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学校组织文化的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们对如何提高学校效率或者说如何发展优良学校,提出了很多理论。但是,这些理论对于现实中的学校组织发展来说,似乎作用并不明显。基于学校组织文化与学校组织效能之间存在很大的相关性这一认识,分析了学校组织文化的性质、作用、内容,进而指出为了改变学校组织的低效性,应该强化对学校文化的建设。  相似文献   

学校组织气氛研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍桑实验揭示了组织气氛对员工绩效的影响后,人们开始关注软性的心理环境.Halpin将组织气氛概念引入了学校组织.国内外学者对学校组织气氛的概念是分别从学校气氛的属性、形成过程以及存在方式进行描述的.研究者因研究对象与研究兴趣的不同,编制了各种学校组织气氛的测量工具.对学校组织气氛的研究集中于学校组织气氛的比较研究、影响因素研究以及学校组织气氛对学校内师生的影响作用.  相似文献   

中学组织气氛量表的编制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对国内外有关学校组织气氛理论的研究和教育实践的调查,编制了初中学校组织气氛量表,并对其效度信度进行检测,结果表明,该量表具有较好的信度与效度,是一个较为理想的初中学校组织气氛的测评工具。  相似文献   

Although teaching is frequently cited as a stressful profession, limited recent Norwegian data is available. This study addressed the extent to which organizational climate and individual and organizational well-being outcomes vary between schools in rural, urban, and city locations. Participants were predominantly female (68%), aged 45+ years (63.2%) and reported 20+ years of teaching experience (51%). Teachers from rural schools reported smaller student and teacher numbers, a more positive organizational climate and better organizational well-being. Multi-level analyses, with teachers grouped within school location, indicated that personality is most strongly associated with employee well-being, and organizational climate most strongly related to school morale and distress. Schools in rural locations are smaller and possess workplace climates that are conducive to positivity in the workplace, and subsequently better workplace well-being outcomes.  相似文献   

The present study examines the generalizability of a previously‐validated model concerning how visible aspects of organizational culture can affect performance within an educational environment. Data were collected from 156 upper and lower secondary‐school teachers selected at random from 26 secondary schools in Singapore. The results indicate that school performance can be determined from knowledge of a school's cultural environment. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

积极的组织文化:学校发展的深层动力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着当前基础教育改革不断深入,学校作为实现种种教育改革理想的交汇点,其生存与发展,越来越受到重视,教育行政决策者和教育研究工作者都不约而同把注意的焦点投向了学校。学校自主发展、学校内涵发展成为推进教育改革的关键课题。学校内涵发展,这个“内涵”除了教师专业成长、课程、教育教学活动之外,学校组织文化是不可或缺的一个重要方面。因为,任何一项教育改革,都需要得到学校组织成员的认同和参与。学校领导可能很难直接改变组织成员的内在动机,但可以有相当的能力用间接的办法做到这一点,那就是创造一种促使组织成员个人发展的组织环境和氛围,这就是文化。本文从组织行为学的角度,就学校组织文化的内涵,以及学校领导如何创建积极的和谐的组织文化进行探讨。  相似文献   

Bullying has received increased attention from academics, scholars, and the media over the past decade and a half. The effects of bullying can be devastating and long lasting for victims and bullies alike. Recent prevention efforts and research has focused on the school environment as a whole. As such, two areas of interest that could affect bullying are the roles of school climate and school sector. School sector is important to examine as private schools make up 25% of all schools in the United States and approximately 80% of private school students attended faith-based institutions (Broughman &; Swaim, 2013 Broughman, S. P., &; Swaim, N. L. (2013). Characteristics of private schools in the United States: Results from the 2011-12 private school universe survey (NCES 2013-316). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. [Google Scholar]). This study utilized the School Crime Supplement to understand how school climate and school sector affect students’ experiences of bullying victimization. Using chi square analysis, propensity score analysis, and multiple regression models (of the total sample, public school sample, and private school sample), as well as Z-score coefficients, findings suggest that a positive school climate predicted less reporting of bullying incidents and that private school students in particular reported a more positive school climate and less bullying.  相似文献   

学校组织人际气氛的内在结构因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在国内外有关学校组织气氛理论研究和教育实践调查的基础上,对学校组织人际气氛的结构因素进行了理论构想,通过探索性因素和验证性因素分析,发现学校组织人际气氛由亲密、团结、互助、疏远、凝聚力、友好往来等六个因素构成。  相似文献   

上下同欲的组织气氛在学校目标管理中具有导向作用、约束作用、凝聚作用、激励作用,因此,为了有效地推进学校目标管理,一是要建立一种高关怀的领导模式,倡导对教职工的人性化关怀,诱发教职工发挥最大效能;二是制定良好的沟通机制,增强教师对组织的认同忠诚,提高工作绩效水平;三是以有效的规章制度,营造弹性合理的学校环境。  相似文献   

