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本研究旨在观察新形态开放式同行评议系统的设计及应用,有助于促进学术传播与期刊出版的活力与效益,以及提升同行评议制度在期刊评价机制中的加权价值;在学术传播实务研究价值上,不仅提供众多学术期刊主编思索如何精进同行评议流程,也帮助可能同时身兼作者与评审者身份的学者们,进一步了解较为理想与实用的友好环境,共同关心发展趋势与相关权益.  相似文献   

浅析网络学术期刊对学术交流的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简述网络学术期刊的概念;通过对图书情报学、经济学、生物学、计算机科学与网络四种学科的72种中英文网络学术期刊进行分析,探究网络学术期刊提供的信息级别、网络学术期刊的学科属性和语种对学术交流的影响,发现网络学术期刊提供的信息级别越高,它对学术交流的影响就越大;由于各学科人士对互联网的认可度、技术掌握程度等因素的不同,致使不同学科的网络学术期刊对学术交流的影响亦有不同;目前,英文网络学术期刊对学术交流的影响要大于中文网络学术期刊。  相似文献   

学术期刊专家审稿制的无效性及其有效应对   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稿件审理存在审理效率低、质量不高的问题,为此学术期刊应当提高编辑的学科专业素质,改进审稿流程,完善审稿制度,充分调动审稿专家的积极性.  相似文献   

同行评议一般属于定性评估的范畴,以往没有将其执行效果定量化的研究.本研究以学术期刊"同行评议"制度为研究对象,采用定量方法评价科技期刊"同行评议"制度运行的效果,设计了新的指标"同行评议效果"(EPR).对"同行评议效果"指标概念的提出和算法的阐释是本研究最大的创新点.在一定假设条件下,EPR的算法可以进行简化.本研究根据采集到8本期刊不同时段的投稿数据和万方数据资源系统的引用数据,对EPR进行了试验性计算.结果表明,EPR可以反映期刊的同行评议制度执行效果.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(33):159-172
There is some apparent conflict involving reference librarian ethics and their relationship to some recently published views relating to peer review and the scholarly communication system. A case study, based on the gap between the promotional rhetoric and the actual peer review, editorial practices of a famous reference work, the Lexicon of the Middle Ages (Artemis Verlag, Munich), brings this conflict into sharp relief. An academic debate in the field of art history of the Middle Ages, known as the Guide Riccio controversy, has been called the "case of the century" in art history. Material distributed by the Lexicon of the Middle Ages states that in the case of controversies, protagonists of opposing sides will have the chance to express their ideas in the pages of the lexicon. But the protagonists of one side of the Guide Riccio controversy were flatly rejected. If providing accurate information, and providing access to all sides of an issue, are tenets of library ethics, it would seem logical that academic and reference librarians would become professional allies of the academic whistleblower.  相似文献   

This presentation described the history and ongoing development of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) for libraries, agents, and publishers. The focus was on the newer international initiatives and developments, such as SUSHI (Standard Usage Statistical Harvesting Initiative), which can supply data directly to library Electronic Resource Management (ERM) systems. While the full promise of accurate machine-to-machine interchanges, which can enter data into our respective systems within seconds, is yet to be achieved, there is much work under way to develop and improve EDI protocols and standards.  相似文献   

百种国际学术名刊二次文献网上免费资源名录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
列出在SPIE期刊在线(SPIE Journals Online)中可免费浏览的100种国际一流学术期刊文摘的网上资源目录。  相似文献   

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电子期刊对学术信息行为影响的定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对加泰罗尼亚地区(西班牙)的高校进行的一项定性研究表明,与以前相比,现在的高校研究人员阅读量更大,内容也更广泛。电子期刊的使用节省了研究人员到图书馆进行实体浏览的次数,网页浏览和邮件提醒(TOC)也正在一定程度上取代实体浏览。为了追踪最新研究动向,网络搜索已成为研究人员最常用的技术手段,谷歌学术已成为他们获取学术信息的重要渠道。与此同时,研究人员的阅读却趋于表面,在学术信息的个性化管理方面还存在诸多问题。  相似文献   

