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本文对1282名一年级小学生的汉字书写质量进行测查。结果显示:学生汉字书写的总体情况良好,普遍能够将汉字写得大小适中、居格中央、端正、笔画紧凑、各偏旁的比例恰当,基本掌握问架结构技巧,但学生在汉字书写的认真程度、规范程度、字形等方面还有待提高;女生的书写质量优于男生;省会城市学生与县城学生的书写表现基本一致,县城学生的表现显著优于村镇学生。  相似文献   

幼儿园保教质量评估标准是各省现行用于评估幼儿园保教质量的工具。评估标准的运用对于提高幼儿园保教质量起到了一定的推动作用,但还存在一些问题:评估指标缺乏系统性和科学性,评估指标的权重设置缺乏科学性,评估标准缺乏良好的信度和效度。为提高工具的科学性和有效性,在研制幼儿园保教质量评估工具的过程中,应构建三位一体的保教质量评估指标体系,凸显过程性指标在指标体系中的核心地位,采用科学的方法设置评估指标的权重,提高评估标准的信度和效度。  相似文献   

正新课改以后,各学段的学生有严格的书面作业时间限制,特别是小学低年级学生回家不得留书面作业。因此,小学低年级学生在校完成作业的效率和质量很重要。语文老师在批改学生书面作业的过程中,发现学生书面作业的速度与质量普遍较低,字迹潦草、错别字现象较严重。针对这些问题,教师如何做才能提高小学低年级学生作业效率与质量呢?一、培养良好书写习惯,提高书写质量教育的根本目的之一是要培养学生良好的习惯,教会学生如何做人。小学生心理发育一般处在习惯培养初期和  相似文献   

文章利用司显柱先生提出的功能语言学视角的翻译质量评估模式,从译文概念意义和人际意义的偏离两方面入手,对徐志摩译拜伦的名诗"今天我满三十六岁"的中译本进行翻译质量评估,一方面检验了这一模式在诗歌翻译质量评估上的可操作性;另一方面也对"今天我满三十六岁"的中译本的翻译质量做出了较为客观的评价.  相似文献   

<正>2011年版《语文课程标准》和2001年版的相比,新课标对写字教学有了更多的要求:"识字写字是阅读和写作的基础,是第一学段的教学重点,也是贯穿整个义务教育阶段的重要教学内容。""每个学段都要指导学生写好汉字。要求学生书写姿势正确,指导学生掌握基本的书写技能,养成良好的书写习惯,提高书写质量。第一、第二、第三学段,要在每天的语文课中安排10分钟,在教师的指导下随堂练习,做到天天练。要在日常书写中增强练字意识,讲究练字效果。"《语文课程标准》的阶段目标中,第二学段要求会  相似文献   

教材质量是教材的生命,正确对教材质量进行评估与控制是提高教材质量的前提和基础。教材质量的评估指标包括理论指标和实践指标,对教材质量的控制应从纵向和横向两个方面来把握。  相似文献   

翻译质量评估是翻译研究的中心问题之一,其地位也越来越重要。本文试对翻译质量评估的性质、理论定位、功能、评估标准及方法、评估模式的构建等基本理论问题进行论述,简要勾勒出翻译质量评估的研究框架。  相似文献   

加强对军队院校继续教育办学机构的质量评估与监控,是提高继续教育质量的重要手段。本文从办学机构应真正树立“质量至上”的理念,把办学质量放在首位;制订科学而切实可行的继续教育评估指标体系;采取多种措施,加强对继续教育质量的评估与监控等三个方面论述了加强继续教育的质量评估与监控的方法。  相似文献   

1995年,我国首次由教育主管部门组织实施的研究生院评估结果向社会公布,引起了有关方面的兴趣和关注,受到了普遍的赞扬,为今后的研究生教育评估积累了经验,开了好头。由于是首次实施对研究生院的评估,可资借鉴经验的不足、时间和财力也有限,所以此次评估不可避免地存在一些问题。在这次评估体系中,导师队伍评估指标包括了三个二级指标,分别是:生师比、有博士学位的导师所占比例和导师总数。  相似文献   

朱民杰 《海外英语》2013,(6X):95-97
Testing and teaching have so closed relationship so that they are dispensable to each other. Test is testing what gets taught, so it can reinforce learning and motivate students. What is more, testing can also have backwash on teaching and learning, which can be either harmful or beneficial. This essay is going to evaluate the writing section of IELTS. First, it will look at those most important criteria in the author’s mind about assessing a test; then, the author will explore to what extent the test meets these criteria and some thoughts about small changes.  相似文献   


