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假释犯、缓刑犯的犯罪人格具有缺陷性格完善的不彻底性、反社会倾向性及行为偏差性。我国社区矫正的社会理念载体、法律载体和物质载体为假释犯、缓刑犯的人格矫正提供了现实可能,通过完善社区刑罚的刑事立法,整合现有基层司法资源和完善矫正机构职能,可以实现假释犯、缓刑犯正常人格的回归。  相似文献   

在认知过程中,人们通常会根据对方的外显行为判断对方的心理状态、动机和目的,这样就容易产生一些人际交往能力的行为偏差.因此,了解这些偏差的表现和特点,有助于我们预防及矫正人际交往能力的行为偏差,改善学校中的人际关系,提高学校管理效率,加强学校教育发展.  相似文献   

为探讨青少年网络偏差行为的影响机制,采用问卷法对全国七城市共2352名中学生父母监控、人格和网络偏差行为状况进行了测量,结果发现:(1)青少年父母监控状况存在性别差异.重点校学生父母监控的消极控制与反馈维度得分存在年级差异.青少年网络偏差行为得分基本随年级升高而显著增加;(2)人格五维度、父母监控和网络偏差行为之间呈显著相关,青少年人格可分为和谐型、一般型和情绪型,其中和谐型人格青少年的网络偏差行为得分显著低于一般型和情绪型个体;(3)人格类型在父母监控和网络偏差行为的关系中起调节作用.  相似文献   

大学生形成健康人格既是大学生自身发展的需要。也是未来社会发展之必需。然而当代大学生健康人格的发展却出现了许多偏差,其背后固然有许多深层原因,但对于有自我矫正能力的大学生来说,自己应负有主要责任。因此,大学生可以采取以下策略来进行自我矫正:通过学习不断丰富知识和提升智慧来避免人格的缺陷;通过正确的自我认识来完善人格;通过丰富社会实践体验,促进人格的自我矫正;通过自我反思,获得人格的升华。  相似文献   

数学差生的人格特征研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
数学差生的人格培养是其转化的核心,矫正数学差生的消极人格特征,首先要对其人格特征的表面及其原因、消极人格的矫正误区及培养积极人格特征的途径进行研究;突破重分数不重素质的旧观念;把数学差生的转化一个新的高度,矫正数学差生的消极人格特征与培养其积极人格特征应当同时进行,改变数学差生的观念和意识倾向应该同培养其良好的行为方式相结合;数学差生的人格塑造的社会化过程应从学校、家庭、社会几个方面协同进行;让其在不同阶段、不同层面和情境,针对不同的重点,发挥不同的作用,差生的人格矫正,最终要通过人格素质的提高来实现,人格素质的提高,在于通过外因影响内因,取得内部因素的激活、反应和转化;进而矫正数学差生人格的缺陷、提高其人格水平,在于通过外因影响内因,取得内部因素的激活、反应和转化;进而矫正数学差生人格的缺陷、提高其人格水平、力求达到完满健全的人格,求得数学差生转化工作的更大成功。  相似文献   

中职学生由于受多种不良因素及中职生心理发展特点的影响,出现了很多偏差行为.如果不加以干预,这些偏差将对其个人的成长、学校的管理乃至社会都会产生严重的危害.作为职业教育的一线教师,要认真对待这个问题,仔细分析查找学生偏差行为形成的原因,并积极采取相应的措施,矫正这些偏差.  相似文献   

化学教师对化学实验的重要性与必要性了然于心,但在具体教学实践活动过程中,往往会出现理念与行为的偏差,出现了化学实验教学的一些不当行为。文章就初中化学实验教学过程中的一些主要的不当行为提出相关分析,并针对产生原因提出应对性矫正策略。  相似文献   

基于江苏泰州两所高职校学生的校内行为偏差,统计调查分析行为偏差的类型及成因,提出矫正措施。  相似文献   

问题儿童通常是指持续存有某些行为偏差和心理障碍的儿童。在教育过程中,教师一般都比较注重问题儿童外在行为的教育控制,而忽视对他们心理需要缺失的关注,因而难以收到理想的教育效果。心理补偿教育就是针对问题儿童存在的某些基本心理需要缺失状态,采取积极措施予以补偿,在恢复其积极健康的心理状态的同时,矫正其问题行为的一种教育方法。  相似文献   

