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The present article draws on data from a three-year study of pedagogy in teacher education that attempts to disrupt normative structures of reading and being in the teacher education classroom. The author uses Bourdieu’s work to emphasize the ways in which academic fields become ruled by unspoken rules and practices – “nomos” – and demonstrates a use of trauma narratives in teacher education that can disrupt such unspoken rules and practices. The article challenges taken-for-granted assumptions in teacher education that students must be positioned as future teachers; that reading educational research and texts should be a priority; that writing assignments should be privileged; and that a cognitive approach to learning in teacher education should be privileged.  相似文献   

本研究的目的在于以分析教师批判性思维倾向(Teacher Critical Thinking)的结构为基础,制订教师批判性思维倾向的测量工具。原始问卷根据台湾学者朱苑瑜、叶玉珠编制完成的《批判性思考倾向量表》及教师批判性思维倾向的理论定义而构造。489位中小学教师参加了测验。要求被试在6点量表上评定问卷的每一个条目是否适合描述他们自己,“1”代表非常同意,“6”代表非常不同意。测验结果得到了一个由12个条目构成的四因素结构的教师批判性思维倾向量表,该因素解释总变异的74.2%,量表平均分为27.12,标准差为10.98,无显著性性别差异(t=.336,P=.737)。统计分析还表明:该量表具有较好的内部一致性信度(a=.9496)和折半信度(r=.9384)。本量表适合在中小学教师中使用,稳定性较强,项目较少,简便易行。  相似文献   

Learning gardens can provide dynamic learning and developmental experiences for young children. This case study of 12 early childhood teachers explores how teachers describe (1) learning across numerous school readiness domains and (2) how to support this learning by promoting opportunities for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Participants worked at a university-affiliated early education program with a learning garden in the midwestern United States. Data included 19 narrative, photo-elicitation interviews during two growing seasons. Iterative qualitative analyses informed the creation of a Gourd Tee-Pee Model that describes learning across multiple domains and integrates self-determination theory into early childhood garden education. This framework can inform the design and evaluation of early childhood garden education programs.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of a second-year middle school science teacher's beliefs about science and science teaching and how these beliefs influenced—or failed to influence—classroom instruction. It illustrates how beginning teachers struggle to reconcile (a) conflicting beliefs about what is desirable, and (b) conflicts between what they believe is desirable and what is possible within the constraints of their preparation and the institutions in which they work. This teacher, for example, struggled to reconcile his view of science as a creative endeavor with his belief that students need to be provided with a high degree of structure in order to learn within the context of formal schooling. He also had difficulty resolving the conflict between the informal (“messing about”) type of science learning that he believed was desirable and the personal and institutional constraints he faced in the classroom.  相似文献   

This article explores how a reading group of pre-service teachers responded to the endings of three contemporary young adult texts and what such responses may imply about the interpretive preferences of teacher education. Set in the context of a Faculty of Education at a Canadian university, and using the lens of psychoanalytic theory, this article considers the kinds of thoughts that pre-service teachers appear to privilege, and what such privileging – here symbolized through feelings of frustration and satisfaction in the creation of literary meaning – may imply about the structures and desires for authority and certainty in teacher education.  相似文献   

The art and science of constructivist research in teacher thinking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been a number of studies on teacher thinking that have used Personal Construct Psychology theory and method. Many of these accounts have not fully articulated the procedures used. In this article we indicate a number of decisions that need to be addressed when using Repertory Grid techniques. We will argue that there is both an art and a science in the use of such techniques. Research on teacher thinking within a constructivist framework can be enhanced by the use of multi-method approaches. In this article we illustrate the use of Repertory Grid, “snake”, and the self-characterisation sketch as three methods we have used to help student teachers consider their views on teacher effectiveness.  相似文献   

Framed by a question around vulnerability in narrative inquiries, we show the multiple ways that vulnerability is evident in narrative inquiry. We take up the concerns around vulnerability to show how, as narrative inquirers, we are searching to find ways to think with vulnerability and with what others have called neglected narratives. Drawing on one study with Aboriginal youth and their families, we make visible how questions of vulnerability need to be considered in framing of research puzzles, selecting participants, and moving from field to field texts to interim and final research texts. In composing final research texts, we struggled with the notions of vulnerability that are placed on Aboriginal youth by labels and single stories. These assigned vulnerabilities lead to interpretations that could create experiences of judgment. We returned again to the importance of making experiences visible, in order to shift understandings of who Aboriginal youth are, and are becoming, in a complex world that will not write over or ‘erase their Indianness’ nor their or our vulnerabilities. We showed the ways questions of vulnerability are inextricably interwoven into narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

Identity as a mathematics teacher is enhanced when a teacher explores the cultural setting of their mathematics. The reports of projects that link culture and mathematics were analysed to explore the impact of sociocultural situations together with affective and cognitive aspects of self-regulation on identity. The reports were written by pre-service and in-service, mainly secondary, teachers at the University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea. While all 239 reports were read and considered in terms of the thesis of this article, 60 (25%) were analysed in detail developing the argument. The results indicate the strengths of such projects to take account of cultural knowledge when colonised education systems are further modified through reforms that emphasise culture. The significance for teacher education is the role that an activity which links culture and school mathematics plays in building values and identities.  相似文献   

