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Quale  Andreas 《Science & Education》2002,11(5):443-457
I examine the role played by metaphor, in supporting andconditioning our thinking about theoretical models of learning in science education.Some examples are given, of cases where the use of inappropriate metaphors can actually counteract a properunderstanding of the topic being learnt. With special reference to von Glasersfeld's theory of radicalconstructivism, it is argued that much of the controversy appearing in the academic discussion of this theorystems from the injudicious use of metaphors of ``truth' and ``reality', concepts that are in a sense inheritedfrom the domain of Law. These metaphors are often taken too literally, as representing ``obvious' and henceindisputable constraints on scientific investigation; and they then strongly favour the adoption of an epistemologyof scientific realism, which is at variance with the theory of knowledge that is proposed by radical constructivism.However, it is argued that this realist epistemology is not compelling, since it rests on a somewhat contentiousmetaphoric base, and that a radical-constructivist epistemology offers a better strategy for the purposesof science education.  相似文献   

Based on research in universities in the North of England, this article reflects on the growing size and widening remit of the personnel function. Differences between the old and new universities are discussed together with the possible future roles of personnel within higher education. The author feels that it is unlikely, given personnel directors views of the way the personnel function is seen by Vice Chancellors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors in the older universities, that the personnel function will play a more influential role in the immediate future. Also, despite a greater role being played by the personnel function in the new universities, a seat at the'top table'has generally been denied. The author concludes that in such labour-intensive organizations as universities, the failure to empower the personnel function is somewhat shortsighted given the growing number of government policies directed towards the activities of academic staff.  相似文献   

新时代高等教育处于内涵式发展攻坚阶段和体制机制改革深水区。高等教育正义正朝向基于基本权利的正义方向发展,人们对优质高等教育的向往与高等教育发展不均衡、不充分之间的矛盾日益凸显。要实现高等教育正义,明确高等教育正义内涵、目标及可能的实现路径是前提,马克思高阶正义思想正为我们回应这个时代问题提供了指导。  相似文献   

发生认识论在聋人高等教育中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从媒体要素被引入教学模式入手 ,分析了信息传递在聋人高等教育中的重要性 ,从发生认识原理论述了聋人认知形成的特点 ,提出了在发生认识论原理模式下的结构强化的发生认识论聋人教育模式 ,分析了这种模式在实践中的应用  相似文献   


Relying on developmental studies of reasoning about the good life, a model of moral education that integrates the good and the right is put forth. It is claimed that while Kohlberg's justice reasoning provides a justifiable aim for such curricula, how individuals attribute value will also significantly affect their moral actions. The notion of a ‘critical period’ for moral education during adolescence is also presented.  相似文献   

本文论述了求能欲和创新欲的客现存在,是求知欲概念的深化和发展的产物。培养求能欲和创新欲是开展创新教育的基础工作。  相似文献   

文章以我国高等教育大众化为背景,按照高等教育运行过程的逻辑顺序,对我国现阶段高等教育公平的状况进行考察,以此透视高等教育中存在的不公平现象,并做出理性的思考,为我国高等教育的改革与发展、促进社会主义和谐社会的建设提供理论上的支持和实践上的指导。  相似文献   

目前一些高校成人高等教育追求自身经济利益而忽略社会公平正义.坚持公平正义立场,切实提高成人高等教育质量,是高校成人高等教育的时代责任.政府应完善相关政策和监管措施,以呵护成人高等教育公平正义.  相似文献   

For the study we report here we used the theoretical framework of organizational justice to examine academic administrator’s perceptions of resource distribution decisions. We asked deans, school directors, and department chairs in one midwestern state about their perceptions of the fairness and likelihood of use of various distribution principles in scenarios involving distributions of compensation to faculty and resources to schools/departments. Differences based on Carnegie classification and current position were examined. Overall, we found that participants perceived compensating faculty members and allocating resources to departments based on the quality of teaching and impact on students was most fair, but they believed factors such as research productivity and funding secured were more likely to be used. While there were no differences based on current position, there were differences based on Carnegie classification with the research universities indicating greater preference for and likelihood of using research principles and non-research institutions indicating greater likelihood of using equality.  相似文献   