学术期刊"退稿率"定义的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术期刊之退稿率向来为学术界采具同侪评阅(peer review)要求下,所并随产生与要求呈具的资料。它通常亦被用作证明期刊品质控制良窳之标准之一。然而,因定义与界定不清,使得退稿率之实质意义并不如预期,也有失公允。本文即为举证退稿率要求之不当,并提出适当之改进建议,俾使学术期刊评价能更合乎公平客观。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在数据期刊同行评议的视角下识别并构建科学数据质量评价指标,增强对科学数据质量评价的理解,为数据论文同行评议实践提供参考。[方法/过程]利用扎根理论的研究方法,选取20个数据期刊的数据同行评议指南作为质性研究的原始资料,并使用NVivo质性分析软件对资料进行开放式编码、关联式编码和选择性编码,通过理论饱和度检验对编码结果进行检验。[结果/结论]最终构建数据论文同行评议情境下的科学数据质量评价指标体系,识别出数据内在质量、数据表达质量、数据访问质量和数据效用质量4个主范畴和14个评价指标,并具体分析指标的含义及分类,帮助数据论文作者和评审者深入了解科学数据质量的内在结构。  相似文献   

以ScienceDirect、SpringerLink和Wiley InterScience全球三大学术期刊数据库作为研究对象,通过分析三者的集团化运作、专业化出版内容、高质量内容资源、多元化价格体系、全球化宣传策略诸多方面的运营情况,提出一些建设性意见,希望能对我国学术期刊网络出版的国际化过程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper studies the grant peer review process employed by the Turkish regional development agencies, which is adapted from a review procedure of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union. To model this process, we consider a Bayesian strategic-form game played by three reviewers who observe both a common and a private score signal about an evaluated project and assign their scores to minimize the sum of their disutilities from the false acceptance and false rejection of the project. We numerically compute the Bayesian Nash equilibria of this game and conduct several comparative statics exercises, after calibrating the model parameters accordingly. We also introduce two simpler review processes and compare their performances to that of the calibrated process in terms of outcome statistics, involving pass and fail rates of the evaluated projects, and manipulation statistics, involving the reviewers’ manipulation rate and size of scores.  相似文献   

分析了学术文献因科研不端行为或不负责任的研究行为被玷污的危害性以及学术界目前在处理存在问题与差错文献方面的不足.通过强调学术期刊保证研究结果的真实性、准确性和可靠性的责任和梳理学术期刊的相关经验,探讨学术期刊如何利用其有利地位维护学术文献的纯洁性.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

分析了学术文献因科研不端行为或不负责任的研究行为被玷污的危害性以及学术界目前在处理存在问题与 差错文献方面的不足。通过强调学术期刊保证研究结果的真实性、准确性和可靠性的责任和梳理学术期刊的相关经验, 探讨学术期刊如何利用其有利地位维护学术文献的纯洁性。  相似文献   

同行评议是保证科研健康发展的一种重要机制,学术评价在本质上离不开同行的判断.本文通过问卷法,采用同行评议的方式调查学术共同体对18种CSSCI图书情报学来源期刊的感知和认同,使用聚类分析展示期刊在类的层次上的差异.研究发现:同行将18种期刊明显地分为4个层级;<中文核心期刊要目总览>和CSSCI来源期刊均只能部分地反映同行的评议结果;CSSCI来源期刊的评价结果与同行评议结果一致性略高于<中文核心期刊要目总览>.  相似文献   

2014年以来,医学期刊编辑国际委员会(ICMJE)对《学术研究实施与报告和医学期刊编辑与发表的推荐规范》进行了多次的修订,介绍《ICMJE推荐规范》体系架构,并从淡化期刊影响因子、还原本身内涵,指导作者投稿选刊、甄别伪劣杂志,以数据共享促试验诚信、最大化试验效益,突出人文关怀、强调社会责任,增列科研不端行为、明确作者与编者责任这5个方面对《ICMJE推荐规范》近5年来做的主要修订工作进行梳理和分析,从而为我国医学期刊提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature dealing with scholarly information behavior around the use of e-journals. Its aims are to examine the use and impact the availability of e-journals has had on the community of scholars, mainly from the UK, but looking also at literature from other countries. Results demonstrated the huge rise in availability and take-up of e-journals, although there are mixed findings regarding the fate of the print format. Access to e-literature is dominated by keyword searching, with subject-specific (e.g., chemical abstracts); or general academic (Web of Knowledge) gateways and search engines (typically Google) all used above publishers platforms, alerts, and other ways to find literature. The value of e-journals has been shown to be high, both in terms of in gaining new insights and helping with teaching, and in measure of “Contingent valuation”: the time or cost incurred by not having provision. Barriers to e-journal use included non-purchase of titles by the library and years or volumes not available electronically. Although many disciplinary differences exist, due to their differing natures and means of scholarly communication, nevertheless, the review concludes that it is now unthinkable for researchers to work without the convenience and comprehensiveness that e-journals provide them.  相似文献   

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