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通过对英国大学与工业关系发展的历史分析,阐述高等教育职能的自我协调与演变特征。高等教育自身发展规律,社会经济的发展需求,甚至政府的干预都会促进大学与工业的联系与合作。同时,高等教育职能的转变也伴随着大学与工业关系的进一步加强而逐步得到完善,使之成为推动高等教育发展与社会进步的重要力量。  相似文献   

Interstitial fluid (ISF) flow through vascular adventitia has been discovered recently. However, its kinetic pattern was unclear. We used histological and topographical identification to observe ISF flow along venous vessels in rabbits. By magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in live subjects, the inherent pathways of ISF flow from the ankle dermis through the legs, abdomen, and thorax were enhanced by paramagnetic contrast. By fluorescence stereomicroscopy and layer-by-layer dissection after the rabbits were sacrificed, the perivascular and adventitial connective tissues (PACTs) along the saphenous veins and inferior vena cava were found to be stained by sodium fluorescein from the ankle dermis, which coincided with the findings by MRI. The direction of ISF transport in a venous PACT pathway was the same as that of venous blood flow. By confocal microscopy and histological analysis, the stained PACT pathways were verified to be the fibrous connective tissues, consisting of longitudinally assembled fibers. Real-time observations by fluorescence stereomicroscopy revealed at least two types of spaces for ISF flow: one along adventitial fibers and another one between the vascular adventitia and its covering fascia. Using nanoparticles and surfactants, a PACT pathway was found to be accessible by a nanoparticle of <100 nm and contained two parts: a transport channel and an absorptive part. The calculated velocity of continuous ISF flow along fibers of the PACT pathway was 3.6‒15.6 mm/s. These data revealed that a PACT pathway was a “slit-shaped” porous biomaterial, comprising a longitudinal transport channel and an absorptive part for imbibition. The use of surfactants suggested that interfacial tension might play an essential role in layers of continuous ISF flow along vascular vessels. A hypothetical “gel pump” is proposed based on interfacial tension and interactions to regulate ISF flow. These experimental findings may inspire future studies to explore the physiological and pathophysiological functions of vascular ISF or interfacial fluid flow among interstitial connective tissues throughout the body.  相似文献   

高校与媒体沟通机制之构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建高校与媒体沟通机制,提升社会主义高校良好社会形象,对于加快提高我国教育现代化水平,建设社会主义和谐社会具有重要战略意义。强国必先强教。中国未来发展、中华民族伟大复兴,关键靠人才,基础在教育,而高等教育作为教育的重中之重,是高科技产生发展的最前沿。可以说,高校的发展与形象事关国家的未来走向。要提升高校形象,核心靠自身发展,关键是要理顺高校与媒体关系,建立二者互惠双赢的战略合作机制。但是长期以来,由于传统观念和陈旧模式的影响,高校与媒体沟通还存在诸多问题亟待研究,改革和创新。  相似文献   

在中国近代高等教育发展史上,私立大学扮演着极为重要的角色.在办学条件方面与公立大学无法相比的情况下,私立大学能逐渐发展壮大,其校长的个人魅力毋庸置疑.私立大学校长与政府之间若即若离的关系,体现了自由知识分子与政府之间斗争与合作的关系.随着时代的不断发展,私立大学最后得以被政府承认与资助,将成为中国民办高等教育发展的一种趋势.  相似文献   

自熊明安的《中国高等教育史》问世以后,中国近代高等教育史也逐渐形成了一个专门的研究领域。时至今日,中国近代高等教育史在研究上主要表现为四种模式:中国近代高等教育史的宏观研究,近代中国大学的个案研究.区域高等教育发展研究以及大学与区域社会互动发展研究。由于中国近代不同区域发展状况各异.从大学与区域社会互动发展的角度对中国近代高等教育进行研究,可以更加明晰地了解影响中国近代高等教育发展中很多具体的区域性人物和事件,并为当代中国高等教育发展提供更加具体和客观的借鉴。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化是一国文化软实力建设的重要表征和关键途径。本研究采用混合研究方法,通过分析中泰高等教育合作交流中的科研合作、学生流动和机构合作情况发现,当前中泰高等教育合作交流已取得重要进展,两国在人文社科和艺术领域蕴藏巨大合作潜力,中国经济的高速发展和中泰经贸合作的良好态势、丰厚的奖学金项目、中国高校的国际化视野是吸引泰国学生的潜在增长点;存在中国高等教育现有实力对泰国学生的吸引力相对不足,中泰高校在高等教育合作中的活动空间还极为有限等一些亟待突破的瓶颈。新时代深化中泰高等教育合作交流要扩大人文社科和艺术领域合作,增进中泰文化交流与互信;提高留学生质量和管理水平,坚定不移地走高等教育国际化发展道路;充分发挥高校在中泰高等教育合作中的能动作用。  相似文献   

