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Nathaniel Hawthorne is a famous American writer in perspective of his unique style of metaphor and symbolism.His work usually creates an atmosphere of fear,depression,dark,death and hatred.The Scarlet Letter,which was widely considered to be his master piece,is no doubt the representative of this writing style.In it,the author created several characters; both made their first appearance naturally and without much suspension,yet with the development of the plot and Hawthorne's exquisite depiction of the miens and actions of characters,the struggle,the mutual relation and all the complicated emotions,the book revealed a magnificent series of story-telling pictures in front of the readers.This paper intends to look into Hawthorne's art of using metaphors and other writing techniques,and finds it is truly a good textbook for people learning how to write a good piece of work.  相似文献   

环境造就性格,性格决定命运.《呼啸山庄》男主人公希斯克利夫在18世纪英国资本主义畸形社会的成长环境中备受身心折磨和摧残,因而形成了极其偏执的性格特征,也正是这种偏执性格为其悲剧性的命运埋下了种子.  相似文献   

本文着重探讨了美国著名小说家霍桑的名篇《红字》里的人物波尔的形象。波尔出生在十七世纪清规戒律森严的新英格兰殖民地。她从一出生就被认为是非法的。她的存在与其说和她所处的社会极不谐调,不如说是对这个社会和法律的嘲笑和反抗。虽然波尔得不到社会的温暖和正规的教育,但是大自然却慷慨地给予了她生存所必需的一切;同时,她也无形中成了大自然不可分割的一部分。波尔是一个活生生的天使,是正义的象征。  相似文献   

The Scarlet Letter,one of the immortal representatives of Romanticism literature makes the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known around the world.The unique organization of the novel,the skillful use of symbolism and metaphor demonstrate the writer’s profound insight and unique view of the society and the human nature,which make thesinrise to a higher level.  相似文献   

冯利 《海外英语》2012,(14):202-204
This paper analyses the three main female characters in Frankenstein from feminism.Their miserable fortunes and experiences demonstrate their oppression under patriarchy ideology.However,as suppressed object and vulnerable group,they exert great influence on males and their family,even determine their destinies.Female’s power in patriarchal society is stressed.  相似文献   

For a time Lady Macbeth is mistaken as a vicious woman.Actually she is a tragic heroine well worth pity and respect.Compared with the weak,fragile,sensitive female characters in the literary works of the Elizabethan times,she is a new type woman-intelligent,able,ambitious and strong-minded.She is the true tragic heroine in the drama.  相似文献   

The greatness of ’The Scarlet Letter’ is mostly owing to its superb use of symbols.This paper will analyze the symbolic meaning of several important characters,token,background and natural settings.  相似文献   

纳撒尼尔·霍桑受清教主义影响颇深,而《红字》正是这方面的代表著作,该作品中体现了霍桑复杂的清教主义思想。本论文试图通过对白兰与珍珠的分析,揭示隐藏在行文之间的霍桑对清教主义未来的期望。  相似文献   

Nathaniel Hawthorne is considered as one of the greatest American novelists in 19th century and his reputation has been on the increase with the publication of The Scarlet Letter. This paper concentr...  相似文献   

As one of Shakespeare's the four famous tragedies,Hamlet is the most remarkable one. This article aims to analyze the tragedy aspects in Hamlet from the aspects of plot,character and conflict. In Hamlet,it described a disordered world where there was discrepancy in ideality and reality,and also a world with strong self-consciousness,which reflected the main parts uncertainness and complication in the period of Renaissance.On behalf of humanists,Hamlet confirms human's value and dignity,and also the wisdom and power,but faced with the evil reality,all his dreams are destroyed completely. He just gets the spiritual victory with the cost of his life. As the mitigation of the time,Hamlet shows that it is destined for humanists to fail and result in tragic life.  相似文献   

