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研究性学习是指学生在教师的指导下,以问题为中心,以类似科学研究的方式去获取知识和应用知识的学习方式。它旨在通过学生自己收集材料,分析和处理信息来实际感受并体验知识的生产过程,进而了解社会,学会学习,培养分析问题、解决问题的能力与创造力。研究性学习打破了传统课堂教师讲授——学生记诵的教学模式,唤醒学生的主体性意识,使教育关注学生生活,关注社会实际,使学习贴近科学知识的产生规律。研究性学习击中了我国传统教学的弊端,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的重要途径,是当前中小学课堂中具有极其重要价值的教学模式。许多西方国家…  相似文献   

Today virtual world instruction faces many of the same educational challenges faced by Web-based instruction during its infancy. There is a lot of jargon and visions of the future being bandied about, but as Hirumi et al. note in the May/June and July/August 2010 issues of TechTrends there little understanding of how to apply pedagogical practices in video game settings. i-MMOLE is a research-based instructional design framework created specifically for designing instruction that incorporates virtual world environments. To date, i-MMOLE has been utilized by university students in the creation of more than 300 lesson plans across multiple disciplines and age groups. This article describes the underlying foundation of this framework and how to utilize i-MMOLE in the creation of one’s own virtual world based instruction.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):225-297
The goal in this work was to study how a professional assessment of teaching can be developed that will have a positive impact on the professional development of teachers who participate, either as candidates or evaluators. Our hypothesis was that such a positive Impact depends upon two factors: on teachers developing a socially shared language of practice for describing important functions of classroom teaching, and on their using this language in discussing videos of teaching covering a wide range of classroom situations. Our focus was on constructing an interpretive framework (and criteria) that could serve as this language of practice We present psychometric and semantic analyses showing that teachers are consistent in observing these functions of teaching and in using their observations to evaluate teaching in a variety of classroom contexts. We also present qualitative evidence showing how participating in collaborative video analysis or in scoring video portfolios benefits teachers in improving their professional practice.  相似文献   

信息技术在远程教育中应用的系统框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从理论与实践的角度,使用系统科学、复杂性理论与案例研究的方法建立了IT在远程教育中应用的整体框架。首先,把IT在远程教育中的应用过程看作一个系统的演化过程,分析了该系统中技术与远程教育的复杂关系、大学文化的多样性、技术在应对新挑战中的角色、技术迁移的适应性、技术发展的不确定性、技术管理的难度、新技术的选择这几个复杂性特征。其次,从多维度、总体与背景角度建立了包含技术、文化、教学与人等要素的系统框架,并把系统细分为八个层次。最后,描述了系统的内涵、价值与功能等整体特征。  相似文献   

本文在对.NET框架进行概述的基础上,通过进一步在.NET框架下,对三种不同分布式通信技术做相互对比,以此对相关生产商的应用模型开展相应的探讨,从而为有效促进.NET框架下分布式通信技术的发展和应用做简要探讨。  相似文献   

采用Struts2、Spring3、Hibernate4和j Query技术开发了基于Web形式的代码生成框架,该框架以XML/XSLT、Velocity引擎、知识库模型为构建标准,在实现MVC模式代码生成的基础上,生成验证规则框架,具有良好的可移植特性跨平台特性,为软件开发模式提供了良好的参考模式。  相似文献   

A Framework for Research on Large-scale Reform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in the success of large-scale reform is afunction of many factors interacting at many ``levels'.Built on a selective review of the evidence aboutlarge-scale reform, this paper provides a framework forexplaining such variation, as well as assessing progressin that direction. Relevant factors influencing reformsuccess, according to the framework, include broad international social, economic and political trends bearing on education, characteristics of national educationalpolicies and strategies for their implementation, and localconditions conceptualized in terms of a model of workplaceproductivity; this model is defined by local practitioners' motivation, capacity, and the organizationalconditions in which they work. This framework has been usedto guide the external evaluation of the National Literacy andNumeracy Strategies.  相似文献   

Students unfamiliar with their counseling program's professional performance assessment policies may consider such policies pejorative. Moreover, student beliefs about the primacy of ethical service to clients may be confounded when faculty members are reluctant or fail to formally address concerns about deficient professional performance of students. The authors propose a framework intended to promote openness and transparency in professional performance assessment and believe this framework is critical to students' accurate perceptions of the assessment process, their trust in faculty members, and their future investment in safeguarding public welfare and the ethical integrity of the counseling profession through gatekeeping.  相似文献   

