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《中国教育现代化2035》赋予了新时代中国教育现代化新内涵,构建服务全民终身学习的现代教育体系成为新时代中国教育现代化的主要目标方向,与此同时,2035教育规划提出与之相适应的教育治理新目标,而构筑终身学习现代教育体系及与之相适应的教育治理新格局的形成,成为《中国教育现代化2035》的核心和主线;如果说2035的教育体系与现存教育体系将不仅区别在外塑,更区别在内核的话,前一个目标则指向于2035教育的内核,后一个目标指向于2035教育的外塑。在整全的视域下,两个目标是密不可分的整体,前一个目标是包涵新教育治理格局的终身化教育体系,后一个目标是基于终身化现代教育体系的教育治理现代化新格局。研究2035教育现代化,需要将两个目标统一一体于新思考框架中。其中,我国2035年将建成的服务全民终身学习的现代教育体系,就是扎根于本土现代化进程中的终身教育体系。  相似文献   

The demands of modern industry contexts (so‐called Industry 4.0) are going to reshape the working world of future engineers. It seems obvious that these technological developments will affect higher education institutions with increasing intensity. For years, there has been a vivid discussion on the IT competences, which need to be developed by students in order to face emerging technology changes. To tackle the question regarding industry expectations towards future engineers, in this article a remote laboratory at a German university is analysed to identify potentials for future‐oriented teaching and learning in the light of the required competences for “Working 4.0”. Current scientific studies and industry agendas about Working 4.0 competences are identified, connected learning objectives are derived and the focused remote laboratory is linked to these objectives. As a result, it can be shown that this educational setting has the potential to reflect the complexity of Working 4.0. However, the results also show that the examined laboratory addresses only some of the competences in the context of Industry 4.0. Furthermore, it is argued in how far industry demands serve as the only basis for educational development efforts. The scientific studies and the industry agenda offer a limited and more political perspective on educational development. Nevertheless, based on the research in this article, it can be argued that remote labs (and online labs in general) have the potential to lift traditional laboratory‐based engineering education to a modern engineering education 4.0.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of education of students with special needs in vocational education. The paper is based on a case study research conducted in 2001–2005 in Jyväskylä Municipal Federation of Vocational Education in Central Finland. The study consisted of two parts: firstly of the historical analysis of special educational stages, and secondly of the contemporary analysis of special educational challenges in the research target. The Developmental Work Research model was used in attempting to get a systemic view of different factors affecting a special educational entity. The study showed the importance of a holistic view. The special educational system in the research target seems to be strongly linked to the general structure of vocational education, its goals, learning principles, legislation and personnel structure. The development of vocational special education in Jyväskylä followed the strongly regulated national guidelines set for vocational special education until the end of the 1990s. At that time new legislation, structural reforms and the change from norm‐based towards an autonomous information‐based self‐government opened doors for new special educational implementation. From the perspective of teachers specialized in special educational needs (SEN‐teachers) a clear change can be seen from an autonomous, defined work towards a loss of an expertise position. However, the strong linkage between general and special education in vocational education offers possibilities for inclusive education. In order to face the new challenges, the work of SEN‐teachers has to be redefined to clearly broaden the perspective from teaching towards new expertise in each educational establishment.  相似文献   

Education is in need of reform, and the development of the sciences of mind and brain are candidates to contribute to the renovation of the way people are instructed and of the tools that mediate learning. Knowledge‐ and evidence‐based approaches to education put forward the fact that educational systems are inadequate to provide an answer to the challenges of the 21st century and claim that education should be guided by scientific principles rather than by intuition and professional wisdom only (or, worst, by tradition). This is because sciences that are capable of shedding light into learning process have dramatically advanced during the last half‐century and, still more meaningfully, during the last 20 years. The time has come for a new science of learning to rise, which is structured around cognitive and neuroscience, investigates topics that stem from educational problems, and rests on rigorous forms of in‐laboratory and in‐vivo evaluation.  相似文献   

