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语用能力是一个跨学科概念,在语言学、应用语言学、人类学、社会学、心理学、交际学和跨文化研究中均有涉及。外语语用能力培养作为外语教学的一个新兴领域正日益引起学者们的广泛兴趣。本文依照外语教学的理论框架,在大量国内相关文献的基础上系统总结了近三十年国内本研究领域的成果,包括需求分析、课程设计、教材编写、课堂教学、教学测试等。最后,文章从理论层面、研究内容和研究方法等方面对现有研究中存在的一些问题进行了反思。  相似文献   

论大学生的科研能力及培养途径   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,发展科学技术文化,是高等教育的历史使命。在高校中大力推进“科教兴国”战略的实施和科学技术创新,努力培养广大青年学生的科学研究能力,使其具备一定的创新意识、创造能力和创业精神,造就一代适应未来挑战的高素质人才,已经成为当代教育发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

This article is a comment on Ed Elbers' analysis of the debate between R. Gelman and R. Siegler on the development of fundamental counting competencies. An attempt is made to characterize some aspects of the theoretical positions of Gelman and Siegler. It is argued that the tendency to reduce human cognitive performance to an issue of either the application of preformed competencies of various kinds, or, alternatively, of the use of domain specific knowledge, hampers our understanding of cognitive growth and the mastery of intellectual tools. The alternative offered is that all human activity—including what takes place in the experiment — should be seen as socially and culturally situated, and that our focus should be on understanding the resources—mental as well as practical—that people draw on when solving problems.  相似文献   

将语境理论引入课堂教学,在教学过程中通过分析语篇所蕴涵的文化语境、情景语境,可帮助学生理解并掌握实用文格式和行文风格所具有的共性特点,提高学生的翻译能力。  相似文献   

维果茨基中介概念的发展及其对教育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本对维果茨基的中介概念进行了分析。中介分为元认知中介和认识中介两种主要类型,元认知中介指自我调节的符号工具的获得,认知中介指获得解决问题所必需的认知工具。在介绍近年来俄、美有关研究进展的基础上,探讨了维果茨基中介概念对当前教育的影响。  相似文献   

本研究在社会建构的理论框架下,探讨职业化译者能力的培养。通过对比翻译能力与译者能力的异同, 本文试图构建符合新时期译者能力培养要求的优选模式。文章认为, 职业化译者既要具备翻译实践能力, 又要具备职场应对能力; 高层次职业化译者能力的培养需以市场为导向, 以学生自我建构知识结构为主要方式。学生在教师的指导下,系统地参与真实或模拟环境下的翻译项目,可提升其翻译能力和职场能力,最终成为能适应市场、 符合国家文化“走出去” 战略实施要求的合格译者。  相似文献   

电子技术是直接面向应用领域的专业技术,培养学生能力尤为重要.在“电子技术基础”课程教学中,应注重学习方法指导,培养学生学习能力;注重专业知识传授,培养学生专业能力;多种教学途径并举,培养学生创新能力;加强实践教学,培养学生实践能力.  相似文献   

Teachers are expected to frequently collaborate within teacher communities in schools. This requires teacher education to prepare student teachers by developing the necessary community competence. The present study empirically investigates the extent to which teacher education programmes pay attention to and aim to stimulate the development of community competence in the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum and the attained curriculum. Various types of data are gathered and analysed in respect of these three curriculum representations. It appears that community competence is weakly conceptualised in the intended curriculum. In the implemented, and especially the attained curriculum, this results in no systematic and explicit practice in terms of the development of community competence.  相似文献   

The first purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of dialogic classroom talk on children's language skills (i.e. oral communicative competence and receptive vocabulary knowledge). The second purpose was to examine the effect of this type of classroom talk on children's social competence (i.e. theory of mind and social acceptance). A total of 17 teachers and 311 children (aged 4–7 years) participated in this study. Eight teachers participated in an 8-week intervention directed at dialogic classroom talk. Multilevel analyses revealed that the intervention had a significant effect on children's oral communicative competence. No significant effects were found on children's receptive vocabulary knowledge, theory of mind, and social acceptance. The results of this study indicate that dialogic classroom talk is beneficial for children's oral communicative competence. Further research is required in order to investigate how dialogic classroom talk might affect receptive vocabulary knowledge and social competence as well.  相似文献   

