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Disturbed children have been taught successfully to modify their teachers' behaviour, writes Dr. Harry Rosenberg, director of special education, Visalia, California, in a follow up to his article in the December issue  相似文献   

基于"关联—顺应"模式和"语码转换顺应性模式",通过问卷、访谈和录音转写的方式,文章提出教师课堂语码转换的"关联—顺应模式",对课堂语码转换现象进行了阐释。通过分析发现英语教师课堂英汉语码转换的使用是教师寻求关联语境,并对所关联语境进行动态顺应的过程;是为实现特定的教学和交际目的,在不同意识水平的基础上做出商讨型的语言选择。在外语课堂这一特殊语境中,语码转换常被视为一种有效的教学语用策略和与学生沟通的有效交际策略。  相似文献   

Democratic administrative leadership has long been hypothesized to result in high worker morale. Within the context of the elementary school, the principal is the chief administrator and the teachers occupy the major adult work roles. Data from 568 teachers in 52 elementary schools, classified as to administrative atmosphere, indicates that the principal’s compliance with specific work-related norms held by the teacher is more important to teacher satisfaction than is the degree of democratic behavior which he exhibits. Some explanations for this phenomenon are suggested.  相似文献   

创建合作教师文化:师徒教师教育模式的运作与实施   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
赵昌木 《教师教育研究》2004,16(4):46-49,20
教师文化是在学校教师群体内形成的独特的价值观、共同的思想和信念、职业精神和行为准则、规范等。师徒教师教育模式基于缄默的教学知识理念,是人际互动理论的合作教师文化的体现。师徒模式在合作的教师文化中运作,其有效实施会促进合作教师文化的生成和建构。通过师徒模式创建合作教师文化不仅对教师的发展和持续成长产生重要影响,而且为课程与教学改革的有效实施和顺利推进提供重要保证。然而,学校在实施师徒模式的过程中存在着人为的合作、肤浅的合作、顺从的合作等不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   

已有对外汉语教师培训模式中惯用的重知识轻技能的培养方式,不利于教师的迅速成长,难以满足汉语走出去的需求。课堂教学视频案例,作为整合文本案例研究与现场观摩的教师教育新工具,为教师提供了提升教学技能的机会。文章首先研究它的内涵、优势及制作过程,之后探究了如何构建基于课堂教学视频案例的对外汉语教师培训模式。  相似文献   

In recent years digital technologies, such as tablet personal computers (TPCs), have become an integral part of a school's infrastructure and are seen as a promising way to facilitate students' learning processes. This study empirically tested a theoretical model derived from the technology acceptance model containing key constructs developed in previous research on the acceptance of technological innovations. On the basis of the research model, it was hypothesized that students' acceptance of tablet PCs could be explained by key constructs and could be distinguished in organizational, individual, and technological factors. The survey research was conducted in three German middle schools, involving a total of 120 students. Overall, participants' attitude toward the TPC positively predicted their behavioral intention to use the TPC and as such had the strongest direct influence. The findings emphasize the importance of understanding factors affecting students' attitudes in order to manage and influence the integration of TPCs in schools.  相似文献   

研究教师话语对于改善教师课堂话语质量、提高课堂教育教学质量具有重要作用。文章以英语教师真实课堂为研究对象,对比分析了英语教师课堂话语及其产生的效果,提出了IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F英语课堂话语模式这一会话策略。  相似文献   

如何让课堂有效率,让课堂成为教师和学生共同经营的知识、能力、情感、价值观的交流平台,是一线教师的梦想。课堂是教师和学生共同的家园,古人所谓教学相长正是对这一理想美好的注脚。  相似文献   

教师应怎样面对动态生成的课堂   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
面对动态生成的课堂,教师只有明确自己的角色定位,及时捕捉、分析、判断、重组和处理好来自课堂的生成性要素,才能有效促进课堂生成,真正享受课堂生成的精彩。面对动态生成的课堂,教师只有明确自己的角色定位,及时捕捉、分析、判断、重组和处理好来自课堂的生成性要素,才能有效促进课堂生成,真正享受课堂生成的精彩。  相似文献   

