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This article argues that a focus on human capability and its development can be used to rethink the high skills policy visions favoured over recent decades. The article briefly summarises the increasing concerns with government policy formulas which have adopted a narrow focus such that skill and its accreditation is regarded as the outcome rather than as an input to the utilisation of skill or the achievement of a civil society. It is argued that human capability conceptions encourage a more holistic appreciation and systemic analysis of the impact of social arrangements and economic structures on people’s opportunity to flourish at work, and in life. The article reports research with workers and managers which operationalises these conceptions in the form of a list of capabilities expected through work. The implications for the place of skill in rethinking policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine whether students’ linguistic skills and task-avoidant behavior (i.e., the child-related factors) and the mean level of academic skills (reading comprehension and math) of classmates (i.e., the class-related factor) are associated with teacher judgments of children’s reading comprehension and math skills. The participants were third-grade Estonian-speaking students (n?=?656; age 9?11 years) and their classroom teachers (n?=?51). The results of the structural equation modeling path analyses indicated that teachers tend to judge students showing higher academic and linguistic skills and lower avoidance behavior as higher on the reading comprehension and math skills. In contrast, the classmates’ higher academic skill level was related to lower judgments of individual children’s reading comprehension and math skills by teachers.  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, I respond to criticisms by Moshman, Kanner and Wertsch, Grossen, Säljö, and Siegler of my article on The Development of Competence and Its Social Context. I argue that an adequate theory of the development of competence must explain the relationship between the spontaneous construction of knowledge by the child and the transmission of knowledge to the child. The transmission of knowledge to children resides in the provision of cultural perspectives on reality. These perspectives give children opportunities to construct knowledge and provide scope within which to widen their intellectual skills. From this viewpoint, several problems are discussed, such as the role of social context in education and intellectual performance, the development of numerical abilities, and the characteristics of test situations.  相似文献   

全语言教学是20世纪80年代以来西方英语国家中一种重要的语言教学理论,它秉持整体主义价值取向,强调语言教学情境的真实性、整体性,强调积极的学生观、非传统的教师观以及过程性的评价方式。主题单元是其一种重要的课程设计方式。  相似文献   

What, to borrow a theological phrase, are the marks of a truly holistic kinesiology department? In Kinesis and the Nature of the Human Person (2010), I examined the theoretical impact of Aristotle's definition of kinesis and Polanyi's theory of tacit knowledge on kinesiology. The intention here, however, is practical rather than theoretical. How would a holistic philosophy impact the day-to-day activities within the discipline of kinesiology? What tenets would a holistic department of kinesiology hold? What direction and aims would such a department have? Four areas of impact and reform are offered. First, kinesiologists should engage the humanities. A vibrant humanistic presence in the field will not only make kinesiology more holistic; it will give kinesiologists the tools to articulate a holistic understanding of the nature of the human person. Second, kinesiologists should recognize the importance of experience, practice, and apprenticeship within the field. Third, departments should embrace rather than shun specificity. Finally, kinesiologists are encouraged to acknowledge that a field dedicated to “physical activity” must require, engage in, and passionately profess the actual practice of “moving well.”  相似文献   

整体课程:面向21世纪的课程愿景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整体主义思维方式的兴起推动了整体课程的诞生.整体思维作为一种关系思维、转化思维和灵性思维,直接影响了整体课程的品质.整体课程以联结、转化和超越为特征,对传统课程理论作出了重要突破.  相似文献   

在目前实施素质教育的大环境下,数学教学既要对学生进行素质培养,又要为学生学好其他课程服务.为了提高学生的数学综合素质,尝试从搞好教学概念教学入手,把对学生的判断能力的培养渗透到教学教学的全过程.从而实现教学教学目的,达成培养目标的顺利实现.  相似文献   

财务治理是近年来财务理论研究的热点问题之一。然而,受到新古典经济学以及公司治理研究方法的影响,现有的财务治理研究往往是建立在个体主义方法论基础上的,这样的研究方法难以对财务治理做出准确全面的认识和把握。运用整体主义观的方法论进行财务治理的研究,可以从企业内部微观层次、企业协作网络下的中观层次以及社会经济网络下的宏观层次三个方面构建整体主义观下的财务治理分析思路。  相似文献   

There is little research addressing teachers' beliefs and judgements concerning students with identified Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), a group which is regularly cited as experiencing disadvantages in their schooling compared to peers. This paper draws on research which examined the beliefs and judgements of a set of arts teachers in an English secondary school regarding their students with SEND. Data were collected using observation, semi-structured and stimulated recall interviews. Phenomenological analysis uncovered patterns of tension in these beliefs and judgements. Teachers were able to consider some of the interactions between their students' individual characteristics and the classroom environment, and the ways these might give rise to certain educational needs; they also believed their subjects were singularly inclusive in providing for diverse needs. Nonetheless, traditional systems of educational assessment significantly affected what is judged ‘successful’ learning, which teachers tended to negatively associate with SEND. We conclude that deficit thinking about the educational capacities of students with SEND underlies teachers' judgements. Nevertheless, teachers do believe there are many ways for students to participate meaningfully, articulate and demonstrate understanding in arts subjects, which have the potential to challenge traditional notions of ‘success’.  相似文献   

整体论是一种关注整体的哲学思想,它既强调整体的“相互关联”,又关注个体的自由和“灵性”。整体论对当今教师学习与发展的启示是:从“人”的发展看,教师学习不仅仅是知识和技能的获得,更有情感与态度的学习与发展;从专业的形成和发展看,教师学习是贯穿其整个职业生涯的整体的、连续的过程;从人的社会学习情境看,教师学习与个人发展、学生发展、同事发展、学校改进以及社区(社会)发展等相互联系、不可分割,共处于一个学习共同体中。  相似文献   