This article examines shifts in educational and social governance taking place in Queensland, Australia, through Education Queensland's Industry School Engagement Strategy and Gateway Schools program. This significant educational initiative is set within the context of Queensland's social investment agenda first articulated in its education policy framework, Queensland State Education‐2010. The article traces the historic extension of this overarching governmental strategy through establishment of the Gateway Schools concept, brokering state‐wide industry‐school partnerships with key global players in the Queensland economy. Industry sectors that have formed partnerships in Gateway projects include Minerals and Energy, Aerospace, Wine Tourism, Agribusiness, Manufacturing and Engineering, Building and Construction and ICT, with more industries and schools forecast to join the program. It is argued that this ‘post‐bureaucratic’ model of schooling represents a new social settlement of neoliberal governance, which seeks to align educational outcomes with economic objectives, thereby framing the conditions for community self‐governance in Queensland.  相似文献   

As debate continues around the nature and values of education, it is important to ask the question of what factors motivate a student to engage with the ends of an educational institution. In this paper, a broad, holistic view of learner motivation, derived from Aristotelian ethics, is used to provide a model to drive institutional change.

Focussing on the approach of one Higher Education institution to the particular accommodations required for students with disabilities, the paper identifies three factors which motivate students, a failure to engage with the aims and ends of the educational project, a failure to see that a particular learning aim is worth attaining, and a simple lack of will‐power to attain it. To each of these failures a social cause is identified, and a change in both the institutional culture and the individual learner's approach to their education is suggested.  相似文献   

Although the field of educational neuroscience has grown in recent years, little research has been conducted on conceptual change and science learning through an educational neuroscience framework. Educational neuroscience is frequently used to study processes of language and mathematics cognition, but is not extensively applied to conceptual change and science learning. This review integrates insights from extant conceptual change educational neuroscience studies to inform the fields of educational psychology and science education. These new insights shed light on the persistence of misconceptions and the roles of error detection, inhibition, executive function, and memory in conceptual change. Future directions for the study of conceptual change and educational neuroscience are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent academic debates on the geography curriculum for schools have highlighted the need for more focus on how knowledge is socially produced. While this may help to bridge the gap between the school curriculum and epistemological developments in academia, it is unclear how such theoretical frameworks can improve pupils' learning about the world. In this paper theoretical approaches to knowledge are challenged by considering, from an alternative viewpoint, how pupils themselves act as knowledge producers. Drawing on the holistic educational philosophy informing the Steiner-Waldorf approach to curriculum knowledge and pedagogy, it is argued that subject knowledge needs to suit the way pupils' thinking naturally evolves, giving particular attention to the role that imagination and sense of wonder play in both the cognitive process and pupil engagement. The epistemological status of the pupil in geography education can therefore be enhanced by considering approaches to education that operate outside normal scientific and rational paradigms. This has relevance for the wider debate on more flexible, post-industrial forms of learning.  相似文献   

Organizations have frequently expressed the need for employees who can learn and work effectively in a team environment. This article discusses a process by which an educational program has responded to this challenge. The program used experiential learning, transfer of learning, and team learning theories as the framework for designing a holistic, integrative, and experiential process by which students could transfer their classroom learning to workplace activities. Implications for higher education are discussed.Brenda S. Gardner: Director of the Master of Education program in Human Resource Development  相似文献   