国内外对外语教师专业化及其语用能力的培养关注甚少,语用能力的培养主要依赖语言的交际实践,对于教师来说,一种可行的语用能力培养路径是教师自己的课堂教学实践。教师幽默话语是一种以引发学生欢笑为目的的极为复杂的课堂话语实践行为,在实际操作中涉及语言、社会文化和情景语境三个层面,对教师的语用能力要求极高。因此它不仅是对教师语用能力的一种挑战,更是提升专业发展的一个好模式。  相似文献   

A path model of teacher expectancy effects was evaluated in a sample of 376 first- through fifth-grade urban elementary school children. The roles of two moderators (classroom perceived differential treatment environment and developmental differences) and one mediator (children's self-expectations) of teacher expectancy effects on children's year-end achievement were examined. Significant differences in effects and effect sizes are presented. Both classroom environment (high versus low in differential treatment, as seen through children's eyes) and developmental differences moderated the strength of teacher expectancy effects. Generally, stronger effects were found in classrooms in which expectancy-related cues were more salient to children, but developmental differences moderated which effect was most pronounced. A significant age-related decline in direct effects on ending achievement was interpreted as evidence that teacher expectations may tend to magnify achievement differences in the early grades, but serve to sustain them in later grades. Support for indirect effects (teacher expectations --> children's self-expectations --> ending achievement) was limited to upper elementary grade classrooms perceived as high in differential treatment. In contrast to prior research that emphasized small effect sizes, the present analyses document several instances of moderate effects, primarily in classrooms in which expectancy-related messages were most salient to children. These results underscore the importance of explicit attention to the inclusion of moderators, mediators, and multiple outcomes in efforts to understand teacher expectancy effects.  相似文献   

论英语教师课堂话语的真实性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语教师在课堂上使用的话语既具有组织教学的功能,也是学生重要的语言输入。无论是作为组织教学活动的语言,还是作为语言输入,英语教师的课堂话语都应该尽可能具有真实性。英语教师课堂话语的真实性可以从情景真实性、语言真实性和内容真实性三个角度去考察。  相似文献   

本研究以某高校三个学院的78名在职教师为被试,探讨了影响教师接受网络教育技术的几个因素及其之间的关系。研究结果显示:感知的有用性是教师网络教育技术使用意向的直接决定因素,感知的易用性、主观规范以感知的有用性为中介间接影响使用意向,同时,主观规范还显著地影响感知的易用性。研究最后得出影响教师网络教育技术使用意向的结构方程理论模型,并讨论了研究结论的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

目前,教师Blog因其强大的生命力已经成为未来信息化教育的热点之一,广大教师纷纷利用Blog来实现自身的发展。其中,元认知能力的提高是教师自身发展的一个重要因素。教师Blog可以充实教师的认知因素、任务因素、策略等方面的因素,可以增强教师的元认知情感体验,从而不断的提高教师对教学活动的元认知监控能力。  相似文献   

专业化视野下的教师教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业化已成为教师教育改革的趋势,专业化是一个不断深化的过程。进行教师教育改革,促进教师专业发展,应从树立现代教师专业的理念、扩大教师专业自主权、构建一体化的教师教育体制、合理设置教师教育课程优化教师专业知能等几方面入手。  相似文献   

目前,校本培训作为中小学教师专业发展的一个重要的有机组成部分,受到越来越多的关注.通过问卷调查和对中小学教师校本培训激励因素的分析,我们发现,校本培训激励机制方面存在激励政策不够健全、学校的激励环境匮乏、教师的自我激励意识淡薄等三大问题.重塑中小学教师校本培训激励机制的关键,在于制定促进校本培训的激励政策、提供良好的激励环境以及加强自我激励.  相似文献   

教师实践智慧:课堂教学的活力之源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂教学需要教师的实践智慧,然而现今很多教师的课堂教学是缺少实践智慧的,教师实践智慧的缺失可归结为教育制度的规约和教师的自我束缚两方面的原因。对教师实践智慧的呼唤不光是课堂教学本身的需要,也是作为教学主体的教师和学生的迫切需要,它是让课堂教学焕发出生命活力的源头活水。  相似文献   

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