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二十世纪八十年代以后出现了对女性写作的命名热潮,这些命名可以折射出商业化社会与男权文化对女性写作的态度与影响。从各式各样或游离于写作本身或独断霸权的命名名称,可以看出热闹背后女性写作的尴尬。  相似文献   

当代话语范型与女性写作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代女性写作与主流话语之间呈现一种分享与受制的关系,既对时尚主流应合,又保持一份自觉的疏离,同时惜鉴其话语资源来拓展文学想象、文本叙事的空间。  相似文献   

当代女性写作与主流话语之间呈现一种分享与受制的关系,既对时尚主流应合,又保持一份自觉的疏离,同时借鉴其话语资源来拓展学想象、本叙事的空间。  相似文献   

论20世纪90年代女性小说的写作群体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对活跃在20世纪90年代小说领域的三代女性写作群体的写作风貌进行考察,探讨写作者的阅历、文化修养与其创作的关系,并且分析了当下女性作者写作存在的问题。  相似文献   

从写作题材、人物塑造、基本主题、叙事策略几个方面分析安妮·勃朗特的小说创作 ,揭示其作品中蕴藏的女性主体意识 ,从而明确其鲜明的女性写作立场  相似文献   

该文从“女性定义”的角度讨论了“男性写作”和“女性写作”的关系,认为“女性写作”的提出是挤兑“男性写作”而共同成为“写作”概念之下的二级概念,并以此获得同等地位的女性主义文学理论策略;它有利于“写作”理论的深入研究。  相似文献   

论文将新时期第一个十年(1976—1985)的女性写作置于当时中国文学的现实背景之下,探讨其在新时期初期发生、发展过程的原因和特点。此期的女性写作是在主流文学之中孕育和发展起来的,女作家们对人道主义的热情关注和独特解释奠定了她们在十年文学史上的地位;从潜意识层面看,这也是她们为了置身于主流文学史而“摹仿”男作家的写作策略。与此同时,女性主义的意识在作家们对男/女关系的叙述和女性形象的塑造中流溢出来。  相似文献   

20世纪末,女性文学写作成绩斐然,从写作主题到创作艺术都有了新的突破.同时造就了一大批优秀的女性作家,她们的小说探索历史与现实的关系,用多样化的手法特别是现代主义的创作方式反映生活的真实性,表现女性特有的性别体验,成为20世纪文学创作上的一道靓丽的风景,她们的作品很值得一读.  相似文献   

202世纪8、90年代,留学生文学在大陆兴起,查建英、严歌苓、虹影等一批海外女作家的写作尤其引人注目。她们在全球化背景下思考“女性”、“文化”和“民族”等问题,写作视角开阔。留学生文学的发展在二十世纪经历了三次高潮。本文以留学生文学的发展历程为轨迹来考察其女性写作。可以大致勾勒出留学生文学的女性写作从低的天空盘旋到多姿飞翔的历史轨迹。  相似文献   

梅娘的小说写作是一种女性话语写作。她对女子命运的关注与同情、对男性神话的置疑与颠覆,以及表现在文本写作上的大胆创新与改造,都显示出女性话语的独有魅力。她为丰富文学的写作模式做出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

This study tested three models of the structural relationship between the writing achievement of primary grade students and their attitude towards writing (defined here as an affective disposition involving how the act of writing makes the author feel, ranging from happy to unhappy). The three models tested were: (a) writing attitude influences writing achievement in a unidirectional manner, (b) writing achievement influences writing attitude in a unidirectional manner, and (c) the effects of writing attitude and achievement are bidirectional and reciprocal. The model that best fit the data was based on the assumption that writing attitude influences writing achievement. In addition, the direct path between attitude and achievement in this model was statistically significant. Although third grade students were better writers than first grade students, there was no statistical difference in younger and older students’ attitude towards writing. In addition, girls were more positive about writing than boys, but there was no statistical difference in their writing achievement related to gender. This research extends models based on the cognitive and language processes of writing to include the role of attitude, which is an affective component of motivation.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):286-301

Research shows that although most studies have explored the relationship between attitude and achievement in science only a few have been undertaken to reveal the nature of the relationship between affective variables and process outcomes in science. This study seeks to examine sex differences in attitude toward science among Northern Sotho speaking learners in South Africa. A random sample of 793 respondents (365 boys and 428 girls) in Grade 12 whose ages ranged from 17 to 24 years was selected from 27 schools out of 566 schools in Limpopo Province of South Africa. A questionnaire was administered to pupils during the Physical Science lessons and required almost 45 minutes to complete. The attitude scores of 365 boys and 428 girls were 3.2 (SD = 1.2) and 2.9 (SD = 1.3), respectively. A t-test indicated that the attitude score of boys was significantly higher than that of the girls (t 989 = 3.9, p<.01). Further, the correlation between sex and attitude towards science was .90 (p<.01). The coefficient of concomitance of .81 indicates that sex was associated with 81% of the variance in these attitudes. There is considerable evidence from the findings that males have more positive attitudes towards science than females.  相似文献   

