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The purpose of this article is to identify essential areas of expertise for the special educator who functions in the role of collaborating teacher. Four training components-personal communication style, communication skills, stages in the collaborative process, and service delivery models-are examined. Sample objectives and collaborative responsibilities are delineated, and the need for further research in this area is discussed.  相似文献   

Collaborative consultation is an interactive process that enables people with diverse expertise to generate creative solutions to mutually defined problems. The outcome is enhanced, altered, and produces solutions that are different from those that the individual team members would produce independently. The major outcome of collaborative consultation is to provide comprehensive and effective programs for students with special needs within the most appropriate context, thereby enabling them to achieve maximum constructive interaction with their nonhandicapped peers.  相似文献   

In this article, we trace the evolution of collaborative consultation paradigms, compare and contrast traditional versus emerging paradigms, and call for a series of action research projects which will result in new paradigms. The result hopefully will be improved educational and consultation services for all children.  相似文献   

Through collaborative consultation, school personnel belonging to varied professional cultures work together to solve classroom problems. Each professional culture adheres to particular paradigms that may become barriers if consultants and consultees are not able to view problems from mutual perspectives. Paradigms are reflected in professional discourses and can be identified by examining the content of what professionals write. The. purposes of this study were to examine the content and bibliographic citations of a random sample of articles found in Exceptional Children, Elementary School Journal, and Journal of School Psychology. The journals were chosen with the assumption that each represented the paradigms of the professional cultures of special education, general education, and school psychology, respectively. Overall, results indicate little overlap in terms of the topics addressed and sources referenced across the three journals sampled. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for the process of collaborative consultation.  相似文献   

Critically needed in the area of school consultation are field-based, evaluation reports of outcomes of actual implementation of school consultation. This article is such a report, describing how the Resource/Consulting Teacher model was implemented with resource specialists in a pilot program in Sacramento, California. We describe: (a) the procedures necessary to bring about such an implementation, (b) the district itself, and (c) the training efforts made to prepare the resource specialists for the new role. Emphasis is placed on how 13 resource specialists formed a collaborative working group among themselves, as well as their efforts to engage in collaborative consultation with classroom teachers and building administrators to assist certain special education students and certain students at risk for school failure. Preliminary evaluation data are included that describe the progress of individual students and groups of elementary students (N = 79) who received specialized remedial reading instruction, and individual students who received intervention to increase appropriate social behaviors. The specialized reading and behavior instruction was provided to special education students in resource rooms and general classrooms; the at-risk student instruction was in general education programs. As a result, 29 special education students were mainstreamed back into their general education reading classes, 7 students were nearly ready to be returned, and 9 students were totally dismissed from the special education program and reinstated as general education students.  相似文献   

为解决传统协同过滤推荐算法数据稀疏、可扩展性差等问题,采用改进预测评分矩阵的协同过滤算法。首先使用基于线性回归分析的加权Slope One算法,在传统Slope One算法中加入可信度,提高共同评分基数;然后采用网上标准数据集movielens作为测试数据,结合协同过滤算法进行top-N推荐。实验结果表明,使用改进预测评分矩阵的协同过滤算法的MEA较小,在近邻数大于25时达到0.74,表明该算法改善了传统协同过滤算法数据稀疏、扩展性差问题,降低了推荐误差,提高了推荐系统准确度。  相似文献   

心理健康目标的实现只有学校配备心理专家才能完成 ,依靠学校全体教师进行心育只能流于形式 ;教育辅导是社会发展对学校教育的必然要求 ,它能有效地实现心理健康的部分目标 ;教育辅导的内容与学校教育内容有较强的通融性、理解性 ,师范教育具有开设教育辅导课程必要性与可能性。  相似文献   

Research supports that school districts' prereferral consultation teams adhere less closely to quality consultation procedures and are less effective than those conducted through university research projects (e.g., Bahr, Whitten, Dieker, Kocarek, & Manson, 1999). This study investigated whether this finding might be due to incompatibilities between school settings and recommended team consultation practices. First, self-assessment surveys and case evaluation activities verified that teams in this school district-led project were not fully implementing research-recommended team consultation procedures. Then, focus group discussions verified through follow-up ratings were used to describe why the research-recommended procedures were not followed. Results suggest that school teams consider the recommended team consultation procedures to be unfamiliar, discrepant from existing staff roles, unnecessarily complex, and often inefficient. In too many cases, administrative support for team activities is inconsistent and the teams lack sufficient intervention resources to have an impact on student success. Team recommendations for improving the consultation procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent demographic changes in our society have wrought new challenges for schools as growing numbers of students from diverse racial and linguistic backgrounds move toward becoming the majority in public schools. Because schools are slow to change and may lack the internal expertise in multicultural education, consultants are needed who can provide assistance to teachers and administrators attempting to respond to these new challenges. The purpose of this article is to provide a framework that consultants can use for communicating and negotiating change in schools. In this consultation model, consultants work with educators, community members and students to: (a) define terminology and agree upon the parameters of the consultation process; (b) recognize the 'impact of ideology; (c) transform the language of schools; (d) focus on group empowerment; (e) negotiate power conflicts; (f) involve the community; (g) transform staffing, decision making, and resource allocation; and Oa) recreate an inclusive classroom environment.  相似文献   

