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Osley-Thomas  Robert 《Minerva》2020,58(2):211-233
Minerva - Did the liberal art disciplines at American universities have the highest failure rate between the 1970s and the early 2000s? Important theoretical traditions indeed believe that the...  相似文献   

中国城市发展已步入存量提升阶段,城市保护与更新工作愈发重要.城市形态类型学是一门分析城市物质要素形态特征、总结城市形态发展内在规律的学科,对指导城市保护与更新具有理论与现实意义.通过对城市形态类型学理论的剖析,构建可用于传统城市形态类型分析的8个研究要素:区域、城镇、三维空间、街道网络和街道、街区、地块、公共空间、建筑...  相似文献   

This article examines the different and often overlooked roles that packages can perform in specialised organic shops. The paper reports on case studies of three organic shops of different types: a pioneering alternative organic shop, a small shop run by a big cooperative company and a recently started organic shop with a modern style, all located in Sweden. In addition to interviews, the paper draws on material produced through visual analysis and participant observation. Packages were found to take four main roles: the repetitive package, the unobtrusive package, the unfamiliar package and the returnable package. These different roles are approached in terms of agency and as viewing the package as playing a key part in the actor-networks of organic food.  相似文献   

有这样一条路,没有路牌,却是400多位唐代诗人用1500多首诗歌铺成的人文山水走廊。有这样一条线,长几百公里,覆盖2万多平方公里,虽沉寂千年,却与丝绸之路、茶马古道、古蜀道一样回响着文化遗韵。这——就是浙东唐诗之路。在这条诗歌路上,一座座耸立在云雾缭绕中的灵性山峰,一条条隐藏在青山绿水中的古驿道,来自唐代的诗人们在此纵情自然,往来唱和。如今,这条唐诗之路正准备申报世界文化线路遗产,新昌等沿途县市已组建起  相似文献   

浙东有条唐诗之路。这是指浙东的一条不平凡的路。它像一根神奇的金丝线,串起两旁的山水风光、人文逸事,因而吸引了唐朝众多的诗人先后来到这里,踏歌而行,长吟以乐,成为中国文化史上的一段奇迹。这条路被今人称之为唐诗之路而名扬海内外;也成为今天浙江建设文化大省的一个亮点。  相似文献   


Chinese ink stick has a long history and a special importance in the Chinese culture. For the first time, Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was used to identify the materials in an ancient Chinese ink stick. Four types of constituents could be detected in the archaeological ink stick of the Eastern Jin period (317–420 AD): (1) borneol (Chinese name bing piàn); (2) compounds related to essential oil or tar of conifer wood: cedrene, aromadendrane, cedrane, cuparene, cedrol, retene, methyl dehydroabietate and 9-methyl retene; (3) marker compounds from animal glue; (4) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soot. The information obtained through this study provides conclusive evidence for use of additives of borneol and cedar oil, binding media of animal glue and pine wood soot in the ancient ink stick.  相似文献   

In many Western science systems, funding structures increasingly stimulate academic research to contribute to practical applications, but at the same time the rise of bibliometric performance assessments have strengthened the pressure on academics to conduct excellent basic research that can be published in scholarly literature. We analyze the interplay between these two developments in a set of three case studies of fields of chemistry in the Netherlands. First, we describe how the conditions under which academic chemists work have changed since 1975. Second, we investigate whether practical applications have become a source of credibility for individual researchers. Indeed, this turns out to be the case in catalysis, where connecting with industrial applications helps in many steps of the credibility cycle. Practical applications yield much less credibility in environmental chemistry, where application-oriented research agendas help to acquire funding, but not to publish prestigious papers or to earn peer recognition. In biochemistry practical applications hardly help in gaining credibility, as this field is still strongly oriented at fundamental questions. The differences between the fields can be explained by the presence or absence of powerful upstream end-users, who can afford to invest in academic research with promising long term benefits.  相似文献   

永嘉之乱中原流民迁入河陇及北魏太延五年河西士族东迁平城,这两次移民事件,对河陇学术的影响截然不同,这种不同不仅仅局限在人口的迁出与迁入这一层面上。以移民迁入河陇来说,学者们所热衷于讨论的永嘉移民使中原学术转移保存于河陇说,实际上是对陈寅恪学术观点的误读。陈寅恪先生所论是指文化重心转移而非移民所带来的文化之转移。而河西士人东迁平城后,又因他们的境遇很差,对北魏的贡献也大打折扣。相反的,河西士族被竭泽式的迁出,对于河陇,特别是对河西学术的影响却是灾难性的,河陇地域学术五百多年以来所形成的士族模式和地域格局因之发生了转折。  相似文献   

The advocacy of social science in Europe and America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harold Orlans 《Minerva》1976,14(1):6-32

城市公园内绿道是公园道路的重要组成部分,不仅承载着生态、经济、社会文化、美学功能,还承载着游憩功能。以南京市玄武湖公园绿道为研究对象,对其使用者的游憩动机展开实地访谈和问卷调查。基于spss24.0软件,利用探索性因子分析将众多动机因子降维得到公共游憩动机因子,进一步使用聚类分析,将游憩者划分为五大类,分别是:接近自然型游憩者、多目的型游憩者、无固定目的消遣型游憩者、提升自我型游憩者、情感交流型游憩者,使用交叉分析获取不同游憩动机类型的人口统计学构成特征,探索不同类型游憩者游憩动机的共性和差异。最终根据研究结果与国内外相关文献对比分析获取核心动机要素,分析游憩动机于绿道建设的价值,以期为绿道规划与管理提供改善方向。  相似文献   

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