Most of the assistance occurs in the form of tutoring and computer-assisted instruction, and some of the centers also provide specialized learning workshops and self-paced remedial courses. The majority of colleges have several learning centers and labs, and duplication of services may explain the lower than expected demand for assistance services seen in some of the sites. However, the institutions consider the learning centers to be effective, and report positive outcomes including retention in college English and increase in GPA. Because, in some cases, recipients of learning assistance services display severe learning difficulties, tutors may benefit from professional development in instructional strategies for special-needs students. It is recommended that future research compare the effectiveness of learning assistance services and developmental education courses in boosting students' basic academic skills.  相似文献   

Given its rapidly-aging population, the U.S. needs a workforce that is informed about and capable of meeting the diverse needs of older adults. Students pursing gerontology education may feel unsure of career opportunities as they enter a job market with traditionally clearly-defined disciplinary backgrounds. The goal of this study was to explore how people currently employed in an aging-related job searched for positions, and how this compared to phrasing used by employers to advertise job openings across several aging-related fields. A web-based survey was administered to employees in aging-related positions, and a search of four job-seeking websites to collect and analyze aging-related job postings was conducted. Most (63%) currently working in the field of aging reported finding their jobs through referral from a friend/colleague or through job search sites or job boards. Out of 493 relevant job postings identified, only 175 of the postings (35%), preferred or required applicants to have some type of aging-related knowledge, skills, training, or prior experience. There may be consequences to not specifically recruiting applicants with aging-related backgrounds: job seekers with qualifications in aging may look for other positions that expressly call for their specialized skills or knowledge, and quality of services and care may be different when provided by persons without such training.  相似文献   

汤霓 《职教通讯》2012,(22):28-33
绿色技能应当能适应所有工作,它包括提供可持续发展产品和服务所需要的技术技能,也包括交流、谈判、支持可持续发展的商业行为及实施组织变革所需要的非技术技能。绿色经济的技能需求包括四大部分:专业绿色技能、提高现有技能、通用绿色技能、通用技能。其中,开发通用技能、通用绿色技能和提高现有的相关工作技能课程内容要比开发专业的绿色技能课程内容更为重要。以美国生涯技术教育数学课程模式为例,其对基本能力培养的课程策略能为绿色技能课程的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

香港与武汉:城市社区服务比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对香港与武汉进行实地调查,论文认为,香港的社区服务载体是社会分层型社区结构,武汉则是自然产业型社区结构;香港的社区服务组织体系的自治程度较高,武汉的行政性较强;香港的社区服务队伍是专业化的队伍,武汉则是社会化的队伍;香港的社区服务经费是政府资助为主、社会筹募为辅,武汉则是社区经济养社区服务、有偿服务补无偿服务;香港的社区服务内容注重精神层面的中介服务,武汉则注重物质层面的直接服务.论文认为,内地城市社区服务应该走专业化和福利型的道路.  相似文献   

特殊儿童的生活满意度普遍低于正常儿童。家庭教养和社会公众支持作为儿童社会系统的两个重要组成部分,对特殊儿童生活的满意度具有显著的影响。特殊机构福利组织教养可以弥补家庭教养的弊端,并且提高社会公众支持水平。要提高特殊儿童的生活满意度,特殊儿童的教养方式应由家庭教养向社会福利机构教养转变。  相似文献   

现代中介服务机构建立与运行的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小企业是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要组成部分。为有效解决中小企业创新能力不足和管理低下的问题,亟需加快培育现代中介服务机构.只有现代服务业和现代制造业的“两轮”协调驱动,才能确保中小企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

社会对会计人才的需求决定着高等财经院校会计专业的教育目标,专业教育目标的不同定位决定着专业教学计划的制定,并进而决定着必修课与选修课教学与管理的侧重。一般而言,学生、教师和学校管理都比较重视必修课,其运行机制比较规范,而对于选修课却普遍存在重视程度不足、运行机制不甚完善等问题,需要采取针对性措施予以改善。本文从会计学专业开设选修课的必要性出发,通过对某校会计学专业学生实施问卷调查,了解到会计学专业选修课教学与管理中存在着选课盲目、学分惟重、急功近利等问题,需要通过加强学生管理、强化师资队伍、健全选修课管理等措施实施综合治理。  相似文献   

面向新世纪法学教育的发展,财经类法学院作为教学研究机构,不仅教育和培养法学专门人才,而且探索如何为社会服务。与大学一样,财经类法学院具有教学、研究和社会服务的职能,社会服务职能应当是法学院的一个重要职能。财经类法学院为社会服务的职能,体现在财经类法学的专业特色上和它与国家机关、企事业单位和社会专门法律服务机构的紧密联系上。财经类法学院为社会服务的宗旨,体现为技能性与职业性并重、服务与教育相长、服务社会与引领社会并重。  相似文献   