加强教育科研 促进教育创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)一贯重视科学研究在增强国家社会经济发展潜力 ,尤其是促进教育创新及改革过程中的作用。在国际教育发展大背景下 ,教育研究的地位相应提高。教育研究注重加强与教育决策和创新实践的联系 ;注重对影响教育质量和学习成绩因素的研究 ;加强对生本课程和学生学习标准及相应的教师专业标准的探索 ;从新的广度及深度探讨信息通讯技术对教育的影响 ;教育研究日益全球化。教育科研要促进教育的全面发展 ,提高改革的成效 ,还应关注和解决诸如教师在教育科研中的作用、恰当地认识和加强研究与决策的关系、教育研究成果的推广应用、教育研究方法的改进等方面的问题。  相似文献   

SOA在为信息共享、应用集成、协同计算提供便利的同时,也引入了诸如权限传播控制等新型安全问题,而传统的基于身份的安全机制在应对这些新问题上显得力不从心。针对基于Web服务实现的SOA环境,分析其安全需求,引入凭证元素,设计一种基于凭证的安全框架CSFS(Credential-based Security Framework forSOA),研究该框架下的凭证分布式管理策略。  相似文献   

分别利用双光棚叠加和双干涉条纹叠加的方法得到莫尔条纹,并对实验结果进行了比较,对干涉条纹叠加方法具有更强的实用性。  相似文献   

Schools across the nation are implementing innovative practices; however, questions remain regarding how to facilitate quality implementation. Research designs that emphasize high degrees of control over independent variables result in findings with internal validity, but that may not generalize to complex, dynamic educational systems. The purpose of this article is to propose a design research framework as a mechanism for consultants to facilitate and evaluate innovation implementation. Information on design research principles and processes is provided, and issues to consider when applying the framework are discussed. An illustration of how a design research framework was applied in a large-scale initiative to implement and evaluate Response to Intervention (RtI) implementation is also provided. Finally, issues and questions to consider relative to consultants' use of design research principles are explored.  相似文献   

本文旨在探析自考科研平台的内涵、意义、重点内容、范围,以促进尽快搭建自考科研平台,积极进取,求实创新,再创自考的辉煌。  相似文献   

基于Web2.0的网络课程功能架构和开发技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Web2.0的理念、方法及其技术应用,结合网络课程的特点和不足,围绕以学生为中心的现代教育理念,提出了基于Web2.0的网络课程设计构想,并对课程功能模块和开发技术进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Struts,Spring和Hibernate是目前主流的三种轻量级J2EE开源框架,在分析了这三种框架各自的特点基础上,探讨了SSH多层Web应用整合的相关技术,并将其应用到教师评价系统中.实践结果表明,使用该整合技术不但减少了代码的冗余度,而且提高了系统的可扩展性和可维护性.  相似文献   

Until relatively recently, the teaching of chemistry at the college and university level in the United States has been quite traditional and oriented primarily toward the preparation of chemists. Students not concentrating in the sciences have often been poorly served by existing courses. Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, a textbook for nonscience majors developed under the sponsorship of the American Chemical Society, is an effort to address the needs and interests of this audience. The book introduces the phenomena and principles of chemistry within the context of socially significant issues such as global warming, ozone depletion, alternate energy sources, nutrition, and genetic engineering. The chemistry is presented as needed to inform an understanding of the central topics, and the text features student-centered activities designed to promote critical thinking and risk-benefit analysis as well as an understanding of chemical principles. This paper summarizes the origin, development, content, pedagogy, evaluation, and influence of Chemistry in Context and considers its potential implications for other disciplines and the instruction of science majors.  相似文献   

应用现代教育技术 创新教学环境   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
现代教育技术的应用,不仅可以推动教学模式、教学方法、教学内容和教学手段的改革,而且有利于培养创新型人才,提高工作效率和教育教学质量。本文结合华中农业大学近年来开展现代教育技术硬件和软件建设的实践,总结介绍了应用现代教育技术的实施效果,提出了今后进一步做好现代教育技术工作的思路。  相似文献   

论教育技术视野下视觉文化的研究框架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
视觉文化的出现,带来了西方文化在经历了一次"语言论转向"之后的又一次重大转向,即"视觉转向".近代意义上的视觉文化研究经历数十年的发展,可以用"图像、技术、文化"这三个关键词来理解视觉文化的演变.视觉文化研究已然是一个综合性、跨学科领域的研究课题,其研究的重要性和必要性已经成为共识.教育技术专业的研究人员,承担着对"图像、技术、文化"深刻解读的重任,有必要了解如何站在教育技术专业领域内,审视教育技术话语中视觉文化研究的历程,搭建教育技术领域内的视觉文化研究框架,以确定现阶段视觉文化的研究方向和研究内容."本体论、认识论和实践论"的研究框架,正是基于当今视觉文化研究在本土的研究进展和研究阶段而搭建的,而且这些研究内容也是当前急需解决的有关视觉文化研究的核心问题,任何有关视觉文化的深入和拓展研究都将以此为基础.  相似文献   

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