UNESCO's challenge to Higher Education institutions to provide educational leadership in sustainable development, provides an impetus to develop innovative, interdisciplinary curricula and pedagogy. Whereas Higher Education curricula in sustainability and sustainable development have tended to come from the environmental sciences, recent studies have highlighted the need for more holistic, experiential, interdisciplinary approaches. As a pedagogical approach, outdoor learning may have something to offer since it lends itself to holistic and experiential learning and enables integration of knowledge and skills from a range of discipline areas. Outdoor and environmental education research suggests that educational experiences in outdoor settings can be significant in developing environmental sensitivity and knowledge. Such knowledge and attitudes are components of ecological literacy and, more recently, sustainability literacy. This paper considers how outdoor experiential pedagogy might contribute to the current sustainability education agenda. It focuses on Higher Education since this sector has the obligation and the capability of instigating a 'ripple' effect' in developing sustainability-literate citizens. It discusses possibilities and issues arising from a review of outdoor, environmental and sustainability education literature, particularly, but not exclusively, from the UK. The paper is a precursor to an empirical study into how outdoor learning might contribute to the development of sustainability-literate graduates.  相似文献   


India has accorded a mission status to ‘Education for All’ over the past decade. Since Independence this goal remains elusive, due to certain disadvantaged groups remaining out of the fold of education. One such group is the ‘disabled’, within which those with severe learning difficulties (SLD) pose even more problems. This paper highlights the need to implement a community‐based model of integration for the SLD, and strongly advocates a holistic, community‐responsive educational approach. The model views the primary school as an integral part of the community environment, placing equal importance on other organizational structures. The role of the community as an active and vital partner in planning and implementation of education and support services seems to hold the key to success in achieving integration and education for all by the year 2000.  相似文献   

刘畅 《教育教学论坛》2020,(17):383-384
教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。习近平总书记在致国际教育信息化大会的贺信中指出:"中国坚持不懈推进教育信息化,努力以信息化为手段扩大优质教育资源覆盖面。我们将通过教育信息化,逐步缩小区域、城乡数字差距,大力促进教育公平。""AI+教育"构建的新型智能化教育生态系统能够有效弥补传统教育的缺陷,营造人人皆可成才、人人尽展其才的良好环境,让每一个人都能通过教育获得人生出彩的机会,从而实现教育公平。  相似文献   

德国工业4.0“精益学习工厂”以行为主义为引领,以能力本位为导向,以学习者面向工业4.0需求的能力培养为目标,通过教育界和企业界的合作,将价值链管理贯穿于整个教学过程,通过在宏观层面的学习工厂、中观层面的教学模块和微观层面的教学情境三个维度的一体化设计,实现了技术、生产、教学要素的系统整合,发展了一套致力于培养和提升学习者实践能力的系统方法,为培养学习者面向工业4.0需求的能力提供了有效途径。德国工业4.0“精益学习工厂”为我国培养面向智能工业发展需求的工程技术与管理人才提供了如下借鉴:明确面向我国智能工业发展需求的人才能力培养目标,实现实践教学机构从宏观建设运营到微观教学实施的系统化设计,借助工业4.0技术手段将价值链管理和精益生产融入教学过程以实现生产、技术和教学的深度融合。  相似文献   

UNESCO's challenge to Higher Education institutions to provide educational leadership in sustainable development, provides an impetus to develop innovative, interdisciplinary curricula and pedagogy. Whereas Higher Education curricula in sustainability and sustainable development have tended to come from the environmental sciences, recent studies have highlighted the need for more holistic, experiential, interdisciplinary approaches. As a pedagogical approach, outdoor learning may have something to offer since it lends itself to holistic and experiential learning and enables integration of knowledge and skills from a range of discipline areas. Outdoor and environmental education research suggests that educational experiences in outdoor settings can be significant in developing environmental sensitivity and knowledge. Such knowledge and attitudes are components of ecological literacy and, more recently, sustainability literacy. This paper considers how outdoor experiential pedagogy might contribute to the current sustainability education agenda. It focuses on Higher Education since this sector has the obligation and the capability of instigating a ‘ripple’ effect' in developing sustainability-literate citizens. It discusses possibilities and issues arising from a review of outdoor, environmental and sustainability education literature, particularly, but not exclusively, from the UK. The paper is a precursor to an empirical study into how outdoor learning might contribute to the development of sustainability-literate graduates.  相似文献   

