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Georgetown University's Library Information System (LIS), an integrated library system designed and implemented at the Dahlgren Memorial Library, is broadly described from an administrative point of view. LIS' functional components consist of eight "user-friendly" modules: catalog, circulation, serials, bibliographic management (including Mini-MEDLINE), acquisitions, accounting, networking, and computer-assisted instruction. This article touches on emerging library services, user education, and computer information services, which are also changing the role of staff librarians. The computer's networking capability brings the library directly to users through personal or institutional computers at remote sites. The proposed Integrated Medical Center Information System at Georgetown University will include interface with LIS through a network mechanism. LIS is being replicated at other libraries, and a microcomputer version is being tested for use in a hospital setting.  相似文献   

Scott Memorial Library (SML) at Thomas Jefferson University has installed the Library Information System (LIS) developed by Georgetown University Medical Center Library. One component of the system is miniMEDLINE, a system for searching an inhouse database derived from NLM MEDLINE tapes. This paper describes the process involved in determining which journals should be included in SML's miniMEDLINE file; the number of titles and years covered; the balance between research and clinical titles; the representation of allied health fields; and the level of faculty involvement.  相似文献   

The intent of the MAClinical Workstation Project is to develop computer workstations for medical students of the sort they will use in future medical practice. The idea is to instill information query habits in the daily clinical activities of these young physicians-in-training. The Georgetown University Medical Center Library spearheads the project in conjunction with the School of Medicine. The library handles technical support, including software development, user training, equipment maintenance, and network installations. The project began in 1988 with nine Macintosh computers; today thirty machines are distributed throughout the Georgetown University Hospital conference rooms, faculty and resident offices, and at four affliated hospitals. The Macintosh computers are connected to the medical center's local area network (LAN) with access to the Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS) and Library Information System (LIS) databases. The MAClinical workstations serve multiple educational purposes in the clinical setting. Primarily, students gain experience in medical informatics by using a variety of software systems installed at the stations: the H&P Writer, a history and physical system written in the C programming language, can be used by students to prepare the admission record on patients they examine; also, students can keep patient records, check findings against a diagnostic system, look up drugs and treatment protocols, develop medical sketches, and find additional information when needed in the medical literature.  相似文献   

The Medical Center Library contracted to provide bibliographic information services for the Tobacco and Health Research Institute of the University of Kentucky. This new department is now an integral part of the Medical Center Library providing reference and literature services in the tobacco and health area. Operating as a quasi-independent unit of the Medical Center Library, THIS (Tobacco and Health Information Services) functions separately in all areas of library operations, or more specifically, as a special library within a library. Its collection differs from that of most libraries in that it consists almost solely of periodical reprints instead of books and journals. The diversity of disciplines which tobacco and health literature encompasses has created the need for the development of a current awareness service for researchers. It is the belief of the author that there is a definite trend toward library collections such as THIS within larger medical libraries, as more institutes with special areas of interest are being formed.  相似文献   

The Kansas Regional Medical Program Office for Library Services was developed to link the medical library resources and to make them available to health-related personnel throughout Kansas. Library offices have been established at the Central Kansas Medical Center, Great Bend, Stormont Medical Library, Topeka, and at the Wichita State University, Wichita. The main office, located at the Clendening Medical Library, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, provides medical library services to those three offices, the other medical libraries in Kansas, and to the health professionals in the state who do not have medical library resources available. Reference requests are accepted via a twenty-four-hour telephone service from medical librarians and from individual health professionals.  相似文献   

The article traces the career of Frederick G. Kilgour (1914–2006), who is widely recognized as one of the leading figures in 20th-century librarianship. He founded the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) and from 1967 to 1981 was its first president and chief executive officer, presiding over OCLC's rapid growth from an intrastate network to an international network. In 1971, under Kilgour's leadership, OCLC introduced an online shared cataloging system and an online union catalog (WorldCat) that is today the world's foremost bibliographic database. In 1978, he created the OCLC Office of Research, and in 1979, under his direction, OCLC launched its online interlibrary loan system. The author of 205 scholarly papers, Kilgour received numerous awards and honors over the course a career that took him from Harvard University Library, to the Office of Strategic Services in World War II, to Yale Medical Library, to OCLC, and finally, to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he spent his final years on the faculty of the School of Information and Library Science as a Distinguished Research Professor.  相似文献   

图书馆连接社区:公共图书馆经费和技术获取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《图书馆连接社区:公共图书馆经费和技术获取研究》是由盖茨.梅琳达基金会和美国图书馆协会共同资助,并在美国图书馆协会、马里兰大学图书馆与信息创新中心和佛罗里达州大学信息学院指导下完成的一项年度报告。报告在广泛的数据调查基础上描述了2009年度美国公共图书馆的状况,包括技术接入、经费下降与服务需求增加等问题。此外,报告还揭示了美国公共图书馆需求与服务之间的矛盾,在此基础上,报告提出了未来行动的呼吁。  相似文献   

A brief overview of the Bibliographic Access and Control System developed by the Washington University School of Medicine Library is presented. Because the system has been described in two previous reports, this paper focuses on its relationship to other automated programs (i.e., PHILSOM and OCTANET), education of users, evaluation of the system, and outreach to the medical center. In operation for more than two years, BACS represents the computerization of much of the managerial and operational functions of the library, and marks the completion of stage 1 of the three stages of library evolution described in the AAMC report Academic Information in the Academic Health Sciences Center: Roles for the Library in Information Management.  相似文献   

