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How teachers “care” for students is a well-established line of inquiry in educational research, but the ways such “care” may function as symbolic violence have received scant attention. In this ethnographic investigation of classroom disciplinary interactions, the characteristics and functions of preservice teachers’ care discourses are examined. By translating deficit discourses into expressions of praise for students’ nonacademic talents, the participants’ rhetoric of care effectively shifts blame for failure from teacher to student. The preservice teachers’ expressions of care also function to veil the power being produced in such rhetoric, to frame the teacher as victim when said care is rejected, and to reverse the carer/cared-for dynamic when teachers’ attempts to inspire academic progress are unsuccessful. Implications for teacher education and teacher development are provided as are suggestions for how to recognize and implement more authentic forms of care.  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化、北京发展现代化的背景下,以答客问形式,论述北京文化研究的范围、特质和任务。认为北京凝聚着中华民族很多物质和精神的文化遗产。考察北京的历史、建筑、民俗、文学、艺术等等,是学术分量很重的论题。中国文化资源深厚,能够抵御经济一体化的浪潮,但需要有所转化,有所创新。北京研究不仅是力图理解北京现代化的进程,还包含精神重建的意味。必须把人的主观情感及想象力带入其中,城市才有了喜怒哀乐,才能既古老又新鲜。当我们努力用文字、用图像、用文化记忆来表现或阐释这座城市的前世和今生时,这座城市的精灵,便得以生生不息的延续下去。  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese philosophers were interested in ways to promote psychological development and they made significant contributions, particularly in the area of mental testing. In the twentieth century the Chinese focused on behavioral psychology, and the field suffered a great setback during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. However, more recently, psychology has received governmental support, and psychologists in China today are rapidly developing the field of counseling psychology. This paper puts Chinese psychology in historical context and describes many current practices and needs regarding counseling psychology.  相似文献   

本文对俄罗斯历史中的教师教育、师范人才培养体制、教师培养标准、教师业务进修和再培训体系进行研究,阐明了俄罗斯师范教育的传统和俄罗斯师范体系改革的现状及其问题。  相似文献   

In this article, I address issues and trends, past, present, and future, in beginning reading instruction. I also trace the development of a related issue in the broader context of early childhood education: developmentally appropriate practice. Historical changes in reading education for young learners, as well as changes concerning guidelines for developmentally appropriate practice, are addressed. I conclude by suggesting that the fields of reading education and early childhood education share more similarities than differences. With collaborative initiatives, these two fields can strengthen their positive impact on the education of young learners as beginning readers.  相似文献   

课文理解研究从70年代开始到现在一直是一个十分活跃的研究领域.从70年代中期开始,van Di jk & Kintsch开始研究课文理解的认知模型,他们综合了过去研究课文方法的一些特点,对课文理解研究构成了自己的特色.他们根据70年代初期的语义记忆研究提出了一般性的记忆模型,又根据过去的课文语言学研究提出了课文结构的新概念,例如局部连贯和整体连贯、宏观结构和超结构,分析了这些结构在课文加工中的作用及对心理学的影响.课文理解策略模型是目前广泛用于课文理解研究的一种比较常用的建构观点.  相似文献   

当下的教育全球化与近代教会大学有相似之处,即存在着大量的学术竞争。由于缺乏明确的学术评价标准,学术竞争并不一定带来学术增长,反而可能导致资源浪费以及冲突。本文以早期的齐鲁大学和哈佛燕京学社和目前的北大燕京学堂为例,进行了相关分析,指出学术标准的重要性、多样性是高等教育系统持续发展的保障。  相似文献   

构建大学教育科学发展观必须以大学教育的历史和所面临的现实为背景,从历时与共时两个维度加以把握。通过总结中国大学教育文化导向的外源性、价值取向的社会性、功能定位的实用性、存在主题的多变性、动力资源的单一性、发展道路的曲折性等特点,分析了目前所面临的新的处境,以此寻求构建大学教育科学发展观的有效资源。  相似文献   

Medical education in mainland China has undergone massive expansion and reforms in the past decades. A nation-wide survey of the five-year clinical medicine programs aimed to examine the course hours, pedagogies, learning resources and teaching staff of anatomy both at present and over the past three decades (1990–1999, 2000–2009, and 2010–2018). The directors or senior teachers from 90 out of the 130 five-year clinical medicine programs were invited to fill out a factual questionnaire by email. Ultimately, sixty-five completed questionnaires were received from 65 different schools. It was found that the total number of gross anatomy course hours has decreased by 11% in the past 30 years and that systematic and regional anatomy have been increasingly taught separately among the surveyed medical schools. Problem-based learning has been adopted in thirty-five (54%) of the surveyed schools, and team-based learning is used in ten (15%) of the surveyed schools. The surveyed schools reported receiving more donated cadavers in recent years, with the average number increasing from 20.67 ± 20.29 in 2000–2009 to 36.10 ± 47.26 in 2010–2018. However, this has not resulted in a decrease in the number of students who needed to share one cadaver (11.85 ± 5.03 in 1990–1999 to 14.22 ± 5.0 in 2010–2018). A decreasing trend regarding the teacher-student ratio (1:25.5 in 2000–2009 to 1:33.2 in 2010–2018) was also reported. The survey demonstrated the historical changes in gross anatomy education in China over the past thirty years.  相似文献   

教学改革的根本目的不是将传统与现代对立起来,更不是改革掉传统,而是一种“通变”,即把传统中优秀的文化继承下来,并发扬光大地为现实生活服务。中国古代文论对作家、作品分析评论的思想方法对我们极富启发性,把它运用到“大学语文”教学中去,不失为一种有效的教改手段。  相似文献   