This study investigates the reliability and validity of the Child Care Ecology Inventory (CCEI), a measure of the quality of family child care in the social domain. The CCEI focuses on research-based environmental features and caregiving practices for promoting positive social development in preschool-age children. A total of 198 family child care homes in the Northwest USA participated. Good scale reliabilities were found for the measures of the environment (Enrichment and Organization) and for caregivers’ practices (Monitoring, Positive Attention, Promoting Social Skills, and Teaching Rules) and interrater reliability was adequate for research purposes. The CCEI was associated with other commonly used measures of child care quality that assessed similar environmental and caregiving constructs. Linear regression models were run to determine the features of family child care quality that were concurrently associated with observed child behavior. The child–caregiver ratio, Environment Organization, and caregivers’ Teaching Rules were negatively associated with children's problem behavior (noncompliance and aggression). Caregivers’ provision of Planned Activities/Routines and Positive Attention were associated with positive child behavior. Results indicate that different aspects of quality are related to different aspects of children's social interactions and behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper describes a collaborative technical assistance project, which was co-constructed by the Ministry of Education (MINED) of El Salvador and the author, to support the advancement of inclusive education through culturally responsive professional development. This research-based project is presented as a model of culturally responsive professional development using the lens of intercultural competence. The author describes each phase of the project through the lens of intercultural competence that includes: (a) initial planning, (b) content proposals, (c) content development, and (d) content delivery. Implications and future research questions for those engaging in culturally responsive professional development-based technical assistance work are provided.  相似文献   

Childhood exposure to traumatic experiences and subsequent psychological symptoms increase the risk for lifelong behavioral and mental health problems, including depression diagnoses, reduced adaptive coping strategies, substance abuse, and early death, with negative impacts on children's social development and academic achievement. Social-emotional competence (SEC) is a key component of resilience to trauma exposure, and early deficits predict increased problem behaviors include delinquency and substance use. SEC is a protective factor that moderates the relationship between risks associated with trauma and subsequent outcomes. The current study used a longitudinal experimental design (treatment vs. comparison) to examine outcomes from a trauma-informed initiative in a disadvantaged community with high trauma exposure rates for K-8th grade students (n = 245). The intervention focused on bolstering children's social-emotional skills and resilience while reducing trauma symptoms and improving academic performance through multimodal programming. Hierarchical Linear Modeling indicated significant improvements in SEC from the intervention group, in contrast to the comparison group (B = 3.42, t = 3.04, p < .01), with gender effects indicating females see the greatest benefit (B = 3.52, t = 4.27, p < .01). Results indicated the significance of addressing SEC for children in disadvantaged communities, particularly those indicating a trauma history and resulting symptomology, as well as boys, who indicated reduced treatment effects.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国正在逐步建立与完善社会主义市场经济,有别于党的十一届三中全会以前的经济观点。进一步加深对社会主义市场经济体制下的市场竞争的认识,认清竞争的时代性、竞争的本质、竞争的原则、竞争的形式等,有助于社会主义市场竞争的健康发展,使之沿着正确的轨道运行,充分发挥它的积极作用。  相似文献   

幼小衔接不仅对幼儿尽快地适应小学生活有着重要的作用,而且会影响幼儿一生的教育进程。在幼小衔接教育中加强对学前末期和学龄初期的儿童科学素养的培养,不仅能培养幼儿的学习兴趣、学习能力,养成科学的学习习惯,而且在与人交往、合作共事等方面打下良好基础。因此,城乡各类幼儿园都应从实际出发,探究幼小衔接教育中培养幼儿科学素养的途径和办法,因地制宜地实施科学素养教育,为幼儿一生的发展打好基础,为适应小学学习做好准备。  相似文献   