在不同哲学观指导下,不同学者对高等教育都有不同的认识和看法.基于布鲁贝克的<高等教育哲学>,探讨了<高等教育哲学>产生的历史背景及思想来源,以及布鲁贝克对高等教育哲学认识论与政治论的看法,认为认识论与政治论并不是单线行使而互不相干的,而应可以相互调和的,应该和谐统一的,以便更好的指导走向大众化的高等教育.  相似文献   

2002年高等教育公平研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对教育公平的概念,教育公平与我国高等教育制度、高等教育入学考试、高等教育成本分担机制等之间的关系,学们从不同角度提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

公平的制度环境是民办高等教育健康发展的前提条件,研究在对教育公平理解的基础上从教育权、教育资源分配、学生受教育权三个不同角度揭示民办高等教育发展中的公平缺失的现象、危害,并将其深层次原因归结为政府在管理上“越位”、财政上“缺位”、政策上“虚位”、服务上“空位”诸多方面的责任。  相似文献   

This article examines the dramatic increase in poverty in the United States of America. An analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau for 2004 reveals the extent of poverty. The official poverty threshold is lower than what is needed for a person or family to provide for the necessities of life. The effects of poverty on women and children are presented. Respect for persons made in the image and likeness of God requires us to make a place at the table of social decision making for all persons. Educating for justice emerges from Christians' concern to make a better place at the table of life for the poor.  相似文献   


This article presents a rationale for the infusion of social justice into kinesiology programs for the purpose of reducing inequities in society. Specifically, the current climate for social justice is considered and discussed using examples from an university-inspired service-learning initiative, law, and politics. Of note are the following areas of discussion: (a) differentiation between social diversity and social justice, (b) public pedagogy as a means by which to inspire service action, (c) the creation of climates for speech and application of social justice, (d) modeling and socialization for equity, and (e) the neoliberal threat to inclusiveness. The article concludes with suggestions for practice, research, and training to implore kinesiology programs to position movement as an issue of justice.  相似文献   

Hand in hand with European integration, European higher education must also integrate itself so as to better prepare the highly trained workforce that Europe needs if it is to become the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world. The Bologna Process will lead to the required integration of European higher education while preserving the diversity of European cultures and guaranteeing the assurance of quality. The research role of European higher education is also to be preserved and expanded. Higher education, as the author concludes, must be unified at European level while remaining differentiated at world level.  相似文献   

高等教育分层次人才培养的教育方略,符合正确处理教育公平与教育效率关系的辩证原理,在现代既要求最大化地实现教育公平,也同时要求最大化地实现教育效率的追求中,它最充分地体现了二者兼顾的最佳平衡,能较好地保证教育公平与教育效率的双向追求的真正实现。  相似文献   

试论政府在高等教育中的责任:公共物品理论的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共物品理论建立在对物品分类基础上,认为不同类型的物品使生产者和消费者面临不同的激励与约束条件,从而不同物品的有效供给需要解决不同的问题。作为准公共物品的高等教育,政府必须担负起有效供给的责任。本文以西方公共物品理论为视角,考察政府在高等教育中的职责。  相似文献   

This paper addresses three questions: (i) How has the role of central government in higher education evolved? (ii) What have been the main concerns of government? (iii) How should government canny out its role? The first two questions are examined by looking at the historical record in Australia. Australia's experience does not differ greatly from that of Britain.  相似文献   

As transnational higher education is here to stay, developing countries like Indonesia should make provision for it in preparing their national plans for the development of higher education. Given the economic crisis of 1998‐1999 in this country that has led to cutbacks in traditional higher education possibilities, transnational offerings in some cases may help to fill the gap. However, transnational offerings should be regulated by national authorities in order to protect the population from low-quality and/or fraudulent offerings. It should not be restricted abusively for the sake of restricting it. Rather, in developing countries, traditional and transnational higher education offerings should be complementary. Organizations like GATE and INQAAHE should collaborate in the elaboration of a formal recognition process to be adopted by national accreditation bodies involved in transnational higher education.  相似文献   

This article derives its arguments from case studies reflecting the situations of Estonia, Bulgaria, and the United Kingdom, the access and equity agenda in each country being viewed in the light of its own social concerns and financial priorities. Local institutions, in their turn, reinterpret the agendas of their respective countries in the light of their own missions and objectives. The role of the Society for Research into Higher Education is shown to be of importance, along with that of other NGOs, in ensuring that the cross‐fertilization of ideas and approaches takes place as effectively and as efficiently as possible.  相似文献   

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