Although park naturalists should be inclusive in their attempts to reach a variety of audiences, visitors having a consumptive resource orientation may get overlooked. The activity involvement, place attachment and resource knowledge scores of trout anglers at Montauk State Park (Missouri, USA) were combined into a typology that consisted of four levels of recreation specialization (least, moderately, very and most). This continuum was used to explain anglers’ usage and evaluation of nonformal environmental education services at the park. A total of 532 trout anglers completed questionnaires during the summer of 2003. Results showed that specialized anglers participated more in educational opportunities than those who were less specialized. Each of level of the continuum was mutually exclusive. Nearly three‐fourths of the trout anglers (72.8%) believed that environmental education was important and that the park was doing a good job of providing this type of service. A positive trend between levels of specialization and evaluation of environmental education was observed. This study indicated that a segmentation procedure based on recreation specialization can be useful to accomplish some key park management objectives, such as environmental literacy.  相似文献   

优化图书馆读者服务,是新形势下高等教育改革对高校图书馆的迫切要求,也是高校图书馆界共同的愿望。本文针对现行高校图书馆读者服务的弊端,提出了图书馆专业信息服务团队的新模式和实施策略。  相似文献   

关于地方高校图书馆建立学科馆员制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆要提供深层次的咨询服务,适应信息社会的要求,就需要建立“学科馆员制”来开创图书馆提供优质服务的新局面。学科馆员作为图书馆的优秀代表,会带动整个图书馆形成一种以特色信息服务为主、不断积极向上的良好氛围,提高图书馆在学校和社会的学术地位以及影响力。  相似文献   

The field of special education has primary responsibility for providing specialized services to young children with disabilities in the schools. Increasingly, it is recognized that many disabilities identified among young children may be attributable to environmental variables, such as violence, poverty, toxic materials exposure, and family dysfunction. Issues of violence hold particular relevance for special education professionals. Recent studies report that young children with disabilities are 1.7 times more likely to be victims of maltreatment than children without disabilities. For children with disabilities living with the effects of violence, the infrastructure of special education as it is now developing may be the most promising approach to individual and systems intervention. Comprehensive community-based initiatives are replacing fragmented practices. The new collaborations can multiply the results of intervention or support programs beyond those attainable through any single approach. Views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect policies of the U.S. Department of Education.  相似文献   

Inclusion of preschoolers with disabilities in programs for typically developing children has a strong legal, rational, moral, and empirical basis. Despite this compelling foundation, however, the desirability of inclusion continues to be debated and acceptable options for inclusive placements are often difficult to find. In this paper, we argue that professionals and parents are often placed in a position in which inclusion must be weighed against other compelling values in making decisions about placements for children. We describe three competing values—high-quality programs, specialized services, and family-centered practices—and demonstrate how in many communities these values and inclusion are difficult to achieve simultaneously. We argue that placement in inclusive settings should be a goal for all children with disabilities, but that placements should also be of high quality, sufficiently specialized, and consistent with family priorities. We conclude with a series of recommendations for changes needed if this goal is to be attained.  相似文献   

This article is a review of Consultation: Practice and Practitioner, by Jonell Kirby, who is both editor of the book and a contributing author. In the preface of the book Kirby states that, “Consultation is replacing referrals for comprehensive treatment and services” (Kirby, 1985, p. vii). Kirby proposes that consultation will fill the gap between the general practitioner helper and the specialized expert. In the past, when a client required help outside of the specialist's expertise, the client was referred to another practitioner, creating a situation that often confused the client and caused the original service provider to worry about the client's welfare. This book is based on the beliefs and experiences of seven contributors. In the first two chapters the authors discuss the general nature of consultation; the remaining chapters focus on specific settings such as schools, hospitals, business settings, mental health centers, and police departments.  相似文献   

The placement of children in foster or residential care does not ensure that children will be safe from abuse or neglect. The incidence of out-of-home maltreatment, especially sexual exploitation and abuse, has given rise to new community expectations and legislation which has placed the protection of children in alternate care squarely in the hands of the child protective system. These investigations differ in purpose and scope from familial investigations, and the current protective system is without adequate preparation, policy, and procedures to perform them. This paper discusses the differences in familial and out-of-home care investigations in relation to identification and reporting, assessing risk factors in the initial report, evidence gathering, essential components of the investigation, levels of culpability and corrective action approaches. The authors suggest that specialized investigation units may be more suited to these investigations than traditional child protective services.  相似文献   

本文论述了在高职教学中的公共课程和专业课程、理论课程和实践课程、必修课程和选修课程、专业理论课程和专业技能课程四种关系。提出了在高职教学计划中应确立核心课程 ,开设综合课程 ,活动课程和双语课程的建议  相似文献   

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