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  lacauche@yahoo.com.cn问:我的孩子3岁多,由于存在斜视的情况到医院眼科检查,医生说他不仅斜视,而且高度远视,必须通过配戴眼镜矫治。请问,孩子患斜视和高度远视如何处理才好?哪种治疗方法最有效?  相似文献   

一位来自韶关8个月大的患有“先天性内斜视”(俗称“斗鸡眼”)的婴儿在广州市儿童医院眼科接受手术治疗后痊愈出院。这是去年该眼科进行的第50例这类手术。儿童时期是视力发育的关键时期,早期发生的儿童斜视病人,经非手术治疗无效的,应该尽早手术治疗,以免影响其视力的发育,特别是立体视觉的形成。  相似文献   

一位来自韶关8个月大的患有“先天性内斜视”(俗称“斗鸡眼”)的婴儿在广州市儿童医院眼科接受手术治疗后痊愈出院。这是去年该眼科进行的第50例这类手术。 儿童时期是视力发育的关键时期,早期发生的儿童斜视病人,经非手术治疗无效的,应该尽早手术治疗,以免影响其视力的发育,特别是立体视觉的形成。否则,其异常反射可能越发严重,治疗难度将会加大。  相似文献   

立体视觉的形成因素有生理因素和客观因素两类,据此可以将立体视觉分成双眼立体视觉和单眼立体视觉。本文尝试分析了单眼立体视觉在观察平面性图象时的规律,并探讨了如何提高这种单眼立体视觉的效果并加以应用。  相似文献   

弱视是一种严重危害儿童视觉发育的眼部疾病。由于患儿眼部无明显器质性病变,只是无论配戴什么样的矫正眼镜,视力都不能达到正常水平,而且患儿双眼同看一物体时不能产生完整的立体感,致使许多精细的操作或需要有正常立体视觉的活动无法完成。目前,弱视按程度可分为三种:矫正视力在0.6-0.9之间为轻度弱视,0.3-0.6之间为中度弱视,0.3以下为重度弱视。关于原因造成儿童弱视的原因有很多,除了先天性弱视外,还有斜视性弱视、屈光参差性弱视、屈光不正性弱  相似文献   

听力障碍儿童与正常儿童视觉记忆能力比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过对重度听觉障碍儿童与正常儿童视觉记忆能力比较的试验观察,分析了听觉障碍儿童视觉记忆增强的原因,认为对听觉障碍儿童尤其是重度听觉障碍儿童,在康复训练时,除采取必要的语言训练外,还应辅以视觉手段,以提高其整体康复水平.  相似文献   

弱视是一种发育性疾病,我国儿童的发病率为3%。弱视的特点是远视力低于0.8,而且戴上矫正眼镜也不能达到正常水平。更为严重的是,如果弱视的儿童没有被早期发现,及早治疗,不仅视力低下。而且长大以后没有立体视觉,不能准确判断事物的方位、远近,危害甚大。儿童弱视可分为三种类型:1.斜视型弱视患儿由于有一  相似文献   

弱视是一种严重影响视觉质量的眼科疾病,调查显示,其在儿童中的患病率是2%~4%.它对儿童的健康成长影响严重,不仅视力低下无法矫正,还会造成双眼融合功能和立体视觉的缺失.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨肛门狭窄以手术方法治疗的疗效.[方法]临床选择肛门狭窄患者12例,2例肛门狭窄采用隔膜切除术,10例肛管狭窄采用纵切横缝术,成人患者加"V-Y"成形术,并结合术后扩肛3个月,观察近远期疗效.[结果]12例患者手术后均排便通畅,随诊2~5a,无一例复发.[结论]不同肛门狭窄采用不同的方法进行治疗有较好疗效.  相似文献   

高位肛瘘82例临床治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]介绍高位肛瘘的临床治疗体会,探讨治疗方法.[方法]临床观察高位肛瘘患者82例,采用切开引流的手术方法,部分患者进行挂线治疗,观察近远期疗效及并发症.[结果]高位肛瘘采用切开引流的方法治疗可以取得良好效果,随诊1 a,仅1例复发,3例有不全失禁现象.[结论]高位肛瘘手术治疗的关键是正确寻找内口并彻底清除,同时手术中小心括约肌不可完全离断.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the time and postoperative binocular vision of strabismus surgery for children with intermittent exotropia (X (T)). Methods: A retrospective investigation was conducted in 80 child patients with intermittent exotropia. Pre- and postoperative angles of deviation fixating at near (33cm) and distant targets (6m) were measured with the prolonged alternate cover testing. The binocular function was assessed with synoptophore. Twenty-one patients took the postoperative synoptophore exercise. Results: (1) A week after surgery, 96.2% of the 80 patients had binocular normotopia, while a year after surgery, 91.3% of the 80 patients had binocular normotopia; (2) Preoperatively, 58 patients had near stereoacuity, while postoperatively, 72 patients achieved near stereoacuity (P<0.05); (3) Preoperatively, 64 patients had Grade I for the synoptophore evaluation and postoperatively, 76 patients achieved Grade I. Meanwhile, 55 patients had Grade Ⅱpreoperatively and 72 achieved Grade Ⅱ postoperatively. For Grade Ⅲ, there were 49 patients preoperatively and 64 patients postoperatively (P<0.05); (4) Patients of 5~8 years old had a significantly better recovery rate of binocular vision than those of 9~18 years old (P<0.05); (5)Patients taking postoperative synoptophore exercise had a better binocular vision than those taking no exercise (P<0.05). Conclusions: (1) Strabismus surgery can help to preserve or restore the binocular vision for intermittent exotropia; (2) Receiving the surgery at young ages may develop better postoperative binocular vision; (3) The postoperative synoptophore exercise can help to restore the binocular vision.  相似文献   