中国大学自清末以来的百年发展进程中,先后经历了模仿日、德、美、法和苏联大学模式的转换过程。中国大学百年现代化进程虽以西方模式为显性主导,但却是基于传统文化的思维方式隐性运作的,模式频繁转换的背后恰恰隐含了中国传统文化通过选择怎样一种大学模式来整合西方学术文化的问题。这一结论给我们的启示是当代中国大学文化软实力的打造需要重新审视传统文化的价值。  相似文献   

高校就业指导体系建构问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当前,高校毕业生就业率成为对高校培养人才质量的检验指标,以及对高校社会适应性的检验指标,与学校的生存与发展紧密相连。面对产业结构的调整和高校毕业生大幅度增加的双重压力,高校就业指导工作日显重要,建立一支高水准、高效率的就业指导队伍成为高校建设中应优先解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

Modern universities are uniquely European in origin and characteristics. With the diffusion of the European model into the university throughout the world, the heritage of colonialism and the fact that contemporary universities are Western institutions without much linkage to their indigenous intellectual traditions are the fundamental reasons for the failure of non-Western societies to effectively establish their modern higher education systems. In China, the integration between the Chinese and Western ideas of a university remains unfinished despite many efforts to indigenize the Western concept since the nineteenth century. This article examines and compares the characteristics and development of medieval European universities and traditional Chinese higher learning institutions. In contrast to most existing studies on higher education, which have overwhelmingly portrayed the powerful influence of economic and political realities, this article adopts a cultural perspective on the development of Chinese higher education, calling for the return of culture in the analyses of higher education development and arguing that Chinese universities have considerably improved their hardware but not their software. In the current great leap forward of the Chinese higher education, attention to institutions and cultural establishments is usually absent.  相似文献   

"新大学"是指1998年至今,在我国高等教育大众化阶段设置的,以本科教育为主,面向区域经济社会,以学科为依托,以应用型专业教育为基础,以社会人才需求为导向,培养高层次应用型人才的新型的院校。中国"新大学"发端于20世纪80年代广东的"中心城市办大学"的试验,其发展需要经历两次变革过程,即外延式发展和内涵式发展。当前"新大学"的发展面临着资金和人才不足、师资结构失衡、学科基础薄弱、管理水平偏低的困境,需要予以破解。  相似文献   

论我国高等教育评估中介组织独立性的再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立性是高等教育评估中介组织最本质的特征,也是高等教育评估中介组织存在和发展的基础。社会发展大环境的限制以及高等教育评估中介组织自身发展阶段的局限,使得我国高等教育评估中介组织缺乏独立性与自我治理,过度依附于政府,在评估活动中没有自己充分的话语权。再造其独立性,政府、高等教育评估中介组织与高校都必须有所作为。  相似文献   

Global competence is categorised into three dimensions: knowledge, skills/experience and attitudes. This study aims to investigate the global competence discrepancies of Chinese undergraduates in universities and regions of different development levels, as well as the effects of internationalisation efforts at home and students’ motivation on global competence. To this end, 2,695 students within nine universities (three 985 project universities, three 211 project universities and three provincial universities) in three Chinese cities (Beijing, Nanjing and Changchun) participated in this survey. The findings revealed that Chinese undergraduates have positive global attitudes, but they seem to lack sufficient global knowledge. Students from 985 project universities reported gaining higher global competence than students from 211 project and provincial universities, and students from Beijing reported higher global competence than students from Nanjing and Changchun. Competence discrepancies concerning fields of study were also found. The results of hierarchical regression analysis suggest that gender, 985 and 211 project universities, Beijing city, social sciences and humanities, experience of contact with foreigners on campus activities, enrolment in courses related to internationalisation and students’ motivation were predictive of Chinese students’ global competence.  相似文献   

