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为了解安徽省大学生体质健康现状以及体力活动特点,探询不同体力活动水平对大学生体质的影响,本研究采用实验法、问卷法、数理统计法对我省大学生体质现状、体力活动特点以及它们的相互关系进行了统计分析。结果表明:安徽省大学生体质状况总体良好;课余时间体力活动偏少,每天静坐时间较长;每周规律地参加大中强度体力活动可以有效提高大学生体质健康水平,并能弥补由于静坐时间较长对健康产生的不利影响。  相似文献   

对56名肥胖儿童(年龄7~11岁,31名男生,25名女生)进行4个月的运动训练,运动前后测量各项指标,研究其运动后体成分变化的个体差异与饮食和体力活动等变化的关系.结果表明:实验对象体脂百分比(F%)下降显著,而体脂含量(FM)、去脂体重(FFM)上升,然而个体之间变化存在很大的差异.多元回归模型显示,运动后体成分改善与较高的运动出勤率、性别、较低的能量摄入和较多的体力活动密切相关.运动干预后,年龄、体力活动程度、饮食和基线的F%等变量的变化可以解释肥胖儿童运动后F%变化的26%.  相似文献   

学前教师与家长对体育的认知情况决定着学前体育活动的开展和实施情况,因此本文首先针对学前教师对幼儿体育的认知情况展开了调查,各个教师和家长从不同的角度说明了自己的观点,对现在的幼儿体育最新的基本信息进行了解.学前儿童体育是学前儿童全面和谐发展教育的重要组成部分.科学适合的体育活动,是增强幼儿体质最积极、最有效的因素,也是增进幼儿健康的一种积极手段.而目前儿童身体素质状况不容乐观,问题不少,我们应从终身体育的视角来审视这个问题,积极提高学前儿童体育的实效性.为以后更好的开展幼儿体育而服务.  相似文献   

随机抽取湖南民族职业学院大一、大二共734名少数民族大学生的体质健康测试数据,分析其身体形态发育水平、身体机能水平、身体素质水平,结果显示:一、二年级少数民族大学生身高标准体重和肺活量体重指数都在标准范围内,但身体素质水平普遍较差且发展不平衡,速度和柔韧素质较好,力量、耐力和灵敏素质水平较低,不同专业的学生身体素质存在一定差异。  相似文献   

大学生是祖国的未来和希望,他们的体质健康状况也影响着整个群体的发展以及国家的发展。这些年来,关于大学生体质健康方面的问题一直困扰着人们,甚至大学生的体质健康出现了一些不和谐的因素。体力活动对于体质健康产生直接性的影响,最为明显的体现就是影响了体质的指数,而体质的指数在一定程度上也体现了体质健康水平。在这样的背景下,对大学生体力活动影响体质健康开展进一步的研究,能够找到大学生体力活动开展的对策,为提高大学生的体质健康提供指导。  相似文献   

中高强度的体力活动与幼儿身体素质相关显著,幼儿园应保障幼儿每天有足够的中高强度体力活动。本研究运用幼儿身体活动观察记录系统,在广东省54所幼儿园开展幼儿体力活动水平调查。结果发现,幼儿的体力活动水平整体较低,久坐行为频率高,中高强度活动频率低。不同活动类型和不同等级幼儿园在体力活动水平上差异显著,具体表现为:在平均体力活动水平方面,自由游戏与早操显著高于体育游戏,省一级、办园级显著高于市一级;在久坐行为频率方面,自由游戏显著低于早操和体育游戏,省一级显著低于市一级;在中高强度活动频率上,自由游戏显著高于体育游戏和早操,省一级显著高于市一级。幼师比偏高,生均活动面积和生均器材数量偏少,教师对户外活动中的运动安全和常规格外关注,专注于游戏情境创设,对运动量和强度关注太少,编制的早操活动结构不合理、基本体操不科学,是幼儿体力活动水平整体不高、幼儿在教师组织实施的体育游戏与早操中的体力活动水平反不如户外自由游戏的重要原因。为提高幼儿在园体力活动水平,幼儿园应合理分配户外活动类型比例,增加户外自由游戏时间;相关部门应提升教师体育素养,加强对幼儿园户外活动的专业评价与监督。  相似文献   

朱健文 《考试周刊》2014,(48):114-114
拥有良好的身体素质是中学生高强度学习的前提与保障,近年来我国学生体质逐年下降,提高学生的体能素质已到了刻不容缓的阶段。本文通过对在中学体育准备活动中渗透身体素质练习的研究,提出观点和思考。  相似文献   

通过对《国家学生体质健康标准》测试中的台阶试验、身高标准体重等指标测试中出现的问题,本文采用实验法对台阶试验、身高标准体重测试指标进行了研究。研究结果显示:台阶高度作为影响负荷强度的重要指标直接影响台阶指数,应根据不同身高选择相应的台阶高度以提高心功能测试的效度。大学生体脂率与"身高标准体重"指数的相关系数(男生R=0.5181,女生R=0.5891),呈低度相关,因此,将"身高标准体重"作为评价身体成分的指标显然缺少理论依据。此外,在实施过程中组织管理、仪器使用与数据的采集、上报数据的真实性等方面仍存在一些不足和缺陷,为此提出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

<正>一、研究目的近几年来,随着我国经济的发展、人民生活水平的提高,小学生的营养状况也有所改善,小学生的身体素质本应得到提高。然而,笔者对《国家学生体质健康标准》近几年来取得的数据进行整理、对比、分析,却发现小学生体质下降的问题还是很明显。小学生在身高和体重指数等级方面不是很理想,肺活量指数下降,在柔韧性、耐力、速度、力量等其他身体素质方面也明显有所下降。为了改善这些现象,研究小学生体质下降的影响因素及对策很有必要。  相似文献   