Teacher education all over Europe is increasingly becoming school‐based oriented. This implies new roles for those who support student teachers learning in school. This article describes the way four school‐based teacher educators fulfill their role as educators of student teachers who learn how to teach while participating in the workplace. Based on theoretical notions derived from the literature on teacher education and workplace learning, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model was specified and used in a case study as a framework to describe the activity of these school‐based teacher educators. They use tools (e.g., apprenticeship assignments) developed within the teacher education institute and rely on their professional knowledge as experienced schoolteachers. This results in student teachers being provided with useful tricks which, however, hardly helps them to interpret and elaborate their experiences from a more conceptual or theoretical perspective. Also the possibilities of the social context of the school as a learning environment are not systematically used.  相似文献   

This article explores the discourse of employability in higher education by investigating the understanding of different stakeholder groups (students, staff, employers) of the University of Nottingham (UK and China), and their fit to each other and to the educational literature. It finds that, while theories of life-long or life-wide learning position employability as an outcome of a holistic curriculum embracing both discipline and employability, stakeholders perceive learning for employability as a threat to disciplinary learning. The results suggest that to progress significant curriculum development in support of employability, a greater consensus of stakeholder views is needed with a deeper sympathy towards the integration of academic learning and employability. The article concludes with an assessment of the re-envisioning needed by Nottingham and other universities as they prepare students for an “employability” fit for purpose in a twenty-first century characterized by change and challenge.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the contemporary nature of education activism in the context of the Global Education Industry (GEI). Theorising around contentious politics, the activist teaching profession, and notions of ‘connective’ action, suggests that educational activists are now using social media to oppose the increasing commercialisation of education. This paper focuses on the ‘#tellPearson’ campaign to explore how Twitter was leveraged as a social space to promote a campaign against the activities of Pearson plc. Analysis of this Twitter network shows how new social structures are being used to frame issues, mobilise resources and promote stakeholder action. While it is difficult to offer definitive conclusions about the success of this campaign, it is possible to reflect on the strategies now being used to hold those in positions of power and influence in the GEI to account.  相似文献   

伴随着第四次工业革命的到来,教育系统与全球经济社会的现实需求越来越脱节,需要一个新的教育框架和模式以培养符合未来社会需求的人才。在2020年1月世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)发布的《未来学校:为第四次工业革命定义新的教育模式》之报告中,描述了教育4.0的全球框架、特征和方法,以案例方式展现了向教育4.0过渡的16所学校的教育模式。这一《报告》对我国的教育决策者和学校领导具有五个方面的启示:把握第四次工业革命和教育4.0的内在联系,达成教育4.0共识;利用新技术构建全新、动态的未来学校形态;构建创新创造、技术技能、人际交往和全球公民意识四维能力的人才培养体系;创新学习范式、教育场域、教学方法和学习方式;加强学校与社会相关子系统的合作关系,提高教师的职业核心素质,加快融入教育4.0,迈向未来学校。  相似文献   

教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。而我国高等教育至今仍存在一些不公平现象,因此,远程开放教育是实现教育公平的重要途径,其面向全社会各类成员提供学习的条件和机会,提供优质教育,从而缩小数字鸿沟,促进教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

This paper examines the process by which all post‐compulsory education in New Zealand has become integrated under one administrative structure, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), with the intention of developing a single coordinated system of tertiary education. In particular, adult and community education (ACE), the least formal and organised sector, is required to develop programmes that align with an externally conceived set of priorities, which themselves arise from the Tertiary Education Strategies. Using Popper’s concepts of ‘holistic’ versus ‘piecemeal’ change, it is argued that such large‐scale change is potentially dangerous as there are likely to be unintended, damaging consequences of such policies; consequences which are difficult to fix in modern, complex societies. In particular, ACE which is built on an insider, community‐focus ethos, able itself to identify and respond to community‐learning opportunities, is likely to be changed fundamentally so that the very characteristics that have made ACE effective in the past will be lost in the process.  相似文献   

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