Relationships between teachers' biographical experiences and their beliefs and practices have become central concerns in the area of teacher life history and teacher socialization research. Unfortunately, few teachers from cultural minority backgrounds have been included in this research. In the present study, the life and career narratives of two Chicana teachers are examined in order to identify the influences of biographical experiences on how they define their teacher role identity. In recognition of and building from the narrative form of the written and interview data from which the life and career narratives are constructed, teacher role identity is defined as a narratively constructed self-image that presents an identity-in-action in which teachers' competence to act is demonstrated through their actions across various occupational challenges and demands. The competence to act is the product of teachers' biographical experiences and is based on the appropriation of family values through which the case study teachers make connections between their family socialization and their current professional educator role.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interplay of daily storytelling and societal narratives of teaching in one student teacher’s experience. Drawing on narrative and post-structural theories, I conducted a case study using narrative inquiry and ethnographic methods to examine the moment-to-moment storytelling of one student teacher across a range of teaching and learning contexts. Using student teacher blogs about pivotal events as a main source of data, findings demonstrate that initial story themes cohered around narratives of experimentation and adaptation as central to effective teaching, but were also complicated by pervasive societal storylines about traditional teacher authority. Implications for teacher educators are discussed.  相似文献   

计算机教师专业化是教师教育的潮流与趋势。笔者通过对教育专业化与计算机教师专业发展的界定,并对我国的计算机教师专业化发展现状加以分析,从而对我国计算机教师专业化发展进行了进一步的思考。  相似文献   

Over recent decades language teaching and learning has undergone a redefinition of the subject and a rapid change in its methodology. Language programmes can now be delivered in technology‐based environments and communication at an international level can be a daily occurrence. This paper on the one hand analyses how these developments have extended and challenged the traditional roles and responsibilities of language teachers. On the other, it examines to what extent established models of language teacher education acknowledge and address the needs of language teachers today, in particular in relation to the integration of the intercultural dimension into language teaching and learning.

Au cours des récentes décennies l'enseignement–apprentissage des langues s'est vu redéfini et a connu une rapide évolution en matière de méthodologie. On peut aujourd'hui délivrer les cursus de langue par le moyen d'environnements technologiques, et il est devenu banal de communiquer internationalement de cette façon. Dans la présente étude nous cherchons d'une part à cerner les défis que présente cette évolution pour les rôles et responsabilités traditionnels des enseignants de langue. D'autre part nous demandons dans quelle mesure les modèles en vigueur en matière de formation des enseignants reconnaissent les nouveaux besoins de ceux‐ci, notamment en ce qui concerne l'intégration de la dimension interculturelle dans leur pratique.

Im Bereich Sprachenlehren und lernen haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten grundlegende Veränderungen ergeben, vor allem im Hinblick auf Methodologie. Sprachkurse können jetzt per Computer zu den Adressaten gebracht werden und Kommunikation über Grenzen hinweg wird potentiell zum alltäglichen Ereignis. Hier soll untersucht werden inwieweit diese Entwicklungen die traditionelle Rolle und den Verantwortungsbereich von Sprachenlehrer/innen erweitert und verändert haben. Darüberhinaus wird überprüft inwieweit die herkömmliche Ausbildung der Sprachenlehrer/innen den heutigen Anforderungen gerecht wird, vor allem im Hinblick auf die interkulturelle Dimension des Lehren und Lernens von Fremd‐ und Zweitsprachen.

En las últimas décadas la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las lenguas ha pasado por una redefinición de su contenido y un rápido cambio en su metodología. Los programas de estudios se pueden realizar en entornos basados en las nuevas tecnologías y la comunicación a nivel internacional puede darse a diario. Este artículo de una parte analiza de qué manera estos cambios han ampliado y desafiado los papeles y las responsabilidades que los profesores de lenguas han tenido tradicionalmente. De otra parte, examina hasta qué punto los modelos que se han venido utilizando para la formación de profesores de idiomas reconocen y suplen sus necesidades en la actualidad, en particular en lo que se refiere a la integración de la dimensión intercultural en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las lenguas.  相似文献   

This study examines the evolution of 11 prospective teachers’ understanding of mathematical modeling through the implementation of a modeling module within a curriculum course in a secondary teacher preparation program. While the prospective teachers had not previously taken a course on mathematical modeling, they will be expected to include modeling as part of the school curriculum under current state standards. The module consisted of readings, analysis of the Common Core State Standards, carefully designed modeling activities, individual and group work, discussion, presentations, and reflections. The results show that while most prospective teachers had misconceived definitions of mathematical modeling prior to the module, they developed the correct understanding of modeling as an iterative process involving making assumptions and validating conclusions connected to everyday situations. The study reveals how the prospective teachers translated the modeling cycle into practice in the context of a carefully designed open-ended problem and the strong connections between modeling activities and promoting mathematical practices.  相似文献   

隐喻是语言的一种普遍现象。本文试图运用形象思维询问程式来研究新奇隐喻。  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - In mathematical whole-class discussions, teachers can build on various student ideas and develop these ideas toward mathematical goals. This requires teachers...  相似文献   

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