The concept of success has been investigated before, primarily with an emphasis on explanatory factors among highly successful individuals. Voices of individuals with any form of disability are generally missing from this discourse. This qualitative study examined definitions of success as well as the factors that promote it amongst graduates with learning disabilities from a university faculty of education, thereby inviting an inclusive dialog around a heretofore socially and educationally exclusive topic. A participatory action framework was chosen allowing the participants to take an active role in the enquiry. This approach was a natural offshoot of the community of learners that the graduates had participated in during their studies. While success was defined as a multifaceted concept accounted for by multiple factors, many of the findings aligned with those reported in previous studies. However, several unique themes emerged; success as a relative concept, ‘paying it forward,’ and the disability as a driving force. Instances of overlap between definitions and factors emphasised inherent connections between beliefs and actions. Practical implications for support services for students with special needs, in higher education, are considered in light of the findings.  相似文献   

Students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) are more likely to exhibit internalizing and externalizing behaviors than typically developing peers. Virtually none of the literature, however, reports on the behaviors of students at-risk for writing disabilities (AR-WD). We compared the behaviors of writers who are AR-WD and typically developing writers (TDW) from first through fourth grade (N = 138). We found that students who are AR-WD were only significantly different from TDW on Externalizing and Total Behaviors at Grade 2. These findings illustrate the benefits of studying behavior across different forms of SLD, as it appears that students ARWD do not consistently manifest significant behaviors, although interventions that simultaneously target writing and behavior may be warranted and mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

本文从快乐作文出发,以爱心评价作为作文教学的有效手段,通过眉批、建立班级作文选、朝花夕拾笔记本、设立红星奖及发现学生作文闪光点等方式,培养学生的作文兴趣,不断提高中学作文教学质量。  相似文献   

本文采用实验法,研究语音识别技术支持下的口述作文方式是否能提高写作困难学生的作文质量。结果表明:我国小学中、高年级学生掌握计算机语音识别系统的使用没有困难;语音识别系统的响应速度能满足口述作文的需要;在汉语环境下,这种写作方式能促进写作困难儿童水平的改善,可以增加作文的长度和提高作文的质量;这种写作方式还在一定程度上提高了写作困难儿童的写作兴趣。  相似文献   

英语写作策略的各种实证和理论研究表明在写作活动中不同策略的使用对于写作质量有正面或负面的影响。在写作过程中,监控策略对于协调各种协作活动,优化写作活动,提高写作质量具有重要意义。在英语写作教学中,要重视写作策略的培训,提高学生的写作策略意识,优化写作策略的使用。  相似文献   

This paper presents six principles designed to prevent writing difficulties as well as to build writing skills: (a) providing effective writing instruction, (b) tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs, (c) intervening early, (d) expecting that each child will learn to write, (e) identifying and addressing roadblocks to writing, and (f) employing technologies. Many students with LD experience difficulties mastering the process of writing. We examine how schools can help these children become skilled writers. Six principles designed to prevent as well as alleviate writing difficulties are presented. These include providing effective writing instruction, tailoring writing instruction to meet each child’s needs, intervening early to provide additional assistance, expecting that each child will learn to write, identifying and addressing academic and nonacademic roadblocks to writing, and deploying technological tools that improve writing performance. The mn was sneB[translation:“The man was scared.”[ I think theu shold no how to speek differint langwges. If theu go to like dutch countri sombodie might ask them something theu cold have two kinds of langage  相似文献   

How Stake Holder Groups Define Quality in Child Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents definitions of child care quality from focus groups conducted to develop a research design to assess the quality of Minnesota's regulated child care system. Eleven individual interviews and 38 focus groups involving 333 people were held in communities throughout Minnesota between 1-11-00 and 6-14-00. The focus groups represented the various stake holders interested in child care quality including parents, legislators, child care staff and administrators, licensed and unlicensed family child care providers, family and center based child care licensors, child care resource and referral staff, and teacher educators. Beginning first with the traditional definition of child care quality (what is good for the child) and related quality indicators, the author presents Katz's (Multiple perspectives on the quality of early childhood programs) four dimensional definition of child care quality and the associated research investigating these dimensions. The similarities and differences in various stake holder groups' definitions of child care quality are then presented and compared with Love, Schocket, & Meckstroth's review of child care research. The paper ends with a discussion how stake holders' definitions of child care quality may inform researchers and policymakers about child care quality.  相似文献   

评语是英语写作教学中,教师和学生之间信息交流的方式之一。通过写作评语,教师向学生反馈信息。推动教学有效开展。通过调查和分析,笔者发现对不同类型的评语,学生的反应并不相同。有效的评语能激发学生的写作热情;反之,则挫败学生的写作积极性。  相似文献   

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