一、小学生的心理问题和行为问题(一)小学生心理问题、心理障碍和行为问题的概念小学生心理问题是小学生在身心成长和发展过程中出现的心理冲突、困惑、挫折、烦恼等心理失衡、失调和失误等心理状态不良、不适应学习、生活和社会的现象。小学生的心理问题主要是发展性心理问题。通常是在人格完善和心理成熟过程中产生的,许多心理问题具有暂时性、不确定性和普遍性,学生可以凭着自己的知识经验和主观能动性,进行自我调节,实现心理调适。因此,一般性心理问题的产生与解决是促进身心健康发展的重要动力和前提。但是,由于各种主客观因素导致的许多心理问题,凭个体主观能动作用难以或不能自我调节,又不能及时得到他人的帮助、引导和教育,就会呈现出持续性的不良心理症状,产生心理偏差、情感偏差、人格偏差和行为偏差,影响正常的心理活动,妨碍小学生健康的成长,我们把这种消极的心理现象称为心理障碍。  相似文献   

针对一例有攻击性行为的重度智障儿童,本文以行为主义为理论基础,通过对该儿童攻击性行为的观察和相关人员的访谈,分析产生行为问题的原因,运用行为矫正法尤其是正向行为支持法,辅以家庭疗法对儿童的攻击性行为进行矫正,最终取得明显改善问题行为的效果.本个案能为智障儿童问题行为的矫正和训练提供参考,同时也为未来行为矫正技术在重度智障儿童中的发展带来启示.  相似文献   

Objective. This study examines the similarity of parenting and the associations between maternal behavior and child problem and prosocial behavior across two racial groups. Design. Using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care (SECC), analyses included an examination of the comparability of maternal and child behavior between African American (n = 123) and European American (n = 953) families using multiple-group mean and covariance structures analysis (MACS). Observational data from two mother - child activities and maternal report of child behavior were used to construct three parenting and four child latent constructs. Results. Comparable measures of parenting (Responsive, Harsh, and Intrusive), child problem behavior (Externalizing and Internalizing), and child prosocial behavior (Compliance and Expressiveness) were found using partial invariance methods across racial groups. The associations between harsh, intrusive and responsive parenting and child behaviors were found to be similar across racial groups. Conclusions. Generality in the organization of parenting and similarity in their association to child behavior obtain across racial groups.  相似文献   

Seven hundred thirty-one income-eligible families in 3 geographical regions who were enrolled in a national food supplement program were screened and randomized to a brief family intervention. At child ages 2 and 3, the intervention group caregivers were offered the Family Check-Up and linked parenting support services. Latent growth models on caregiver reports at child ages 2, 3, and 4 revealed decreased behavior problems when compared with the control group. Intervention effects occurred predominantly among families reporting high levels of problem behavior at child age 2. Families in the intervention condition improved on direct observation measures of caregivers' positive behavior support at child ages 2 and 3; improvements in positive behavior support mediated improvements in children's early problem behavior.  相似文献   