基于对北京市5255名教师的问卷调查,本研究考察中小学学校组织文化的现状及其特点。研究表明:中小学学校组织文化的三个因素:教师文化、学校文化认同、校长文化,能较好地解释学校组织文化的结构;不同职业生涯发展阶段教师对学校组织文化的认知有所差异,其中6-10年教龄教师对学校组织文化的认同最低;中学和小学教师在学校组织文化的认知上有所差异,小学教师对于学校组织文化的认同度要普遍高于中学教师;不同性质的学校教师在学校组织文化的认知也有所差异,重点学校和薄弱学校教师对学校组织文化的认同度要明显高于普通学校的教师。  相似文献   

中外学校组织文化研究之比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
组织文化作为一种文化管理模式,它能协调人际关系,增强组织凝聚力,培养团队精神,引导成员走向共同目标,在管理中具有重要意义。国外学校组织文化理论更多地是从组织理论中汲取营养而发展起来的,研究旨趣在于探寻组织文化与管理绩效的关系,重视组织文化的管理功效;而国内学校组织文化研究则是从文化角度切入,主要强调文化的教育功能。  相似文献   

Although it is widely agreed that there is no universally accepted definition for school climate, most professionals ground it in shared beliefs, values, and attitudes reflecting the quality and character of life in schools. In this article, we review and analyze measures accessible to school personnel charged with documenting and monitoring school climate. We document core features of four scientifically sound and comprehensive measures of school climate. We believe our work serves as a selective consumer's guide for school personnel engaged in important levels of decision-making related to monitoring and improving the quality and character of interactions that represent academic and behavior standards in schools.  相似文献   

Traditional studies of teacher commitment often ignore the effect of interactions between personal characteristics and school environment and the implications of their findings are inevitably limited. Responding to this research gap, the present study aims to investigate the contingency relationship of school organizational health to teacher commitment with multi-level statistical analysis. The study was a survey involving 20 aided primary schools and 423 teachers in Hong Kong. The findings suggest that three school organizational health factors such as morale, consideration and institutional integrity are related to teacher commitment through interactions with the teacher personal characteristics such as position, marital status, and length of service in the school. The result supports that the relationship between school organizational health and teacher commitment is contingent upon teacher characteristics. The interesting findings can provide implications for school improvement and future research.  相似文献   

Most scholars and observers recognize that organizational culture has a powerful effect on the performance of first-class universities.This paper compares the Tsinghua University and MIT.The comparison between these two universities showed that Chinese universities should change culture in order to enhance the innovation ability.  相似文献   

文章以学校组织文化为研究视角 ,认为不探究的、个人主义的和压制性的缄默的学校组织文化使得教师反思不可能 ,这包括三种情形 :不 (会 )反思、不愿反思和不敢反思 ;相反 ,使教师反思得以可能的学校组织文化是一种反思性的 ,它具有探究、合作和自由对话的特性 ;最后 ,从观念、管理和行动三个维度讨论了反思性学校组织文化的建构  相似文献   

从文化、课程概念看文化与课程关系之演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化与课程的概念奠定在人类文化活动历史演进的基础之上。对文化与课程的能动性的认识,有助于我们超越仅将文化视为课程内容之源泉的简单认识,从而深刻把握二者从观念、内容到过程之间的互动关系。文化观念影响课程理念,文化形态影响课程内容及实施方式,课程作为独特的文化形态对文化具有选择、整合、变革作用。  相似文献   

由于经济全球化的发展,世界各国企业化在互动中发生了很大的变化,发达经济体的企业化在价值观上、思维方式和管理方式上存在着明显的趋同性。中国企业应正确认识我国企业化的趋同性和差异性,建设先进的、和谐的、权变的企业化。  相似文献   

借助小学组织气氛量表和教师工作投入量表,通过对随机抽取的201名小学教师进行调查.结果发现:小学组织气氛在领导气氛因子方面存在城乡差异;教师工作投入存在显著的年龄差异及城乡差异:小学组织气氛各因子与教师工作投入各因子相关显著.回归分析进一步揭示,小学组织气氛中人际气氛因子与教师工作投入回归显著,是教师工作投入的较好预测变量.  相似文献   

当前,学校文化建设实践中存在着简单追求文化标识、直接移植文化等现象,在研究方面则较少关注地域文化对学校文化的影响。学校文化建设具有地域性格,地域文化影响着学校文化建设的思维模式、行为方式和物质承载方式。本文以北京地域为例,分析北京地域文化的三个特征以及对学校文化地域性格的影响。  相似文献   

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