我国高等教育法第五条明确规定高校具有人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大职能,高校职能本质上就是对社会所承担的责任。随着高校与社会关系的日益密切,高校承载的职能与社会责任也就越大,而现有三大职能的局限与滞后已无法满足当代社会对高校的要求,同时立法上缺少对提升高校社会责任的进一步明确要求以及当前高校社会责任意识仍较淡薄。鉴于此,修订完善高等教育法第五条,加强高校社会责任宣传,构建高校社会责任评价体系尤为重要。  相似文献   

Most American colleges and universities offer gateway biology courses to meet the needs of three undergraduate audiences: biology and related science majors, many of whom will become biomedical researchers; premedical students meeting medical school requirements and preparing for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT); and students completing general education (GE) graduation requirements. Biology textbooks for these three audiences present a topic scope and sequence that correlates with the topic scope and importance ratings of the biology content specifications for the MCAT regardless of the intended audience. Texts for “nonmajors,” GE courses appear derived directly from their publisher''s majors text. Topic scope and sequence of GE texts reflect those of “their” majors text and, indirectly, the MCAT. MCAT term density of GE texts equals or exceeds that of their corresponding majors text. Most American universities require a GE curriculum to promote a core level of academic understanding among their graduates. This includes civic scientific literacy, recognized as an essential competence for the development of public policies in an increasingly scientific and technological world. Deriving GE biology and related science texts from majors texts designed to meet very different learning objectives may defeat the scientific literacy goals of most schools’ GE curricula.  相似文献   

高校“双一流”建设背后遵循中国高等教育发展的历史逻辑、价值逻辑和目标逻辑,同时也面临空间布局、学科设置、人才布局、创新能力等不平衡发展的制约。高校“双一流”建设是一个辩证性、动态性过程,重中之重在于范式创新,优化教育资源配置,同时需要处理好5个关系:高峰与支撑、中央与地方、理科与文科、学科与育人、中国与世界,实现高校“双一流”建设的价值追求和建设目标。  相似文献   

各国并不存在完全一致的高等教育管理体制与运行机制的普世模式。但是,高等教育管理体制与运行机制必须遵循高等教育规律,体现现代大学特性,存在有大学自治与自主办学、教师权力与学术自由、民主管理与社会参与等共有特性。我国的高等教育体制改革要适合中国国情,体现中国政治制度与经济社会发展要求,具有中国特色。但是,同时要遵循高等教育规律,遵循世界各国高等教育体制发展历程中形成的共有特性。  相似文献   

孝感孝文化资源丰富,在中华孝文化中享有独特的地位。孝感地方高校充分利用区域孝文化资源履行高校人才培养、科学研究、社会服务与文化传承创新四项职能,对全面提高高等教育质量,促进孝感经济、文化和社会的科学发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

英国的高等教育的发展具有悠久的历史,政府在对高校的管理方面也取得了许多成功的经验。英国高校与政府的关系从早期大学的高度自治逐步走向加强政府的干预。现阶段英国政府与高校的关系呈现三个特征:大学高度自治;中介组织协调,政府宏观调控;社会机构参与,市场机制引导。我国在深化高等教育体制改革的过程中可以借鉴其成功经验,处理好政府与高校的关系,以便更好地管理和建设我国的高等教育。  相似文献   

关于高校建立服务型管理部门的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于中国国情的特殊性,作为中国庞大的组织机构——高校,其内部管理体制一直与政府管理体制存在着许多相似性。改革开放以来,中国经济社会的快速发展促使政府不断推进自身管理体制的改革。因此,高校也必然要适应经济社会和高等教育发展的新形势,对自身管理机构的职能重新加以定位,建设服务型行政管理部门,在服务中促进管理,求得支持,获得发展。  相似文献   

现代社会的发展日新月异,越来越呈现出网络化、智能化的特点。内涵式发展是当前我国高等教育发展的核心理念,走内涵式发展道路是中国特色社会主义高等教育发展的必然趋势。互联网触角的不断延伸对传统的教育模式提出了挑战,也为新时代的教学改革指明了方向。根据高校数学建模活动的现状,分析了目前高校数学建模活动中存在的一些问题,对在“互联网+”背景下如何有效开展数学建模活动进行了探讨。指出应通过数学建模培训、竞赛,引导学生树立起“组网”“用网”和“入网”意识,让学生自觉地构建自己的知识网络和能力体系,将个人的发展积极融入整个社会网络中去。  相似文献   

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