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On June 28 and July 1, Dr. Peter McGrath, Programme IOfficer of TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences -- for the advancement of science in developingworld), paid visits to four CAS-TWAS Centers of Excellence (CoEs) in Beijing, including the CoE for Green Technology, the CoE on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation, the CoE for Water and Environment and the CoE for Biotechnology, together with staff from the CAS Bureau of International Cooperation.  相似文献   

A joint research symposium on plant conservation with associated formal and informal discussions on science for plant conservation was held on Oct.15 and 16 at the CAS Kunming Institute of Botany in the capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

~~projects by Chinese and Ger-man biologists. Based on thesuccess of the guest lab, a pro-gram to set up research groupsof junior scientists was initi-ated in 1994 and to date fourhigh-ranking young scholarshave joined the Shanghaiinstitutes. After obtaining theirPh. D degrees in the US, PeiGang and Hu Gengxi were in-vited to serve as heads of twogroups, in 1994 and 1996respectively. With the jointsupport from the Chinese andGerman sides, the junior sci-tical platform for cDNA array, the…  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiang,Governor of GuangdongProvince Huang Huahuaand Mayor of Guangzhou CityZhang Guangning signed an agree-ment on July 5 to jointly establish abio-medical research institute inGuangzhou, capital of GuangdongProvince.Under the agreement, the threeparties will invest a total of 300 mil-lion yuan (or US$ 36 million) overthe next three years to develop theinstitute.Titled the CAS Guangzhou In-stitute of Biomedicine and HealthScience, it will strive to establish the…  相似文献   

After years of preparation, the International Center on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST) was inaugurated as a category 2 center of UNESCO in Beijing on July 24, 2011. As the f irst of its kind sponsored by UNESCO in the world, HIST will use remote sensing techniques and  相似文献   

水稻千粒重QTL图谱整合研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以粳稻品种日本晴的测序图谱Gramene Annotated Nipponbare Sequence 2006为基础,挑选较广泛应用于水稻QTL研究的标记绘制了公共图谱.并将国内外公开发表的251个水稻千粒重QTL整合到该图谱中.研究表明,目前定位的粒重QTL虽分散于各条染色体,但主要集中在1、3、5、6、10号染色体上并成簇状分布,其中6个区间可能存在主效QTL.  相似文献   

Prof. Li Baoqing from the CAS Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC) won the 2004 Award for Innovation in Coal Conversion at the 21 st International Pittsburgh Coal Conference held from September 12 to 17 in Osaka, Japan.  相似文献   

<正>Under the theme "Science for Future: All Starts with Basic Research", the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina(Leopoldina) held their first joint conference early September in Beijing to address common future challenges. On September 9, CAS President BAI Chunli and Leopoldina President J?rg Hacker officially signed and announced The Beijing Declaration on Basic Science*(Declaration) on behalf of the two sides.  相似文献   

近年来,上海分院整合上海地区院属各单位的力量,聚焦被誉为“当今中国最富魅力和活力的一方热土”的长江三角洲,勇于创新,不断拓展,在中国科学院和地方之间架起了科研项目科技合作的“金桥”,为地方经济、社会的可持续发展做出了显著贡献。2003年,上海分院获得了中科院与省市、企业合作先进集体一等奖。一以提升“长三角”区域科技创新能力为出发点,选准院地合作的突破口上海分院处于“长三角”中心地区上海市,分院领导班子意识到,充分集成上海地区院属研究所优势,依靠我院其它研究所的力量,加强院地科技合作,为“长三角”经济社会和科技发…  相似文献   

WANG Xiaofan, a distinguished researcher in pharmacology and cancer biology from the School of Medicine, Duke University, wasconferred the CAS Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation on January 9, 2014. Prof.  相似文献   

面对世界金融危机,党中央国务院及时对宏观经济政策做出重大调整,出台了拉动内需、促进经济增长的多项举措。温家宝总理强调,国务院应对金融危机的措施是一套组合拳,首先是提出十条措施拉动内需,再是推出十大产业振兴计划,三是要充分发挥科技对经济的支撑作用,特别强调科技要为扩内需、保增长、调结构、上水平、抓改革、惠民生做出更大贡献。根据国家上述统一部署,中科院及时进行了认真研究,组织召开专题战略研讨会和党组扩大会,部署相关工作,  相似文献   

按照国家科委和中国科学院关于基础性研究所改革试点的精神,结合应用数学所的实际情况,我所制定了按需设岗、按岗聘任专业技术职务的具体条例和实施步骤。根据研究所的学科发展方向,重新设置专业技术职务岗位;按照科研人员承担的任务、资格条件和业务水平,择优聘任。我们认为,实行“按需设岗、按岗聘任”有利于形成“流动、开放、精干”的研究群体,有利于多出成果、多出人才,有利于增强整体竞争能力,有利于研究所的发展。这是基础性研究所深化改革的重要措施,也是完善专业技术职务聘任制的重要步骤。l研究所的定位是“按需设岗、…  相似文献   

每个人的童年都是与童话故事、童话书籍一同度过,童话承载了孩子们童年最纯真的情感和最美妙的梦境,也是人生最初的生动有趣的启蒙教育。童话世界为孩子们呈现了美丽多姿的社会风情、活泼可爱的动物乐园、引人入胜的离奇故事,还有超乎寻常的仙境魔法……  相似文献   

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