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文章总结了国内外有关Dornyei的二语动机自我系统(L2MSS)研究的主要内容,探讨了L2MSS的三个主要构成因素二语理想自我(ideal L2 self)、二语应该自我(ought-to L2 self)和二语学习经历(L2 learning experience)之间的关系,以及对学习者的学习努力(intended learning efforts)的影响。并在以往研究的基础上,提出了L2MSS今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

当前讨论移动情境下二语动机自我系统(L2MSS)对大学生动机行为作用的研究鲜见。以参与移动学习课程友邻优课的162名大学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查、日记和访谈相结合的定性定量混合分析法,探索在移动情境下L2MSS三因子对学生动机行为的影响以及与线下情境的差异。结果显示:一方面,移动情境下L2MSS影响大学生的动机行为,其中,二语学习体验对动机行为具有显著的正向影响、理想二语自我对动机行为具有中等强度的正向作用、应有二语自我无明显影响;另一方面,与线下情境相比,学习者理想二语自我对动机行为的作用弱化、二语学习体验的作用增强。深入了解移动情境下大学生二语动机系统的作用对优化移动英语课程设计、提高移动英语教学实践和促进教育公平具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

在第二语言习得进程中,动机是必不可少的组成部分。在二语研究范围的重点由"教"到"学"的转移进程中,将二语学习动机和学习策略两个领域成果融为一体的二语动机策略愈发显出自身重要的价值。教育心理学家D?rnyei所提出的动机自我系统理论是借鉴了社会心理学的新发展成果,他的"二语动机自我系统"为当今的二语动机策略研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。本文以D?rnyei的"二语动机自我系统"为理论基础,结合国内外相关研究成果,探讨如何更好地研究二语动机策略,并恰当地应用到语言教学中,从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

文章基于二语动机自我系统的基本原理,通过成绩优秀大学生在某一学年外语学习过程中的定向动机流发展变化轨迹分析,阐释自我系统与定向动机流的相互关系,从而揭示两者之间内在的复杂动态关系.研究发现:二语动机自我系统的理想二语自我、应该二语自我和学习经历三元结构都可能成为定向动机流的触发和维持因素.这三者还影响着定向动机流的动杰...  相似文献   

动机能够促进二语学习者进行有效的学习并提供持久的动力,二语习得动机的研究已经成为二语教学研究的重要组成部分。本文将着重阐述D觟rnyei的二语动机自我系统产生的心理学理论基础及其主要内容。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,探讨了音体美专业学生的二语动机自我系统中理想二语自我、应该二语自我、二语学习经历与动机学习行为之间的相互关系.研究结果表明:音体美专业学生有很高的理想二语自我和应该二语自我形象,并且理想二语自我比应该二语自我更强;音体美专业学生的二语学习经历与二语动机行为存在显著正相关关系;音体美专业学生的应该二语自我与二语动机行为存在切实相关,而理想二语自我与二语动机行为的相关关系不明显.最后文章提出了几点教学启示.  相似文献   

在教与学的过程中,运用动机教学策略构建、强化、维护学习者的二语理想自我,是大学生学好二语的关键。但教师如何利用动机教学策略构建和强化学生的二语理想自我,仍然是一个重大课题。为此,针对这个课题进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

通过对应用型本科院校153名非英语专业学生进行问卷调查,探究二语动机自我系统内部可能自我、当前自我、过去自我对英语学习动机强度的影响.结果显示:(1)当前自我和过去自我对英语学习动机强度具有较强的预测作用.(2)可能自我中的英语熟练的人、文化使者对英语学习动机的影响较大.(3)过去自我中的负责任的学生和英语熟练的人对英...  相似文献   

王晴 《英语广场》2016,(12):112-113
负动机研究是学界一个新兴热点,本文梳理分析了近20年来国内外学界在负动机方面的理论及实证研究,并从研究对象、研究角度及研究方法等方面分析了目前研究中还有待挖掘之处。  相似文献   

陈峥嵘 《六安师专学报》2013,(6):113-118,122
动机被视为影响二语学习成效的一个重要的情感因素。本文用定量研究方法对62位高校英语教师进行了调查,旨在研究动机策略重要性的认识程度以及具体运用程度,并探讨两者之间是否存在显著差异。研究结果表明:教师总体上在动机策略的重要性认识程度和实际课堂运用频率上保持很高的一致性,但在实际教学中也存在策略运用不足,主要体现在学生自主能力、课堂任务及教师层面等策略上。传统的以教师为中心的教学方法、应试教育、基础差和大班教学很大程度上影响和制约了教师的动机策略,并限制了学生动机的形成与维持。  相似文献   

With frequent voicing of concern by the popular press that Johnny can neither read nor write, the present article describes a successful experiment in the teaching and learning of expository writing. Based on the peer learning model, the experiment, originally conducted over a four-year period at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, has been used with apparent success at both the secondary and graduate levels as well as in regular college composition courses. The chief aspects of the approach include (1) mastery learning, (2) a consciously informal atmosphere, (3) a product orientation, whereby the class as a whole produces a final written work, where possible of some social usefulness, and (4) the careful development of the willingness and ability to learn and work cooperatively rather than as individual competitors.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Theoretical developments in second or foreign language motivation research have led to a better understanding of the convoluted nature of motivation in...  相似文献   

