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This article discusses some of the issues raised in the early stages of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) study. 1 1 Gender and Learning: A Study of Underachievement in Junior Schools, Economic and Social Research Council R000237346. Project directors: Harry Daniels, Valerie Hey, Diana Leonard and Marjorie Smith. The first phase of the project involved an analysis of end of Key Stage 2 (children aged 10–11) Standard Assessment Test (SAT) data within a Midlands and a London local education authority (LEA(M) and LEA(L) respectively). The LEAs were identified according to the quality and accessibility of the data and their socio‐economic and socio‐cultural diversity. The analysis was used as an instrument for selecting schools in each LEA that displayed specific but con‐ sistent patterns of high, low and average achievement which were cross cut by large differences between boys' and girls' achievement in all three SAT subjects (English, maths and science). On one level, this article discusses the difficulties we encountered in identifying schools with consistent patterns of gendered achievement as well as signposting the ‘political’ significance of these difficulties for present and future edu‐ cation policies. On another level, it is a vehicle for the development of the theoretical lenses of learner identity and post‐Vygotskian analysis that have shaped our under‐ standing of gendered achievement which we use to ‘speak’ to and influence the development of the test procedures highlighted in this article.


Recent developments in literacy teaching have tended to target the needs of primary, rather than high school pupils and focus on technical, rather than affective aspects of reading. This paper describes a questionnaire‐based study undertaken to identify perceptions and views held by Key Stage 3 readers of different ages, genders and abilities. Outcomes support previous research, indicating differences between boys and girls and older and younger pupils, particularly in relation to reading preferences. Reading engagement appears to be linked to reading ability. EPs are challenged to offer perspectives that can contribute to literacy development at casework and curriculum levels.  相似文献   

Recent classroom observation suggests that the science taught at Key Stage 3 has changed little over the past two decades despite the introduction of the National Curriculum reforms. At the same time the 'high stakes' testing at the end of Key Stage 2 has resulted in less experimentation in Year 6. As a consequence, positive attitudes to science, which are already in decline at primary school, dip further after transfer, particularly among more able pupils. This article examines some of the structural factors responsible for the current situation and argues that the solution has more to do with a shift in pedagogy rather than further changes in the curriculum.  相似文献   

The perceptions of pupils towards the foundation subjects of English, mathematics, science and technology were determined by structured interviews. The pupils were selected by their responses to a Likert‐type attitude scale previously administered; pupils were banded from the results of the scale into one of three bands: those with positive attitudes, neutral attitudes and negative attitudes towards the subjects under study. Approximately 48 pupils per subject were interviewed for each of the subjects, representing 4.5% of the original survey sampled in the previous research. The results of the research showed a marked predilection for English and games and a lack of enthusiasm for modern foreign languages. There was also little positive response for subjects which occupy a small amount of curriculum timemusic and religious educationwith art being an exception to this. There were indications that mathematics and science were more ‘love‐hate’ subjects than others. It was found that girls were more forthcoming with criticisms whereas boys were more forthcoming with praise. Overall, there was no evidence that the National Curriculum had either improved or damaged attitudes towards subjects. However, this research indicates that the National Curriculum had removed some of the pre‐existing gender divisions, such as those relating to the separate sciences.  相似文献   

教育是培养和造就人才的基本途径。但是,应试教育的种种弊端严重束缚了素质教育的实施。为了迎接知识经济的挑战,适应社会主义市场经济的需要,就必须对传统教育从思想观念到学习方式上进行彻底地变革。  相似文献   

Lea Pearson, chief psychologist and adviser for assessment and achievement, City of Brimingham, and adviser to CATS, one of the three agencies which developed standard assessment taks (SATs) at Key Stage 1, describes this summer's pilot testing. Although the contracts for next summer's SATs at Key Stage 1 have now gone to the NFER consortium, the experiences she describes and the lessons learnt should be relevant to teachers taking part in the national pilot next May.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of historical fiction as a means of undertaking a historical enquiry into the experiences of refugees and evacuees with Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils. The authors reflect on the reasons why people have come to Britain before focussing on specific circumstances associated with World War 2. This is undertaken through the use of two historical fiction novels set in Ireland. The choice of an Irish context is intended to challenge Anglo centric notions of the past. The authors also examine differing opinions over the validity of the place of historical fiction in history lessons and make a strong case for its inclusion. Specific teaching and learning approaches, together with teacher and pupil responses are considered. The novels chosen focus on an Irish dimension which also reflects the authors' work with the Ireland in Schools Project.  相似文献   

