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生物学课堂教学中的情境创设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许瑞芬 《生物学教学》2004,29(10):22-23
在教学过程中,教师出于教学目的的需要,依据一定的教学内容,创造出师生情感、欲望、求知探索精神的高度统一、融洽和步调一致的情绪氛围,对于课堂教学起着很重要的影响作用。苏联教育家赞可夫认为:“智力活动是在情绪高涨的气氛里进行的。这种气氛会给教学带来好处,同时也有助于完成教育任务”。  相似文献   

高校生物学实验室的管理一直是高校生物安全工作的重点,尤其是生物学科研实验室往往存在多种生物活性材料及有毒有害物质,研究过程中还会产生大量有害生物垃圾,所以对其进行安全控制和科学管理具有至关重要的意义。  相似文献   

时尚休闲服装初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服饰是借助于物质手段直接美化人类自身的实用艺术品,美的服装不单纯是可供鉴赏的艺术品,它还是一种具有实用价值的商品.休闲既是延续文化的基础,同时,也在产生并诠释着文化.本文分析了时尚休闲服装的种类和文化内涵,最后对休闲装在中国的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

服装CAD是针对服装专业的一项专用软件,在教学内容上和服装专业课程有紧密联系,是服装结构制图的表现形式。把握好服装CAD与服装专业教学结合的方法和手段,可以有效地优化服装结构制图的课堂教学效果。对服装CAD软件在服装教学中的应用进行探讨,希望能够改进教学的方法和手段,能有效地提高学生的学习积极性,为学生打造良好的就业基础。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,服装在人们生活中的地位在不断地提升,品位也在不断增长,社会对服装技术工人的需求量与日俱增,这对技工学校的发展是一次难得的机遇.  相似文献   

在高中生物学知识体系中,水的知识零散地贯穿于生物学教材中,与许多知识的学习密切相关。牢固地掌握与“水”有关的知识,是系统地学好高中生物学知识的必备要求。  相似文献   

服装构成的依据不是某件衣服的裁剪数据和公式,而是人体.一件成衣要做到线条流畅、符合人体造型并且具有视觉美感效果,实现人、服装之间的最佳匹配,才能做到符合人体.服装先“以人为本”,再进行服装款式的变化,这一点充分表象在服装结构设计中的各个细节.在进行结构设计、加工缝制时都要考虑穿着过程中对人体适应性的需求,这些要求都体现了适应人的功能性的重要性,强调了要以人体为主体的前提下再去考虑其他因素,比如设计、版型、面料等.  相似文献   

唐国华 《生物学教学》2005,30(11):68-70
顾名思义,俗语是指既通俗易懂又流行广泛的定型语句。俗语不仅语言简炼而且生动形象,绝大多数是劳动者在实践活动中不断创造出来的,一定程度上反映了人们的生活经验和意愿希望。  相似文献   

“教育即生活”这是杜威终生践履的教育哲学命题,这一命题的真谛在于:确认学生今天的真实而生气勃勃的生活。生物学科作为自然科学的一门基础学科,较其他学科而言更接近于人类认识和实践的实际,与人类生活息息相关,小至人的生长发育、饮食卫生、健康保健,大至发展经济、开发资源、保护环境、人与自  相似文献   

近几年,有关种子的考点在高考中频频出现,这说明种子是一个较好的知识载体,能够考察高中学生的生物学知识。现对种子的生物学问题作了整理、归纳和总结,列为以下四大类型。  相似文献   


初中生物学教材在“蜜蜂”一节中,简要介绍了三种类型蜂的形态结构、功能及其发育;在高中生物学教材生殖和发育中涉及到蜜蜂的特殊生殖方式和发育特点,在遗传和变异涉及到单倍体雄峰。现将学生对蜜蜂感兴趣的问题总结如下:  相似文献   

从对粒子物理学发展概况的简要叙述,回顾了从元素、原子、原子核和基本粒子的发展过程,特别是最近六十年以来基本粒子的发现和人类对物质结构的探索,揭示出物质物理微观结构的奥秘.  相似文献   

Young children's knowledge about printed names   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four experiments examined young children's knowledge about the visual characteristics of writing, specifically personal names. Children younger than 4 years of age, even those who could read no simple words, showed some knowledge about the horizontal orientation of English names, the Latin letters that make them up, and their left-to-right directionality. Preschoolers also had some familiarity with the shapes of the letters in their own first name, especially the leftmost letter. Knowledge of the conventional capitalization pattern for English names emerged later, after a period during which children preferred names in all uppercase letters. When tested with personal names, the kind of word they know best, young children are surprisingly knowledgeable about the visual characteristics of writing.  相似文献   

Children of ages 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 years, and adults were asked whether people who are sound asleep and not dreaming could or would: (1) see, hear, listen, notice, think, wish, pretend, and feel things (primary-consciousness activities), (2), know that they are asleep, and know whether they are or are not engaged in primary-consciousness activities such as perceiving and thinking (reflective-consciousness activities), (3) deliberately decide to or try to perform mental or physical actions (control activities). Results indicated that the recognition that people do not engage in conscious mental activities when unconscious is still developing during the late middle-childhood years. We speculate that a developing understanding of consciousness may assist the development of an understanding of unconsciousness and vice versa, and that sensitivity to the phenomenology as contrasted with the content of mental states may be a late acquisition in the theory-of-mind area.  相似文献   

当代信息加工学习理论把人类的知识分成两类 :陈述性知识和程序性知识。这两类知识在人脑中的表征和贮存方式是不一样的。因此 ,获得的方式也不同。生物学教学内容如何根据这两类知识进行教学设计 ,提高学与教的有效性 ,是现代教学设计技术的基本内容之一。  相似文献   

在中国传统社会体系中,作为审美客体的奇服,一直处于被忽视审美需求的范畴之中。文章从奇服的客观社会性入手,进而从四个方面探讨了其功利价值、精神价值、本体价值、接受价值,从而说明中国古代奇服审美价值内涵的丰富与深刻及讨论其审美意义的必要性。  相似文献   

Development of knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
7 studies of the acquisition of knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction suggest the following course of development. Many 3-year-olds seem to possess little or no understanding of the distinction. They fail the simplest Appearance-Reality (AR) tasks and are unresponsive to efforts to teach them the distinction. Skill in solving simple AR tasks is highly correlated with skill in solving simple perceptual Perspective-taking (PT) tasks; this suggests the hypothesis that the ability to represent the selfsame stimulus in two different, seemingly incompatible ways may underlie both skills. Children of 6-7 years have acquired both skills but nevertheless find it very difficult to reflect on and talk about such appearance-reality concepts as "looks like," "really and truly," and "looks different from the way it really and truly is." In contrast, children of 11-12 years, and to an even greater degree college students, possess a substantial body of rich, readily accessible, and explicit knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that was designed to describe prospective elementary teachers' prior verbal and diagrammatic knowledge about various aspects of light, seeing, shadows, and mirror images. Data were collected through individual interviews using simple apparatus (light bulb, objects, screen, and plane mirror). Included are some inferences about how students' ideas may have emerged from their interpretations of everyday experiences. The article concludes with a section that provides an example of a conceptual change instructional strategy that was based on the research results reported here.  相似文献   

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