Although over 15 years have passed since Witt (1990) Witt, J. C. 1990. Collaboration in school based consultation: Myth in need of data. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 1(3): 367370. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] noted that no empirical evidence exists to support the contention that a collaborative approach to consultation leads to more positive outcomes than a hierarchical or expert driven approach, this issue generally remains unaddressed (Schulte & Osborne, 2003 Schulte, A. S. and Osborne, S. S. 2003. When assumptive worlds collide: A review of definitions of collaboration in consultation. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 14(2): 109138. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). While the literature documenting the benefits of consultation has continued to grow, a true head-to-head comparison has not been conducted. The purpose of the present study was to directly address Witt's call by empirically examining the impact of two consultation styles on a critical variable, practitioner treatment integrity. It was hypothesized that the involvement of practitioners in all aspects of intervention design would increase their level of treatment integrity. Two single-subject experiments using multiple baseline across subjects designs were used to examine the difference in level of treatment integrity for an imported, expert-driven intervention and a partnership-designed intervention. The first experiment was divided into three phases: (a) Phase I, Expert-driven Model; (b) Phase II, Treatment Integrity Intervention; and (c) Phase III, Partnership Model. The second experiment presented the three phases in reverse order to address the possibility of presentation effects: (a) Phase I, Partnership Model; (b) Phase II, Expert-driven Model; and (c) Phase III, Treatment Integrity Intervention. In general, the five participants who completed the three phases of the experiments demonstrated higher levels of treatment integrity during the partnership phase. Overall, the results suggest that engaging with consultees in a collaborative approach may increase the level of integrity with which the intervention is applied.  相似文献   

Many public and private agencies lack a systematic process for evaluating the quality of counselor supervision. The Effective Supervision and Consultation (ESC) model is proposed as a guide for counselor educators who are helping agencies build effective supervision programs. The ESC model is presented with an emphasis on the assessment, training, and evaluation components of consultation services in counselor supervision.  相似文献   

1927年4月27日至5月10日召开的中共五大,旨在挽救中国革命。但由于共产国际对中国革命的错误指导,使得五大的决议根本不具备执行的可能性,加上鲍罗廷消极对待土地革命,而年幼的中国共产党面对艰难复杂的斗争环境,处理复杂问题的能力尚有欠缺,使中共五大的决议根本无法执行,最终导致了大革命的失败。  相似文献   


Using samples of novice and advanced consultants in training (CITs), this study explored the development of consultation self-efficacy (CSE) for both process-oriented and problem-oriented aspects of consultation. Regardless of experience level, self-efficacy in both domains increased with training. However, significantly greater gains were made by novice CITs as compared to their advanced counterparts. In addition, feedback collected from consultees was generally favorable, and consultants received high ratings on items that reflected both process- and problem-focused skills. Implications for consultation training are discussed.  相似文献   

The shift in educational placement of children with disabilities into an integrated approach continues to gain momentum. One strategy for implementing this integrated partnership is the use of general education prereferral intervention techniques. This study specifically examined the longitudinal impact of collaborative consultation as a prereferral intervention on referral accuracy to special education. Several data collection forms were used to provide an accurate count of the number of children in the school populations who were referred for special education assessment and who were found to verify for special education services. Referral accuracy was determined by taking a ratio of the number of students assessed to the number of students verified. Results indicated a significant increase in referral accuracy when the collaborative consultation model was implemented as a prereferral strategy. Implications and suggestions for further research are offered.  相似文献   

Through collaborative consultation with school staff, school psychologists have increasingly helped schools add bullying prevention and intervention programming to their service delivery systems. As schools search for ways to lessen the impact of bullying on the social-emotional health and academic achievement of students, forgiveness education is an area that may offer another perspective to bullying prevention and intervention. In order to infuse forgiveness education into schools' current tiered-service delivery systems, school psychologists and their district partners can use the frameworks of collaborative strategic planning (CSP) and the concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) in tandem to guide the development and implementation of forgiveness-focused bullying interventions at the core, supplementary, and intensive levels of a multitiered system of service delivery.  相似文献   

Reviews of treatment outcome literature indicate treatment integrity is not regularly assessed. In consultation, two levels of treatment integrity (i.e., consultant procedural integrity [CPI] and intervention treatment integrity [ITI]) provide relevant implementation data. Specifically, assessment of CPI and ITI are necessary to conclude (a) consultation is functionally related to consultee implementation behavior and (b) intervention implementation is functionally related to student outcomes. In this article, study characteristics and the presence of treatment integrity at both levels are examined in 21 studies utilizing Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, a model of consultation that includes multiple consultees. Results indicate that in approximately half of studies, CPI, ITI, or both are assessed and, when reported, treatment integrity is moderately high across both levels. However, there are distinct differences in the assessment and reporting of these levels of treatment integrity. Limitations and implications for consultation research and treatment integrity reporting are discussed.  相似文献   

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