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社会公共政策具有重要的道德价值,应当以社会公共政策为着力点促进社会道德风气的改善和淳化。由于社会政治活动与社会道德风气之间存在着内在的联系,社会道德风气的凝成具体体现在社会公共政策的道德导向,以及社会公共政策对社会道德风气产生的重要影响。从社会公共政策之善达到社会道德风气的好转,是社会主义道德建设的一个重要路径选择,对于推进整个社会道德体系建设具有现实意义。  相似文献   

随着改革开放和市场经济的发展,公民社会在我国也悄然兴起。它的兴起对公共政策制定产生了双重影响,一方面,它增强了公共政策的科学性和合法性,更好地保证了公共政策的民主性和公共性;另一方面,它又引致了政策的不平等性,增加了政策制定的社会成本,削弱了政府权威。为此,我们对公民社会的兴起应持理性的态度,正确地引导,以便使它在政策制定中发挥更积极的作用。  相似文献   

庄子思想的核心是抽象思辨的本体论哲学,人文思想并非庄子的核心部分,虽然如此,庄子的人文思想仍然具有十分丰富的内容,其中包含他所批评的现实社会与他所构筑的理想社会两个部分,可依照庄子的内在逻辑线索分养生、德充符、真人、圣人、至德之世、倒置之世、与世同波七个概念进行表述。  相似文献   

伴随我国改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的发展,社会利益集团对我国公共政策制定的影响日益显著。正确认识我国社会利益集团的概况及其对公共政策制定的影响,通过健全利益表达制度,均衡社会利益集团发展,加强机制和法制建设,理顺政府同社会利益集团的关系等,引导我国社会利益集团的健康发展,促进公共政策制定的科学化、民主化和规范化,有着积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着中国民主政治的不断完善以及社会主义市场经济的建立,公民社会已经作为一支重要力量广泛地参与到公共政策制定过程中。公民社会参与公共政策过程,可以实现建立广泛而又理性的政治参与机制,有效避免政府失灵,保证公共政策的公共利益取向,促进政策信息的充分性以及公共政策的科学性和民主性。  相似文献   

在新的时代背景下,将人文思想教育渗透在历史与社会教学中,旨在培养学生的环境保护意识,创新精神,优良品格和良好的心理品质,进一步提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

宋晓磊 《考试周刊》2010,(2):237-238
本文从大众传媒和公共政策的内涵入手.分析了大众传媒对公共政策四个过程的影响,并提出了改进大众传媒参与公共政策的具体对策。  相似文献   

常海云 《现代企业教育》2007,10(10X):109-110
林语堂的人文思想是以人为本,关心人,尊重人,重视尘世生活,同时也注重超越性的精神生活。他之所以形成与众不同的人文思想,与他所生活的时代与环境分不开。  相似文献   

林语堂的人文思想是以人为本,关心人,尊重人,重视尘世生活,同时也注重超越性的精神生活。他之所以形成与众不同的人文思想,与他所生活的时代与环境分不开。  相似文献   

网络民意对公共政策的影响探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息时代的到来,越来越多的人通过网络发表对公共政策的看法,无数人的意见在网络上汇集到一起形成了独具特点的网络民意,通过其优越于传统民意的特征来影响我国的公共政策,帮助公民表达其利益诉求、为公共政策的制定提供新的来源和推动公共政策的评估与调整,同时也分析其弊端带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

实践教学是相对于课堂教学的重要形式之一,是培养学生创新精神、实践能力与提高学生综合素质的重要环节.人文社科类高等院校应从实际出发,构建与人文社会学科的学科特点相符合的本科实践教学体系,该文就如何构建该体系提出了一些思考.  相似文献   

科学文化和人文文化是人类进步的双翼 ,二者的不平衡将使社会无法平稳行进。科学工作者应警惕对人文文化的霸权主义 ,宽容地理解科学文人对科学负面影响的批评。人文工作者则要警惕对科学文化愚昧无知的妄自尊大 ,去除狭隘的偏执态度。使科学文化和人文文化在一种宽松的环境中和谐发展 ,走向汇流与整合  相似文献   