This retrospective study examined L1 achievement, intelligence, L2 aptitude, and L2 proficiency profiles of 208 students completing two years of high school L2 courses. A cluster analysis was performed to determine whether distinct cognitive and achievement profiles of more and less successful L2 learners would emerge. The results of nonhierarchical (k — means clustering) revealed three distinct cognitive and achievement profiles. Participants in the high-achieving cluster scored above average range generally on all L1 and L2 measures; students in the average-achieving cluster scored average range generally on all L1 and L2 measures; and those in the low-achieving cluster scored low to below average range generally on all measures except IQ. Findings suggest that students' level of achievement in L1 skills developed prior to L2 exposure is strongly related to and consistent with their L2 aptitude and proficiency, level of attainment in L2 is moderated by level of attainment in L1, and L2 learning runs along a continuum of learners with stronger to weaker language skills.  相似文献   

对高职院校学生的英语学习心理和学习行为进行问卷调查,直接获得第一手资料,非常有助于了解和确认学生在英语学习方面存在的心理倾向和行为模式。调查分析的结果,对高职院校英语教学模式和教学方法的改革提供一些可资决策者参考的启发和依据。调查内容主要分四个部分:英语学习基本情况调查、英语学习主动性调查、英语学习积极性调查和英语学习潜力调查。  相似文献   

Continuing unresolved problems in the field of special education include the continued use of discrepancy models; the need for better identification models; continued debate over programmatic issues, ranging from inclusion to self-contained models; and the continued overrepresentation of certain ethnic and racial groups in the learning disabilities (LD) category. This article focuses on students with mild learning disorders in general, and LD in particular, providing a perspective on how this problem has been addressed and suggesting a multilevel approach in which local context plays a central role. We suggest that overrepresentation is best conceptualized as an indicator of underlying issues rather than as the proper focal point of remediation efforts.  相似文献   

新课改之后各学科教学工作之中都更重视学生学习主体性问题,许多相关的工作人员都开始研究学生学习动机、学习策略问题,本文主要就民办高校英语教学学生学习动机及学习策略选用的现状进行分析讨论,探究学习动机与学习策略之间的关系,希望能够对高校的英语教学工作有所启发。  相似文献   

This article looks at a year in the life of a special education teacher. The author reflects on her debut as an inclusion specialist in 1996 and gives an in‐depth study of how her training, previous experience and approach to teaching was put to the test in a new educational environment. This piece explores the challenges that resource teachers and other special educators may face in the light of recent policies regarding inclusion. The inclusion specialist is required to be a teacher, manager, liaison, trainer and more, as she/he learns to get the maximum from students and co‐workers in what is often an already strained workplace. Personal narrative is tied to the literature and, through hindsight, the author relates the change that took place as experience was melded with study and reflection. The result is a portrayal of how a change of policy can affect an individual teacher and researcher, as well as a whole school, and provides an uncommon research approach to the field of research into inclusivity.  相似文献   

Hybrid learning, or blended learning, has become an interesting learning delivery method in recent years. Many universities have sought to develop their own hybrid learning courses as another option for students and instructors who prefer to replace some portion of traditional face-to-face meeting time with online instruction. This paper provides some pragmatic guidance for establishing hybrid learning courses in universities. The authors focus on the use of information technology, as well as the development and the design of the course content. The paper also illustrates a case study of hybrid learning courses at NJIT. The research results showed no significant difference between the performance of the students who took a course in hybrid mode versus the performance of those who took the identical course in distance learning mode. Some positive feedback in terms of perceived benefit from the hybrid course instruction and course materials was obtained from the students. The student learning styles were also investigated. The results demonstrated that the majority of students who participated in the hybrid learning course are active/sensing/sequential/visual learners. Most of them preferred visual presentations to verbal explanations. The research results also revealed the difference between learning styles of students with high performance, and those with low performance.  相似文献   

Although a large body of research has been dedicated to examining emotional intelligence (EI) and learning styles in relation to different factors in academic setting, the relationship between these two variables still necessitates more exploration and deeper study, especially in the Iranian context. To this end, 60 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) learners were recruited to fill out the Farsi version of Emotional Intelligence Scale (FEIS-41) and Paragon Learning Styles Inventory (PLSI). The results revealed that the participants achieved the highest score in Optimism/Mood Regulation sub-scale of the FEIS-41. With respect to the four dimensions of PLSI, Sensing, Feeling, Judging and Extrovert were the participants’ preferred learning styles, respectively. Besides, analysis of data illustrated that gender did not affect their EI and learning styles preferences. Furthermore, the significance of 9 out of 12 computed correlations between three sub-skills of FEIS-41 and four dimensions of PLSI indicated the existence of correlation between EI and learning styles preferences of Iranian EAP learners.  相似文献   

通过应用Horwitz等的“外语课堂焦虑量表”,对嘉兴职业技术学院60名非英语专业学生的英语课堂焦虑状况作了统计分析.总体上来看,专业(t=-.645, p=.522)、自尊(t=-1.337, p=.192)以及性别(t=-.647, p=.520)对学生焦虑强弱无影响.但深入具体项目发现,女学生在说英语和通过考试方面明显没有男学生焦虑(t=-3.182, p=.002; t=-2.606, p=.012).另外,自尊心强的学生对自己的英语能力明显比自尊心一般的学生更自信(t=-2.349, p=.022).继续深入分析发现,在英语学习焦虑的三个组成部分中(根据Horwitz et al 的划分法,1986),交际焦虑(r=-.125, p=.340)和负评价焦虑(r=-.093, p=.479)与学习成绩没有相关关系,但是其它一般焦虑(包括考试焦虑)(r=-.280﹡, p=.030)与成绩显著负相关.  相似文献   

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