诗谶作为诗歌阐释方式之一,注重对诗歌作品的创作根源、诗旨内涵以及诗人的背景资料、创作心态进行描述和探询,因此,它对诗人具体的诗歌创作也会产生很大的影响。通过对宋代诗谶进行全面深入地考察,可以藉以发现其与诗歌创作和诗学批评之间的复杂关系,并可对宋诗特色的形成有一全新的认识。  相似文献   

从"二拍"中涉足淫乱的"性"男女切入,从故事内容及创作者的批判态度入手,归纳出凌濛初关心天下民生的士大夫情怀,并进一步探讨了这种情怀产生的原因,包括作者的主观思想意识及社会客观因素,从而肯定了它积极的社会意义,尽管文中存在所谓落后的因果报应观念.  相似文献   

Various claims have been made for the usefulness of dialogue journal writing for improving the writing of less proficient users of English such as deaf writers of English or speakers of English as a second language. However, the bulk of the research has focussed on either student attitudes towards writing or very limited samples of student writing. In a one year project involving the exchange of dialogue journals between 204 pairs of deaf and hearing students in 10 public school districts, the authors sought to evaluate the utility of dialogue journals for improving the writing skills of the deaf writers. The age of the correspondents ranged from 10 to 18 years old in grades 4 through 12. Among the deaf writers, the average hearing loss was 89 dB in the better ear with a range of from 45 dB to 120 dB. The journal entries of 153 of the deaf students were evaluated for both changes in content and syntactic complexity. When the pair of writers maintained a relationship over time, there was an improvement in the quality of the writing of the deaf student and a change in the nature of the contents of the deaf student's entries. Results suggest that for some young deaf writers an exchange of dialogue journals with hearing peers can both improve the writing skills of the deaf writer and develop a relationship between the correspondents. Suggestions for implementing such a program are included.  相似文献   

付琦 《培训与研究》2007,24(4):35-37
从叙述接受者的角度来分析面临求职的大学毕业生撰写英语求职文书中遇到的问题。指出求职文书的叙述者应从充分了解叙述接受者,充分考虑叙述接受者的需求和正确看待与叙述接受者的关系三个方面寻求解决问题的对策,达到求职者与用人单位之间有效的交流与合作。  相似文献   

This article explores some specific issues involved in online learning and assessment. It draws on data from a postgraduate course for professional educators, delivered globally online, and highlights the relationship between students’ online discussion and their written assessed work, arguing that we need to focus on both of these in terms of the writing demands they make on students. In so doing it utilizes a theoretical framework which conceptualizes writing as contextualized social practice. The paper illustrates the complexity of the rhetorical demands being made on students in these new environments of teaching and learning and, in focusing on writing, complements present approaches to online learning which have, to date, tended towards collaborative and constructivist perspectives. The article highlights the relationship between pedagogy, technology and assessment. It concludes with a discussion of the design of an online writing resource to support student writers on this particular masters programme.  相似文献   

有些职高班是纯男生班,缺乏与异性交往的机会。重视职高纯男生班学生的异性交往,有利于他们性生理、性心理正常发展;有利于他们注重自身形象;有利于他们端正学习态度,提高学习效率;有利于他们收敛、矫正不良行为习惯;有利于他们今后的社会交往和家庭生活。  相似文献   

A convenience sample of 618 children and adolescents in grades 4 through 10, excluding grade 8, were asked to complete a writing motivation and activity scale and to provide a timed narrative writing sample to permit an examination of the relationships between writing motivation, writing activity, writing performance, and the student characteristics of grade, sex, and teacher judgment of writing ability. Female students and older students wrote qualitatively better fictional stories, as did students with higher levels of writing ability based on teacher judgment. With respect to writing activity, more frequent writing in and out of school was reported by girls, better writers, and younger students. In a path analysis, grade and sex directly influenced writing activity, while sex, teacher judgment of writing ability, and writing activity directly influenced some aspects of writing motivation. Overall, teacher judgment of writing ability, grade level, and motivational beliefs each exerted a significant direct positive influence on narrative quality, whereas performance goals exerted a significant direct negative impact on quality.  相似文献   

医学生婚恋观的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的——了解二年级医学生的婚恋观的现状,以利于对大学生进行正确的指导和教育。方法——采取自行设计问卷,现场匿名独立填写,应用SPSS11.5软件统计分析。结果——恋爱是大学生活里不可或缺的组成部分;性观念宽容、开放与谨慎、保守并存;医学生择偶观较为理性;对待婚姻的态度严肃认真,有较强的责任感。建议系统的婚恋观、性爱观教育;积极引导大学生妥善处理好恋爱与学习的关系;进一步加强对大学生的恋爱问题上的责任感教育;建立健全心理咨询服务机构,对大学生的性观念和婚恋心理加以正确引导;婚姻家庭教育前移,加强学校、家长、教师的紧密配合。  相似文献   

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