当人们在惊呼现代人文精神缺失、精神家园丧失的时候.我们应该理性地思考如何洗净种种"文明"带来的污染,恢复人性的光彩,过一种更加符合人性的生活.充分完美地实现人性,这既是哲学的任务,更是教育的任务.  相似文献   

人文精神在不同时代有不同的内涵 ,数字化时代的人文精神是科学的人文精神 ,是高科技时代人类的精神支柱。数字化时代是人文精神充分彰显的时代 ,主要表现在人的自由时间的大量增加、人的能力的极大提高、人的社会关系的全面丰富和人的自由个性的全面发展等方面。同时 ,数字化时代又存在人文精神衰变的悖论 ,主要表现为人在自身发展、文化、道德和心理、人类安全等方面面临的一系列新困境。数字化时代科学的人文精神的建构要遵循以下原则 :在人文的视野中构建科学精神 ,以价值理性校正工具理性 ;要实现民族精神、时代精神和全球精神的有机整合 ;在理想的视野中把握现实性 ,实现终极关怀与现实关切的统一 ;在人的社会性发展中完善个体性。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to examine how EU lifelong learning policies are trying to reach the vulnerable by looking at what measures against social exclusion they offer and how equitable these measures are. It is a qualitative study that focuses on policy documents that form the European Union’s legal and political frameworks of reference in the lifelong learning area since 1992. The document analysis has been complemented by semi-structured interviews with EU lifelong learning experts. The findings show that early school leavers and migrants are the main target groups in the policies, leaving many other groups at risk of being excluded from learning opportunities. There is not enough attention to measures addressing wider social phenomena. There is also an overemphasis on basic skills which are understood in a very narrow way as literacy and numeracy when referring to the vulnerable. We argue that a greater variety of measures as well as better targeted measures are needed to address the multiple and complex needs of the vulnerable. Such measures would allow a broader understanding of lifelong learning where those that are hardest to reach are offered learning opportunities independent of their personal and social circumstances  相似文献   

Matters of data privacy related to social media are increasingly relevant for educators as happenings such as the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal have attracted public attention. Many educators use social media for professional purposes, including with their students and should, therefore, be knowledgeable regarding data privacy issues that impact education. This research explores this issue from an interpretive paradigm based on a mixed-methods approach derived from survey data from an international sample of 148 pre-service teachers who were studying education courses at three universities. Data suggest that pre-service teachers see both educational and distracting potential in social media, but lack knowledge regarding relevant policies and regulations, which reflects trends in the broader population. Attitudes toward educational social media use were not correlated with awareness of data privacy policies. However, comfort with companies’ use of personal and student data and faith in governments’ capacity to regulate social media companies were correlated. We discuss our findings in relation to the use of social media and related data privacy considerations and the need for data literacy training in teacher education programs. We include recommendations in light of the findings.  相似文献   

Inequalities in health and well-being are important contemporary public health issues. This article is the first to investigate the institutional causes of inequality in well-being among youth in a comparative perspective. Data from the European Social Survey are used to analyse how educational policies moderate the association between social background and well-being. Multilevel techniques are used to investigate cross-level interactions between social background and educational policies on life satisfaction. Four indicators of inclusive educational policies are analysed: age of tracking, costs of education, enrolment rates, and second-chance opportunities in the educational system. The results show that educational policies indeed moderate the association between social background and well-being: inequalities as measured by the father’s social class are smaller in countries where educational policies are more inclusive. Moreover, the analysis shows that the moderating impact of education policies is mediated by individual-level education, activity status, and income.  相似文献   

在多元化市场竞争格局下,为赢得市场,越来越多的企业认识到,在把产品和服务推向市场之前,应先对内部员工进行营销,以内部员工为本,尊重理解内部员工、关心内部员工、依靠内部员工、发挥内部员工的潜能,只有先进行恰当的内部营销,企业在外部的营销活动才可能获得最终的成功。所以说,内部营销是企业以人为本的一种管理哲学、管理策略,同时也是一种重要的管理方法。  相似文献   

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