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When chronic problem behaviors occur in schools, the tendency is to react with stringent and restrictive consequences. Recently, emphasis has shifted toward proactive prevention strategies. In this article, we focus on what we know and need to know about school-wide applications of effective practices and systems for preventing problem behaviors. We describe why this emphasis is important, what defines one prevention approach called school-wide positive behavior support, what current research results indicate about this approach, and what future research is needed to prevent development and occurrences of problem behavior in schools.  相似文献   

教师专业发展:学校的能为和应为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校是教师的职场,也是教师专业发展的发生之地。虽然学校规定了教师专业发展的方向,也为教师专业发展提供了情境、资源和动力,但学校要有效促进教师专业发展,需要在实践中充分激发教师的专业发展自主性,提供多种持续的专业发展机会,同时要推进学校共同体的知识管理。  相似文献   

防止课堂问题行为升级的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生的课堂问题行为普遍存在,对教师呈现出很大的挑战性.课堂上,教师掌握防止问题行为升级的实用策略,可以提高课堂管理的效率和质量.  相似文献   

This article reports on the English data from an international research project. Students' reports of being bullied are detailed but the main emphasis is on the role of the bystander, that is, what students did when they witnessed bullying in school and the reasons they gave for their actions. The study found that there were differences between students, in particular between primary and secondary phase students, and schools, in these areas. The responses are explored and the characteristics of those who intervened or did not. The implications for research and practice are debated.  相似文献   

The complex mix of systematic and unsystematic discipline that characterizes most schools creates heightened potential for variation and violation in school and classroom behavior. The challenge of maintaining order intensifies with teachers' concerns about the growing inclusion of students with emotional and behavioral problems in general education classrooms and the general levels of diversity common in America's schools. Little is known about the demography (i.e., who, what, where, when, how) of behavior requiring attention from administrators and other professionals in elementary schools. The need for comprehensive and continuous monitoring of what goes on in schools within the context of increasing appropriate behavior and reducing inappropriate behavior is clear. In this research, we investigated the extent of variation in problem behavior at the school and classroom level. We evaluated office referrals, reasons for removing students from the classroom for discipline, and consistency of reasons for office referrals in schools using different recording systems. Rates of referral differed greatly among teachers within schools and a small group of students accounted for most of the documented behavior problems. The results have implications for efforts to improve academic and behavior instruction in elementary classrooms, which we discuss.  相似文献   

大多数人都渴望拥有健康又迷人的身材,并为此不懈努力着。你也是其中一员吗?你平时都通过哪些方法保持身材?来看看外国朋友是怎么做的吧!  相似文献   

阐述了教师合作研究的定义,详细论述了教师合作研究的原因,强调教师合作研究的重要性,也对目前教师合作研究的现状剖析,并探讨了教师应该如何进行合作研究的问题,对提高教师合作研究的有效性提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

21世纪的社会呼唤富有个性和创造性的人才,教育应该重视以全面发展学生个性为目的的个性化教学。教师在个性化教学要求下,存在"应为却难为"的状况。基于此,从教学理念的形成、教学目标的定位、教学过程的实施和教师的自我发展四个方面分析教师在个性化教学要求下的"难为"与"应为"。  相似文献   

Faculty-student interaction is critical for quality undergraduate education. Faculty mentorship provides concrete benefits for students, faculty members, and institutions. However, little is known about the effect of institutional context on mentorship. Using data from interviews of 98 faculty at five different California State University institutions, we examined faculty motivations and institutional supports and barriers to mentoring as it occurs outside of formalized programs. We argue that this type of mentoring is distinct from advising and teaching and constitutes extra-role behavior. Further, institutional norms and the culture of the academic profession often hinder mentorship. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article the author conducts a brief review of the research on childhood loneliness in school-age children and the long-term outcomes, especially in relation to the utility of intervening. She advocates an approach based on increasing social competence, developing mutual friendships and overcoming self-defeating thought patterns. Whole-school or whole-class based interventions are described and recommended. She concludes that all components of loneliness should be addressed, not merely the lack of social skills. She argues that since the long-term outcomes of loneliness are as yet unknown, there is no practical and ethical justification for focusing interventions on an individual. Interventions that involve the whole-school or whole-class are theoretically capable of alleviating loneliness in childhood providing they are not narrowly focused.  相似文献   