The quality of the child care environment and caregiver practices can potentially have significant, lasting impact on children’s social development. This study involves the development and a small-scale efficacy trial of the Carescapes program, a video-based training program that focuses on promoting positive social development in young children attending family child care. Fifty-seven caregivers who provided child care in their homes were randomly assigned to immediate intervention or waitlist control groups. Random coefficients analyses showed significant increased use of effective behavior management practices and decreased overall children’s problem behavior for the intervention group. A mediation model demonstrated that increases in effective behavior management practices were associated with decreases in problem behavior. A medium intervention effect was found for caregiver’s monitoring and a small effect for use of positive attention. These effects declined 5 months following the intervention. Implications for future efficacy and effectiveness studies in family child care settings that involve strategies to facilitate maintenance are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers' ratings of conflict and closeness as well as observed emotional support are known predictors of children's social functioning. Consistency in emotional support represents an emerging line of research. The goal of the present study is to understand whether the relation between the consistency of teachers' emotional support and children's behavior is mediated by teacher–child relationships. The role of gender is also considered. Using MPlus, the present study examines the indirect effect of emotional support consistency in prekindergarten on children's social competence and problem behaviors. Outcomes are extended to kindergarten to test the lasting association between the prekindergarten social environment and child behavior in the kindergarten year. Multigroup models examine gender differences. Research Findings: Observations of 694 prekindergarten classrooms revealed that teachers' emotional support consistency had an indirect effect on social competence and problem behavior through conflict in the teacher–child relationship in prekindergarten and kindergarten. The indirect effect on prekindergarten problem behaviors through conflict was stronger for boys. For closeness, all outcomes were significant with the exception of the indirect effect on problem behaviors in the kindergarten year. Practice or Policy: Consistency in prekindergarten teachers' emotional support has an indirect effect on children's behavior in prekindergarten and the following year in kindergarten through teacher–child relationships. Improving teachers' emotional support consistency may be 1 avenue for strengthening teacher–child relationships.  相似文献   

正确评价高校BBS的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长期以来,高校网络信息管理难度较大,而其中最棘手的莫过于BBS网站的管理。因为BBS上信息庞杂,交互性强,难免泥沙俱下。作为BBS用户主体的大学生、青年教职工常常发生这样或那样的网络越轨行为。BBS的管理问题已经成为我国高校网络思想教育及网络舆论调控的核心问题。但是,人们往往只片面地看到了BBS上的越轨行为和社会负面影响,忽视了BBS作为网络思想教育主阵地的作用,最终未能根本触动BBS这根网络思想教育的“神经”。本文从社会学的理论视角,理性分析了人们对高校BBS存在的五大社会认识误区,并阐述了作者的社会学匡正思考。  相似文献   

This study explored the relations between additive and cumulative representations of contextual risk, caregiver emotionality, child adaptability, and teacher reports of the problem behaviors of 6- and 7-year-old children (N = 155) from economically disadvantaged families. The results showed relations between both risk representations and child problem scores and provided evidence that the relation for cumulative risk may be moderated by caregiver negative emotionality and caregiver positive emotionality and partially mediated by child adaptability. The results suggest the importance of exploring alternative representations of contextual risk and the conditions under which contextual risk influences child behavior.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that the new open‐group Norwegian day‐care centers would more than traditionally organized centers negatively affect (a) current and (b) future teacher–child relationships, and (c) the developmental legacy of preschool problem behavior. The focus was on eight hundred and fifty 4‐year‐olds from 153 centers who were followed up in first grade. Results of this natural quasi‐experiment revealed that children from open‐group centers (a) experienced less teacher–child closeness in preschool and (b) more teacher–child conflict in first grade, and (c) that high levels of preschool problem behavior forecast especially high levels of future teacher–child conflict, but only for children from open‐group centers. Results highlight the importance of spatial and social organization of day care and their translational implications.  相似文献   

This article examines within-family differences in parenting and problem behavior in nondivorced and remarried families, with a specific focus on whether sibling differences are magnified and whether the links between differential treatment and sibling adjustment are stronger in remarried families. Multimethod assessments of parenting and problem behavior were done on 516 families with 2 same-sex adolescent siblings. The remarried families included those in which one or neither sibling was the mother's stepchild and one or both siblings were the father's stepchildren. Within-family differences in parenting and problem behavior were greatest in remarried families where siblings did not share the same biological parent. Differential treatment was also more strongly related to problem behavior in this family context, with the mother's biological child and father's stepchild at greater risk. Results are discussed in terms of the differing experiences of biological children and stepchildren in remarried households.  相似文献   

高职院校的课堂问题行为具有普遍性,严重干扰教学活动、影响教学效果。依靠批评教育矫正课堂问题行为难以取得良好效果,而采用以竞争性做题活动为核心的竞争激励法,可有效地减少课堂问题行为的发生,明显提高教学效果。  相似文献   

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