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采用DFL、FFL等多种方法探讨了美国博士劳动力市场变化的趋势和特征:1998—2017年,美国博士学位授予数量稳步增加,营利性、无全球排名的高等教育机构博士学位授予的比例增加;1993—2017年,博士学位获得者的年薪分布差异大幅上升,平均值略有下降。结果显示,在美国博士劳动力市场中,女性博士的年薪低于男性,性别差异在年薪分布的最高分位点数处达到峰值;种族/族群的年薪差异明显,亚裔博士的年薪显著低于白人。通过对美国博士学位获得者在工作中产品研发时间的占比分析,发现整体上科研延续性较低,仅理工类科学博士学位获得者和就职于商业/工业界的博士科研延续性相对高一些。  相似文献   

2002年4月20日至30日,应美中教育基金会的邀请,我作为中国高等职业技术教育研究会代表团成员赴美,参加在西雅图召开的美国社区学院协会年会并顺访西雅图地区、旧金山地区和洛杉矶地区的社区学院。访美期间,通过与相关人员的座谈和对教学、实验、管理等环节的实地考察,加深了对美国社区学院办学的了解,学到了一些有益的办学经验,发现了存在的问题同时也探索了今后加强双方合作的可能性。访问活动取得了圆满的成功。现就有关情况作以总结。  相似文献   

The United States has been well served by its higher education system that, historically, was the product of two philosophies: commitment to the discovery and furtherance of knowledge and fulfillment of the needs of the people. The interaction of these twin philosophies has been tempered by four movements: (i) public control of higher education institutions through boards of trustees; (ii) open admissions for high school graduates; (iii) the university in service to the community; and (iv) the increasing importance of federally funded research. Only in its ability to influence foreign policy formation has American higher education proven itself to be less effective than in the other areas.  相似文献   

美国宪法第四修正案保障了当事人不受不合理搜查和扣押的权利,这为刑事诉讼过程中正当程序的保障提供了重要依据。2006年在美国佛罗里达州发生的贾迪思案——警犬对住宅前院的嗅寻是否属于搜查,又引发了大家的激烈探讨。该案经过了初审及上诉审,在美国联邦最高法院最终审以5比4的投票结果判决认为该行为属于不合理搜查,从而侵害了被告人的宪法权利,所获取的证据应该被排除。该项判决的意义不仅于此,还对美国长期以来以"对隐私权期待"为基础的分析方法产生了影响,在原有的基础上又增加了"宪法保护区域的物理性侵害"为手段的分析方法。  相似文献   

欧美国家人治与法治斗争的历史,法治的确立和发展的历史,反复证明法治是一种能够平衡国家治理的需要与公民权利保障的最佳途径。欧美政治文化中深厚的法治观念和理想一直在随着时代的变迁而发展,法治由最初单纯的治国工具演变成了包含丰富人权内涵的政治理念、制度模式和社会实践,并涌现出了各种不同的具体法治形态,为世界政治文明的发展做出了重要贡献。探讨欧美法治传统的变迁,对中国践行法治,发展社会主义政治文明无疑有着良好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

20世纪末期,美国早期儿童教育的质量、公平、传统管理架构等问题共同推进了各州早期儿童数据系统的建设。宾夕法尼亚州于21世纪初期开始建设早期儿童数据系统,在改变该州早期儿童服务的管理架构的过程中,创建宾夕法尼亚州企业跨网络儿童信息连接中心作为早期儿童服务的数据整合平台。同时,为提升该平台的深度数据挖掘功能,建立了该州的早期儿童数据系统——早期学习网络。早期学习网络对宾州企业跨网络儿童信息连接中心的所有关于儿童、教师、机构的数据进行再次整合,并以"儿童为中心"分析儿童学习与发展的需求、早期儿童项目的质量等问题,为各层级利益相关者提供"基于数据"的科学决策支持,以不断提升该州的早期儿童服务的质量。本研究在介绍宾州基本背景与数据系统架构的前提下,着重介绍早期学习网络的实施情况及其面临挑战,以期对我国学前教育领域的数据系统建设有一定借鉴。  相似文献   

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) examination system has grown exponentially in the United States from 268 schools involved in 1999 to 1,090 schools in 2009. The fact that 49,100 students of a total of 87,800 students in 122 countries were from U.S. schools in 2009 has posed problems in strategic planning, assessment and training, the ability of the program to remain politically neutral, and the ability of the program to remain international and not take on an American persona.  相似文献   

美国地处北美洲中部,东临哥。美国的居民中白人占80%以上有墨西哥人、阿拉伯人、波多黎著居民,保存着自己的文化习俗传统的音乐体裁大致有:民歌、它乐器,所以其音乐全部都是歌竞赛游戏。  相似文献   

This paper analyses approaches to global education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. The paper begins by looking at movements that preceded global education, such as education for international understanding, development education, multicultural education, and peace education. The rise and fall of these earlier movements is analysed in terms of the interplay between the international and domestic politics of particular countries. To identify the world views which underpinned these pedagogic forms, the author discusses various discontinuities between the period up to the 1990s and thereafter. It is suggested that fresh forms of global education are emerging in - and because of - the changed world of the late 20th and early 21st century.  相似文献   

This paper analyses approaches to global education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. The paper begins by looking at movements that preceded global education, such as education for international understanding, development education, multicultural education, and peace education. The rise and fall of these earlier movements is analysed in terms of the interplay between the international and domestic politics of particular countries. To identify the world views which underpinned these pedagogic forms, the author discusses various discontinuities between the period up to the 1990s and thereafter. It is suggested that fresh forms of global education are emerging in - and because of - the changed world of the late 20th and early 21st century.  相似文献   

This article presents a historical review of mathematics education since the late 1950s in the United States. Three themes are used to organize the literature reviewed in the article: (a) broad sociopolitical forces, particularly highly publicized educational policy statements; (b) trends in mathematics research; and (c) theories of learning and instruction. At times, these themes coincide, as was the case in the 1990s. In other cases, such as the recent push for educational accountability, these themes conflict. Nonetheless, the themes go a long way to explain the serpentine nature of reform in the United States over the last 45 years. This article also attempts to account for developments in special education as well as general education research, something that does not appear in most historical presentations of mathematics education.  相似文献   

李丽娟 《教师博览》2009,(12):F0003-F0003
联邦西点陆军军官学校(The United States Military Academy),创于1802年,是美国第一所军事学校。它位于纽约州西点(West Point,哈德逊河西岸),距离纽约市约80公里,占地6500公亩。学校每年以非常严格的条件招收1400名左右学生。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the legislation upon which the current welfare-to-work transition in the United States is based and describes characteristics of the former welfare population from which various tiers of employment options have emerged: unsubsidized-employed workers, subsidized-employed workers, subsidized-unemployed recipients, and unsubsidized-unemployed individuals. It also discusses current program emphases, and presents a format for directions for future program development which includes academic programs, situated cognition programs, integrated literacy/occupational skills programs, and integrated literacy/soft skills training.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the legislation upon which the current welfare-to-work transition in the United States is based and describes characteristics of the former welfare population from which various tiers of employment options have emerged: unsubsidized-employed workers, subsidized-employed workers, subsidized-unemployed recipients, and unsubsidized-unemployed individuals. It also discusses current program emphases, and presents a format for directions for future program development which includes academic programs, situated cognition programs, integrated literacy/occupational skills programs, and integrated literacy/soft skills training.  相似文献   

陶莹 《历史教学》2003,79(4):65-67

本文介绍了美国海军军官学校的历史沿革、目前现状以及教学计划。  相似文献   

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