各学科在原子主义世界观和方法论基础上对学习本质的研究大多是单向度的,缺乏整体性关照。整体学习理论关注人的整体性,既是一种教与学的方式,也是一种课程建构模式,它引起了我们对整体课程研究的重视,为我国确立新课程体系的多元价值观提供了帮助。在课程目标与内容上,要优化课程内容结构,建构整合思维的培养目标;在课程层次上,要注重从官方课程到实际课程转向,开发隐性课程,更多地关注学习的社交方面;在课程实施时,鼓励跨学科的互动与知识的整合,重视学习情境的作用,加强对整体学习环境的研究;在教师专业发展上也要努力加强对整体教师的培养。尽管整体学习的理论与实践都需要进一步完善,但它代表了学习研究的趋势,值得我们深入地思考研究。  相似文献   



Evaluators examining the same evidence often arrive at substantially different conclusions in forensic assessments of child sexual abuse (CSA). This study attempts to identify and quantify subjective factors that contribute to such disagreements so that interventions can be devised to improve the reliability of case decisions.


Participants included 1106 professionals in the field of child maltreatment representing a range of professional positions or job titles and years of experience. Each completed the Child Forensic Attitude Scale (CFAS), a 28-item survey assessing 3 forensic attitudes believed to influence professional judgments about CSA allegations: emphasis-on-sensitivity (i.e., a focus on minimizing false negatives or errors of undercalling abuse); emphasis-on-specificity (i.e., a focus on minimizing false positives or errors of overcalling abuse); and skepticism toward child and adolescent reports of CSA. A subset of 605 professionals also participated in 1 of 3 diverse decision exercises to assess the influence of the 3 forensic attitudes on ratings of case credibility.


Exploratory factor analysis identified 4 factors or attitude subscales that corresponded closely with the original CFAS scales: 2 subscales for emphasis-on-sensitivity and 1 each for emphasis-on-specificity and skepticism. Attitude subscale scores differed significantly by sample source (in-state trainings vs. national conferences), gender, years of experience, and professional position, with Child Protective Service workers unexpectedly more concerned about overcalling abuse and more skeptical of child disclosures than other professionals—a pattern of scores associated with an increased probability of disbelieving CSA allegations. The 3 decision exercises offered validation of the attitude subscales as predictors of professional ratings of case credibility, with adjusted R2s for the three exercises ranging from .06 to .24, suggesting highly variable effect sizes.


Evaluator disagreements about CSA allegations can be explained, in part, by individual differences in 3 attitudes related to forensic decision-making: emphasis-on-sensitivity, emphasis-on-specificity, and skepticism toward child reports of abuse. These attitudes operate as predispositions or biases toward viewing CSA allegations as likely true or likely false. Several strategies for curbing the influence of subjective factors are highlighted including self-awareness of personal biases and team approaches to assessment.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):225-230
Abstract. This article argues that college students can be motivated to be active participants in their own education if made aware of the direct correlation between college learning and corporate work settings. Students can be shown that through the natural course of college learning, they are acquiring valuable core skills or transferable competencies that will be of later use in their corporate lives. The article expounds on this theme by analyzing and elaborating on four main competencies, the same skills needed in corporate structures, which are naturally acquired during the course of college learning.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, surveys in a range of English-speaking countries, from North America and the United Kingdom, to New Zealand and Australia, have consistently shown that employers rank oral and written communication skills as highly as or more highly than any technical or quantitative skills. However, in New Zealand there has been very little research into determining exactly what is meant by the “written communication skills” employers state they desire. A further issue in this research to date has been a lack of differentiation between employers—no study has specifically targeted the requirements of employers of science graduates. This article reports the findings of ongoing research into the expectations of science students and of employers of science graduates, and centers around several key questions:
  • What do New Zealand employers of science graduates specifically want in terms of their new hires' writing skills?
  • How can information gained from employers of science graduates be used to motivate science students to take seriously the need to develop their writing skills?
  • How can writing programs be evaluated and developed to help science students acquire communication skills that are important for their future learning and for their employment and promotion prospects?
Findings are compared with the findings of the 2004 National Commission on Writing's survey of American businesses.

无论工作还是生活,我们都需要使用语言来进行沟通。语言是人们传递思维、表达感情、交流思想的工具,语言是艺术,也是力量。语言表达能够体现人的综合能力,需要技巧。对于涉世未深、无丰富职场经验的大学生来说,培养良好的职场语言表述能力尤为必要。同一场景下,不同的语言表述会关系到求职的成败,甚至会改变一个人的职场人生。在分析语言功...  相似文献   

Career and life planning courses are gaining popularity across university campuses. The authors outline curricula for career and life planning courses that integrate a holistic wellness approach with career development Curriculum and learning activities to enhance the life planning component of the course are included.  相似文献   

Institutions that successfully educate students to lead “the good life” attend to their campus's culture, curriculum, cocurriculum, and community.The authors of this article explore nuances of these four C's.  相似文献   

Being a teacher requires the ability to work with difficult behaviors—not just of students and parents but also of colleagues. Preservice teachers need the opportunity to develop and practice collaboration and communication skills in school settings. This essay draws on research from organizational psychology to offer a framework for understanding challenges to workplace collaboration in school settings and strategies for developing these skills in preservice teachers.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的国际大环境下,广告语言作为一种时代产物,蕴含着特定的民族文化底蕴.广告语言的跨国传播只有与当地受众的文化观念相一致,与受众文化相吻合,才能对受众产生无形的和潜在的影响,从而影响受众的购买决策.  相似文献   

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