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This study explores how the South Korean identity has been formed and transformed by examining the Korean national curriculum in its historical context. The study first examines how the Korean identity, previously formed by traditional ethnic values, has been transformed during the period of national modernization. It then describes the efforts to form a Korean identity through national curriculum reform amid globalization, a phenomenon that has rapidly progressed in Korea since the 1990s. It also discusses the conflicts within and challenges to Korean identity in the Korean curriculum reform process.  相似文献   


It has been suggested that curriculum coherence is crucial in successful educational reform. However, empirical research on the topic is still scarce. This study explores how the stakeholders involved in curriculum development at the district level perceived curriculum coherence. Survey data (n?=?550) were analysed using structural equation modelling. A confirmatory factor analysis showed that curriculum coherence consists of three complementary components: consistency of the intended direction; an integrative approach to teaching and learning; and alignment between objectives, content and assessments. Moreover, the results showed that curriculum coherence contributes to the expected impact of the reform on the school level development. The study adds to the research on curriculum reform by showing that curriculum coherence is a central determinant of the reform taking root at the school level, and by introducing a scale for measuring perceptions of curriculum coherence within the context of large-scale national curriculum reform.  相似文献   

This research attempts to comprehend the traits and behaviors of vocational high school principals in implementing curriculum reform. In-depth interviews with experienced principals of three vocational high schools sought to identify the leadership roles and tasks that led to successful curriculum reform for vocational high school programs.  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of curriculum reform on teaching practice in primary mathematics in mainland China. The participants included 58 fifth grade mathematics teachers from 20 schools. Thirty-two of the classrooms had utilized a reform curriculum for 5 years prior to conducting the study, and the remaining 26 had been using the conventional curriculum. Each of the 58 teachers was videotaped for 3 of his/her classes during a 3-day period and the videotaped class sessions provided the data source for the study. The focus of the study was on the instructional tasks that were implemented in the classrooms and on the teacher and student interaction. Results indicated that a greater proportion of high cognitive level tasks were implemented in the reform classrooms when compared to those in the non-reform classrooms. Numerical symbolic representation as well as single-solution strategies were dominant in the instructional tasks for both groups. However, in the reform classes a higher proportion of instructional tasks were used that involved visual illustrations and hands-on manipulation and multiple-solution strategies. An analysis of classroom discourse showed that most of the teacher questions were related to memorizing exercises and explanations of answers. However, the teachers from the reform classrooms were more likely to ask students to describe the procedure that led to an answer and to inquire further into students’ responses. The results indicated positive changes in classroom practice resulting from implementation of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

This study investigated curriculum influences on student mathematics achievement by following two groups of students from fifth to sixth grade that were taught either the reformed curriculum or the conventional curriculum. Analyses with three-level modeling were conducted to examine learning outcomes of the students who were assessed three times over a period of 18 months. Achievement was measured with regard to computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving. Affective aspects included self-reported interest in learning mathematics, classroom participation, views of the nature of mathematics, and views of learning mathematics. The results showed overall improved performance among all the students over the time on computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving but not on the affective measures. There were differentiated patterns of performance between the groups. On the initial assessment, the reform group performed better than the non-reform group on calculation, complex problem solving, and indicated higher interest in learning mathematics. The two groups did not differ on the other achievement and affective measures at the first time of assessment. There was no significant difference in growth rate between the groups on the cognitive and affective measures except that the non-reform group progressed at a faster pace on calculation. Therefore, the non-reform group outperformed the reform group on computation at the third (last) assessment. These results are discussed with respect to the possible influence of the curriculum on student learning.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the issues faced by Chinese student teachers and, by extension, their supervisors, when curriculum reform challenges existing practices in schools and universities. The paper draws on the experiences of 10 English Language Major student teachers as they think about, make sense of, and undertake their extended practicum in the fourth year of their teacher education program. The students, from the School of Foreign Languages at a major teacher education university in the northeast region of Mainland China are challenged by the complexity of the practicum as they attempt to negotiate the differing expectations of their school advisors and university supervisor. The analysis highlights two related issues: the difficulties faced by reform efforts in China and the disjuncture between school and university expectations for practicum students in light of these initiatives. Importantly, these results add to and prompt further development of the nascent literature on the student teacher practicum in China.  相似文献   

新的教育与教学方法在不断探索和实践,教师以自己真诚的、完整的人格面对学生,学生在和谐融洽的师生关系中增长学识,洞悉真理,感悟人生,形成了师生的平等的交流.语文教师的特殊性要求教师不但有渊博的学识经验和人生阅历,能够给学生以指导.随着新课程改革的不断深入,语文教师需要重新确定自己的定位,使自己的教学向着最有利于学生发展的方向进行.  相似文献   


China initiated a new round of science curriculum reform in 2017. Using the tripartite curriculum framework (including policy, programmatic, and classroom curriculum), we introduce and analyse China’s policy curriculum and programmatic curriculum for science in primary school and senior high school, and describe the potential problems hindering the translation of these curricula into the classroom curriculum. We first identify the multiple aims of different stakeholders in science education, some of which influence the science policy curriculum. Then, we present the major changes in how the programmatic curriculum meets the policy curriculum. However, due to extracurricular factors, the current science curriculum reform may not unfold as expected. We end with a discussion of the three major characteristics of the revision process of science curriculum standards in China, some of which might inform the global community of science education.  相似文献   

