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随着社会经济发展对高层次工程技术管理人才的需求逐渐增多,工程管理硕士项目发展起来,由于国家间发展阶段不同以及工程领域模式差异,MEM项目培养模式各有特色。研究中美MEM项目发展脉络,比较分析中美MEM项目在培养目标、培养方向、课程设置、学习背景等方面似性和差异性,并从适应国家发展战略需求凝练培养目标、适应新技术革命和产业变革需要确定培养方向、适应经济社会发展需求优化课程体系、遵从人才培养规律强调学习工作背景、持续创新学习方式和学制管理等方面提出MEM项目培养模式创新发展建议。  相似文献   

美国现行的教育体制构建在两个理想的前提上,一是必须保证所有的人接受基础教育,但由于各州经济状况的不同而导致基础教育发展不平衡;一是必须保证所有人都有接受高等教育的权利和机会。美国教育体制下存在公助和私助两种办学模武,他们更强调教会学生创新和独立思考,一些学校正进行改革试验,并取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

移民究竟是福还是祸,美国的学者和民众对此一直众说纷纭,莫衷一是,但没人可以否认移民对于美国社会的影响。同样,由美国移民衍生出来的问题我们也可以考虑一下中国的民工问题。  相似文献   

家是一个让人放松的地方.一个让人放下一切、展示真实自我的地方。因此,无论走到哪里,家都是一个你想回的地方。因此,基本上所有的人都非常渴望拥有一个家。对于大多数美国人来说.家最重要的应该是舒适。  相似文献   

裴斯泰洛齐的教育思想首先由威廉.麦克卢尔传入美国,在约瑟夫.尼夫的学校、罗伯特.欧文的"新和谐"公社中得到了实践,但影响有限;接下来,新英格兰地区的一批教育家致力于传播裴斯泰洛齐思想,逐渐注重教师培训,建立了一批师范学校;裴斯泰洛齐运动在奥斯威哥运动中达到高潮,对美国的公共教育产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

放松管制是与管制相反的概念,这一运动起源于福特执政时期并延续数十年,其主要内容是取消或放松市场准入限制,调整政府对垄断行为的管制政策,取消或调整各种价格管制,减少对企业各种活动的限制,对政府管制行为的设置进行成本效益评价,保证管制行为的合理性,其范围涉及电力、天然气、铁路、航空、公路、电信、金融等经济生活的各个方面.放松管制是对传统管制制度的重大调整,它导致经营成本的下降,价格水平的降低,促进市场的细分,扩大产业的范围,影响工会等社会组织的法律地位.  相似文献   

写作与学习的密切关系很早就受到美国教育界的关注,这反映在20世纪60年代诞生的“贯穿于课程的写作”运动.自20世纪70年代开始,美国数学教师、数学教育研究者在数学写作方面作了许多尝试、应用和研究,积累了许多经验和方法,得出了数学写作在发展数学知识、成就问题解决、培养反思行为、促进情感流露、加强对话交流等方面的重要功能.数学写作在美国已经较为广泛地被用作数学学习的工具.  相似文献   

The most significant expansion of population education in the U.S. has occurred over the past 5-year period. The environmental movement of the 1960 decade established a foundation on which population education quickly developed in the 1970 decade and gained acceptance in the population establishment and among funding agencies. During the years 1970-1976, several private organizations became actively involved in the population education field. Several viewpoints and population education approaches are now evident in the U.S. These approaches stress different aspects of the issue: extension of family planning, individual and social awareness, demography, behavioral objectives, value analysis, environmental strategy, and inquiry. Although these approaches are diverse, the U.S. has provided a basic framework for population education. Research in population education has consisted of little more than review studies, knowledge and attitude surveys, and several studies on the appropriateness of population education in the formal college school setting. Further research is needed to identify the goals, objectives, and strategy of population education, and these studies would have to be linked to the cognitive and moral development of the student.  相似文献   


With the increased societal awareness of environmental issues, social scientists have expanded their examination of environmentally related topics. One component of this expansion has been the generation and growth of social theory which has the human-environment relationship at its core. This study is a further test of one of these theories, the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP). Using survey data, the relationship of the NEP to knowledge of environmentally relevant issues is examined. The results show ecological worldview as measured by the NEP scale has an independent influence on net environmental knowledge of other sociodemographic characteristics.  相似文献   

美国"家庭学校"的教学述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先对美国家庭学校教学的现状予以梳理,然后阐述家庭学校教学的特点及其教学效果,最后分析美国家庭学校的教学为当代学校改革带来的有益启示.  相似文献   

Faculty development in the United States   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This report gives an overview of faculty development in the United States during the past 30 years and suggests what remains to be done before this movement becomes fully institutionalized in American higher education.Jerry G. Gaff is Vice President at the Association of American Colleges. His degrees are at DePauw University (A.B.) and Syracuse University (Ph.D.) with specialization in psychology. He helped pioneer the establishment of campus-based faculty development programs in the 1970s, has worked on improving undergraduate general education programs, and currently directs a new project to prepare future faculty members for their roles in teaching and service, as well as research. Ronald D. Simpson is Director of the Office of Instructional Development at The University of Georgia, where he also is professor of Higher Education and Science Education. He holds degrees from The University of Tennessee and The University of Georgia.  相似文献   

美国各州的特许学校法对特许学校的支持力度差异较大,本文对美国特许学校法的比较研究以六个典型州为例,并根据法律支持力度将其分为两组,从总量限制情况、合法授权主体、特许合法申请人、类型和期限的限制情况等十个不同角度对特许学校法加以比较,试图呈现法律支持力度的差异与美国各州特许学校发展不均衡之间的密切关系,说明法律对教育发展所起到的至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - Contemplative faculty are higher education professors who regularly implement contemplative approaches in their teaching to address their students’ social...  相似文献   

捐赠基金是美国高校、特别是私立高校运行收入的重要来源。本文研究美国高校捐赠基金的筹资和投资管理。基于国际学术界关于捐赠基金筹资影响因素的研究,作者在文章中从捐赠文化培养和基础设施构建、学生和校友关系维护、高校社会形象树立、以及资金使用责任机制的建立等几个方面剖析美国高校捐赠基金的筹资管理。在投资管理方面,作者的研究发现,美国高校捐赠基金投资整体上体现了较强的分散性和长期性原则,而哈佛大学高度专业化的投资管理则使其取得了高于市场平均水平的回报。  相似文献   

陶莹 《历史教学》2003,79(4):65-67

I investigate the effects of trust on human capital measured as average years of schooling in U.S. states using data from the 1980s and the 1990s. I find robust evidence that an increase in trust increases schooling across U.S. states. According the results of the seemingly unrelated regression estimation, a 25 percentage point increase in Trust increases the average years of schooling by approximately 1.5 months. This is not insignificant since more than $5000 increase in per capita income (in 2000 prices) is needed to have the same effect on schooling.  相似文献   

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