Recent progress in library automation and networking is redefining the library's traditional role. The Georgetown University Medical Center Library, developer of the Library Information System (LIS), has been involved in automation for nearly a decade, and was one of the first institutions to receive an NLMIAMS grant. The two projects have evolved together. New LIS modules, such as Document Delivery and the ALERTS/CURRENT CONTENTS Search System, have been designed in a reciprocal LIS/IAIMS environment. BioSYNTHESIS, a current IAIMS research project, is a prototype information tool for tomorrow.  相似文献   

In 1991, the Reference and Information Services staff of the Alfred Taubman Medical Library at the University of Michigan gathered data on the use of the reference desk, including the frequency and types of assistance requested by different user groups throughout the year. Recommendations based on the results of this study led to improved service as well as more efficient use of staff resources.  相似文献   

The Medical Library Center of New York, a cooperative library agency for the health sciences, developed a program to offer an electronic communications system (LIFENET) with access to the Internet for its members. Information on documentation and training as well as statistics on the subsequent use of the system and of the Internet are discussed in the article. Specific examples of how health science librarians are using the system include bibliographic verification, reference, research on integrated library systems, production of duplicate journal lists, and professional activities such as electronic mail and discussion groups (listservs).  相似文献   

This article describes a computer program developed by the author to extract subject-level usage and inventory data from Aleph system reports and to track usage trends by subject over time. Two implementations of the program are detailed, at the Institute of Fine Arts Library and the East Asian collection at Bobst Library, both at New York University. Use of the program in processing inventory, in-house usage, and circulation data in greater detail is demonstrated. Information about usage trends within major Library of Congress subject areas provides collection managers with more precise data for use in a variety of collection management decisions. The article shows that the program offers significant new functionality for collection assessment.  相似文献   

A survey to determine attitudes toward end-user searching was made at Loyola University's Medical Center Library using MEDIS, an online full-text and bibliographic medical retrieval system. One hundred forty-one completed questionnaires were analyzed for this report. Information was collected on user familiarity with computers, end-user training, system use, mechanics of searching, and attitudes toward future use. Computer familiarity was highest among the faculty users. Ninety percent of the respondents saw librarians as a crucial agent in training and in providing end-user assistance. Respondents identified five major reasons for using the system: helpfulness, convenience, time savings, rapid feedback, and presentation of needed information. Searching the MEDLINE database rather than the full-text database was the search method of choice. Continued use of both mediated and end-user searching was intended by most of the respondents. Survey results support a perceived need for end-user searching and confirmed recommendations of the Association of American Medical Colleges on medical information science skills.  相似文献   

Amanda Yesilbas, Electronic Resources librarian at the Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA), gave a presentation at the MidSouth eResource Symposium held at Mississippi State University on August 11, 2011 entitled Using Drupal to Track Licenses and Organize Database Information. Yesilbas presented information on how she used Drupal, a free open-source content management system, to organize database elements, such as vendor records, license contracts, and statistics data. She discussed Drupal's ease of use and flexibility and how FCLA used it to manage their electronic resources. Yesilbas also gave a brief demonstration of Drupal and its functionality and ease of use.  相似文献   

The University of Wisconsin Medical Center and University Extension established a Medical Communications Center in the Medical Library of the University in September of 1967.THE OBJECTIVES OF THE MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS CENTER WERE: [List: see text]  相似文献   

The implementation of the Library Information System (LIS) and the distributed PHILSOM system at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Library is described. These systems were installed over a ten-month period in 1982-1983. Aspects of the implementation, including equipment, staffing, scheduling, data preparation, and public relations, are reviewed. Evaluation of LIS and its costs are discussed.  相似文献   

A microcomputer-based, net-lending interlibrary loan system was developed at Lane Medical Library, Stanford University. The system, designed to generate the monthly billing invoices and all necessary statistical reports, has reduced the time required for logging-in procedures and compilation of monthly, quarterly, and annual statistics. User menus, help screens, and choice fields were developed explicitly for library staff who have little or no computer experience. The program was written using the DataEase database management software running on IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible with a minimum of 512K RAM. Described are features of this automated interlibrary loan management system and its use in a net-lending interlibrary loan department. It focuses on data entry in the "Library Directory" and "ILL Log Sheet," details of billing invoices, and statistical reports, and flexibility in modifying tax rates, borrowing fees, and other parameters.  相似文献   

Starting with two computer terminals in 1972, the Health Sciences Learning Resources Center of the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library expanded its instructional facilities to ten terminals and thirty-five microcomputers by 1985. Computer use accounted for 28% of total center circulation. The impact of these resources on health sciences curricula is described and issues related to use, support, and planning are raised and discussed. Judged by their acceptance and educational value, computers are successful health sciences learning resources at the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

The University of Cincinnati Medical Center has combined five existing units into a new organization responsible for initiating an Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS). This new organization, Medical Center Information and Communications, was reorganized into nine departments, which now provide a variety of information services. Ultimate goals for IAIMS include a patient-centered database, a decision-support system, and a knowledge network. The IAIMS prototype, currently under development for the University of Cincinnati Hospital's Internal Medicine Service, consists of components representative of the IAIMS model's ultimate goals. A major premise of this IAIMS effort is that it is patient-centered.  相似文献   

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