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This paper reports an investigation into the method described by Hertzig et al. (1968), for measuring the response style of pre‐school children performing cognitive tasks (the Stanford‐Binet Intelligence Test Form L). The inter‐observer reliability of the major variables proposed as parameters of ‘cognitive style’ is examined, as well as their stability over time, and their association with level of test performance.

It was not found possible to record behaviour in adequate detail using the original method of a handwritten protocol so a modified procedure was adopted in which observers classified responses directly by their type and recorded them in code. Using this method, reliability was found to be high. Moreover, over a period of four to six weeks there was substantial consistency in the style of behaviour shown by these children when dealing with test demands.

Since there were ethnic differences in the small sample of children studied (N=32), it was also of interest to discover whether children of immigrant and English‐born parents would show differences in behaviour comparable to the differences between Puerto Rican and middle‐class American children reported by Hertzig et al. Some behavioural differences were found, but these appeared to be wholly a function of differing test performance.


乌兰夫重视发展民族教育事业的思想和实践,分三个时期,即民族教育的初步普及和发展时期,空前发展和提高时期,恢复和快速发展时期。乌兰夫促进民族科技事业发展的思想年口实践,可归结为三方面:按照民族地区的实际情况,科学技术与群众相结合,广泛吸取、推广群众的先进生产经验,促进生产的发展;科学技术与生产实践相结合。为社会主义建设服务;适应现代化建设需要,大力培养科学技术人才。  相似文献   

教育过程中的知识具有公共性,并非是纯粹意义上的个人主观建构。现代主流的建构主义教育观与课程观,在本质上强调知识的社会建构。过于淡化教育过程中知识的公共性,将使教育实践陷入混乱无序的境地。  相似文献   

教育的目的已从传授知识到培养能力,进而发展到今天的提高素质,本文引入教育心理学中的IN结合论原理,指出非智力因素在地理教育中的作用,提出IN结合推动地理素质教育的基本思路。  相似文献   

论科学的本质与科学教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
科学的本质是科学教育领域中的一个重要问题。本文从定义和内涵两个角度对科学的本质进行了分析和阐述。科学既是一种过程,同时也是一种结果。科学活动的过程和科学活动的结果是紧密结合在一起的。作为探究与思维的科学、作为态度与精神的科学、作为知识与能力的科学是科学内涵的三个重要体现。在对科学本质进行分析的基础上,本文进一步对科学教育的目标与内容、过程与方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《教育理论与实践》是我国教育学期刊中较有影响的核心刊物之一,通过对著者的调查、分析,发现《教育理论与实践》不仅形成了自己办刊的独特风格和相对稳定的研究体系,而且著者群分布广泛,素质较高。  相似文献   

近代中国科技教育体制的建立是一个艰难的探索过程,无论是科技教育机构的设置,还是科技教育课程、教学模式以及教育方法的确立,都与一批致力于科技教育的思想家和教育家的积极倡导和实践有关,是他们共同努力并为制度化的科学教育奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development of education relating to aging in a specific professional education program: social work at the University of Queensland. A brief outline of features of the aged population and services for the aged in Queensland, an Australian state, is given as a background for describing one approach to gerontology education with the University of Queensland social work faculty. The challenges and tasks of curriculum development in relation to gerontology in a generic undergraduate course are described. Specific training in gerontology at a theoretical and practical level is provided through field practicums in an institution for the aged and proposals to extend this to a community‐based practice research program for the aged are outlined. To give a combined approach to social work, current research programs relating to this program — social policy and aging — are described.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, David Bridges explores the notion of practice with particular application to the practice of higher education. He considers whether some of the changes in practices linked to the massification of higher education have in fact resulted in the breakdown of higher education as a practice , at least on Alasdair MacIntyre's definition of the term. Specifically, Bridges examines whether higher education has lost its sense of the forms of human excellence around which its life is constructed. Finally, he points to issues of equity raised by the huge variety of forms that higher education now takes and asks whether this variety might mean that students are winning entry to some very different qualities of experience when judged against the requirement that they should contribute to the development of human excellence.  相似文献   

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