历史与现实:大学为何为谁排名   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪末以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,高等教育改革不断深入。在高等教育国际化、大众化背景下,大学作为独立的办学主体,其教育质量倍受社会各界的关注。因此,反映大学教育质量的大学排名自然成为公众关注的热点。也因此引起了诸多的激烈争论,对中国大学排名的争论,涉及如何正确看待的问题,也就是要对中国大学排名有一个基本的价值判断。中国大学排名是也?非也?2003年上海教育科学研究院发表的2001中国本科院校办学能力排行榜出笼,又将带来强大的社会冲击波,又会是“几家欢乐几家愁”的尴尬场景。那么,对于大学排名,究竟应该怎么看待呢?  相似文献   

This article addresses the rhetoric of performance assessment with research on important claims about science performance assessments. We found the following: (a) Concepts and terminology used to refer to performance assessments often were not consistent within and across researchers, educators, and policy-makers. (b) Performance assessments are highly sensitive not only to the tasks and the occasions sampled, but also to the method (e.g., hands-on, computer simulation) used to measure performance. (c) Performance assessments do not necessarily tap higher-order thinking, especially when they are poorly designed. (d) Performance assessments are expensive to develop and use: technology is needed for developing these assessments in an efficient way. (e) Performance assessments do not necessarily have the expected positive impact on teachers' teaching and students' understanding. (f) If teachers are to use performance assessments in their classrooms, they need professional development to help them construct the necessary knowledge and skills. This article attempts to address some of these realities by presenting a conceptual framework that might guide the development and the evaluation of performance assessments, as well as steps that might be taken to create a performance assessment technology and develop teacher inservice programs. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper explains the past, discusses the present and makes projections for the future of educational technology in Turkey. Technology has an important role in enhancing educational progress. Therefore, educators need to adapt technology within their field of study. Educational materials such as textbooks, films, radio, television, overhead projectors, video recorders and, of course, computers enrich learning environments in schools. Educational materials motivate students and induce them to study subject matter while providing opportunities for students to access and evaluate information. In Turkey, the use of educational technology in schools has been taken very seriously by the Ministry of National Education since the 1930s. Universities and other institutions are also interested in research and application of educational technology to their own settings. La Technologie de l'Education en Turquie: Passé, Présent et Avenir. Cet article explique le passé et le présent et propose des projections dans l'avenir pour la technologie de l'éducation en Turquie. La technologie joue un rÔle important pour favoriser le progrès en éducation. Aussi les enseignants doivent l'adapter dans leur discipline. Les moyens d'enseignement tels que les livres, les films, la radio, la télévision, les rétroprojecteurs et enfin les ordinateurs enrichissent l'environnement éducatif des écoles. Les moyens d'enseignement motivent les élèves et les incitent À étudier les sujets en fournissant l'occasion pour ceux-ci y avoir accès et d'évaluer l'information en Turquie, l'utilisation de la technologie de l'éducation dans les écoles a été prise très au sérieux par le Ministère de l'Education dès les années 30. Les universités et d'autres institutions s'intéressent aussi aux recherches et aux applications de la technolgie de l'éducation dans leurs domaines. Bildungstechnik in der Türkei: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der Bildungstechnologie in der Türkei von der Vergangenheit bis zu Gegenwart dargestellt und ein Einblick in die Planung für die Zukunft gegeben. Technologie spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung des Bildungsfortschritts. Daher müssen auch Erzieher sie innerhalb ihres Studiengebiets anwenden und anpassen. Bildungsmaterialien wie Lehrbücher, Filme, Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen, Einsatz von Overheadprojektoren, Videorekordern und natürlich jetzt auch von Computern bereichern die Lernangebote von Schulen. Bildungsmaterialien motivieren Lernende und bewirken dadurch, dass sie sich schon während des Zusammenstellens von Material durch Zugriff auf Informationen und deren Bewertung mit Inhalten befassen müssen.  相似文献   

美国学校心理辅导: 历史、现状、动向及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国学校心理辅导有近百年的发展历史,在辅导内容、辅导方法和辅导人员上都已经非常成熟。近年来,美国学校心理辅导出现了发展性心理辅导全面渗透、系统合作、参与特定文化咨询的多元文化主义的新动向,对我国学校心理辅导的发展提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

教育产业的过去、现在和未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,对教育产业的认识,仍是教育的一个热点问题。因此,认真研究与探索教育产业的形成及其发展,是关系到教育改革与发展的大事。 一、教育产业是一个历史范畴 发展教育产业,着实议论了好一阵子。至今还没有完全平息或出现统一的迹象。若细究其因,在这种议论纷纷的背后,根子还是在于人们对教育产业能否成立,或者说教育能否成为一个产业,表示出重重疑虑。勿庸讳言,在当代国际产业经济学界,其所指产业,的确不仅仅指工业或商业,而是泛指国民经济中的各行各业。不仅如此,在一般情况下,产业经济学中的产业,它与市场是一个同义语。由此不难理解,  相似文献   

追溯了外国文学在高中语文教学发展中的历史,着重探讨了外国文学教学的现状。旨在让人们了解外国文学走进高中语文的艰难历程,明了高中语文中外国文学教学存在的问题,以期望外国文学工作者和高中语文教师积极探讨外国文学教学的方略,实现新大纲培养学生文学素养和人文素质的目标。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on memory, not as a school subject with which it is still associated for many learners, but as one in which school is the subject and where the question ‘what are some of your earliest memories of playing school?’ can serve as an autobiographical prompt. In what ways do we continue to ‘play out’ early experiences of school long after we begin our teaching careers? What significance should we attach to not remembering? How can early memories of school, of teachers and of particular episodes of playing school become part of what bell hooks describes as ‘the usable past'? (hooks, 1984, Feminist Theory: from margin to centre, South End Press).  相似文献   

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