王微 《海外英语》2012,(10):206
Macbeth is,both by expectation and by means of the exposition,set up as a classical tragedy.The very title of the play,The Trag edy of Macbeth,encourages the assumption on the part of the audience that Macbeth is indeed a tragedy.This article mainly from the cross-cultural angle to the plot of the tragedy of tragedy Macbeth analysis for further analysis and appreciate Shakespeare’ s drama open up alternative thinking mode.  相似文献   

荆婧 《海外英语》2012,(16):171-172,179
As one of the four great tragedies of Shakespeare, Macbeth is known for its complexity, not in plot, but in the reversals of the characters’fortune and mentality. This paper analyses how the blood signs, especially"bloody hands", signify the reversal of the character of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as well as appealing the readers’emotion of fear and pity, thus enhancing the tragic effects of the play.  相似文献   

李明 《海外英语》2014,(7):183-184
Daisy Miller,among Henry James’masterpieces,is the novella which won him international fame.As some critics have analyzed,Daisy is a victim of the values of the Old World.In the author’s opinion,Daisy’s tragedy should be partly attributed to prejudice,which impedes the international communication between the newly wealthy Americans and the Europeanized Americans.In this sense,this paper focuses on an analysis of three forms of prejudice in Daisy Miller and tries to interpret Daisy’s tragic destiny from the perspective of intercultural communication.  相似文献   

Sister Carrie and Dwelling depict two heroines who share similarities in many aspects. They all live in the social transitional period and suffer a lot. This paper will make a comparison about the two ladies' tragic fates and aims to investigate the impact on females brought about by the social transition.  相似文献   

Tess of D'Urbervilles is regarded as the most famous tragedy work of the British writer Thomas Hardy. In this novel, the main character, Tess, is a tragic figure. The tragedy of Tess is not accidental. This study analyzes the tragedy of Tess as a woman from the perspective of economy. It is important to strive for economic independence, equality of love and marriage for woman like Tess. Similarly, in the modern society, if women want to maintain equality with men, they must keep themselves independence in economy fi rst, instead of relying on men.  相似文献   

Byrnes and Fox present a sophisticated approach to the development of useful relations between cognitive neuroscience and education. Their approach, which is similar to approaches advocated by other educational psychologists, emphasizes the importance of findings in cognitive neuroscience to the building of educationally useful models of learning. In contrast to that defensible approach is a popular but simplistic approach that tries to relate the results of individual cognitive neuroscience studies directly to the improvement of teaching. The advantages of the sophisticated approach presented by Byrnes and Fox are discussed and supported for their important roles in the development of productive relations between cognitive neuroscience and education.  相似文献   

Emma is considered to be the most successful character created by Flaubert,though arouse fierce criticize at the time of her first debut. Finally,the novel receives the due respect and attention and Emma,becomes the center of the discussion of numerous readers and critics. In this paper,I would like to provide my analysis of Madam Bovary,focusing on the tragic traits of this character and attempt to fi nd the answers.  相似文献   

李隽轶 《海外英语》2012,(3):194-195
Social conventions sometimes are regarded as valuable treasure in some culture. But it can also lead to human tragedy. The Arti cle here tried to look into the social and religious conventions behind the human tragedy in Richard Jefferies’ short story "the Acorn Gath erer" and how those conventions and people’s belief affect the relationship between the grandmother and her grandson in the short story. The article discussed the underlying causes to the tragedy from three aspects, the outside pressure, the inner factors and the problem of the society. It attempted to explain how the social pressure influenced the attitude and action of the grandmother, how her inner belief com pelled herself to maltreat the boy and how the social convention and religious belief made the society seemingly pitiless and indifferent. It is also indicated that social and religious conventions still have a lasting effect on how people think and act in today’s world.  相似文献   

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in the Romantic period of England. This paper focuses on the exploration of the symbolic meanings of the image of "sea" from three aspects: the image of "Destiny", "God", and "A loving mother", then concludes that the "sea" has spiritual connotation which can give inspiration to human beings.  相似文献   

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