问问你身边的人最近都在听谁的英文歌吧!因为你很有可能听到艾德·希兰的名字哦.有着芭比娃娃的红发,海绵宝宝的身材,还会唱很有爱的小情歌,被誉为“英国创作才子”的英国独立民谣唱作人艾德·希兰可以说是目前音乐圈最红的歌手了.他带着全新专辑《÷》回归乐坛,立刻横扫了近期世界各地的榜单,连他自己也说“2017年将成为他歌唱事业的高峰期”.这个被称为“宇宙蓝颜好闺蜜”的90后大男生,正循着自己的本心为我们创作更多打动心灵的好歌.看到那些不走寻常路的专辑名(《+》《×》《÷》),你是不是已有立刻去听一发的冲动了呢!  相似文献   

将数学问题分为同型问题和类似问题,从例题中获得的知识分为“解法”和“压缩解法”。论述了获得“压缩解法”对促进向类似目标迁移的有效性。  相似文献   

面对永远有改进空间的实践和总是在变革的时代,学校改进就是寻找学校的发展之路。当前,我国的基础教育处在快速发展和变革之中,每所学校都面临着学校改进的挑战和压力,每所学校都有通过改进实践寻求学校发展空间的需求。作为学校的领导者,校长如何引导学校改进实践,既是校长领导力的重要体现,也直接关乎学校改进的实施和成效。学校改进实践是一个从发生、发展到完成的过程,有必要从把握学校改进实践的起点、育人目标、生长点和支撑点等几个方面,系统论述校长如何引领学校变革。在这个过程中,校长要关注几个重要的节点,把握了这几个重要节点,就把握了学校改进实践的过程,也就掌控了学校改进实践的全局。  相似文献   

随着我国世界技能大赛参赛工作的深入推进,各省市、地区、行业的世界技能大赛集训基地建设工作也广泛开展起来。世界技能大赛集训基地除了承担训练比赛选手的任务外,还在高技能人才培养、教育教学改革等方面发挥着重要作用。但我国职业教育实训基地在整体建设上还存在着机制不健全和制度不完善等问题。根据世界技能大赛集训基地建设的成功经验,我国职业教育实训基地应在政府主管部门的大力支持下,建立校长领导、多部门协同负责的管理机制,提升科学管理水平,拓展多元功能,打造高水平的实训师资队伍,采用合理的实训基地评估方法,促进我国职业教育实训基地充分发挥培养高技能人才的重要作用。  相似文献   

随着社会经济文化的发展,少年儿童的心理健康问题日益引起人们的重视和关注。通常,对儿童心理健康的研究大都从行为问题入手,而且,无论医学界还是心理学界的研究人员,都非常偏爱借助相关行为量表进行定量研究。这当然是十分必要的。但是,这些过于简约、规范的定量研究成果却难以为中小学教师提供更多有助于改善教育工作的有效信息。基于此,我们在利用Rutter儿童行为问卷(教师问卷)进行初步筛查的基础上,通过教师和家长访谈及课堂观察等方法与途径,以个案形式,搜集小学生常见行为问题的具体表现素材,经过归纳和概括,对比较普遍…  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,世界各国,特别是发达国家都非常重视教育改革,而每一次教育改革又都把课程改革作为主要内容,可以说课程改革是教育改革的核心。纵观我国自建国以来的几次大的教育改革,也可以发现这个规律。课程改革是一项复杂的系统工程,一方面,它自身内容必须配套进行,包括课程设置,教学计划,教学大纲及教材的编订等多方面因素;另一方面,作为教育改革系统中的一个子系统,它还必须同教育的整体改革配套进行,包括改进教学管理方法,加强师资培训等因素。课程改革的这两个方面都对教师提出了新的要求,教师应该在改革中担任重…  相似文献   

在当今世界中,统计已经逐渐发挥出越来越重要的作用.而统计课程也已成为各国中小学数学课程中的重要内容.然而,不少教师对于统计的认识并不十分准确,从而导致在教学中的偏差.通过对《真理相遇统计》的评介,对何为统计以及统计何为进行了讨论,可以帮助教师更深刻地认识理解统计并在教学时加以实施.  相似文献   

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