从教育-“对学习加以限制”的本质出发,将人类教育划分为三个发展阶段。第一阶段,教育在低层次上对学习的内容和方式加以限制,表现为教育理念的个人化;第二阶段,教育除对学习的内容和方式加以限制外,还对受教育者加以限制,造成教育的不平等和教育理念的区域化;第三阶段,教育在高层次上对学习内容和方式加以限制,促成教育的平等和公正以及教育理念的全球化。  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act included English as one of the compulsory core subjects in the National Curriculum and empowered the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for English for children of compulsory school age. The English Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on English reported in May and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment for Key Stages 2 to 4 were published in June alongside the English proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science. Bernadette Walsh, language adviser, Rotherham LEA, discusses the proposals.  相似文献   

Kathy Durkin 《Literacy》1997,31(2):42-48
Redrafting is clearly a crucial part of the writing process and teachers are currently required to teach children to redraft writing at Key Stage 2 in the National Curriculum. For Kathy Durkin this is much too late and she reports here on her investigations into introducing redrafting to Key Stage 1 children. From her work it seems there are many dangers in under-estimating children’s abilities in this regard.  相似文献   


This paper considers the current context and looks ahead to the opportunities that may now exist to develop education for citizenship. The place of citizenship in Key Stages 1 and 2 is discussed in the light of the National Commission's recommendations, the Dearing review of the curriculum and OFSTED's inspection framework. Questions about what is happening in schools are then raised. Answers to these questions were pursued through case‐studies of ten schools. An account of the findings under nine headings is presented and key issues summarized.  相似文献   

In 2010, a comprehensive secondary school in the south of England implemented a whole-school approach to ‘learning to learn’ (L2L). Drawing on a range of evidence-based practices, a team of teachers worked collaboratively to design and deliver a taught L2L curriculum to all students throughout Key Stage 3. In total, the first cohort of students (n = 118) received more than 400 taught lessons throughout years 7–9. The impact of L2L on student attainment at Sea View was evaluated over those 3 years, using the pre-L2L cohort as a matched control group (n = 148). By the end of year 9, a significantly higher proportion of L2L students were either hitting or exceeding their target grades, compared with the control group. There was also a significant closing of the attainment gap between students eligible for the pupil premium and their peers (2%, vs. 25% in the control group). Key features of the L2L approach at Sea View are considered in terms of similarities and differences with other L2L approaches. Conclusions are drawn that the success of this approach lies in the combination of multiple effective practices. Recommendations for further research and development of the field are proposed.  相似文献   

Alas, Poor Shakespeare: Teaching and Testing at Key Stage 3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article I briefly consider the ideological impetus for retaining Shakespeare as a compulsory component of the National Curriculum for English. I take issue with the current Key Stage 3 testing regime. In particular, I question the educational value of tests which ultimately undermine what is generally agreed to be good classroom practice and which force on teachers a narrow theoretical perspective of Shakespeare, where close textual analysis and Bradleyan notions of character predominate.  相似文献   

This paper reports a school‐based investigation into revision as a means of improving writing in the English classroom. It suggests that although pupils tend to perceive revision as a teacher‐directed, discrete stage in the writing process, during revision they engage in independent questioning, evaluation and employ a working model of audience as a guide to their operations. An approach to revision which involved pupils actively investigating each other's work, combined with an emphasis on multiple‐drafting, was trialled in the English Departments of two different schools. The findings suggest that this alternative approach creates a classroom context for improvement which is not teacher‐centred but embraces all students and highlights the potential for revision as an active learning process.  相似文献   

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