教师要摆脱成人的审美标准,尊重与欣赏每个幼儿的美术作品,从他们的美术作品中观察幼儿的内心世界,解读幼儿独特的审美情趣和情感表达,充分引导幼儿将自己创作的美术作品进行创造性呈现,最终构建以幼儿为主体、符合幼儿审美价值的受教育环境。教师应创造性地运用增设艺术背景、添加辅助材料、加强视觉效果、构架立体形象等多种形式,鼓励幼儿将美术作品进行情趣化、情境化、立体化的呈现。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Sensory exotropia is a condition of unilateral divergence as a sequela to loss of vision or long-standing poor vision in one eye,which was caused by refractive errors,unilateral aphakia or other organic reasons.Convergence insufficiency or disruption is possible.The most important aspect of the manage-ment is to find and/or eliminate and/or reverse a treatable cause of the exotropia.In clinic,the sensory exotropia secondary to senile cataract was often ob-served.Prospectively…  相似文献   

研究了乙酸仲丁酯汽油(SBAC汽油)对氟、硅、氢化丁腈、丁腈、三元乙丙五种橡胶的溶胀作用和撕裂强度影响。研究表明,氟橡胶对低配比的SBAC汽油有较好的耐油性。当SBAC体积分数不大于10%时,50 d内5种橡胶的厚径变化率是△h氟〈4%、2%〈△h丁腈〈6%、7%〈△h氢化丁腈〈13%、30%〈△h硅、△h三元乙丙〈46%;五种橡胶的撕裂强度都显著降低,撕裂强度变化率在-90%--30%之间。因此发动机的橡胶密封圈最好选用氟橡胶,且SBAC汽油的配比以SBAC体积分数不大于6%为宜。  相似文献   

[目的]观察绿脓杆菌菌苗治疗复发性口腔溃疡的疗效.[方法]62例复发性口腔溃疡患者被分为菌苗组(32例)和胸腺肽对照组(30例),并对二组疗效进行比较.[结果]菌苗组的总有效率(93.75%)明显高于胸腺肽对照组(73.33%).二者有显著性差异(P<0.05).[结论]菌苗的良好效果是由于其免疫调节作用和微量元素、维生素的调节作用.  相似文献   

This study examined how patterns of caregiving behavior differ between family and center providers over time, and to what extent caregivers’ attitudes and beliefs shape those caregiving patterns. Ninety-eight child care providers (59 family child care-based [family] and 39 center-based providers) self-reported their initial demographics, attitudes, and beliefs about children and caregiving. Their caregiving behavior in the child care setting was independently and reliably observed three times over the course of one year. When controlling for relevant demographic and structural variables, growth curve analyses revealed patterns of caregiving behavior that varied as a function of provider type and of the interaction between provider type and caregiver attitudes and beliefs. Center-based providers’ caregiving behavior was more heavily influenced by attitudes and beliefs and showed greater variability over time than family providers’ behavior. Implications for choosing child care and improving professional development are discussed.  相似文献   


The Convention on the rights of the child has not made much of a difference to the existing conditions of children in India. Moral energy and a socio‐political vision is required by not only the government, but all concerned to improve the status of the child in India. There is a need to focus on child rights issues related to creating public awareness, attitudinal change, political commitment, mass sensitisation and reaching the unreached. An appropriate action strategy is suggested for the restoration of the rights of children in India.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(hypoxicischemicencephalopathy,以下简称HIE)的发生发展及CT对该病的诊断价值.[方法]选择有围产期窒息史,经临床诊断为HIE的足月新生儿110例,进行cCT扫描,按影像分级标准分轻、中、重三度.[结果]110例HIE患儿中,轻度58例(53%),中度38例(34%),重度14例(13%)与临床分级基本一致.[结论]CT对HIE的分级诊断,对其治疗及预后评估提供客观依据.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the factors which influence custody change in cases of children who have been sexually abused. Of 180 children admitted to La Rabida Children's Hospital and Research center with a suspicion of having been sexually abused, 138 met the state's criteria for proven sexual abuse, and 30% of those children had a sexually transmitted disease. One-third of the children with proven abuse were under 4 years of age. Of the children with proven abuse, ultimately 40% had a custody change. Only an initial outcry of abuse was associated with an increased probability of a change in custody. A change in custody was not found to be related to the patient's age, sex, the perpetrator's relation to the child or access to the home, the presence of sexually transmitted disease, whether the child was also physically abused, or whether the child had had developmental delay. These data suggest an absence of any discernible guidelines in the juvenile court's decision concerning custody change of a sexually abused child.  相似文献   

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