浅谈语言能力、交际能力和语用能力内涵的动态性特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语言是符号系统、人类重要的交际工具和文化载体,语言教学的根本目的就是培养学生运用语言进行正确地、得体地交际的能力,即:培养学生语言能力、交际能力和语用能力,本文对国内外学术界就语言能力、交际能力和语用能力的内涵是什么以及为应对21世纪信息化和全球化时代的挑战,国内外外语界进行的外语教育改革对这三种能力的具体要求进行论述,揭示了其内涵的动态性特征。  相似文献   

Today’s working life is increasingly characterized by entrepreneurial challenges. Entrepreneurial challenges start at an individual level with the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities, which is acknowledged as one of the key competencies for lifelong learning. Since the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities relies heavily on the opportunity identification competence (OIC) of individuals, understanding the meaning of OIC is relevant. Until now, OIC has been explored in the young entrepreneurship research field. However, entrepreneurship researchers until now have not fully explored OIC. According to several authors, the research on complex problem solving (CPS) in the cognitive research field might contribute to understanding OIC. In this paper, we review the link between OIC and CPS by comparing the cognitive and entrepreneurship research fields. We argue that those who excel in identifying opportunities share core characteristics with high-level complex problem-solvers. We propose to conduct empirical research in the future to investigate the relation between OIC and CPS within a work context in order to gain more insight into OIC. We believe that the cognitive research field contributes to the entrepreneurship research field and provides a deeper understanding of the initial steps of the entrepreneurial process.  相似文献   

The study investigated dimensionality in the Home and Community Social Behaviour Scales (HCSBS) that assess social competence (Peer Relations and Self-Management/Compliance) and antisocial behaviour (Defiant/Disruptive and Antisocial/Aggressive behaviour) in children and adolescents. The four scales comprising 64 items were completed by 551 parents of children aged 2–12 with emerging or present behavioural problems. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to investigate the latent factor structure of the scales. The results revealed a meaningful three-factor solution for items within each of the following subscales: Peer Relations, Self-Management/Compliance, Defiant/Disruptive, and Antisocial/Aggressive. However, findings revealed some significant cross-loadings within each of the scales. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper offers a theoretically grounded analysis of international postgraduate students’ perspectives on the importance and development of global citizenship knowledge and competences while they are studying, and how these are valued and enacted afterwards. It draws on a series of interviews with non-Western international postgraduates during their studies in the UK and upon return to their home countries. It uses the concepts of social and cultural cosmopolitan competences as a framework to discuss the perceived benefits of educational mobility, and the possibilities and limits of social connectedness and openness in the internationalised university environment.  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, I respond to criticisms by Moshman, Kanner and Wertsch, Grossen, Säljö, and Siegler of my article on The Development of Competence and Its Social Context. I argue that an adequate theory of the development of competence must explain the relationship between the spontaneous construction of knowledge by the child and the transmission of knowledge to the child. The transmission of knowledge to children resides in the provision of cultural perspectives on reality. These perspectives give children opportunities to construct knowledge and provide scope within which to widen their intellectual skills. From this viewpoint, several problems are discussed, such as the role of social context in education and intellectual performance, the development of numerical abilities, and the characteristics of test situations.  相似文献   


Twenty-two boys with a diagnosis of ADHD were com-KEYWORDS pared with 22 typically developing boys on an advanced theory of mind task and on two tasks measuring aspects of executive function. Parents completed rating forms measuring general social competence, as well as mentalizing and non-mentalizing social behaviours. There were no differences between the groups on the advanced theory of mind measure.The children with ADHD scored more poorly than controls on an inhibition task but not on a planning task once age and IQ had been covaried. Ratings of social competence were correlated with theory of mind and executive function ability for the typically developing controls but not for the children with ADHD. The results are discussed in terms of inhibitory and social information processing accounts of ADHD.  相似文献   

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