新课程背景下的高师院校教师教育改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为基础教育培养高质量师资,是高师院校生存和发展的立足点和生长点。基础教育新课程改革给高师院校提出了前所未有的挑战,而高师院校教师教育课程几十年来变化不大,教学内容与基础教育脱节,教学理念落后,教学方法陈旧,高师院校培养的准教师不能完全适应基础教育新课改的需要。为此,高师院校应更新教育观念,优化教师教育课程结构,改革教师培养模式,加强与基础教育的合作与联系,形成教师职前培养与职后培训一体化的教师教育新体系,以彰显高师院校教师教育特色。  相似文献   

讨论法是教育领域中古老的教学方法之一,因为它对学生主体性的凸显,对学生批判性思维能力以及创造性的培养都有重要的作用,所以在新课程改革中备受青睐。但近几年,笔者通过对实践的关注发现,一线教师在运用讨论法时还是不知如何行动,以致不能发挥出其应有的效用。更多的论者以及一线教师开始反思讨论法在教学中出现的误区,开始呼吁有效的课堂讨论。通过“讨论法”在当今教育领域的境遇分析,探讨应从何种角度切入,进而尝试提出有效课堂讨论的几点建议。  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has become the most dominant ideology in current world and educational researchers thus may need to disclose the ways in which neoliberalism affects education and curriculum and propose new strategies to cope with them. Through literature review, however, the author argues that perhaps because of the social and theoretical scope in the West, the existing analytical strategy, which mainly focuses on the influence of government policies, seems unsuitable for some non-Western countries. This paper reviews the Grade 1-9 curriculum reform in Taiwan's education system, and suggests that one of the neoliberalism's influences in education might be more ‘invisible’ because it reflects the public's/agents’ social imagination of this neoliberal world. Furthermore, the hybrid cultural context in Taiwan, such as the examination culture, also seems to play an important role in the process of curriculum reform. Thus, the author argues that the analysis of neoliberalism in education should pay more attention to ‘agent’ and ‘culture’ aspects, but not just ‘structure’ aspect. It is also argued that ‘curriculum reform’ should be expanded into ‘social reform’ to some extent, since social imagination has such a heavy impact on curriculum reform.  相似文献   

课程改革的中心环节是课程实施,课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学,课改的重点在课堂,学生掌握知识、技能的主要途径是课堂,探究、合作、主动学习的主要场所在课堂,情感、态度、价值观培养在课堂,离开课堂谈课改、忽视课堂、轻视课堂论课改都是错误的。课改难点在课堂,三维目标之间的关系如何把握,探究性学习与接受性学习两类学习方式的关系如何处理,课堂学科教学中如何体现情感、态度、价值观,把我们的学科教学变成真正的教育课堂,这些都是难点。  相似文献   

2001年开始的全国第八次基础教育课程改革,对师范院校课程教学提出了更高要求,在高师教学中如何体现新的教育理念、进行素质教育和创新教育是改革的重点.结合基础教育课程改革,对高师有机化学课程体系、教学内容、教学方法及评价方式等进行了改革探索.  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革在改革课程结构方面有了重大的突破,提出了综合课程这一新的课程形态.新生事物的发展必然不会一帆风顺,综合课程在其发展过程中遭遇了理论研究与实践应用两方面的困境,但这并不是不可逾越的鸿沟,而是新生事物向前迈进的必经之路,只要经过适当的调适,提出相应对策,它反而会成为综合课程前进的动力之源.  相似文献   

How do Asia Pacific educators make sense of culture in the curriculum in terms appropriate to the twenty-first century? With the advance of globalization, is the idea of a culture (whether national, ethnic, or indigenous) as a way of life sustainable? In such a paradoxical setting where global forces appear to both affirm and undercut local cultures, how can educators navigate and negotiate the global cultural interactions required to make the curriculum an acceptable path for cultural formation? This essay uses a cross-disciplinary form of historical analysis to focus on recent national curriculum reforms in New Zealand in order to explore the present contexts and concepts of culture.  相似文献   

新课改将使我国基础教育教学发生历史性的变革。面对新的变化,语文教师要胜任新角色,必须具有现代教育思想和改革创新意识,较高的专业化素质、深厚的文化底蕴、超凡的科研能力、强烈的成就动机和崇高的职业境界。  相似文献   

本文介绍了 2 0世纪末德国中学课程的开设和课程教学方面的主要举措。包括增加课程的宽广性 ,重视基础性关键技能的培养 ,加强价值观教育 ,开展创新教育 ,渗透信息与通讯技术教育等内容  相似文献   

优秀教师是"专家型教师"、"胜任教师"、"受欢迎教师"、"理想教师"的统称。新课改背景下的优秀教师特征研究在研究方法、研究内容、研究结果等方面呈现出各种不同特点。今后的研究还应该重视概念的一致性,方法的多样性,内容的广泛性,标准的实用性。  相似文献   

伴随着我国素质教育的深入改革和实施以及现代化体育教学的与时俱进,我国高校体育教育事业得到了突飞猛进的发展历程。高校作为人才聚集的培养基地,为培养我国社会创新型人才和输送体育健儿具有非常重要的中坚力量。深化体育教育教学改革,创新教学目标和教学计划,构建适合当前我国教育国情的体育课程课改体系是发展高校体育最有力的手腕。据此,为深化体育课程教学改革,提高体育课教学质量和教师业务水平,创新发展体育教育教学机制,为促进学生身心健康、体魄强健,树立终身体育意识做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

在世纪之交启动的我国新一轮基础教育课程改革中,“人”的发展在新课程的理念和实践的架构中均得到了前所未有的重视和彰显,体现出浓郁的人性关怀。这不仅意味着新一轮基础教育课程改革的价值转型,而且使基础教育课程改革主导价值目标的实现有了坚实的基础,实现了对以往历次课程改革的超越。  相似文献   

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