为了解高校教师身体成分与健康现状,促进教师身心健康,本研究采用实验法,文献资料法和统计法对安徽省高校教师身体成分与健康现状进行了分析和研究.结果表明:教师的体重总体偏高,脂肪与去脂体重两部分的比例不适宜,去脂体重偏低,体脂重偏高,营养过剩导致肥胖的问题非常普遍.提出加强身体成分与健康的知识宣传,在合理营养的前提下,有氧耐力运动结合抗阻力量练习可以有效的控制身体成分,增进健康.  相似文献   

Engaging in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is essential to lifelong health and wellness. Physical activity behaviors established in early childhood relate to physical activity behaviors in later years. However, research has shown that children are adopting more sedentary behaviors. Incorporating structured and planned physical activity breaks into classroom transition times is an inexpensive and effective technique to increase children’s physical activity during school hours. However, this approach has not been studied in preschool settings. The purpose of this paper is to provide a simple, cost-effective method that incorporates structured physical activity into the preschool curriculum through classroom based physical activity breaks. Results of a case study along with an overview of the implementation of physical activity breaks are discussed.  相似文献   

The twofold purposes of the investigation were (a) to describe with direct observation data the physical activity behaviors and the accompanying social and environmental events of those behaviors for children in preschools and (b) to determine which contextual conditions were predictors of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and nonsedentary physical activity (i.e., light activity + MVPA) for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children during their outdoor play. The results indicate that preschoolers' physical activity is characterized as sedentary in nature throughout their preschool day (i.e., 89% sedentary, 8% light activity, and 3% MVPA). During outdoor play periods, when children are most likely to be physically active, some contextual and social circumstances better predict their physical activity. Implications for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解系统的体育锻炼对大学生身体成分的影响,采用文献资料法,实验法和统计法对体育专业和非体育专业大学生身体成分进行了分析和研究。结果表明:非体育专业大学生的体脂偏高.体重及去脂体重偏低,身体成分不合理,营养失调严重,男生营养缺乏的情况较多.女生营养过剩导致肥胖的问题非常突出;体育专业大学生的身体成分相对合理,但女生肥胖比例亦不容忽视。说明系统的体育锻炼对于控制适宜的身体成分,减少营养缺乏及肥胖的发生率.促进身体健康具有有益影响。提出加强身体成分与健康的宣传教育,在合理营养的前提下.进行科学的体育锻炼是增强体质,增进健康的的最佳途径。  相似文献   

An ideal physical education program would be one that focuses on aspects leading to lifelong participation in and enjoyment of physical activity accompanied by appropriate fitness levels. Often, physical education classes are the only physical activity that many children receive throughout the day, and without them, an even greater number of children, including those who are deaf, would be prone to aspects associated with sedentary lifestyles. Schools need to involve their students in daily physical education classes. The emphasis of such a program should be placed on promoting physical fitness and developing skills that lead to a lifelong enjoyment of physical activity and healthy lifestyles. This paper reviews the literature on the state of physical fitness among deaf students and describes an exemplary physical education program that was implemented at a school for deaf children.  相似文献   

Preschool-aged children are not meeting national physical activity recommendations. This study compares preschoolers’ physical activity engagement during two different physical activity opportunities: outdoor free play or a structured movement session. Eighty-seven children served as participants: 40 children participated in outdoor free play and another 47 children participated in a planned movement session. Children in the movement program replaced their outdoor free play with a structured movement session on 2 days each week. All movement opportunities were 30-min in duration. Physical activity was objectively measured using accelerometers. Results show that, compared to children on the playground, children in the movement program engaged in less sedentary behaviors and more light, moderate, vigorous and moderate to vigorous physical activity. In total, children in the movement program engaged in 15.5 min of healthier physical activity behaviors as compared with children in the outdoor free play. Structured movement time appears to afford children an opportunity to engage in more physical activity than outdoor time alone. Findings support that preschool centers should provide children with a daily structured movement time that includes formalized instruction in addition to regularly scheduled outdoor free play.  相似文献   

Preschools offer two main opportunities, recess and physical education (PE), for preschool children to participate in physical activity (PA) and are considered a suitable institution for PA promotion given the large number of children enrolled. Although PE can have a meaningful effect on preschoolers’ PA levels, preschool PE characteristics associated with increased PA have, to the best of our knowledge, not been identified. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine preschooler's PA levels and the associations with lesson context, teacher behavior, and environment during preschool physical education. A random sample of 573 preschoolers (288 boys; Mage = 5.4 years, SD = 0.4) from 35 preschools was examined during one PE class. Findings indicated that preschoolers accumulated 12 min (33%) of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), 5 min (13%) of light PA, and 20 min (54%) of sedentary behavior during PE. Forty-seven percent of the variance in pupils’ MVPA may be attributed to differences between PE classes. Less knowledge content, less promotion, less management, less preschoolers per 100 m2, using obstruction material, and not using throwing equipment were significantly associated with higher MVPA levels. These predictors explained 56% of the variance in MVPA at the PE class-level. To conclude, PE in its current format contributes only a small amount to the PA requirements of preschoolers. Preschoolers’ MVPA levels were related to modifiable PE characteristics indicating that preschool PE can be restructured to increase MVPA.  相似文献   

体育教学的目的或本质功能就是增强学生体质,增进健康,提高学生的各项运动技能,同时养成学生终生从事体育锻炼的良好习惯。在体育教学中,从学生体质、健康、体质与健康关系、体育教学中如何处理好学生的体质与健康关系出发进行了详细的阐述,从而提出了一些结论与建议。  相似文献   

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