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There are wide variations both between and within countries in the extent and nature of the training required to practise as guidance workers. In some sectors, including the private sector, there are no formal requirements. In general, requirements are more formal in the education (school) sector than elsewhere. In most countries there is no mutual recognition of guidance qualifications between education and labour market sectors, and no facility for progression from non-expert to expert guidance status. The role of government in determining/influencing the content and methodology of training varies from countries where it makes all the decisions to those where it appears to have no involvement at all. Little use is currently made of ICT and distance education to deliver initial and/or recurrent training for guidance workers. A number of recommendations to address these and other issues are made.  相似文献   

城镇化与农民工市民化都对开展农民工教育提出要求,当前的农民工教育政策之所以难以达到预期的目的,重要原因之一是政策的制定与实施处于政府部门及各地"自发"的状态,缺少更高理念指导下的统筹协调。维护社会平等是公共政策的重要目标,农民工教育政策应在社会平等的理念下进行调整,从根源上解决农民工教育政策低效率的问题。  相似文献   

Professional shortages of geriatrically trained social workers pose a barrier to mental health care for older adults. Integrating graduate social work interns into primary care settings may increase the availability of trained social workers. However, few studies provide guidance on how to develop an interprofessional healthcare placement focused on the needs of older adults. This article discusses a model training program created by a psychology department (with input from social work faculty) that can be adapted by schools of social work. Client outcomes (n = 47) indicate significant improvement when using this model.  相似文献   

学习化社会的挑战与趋势——来自发达国家的经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马健生  滕珺 《教育学报》2006,2(1):68-76
学习化社会的含义仍然处于争论之中,但是全世界至少是发达国家已经置身于这样的发展状态。目前,发达国家的学习化社会面临着竞争和技术革新、大量廉价劳动力的缺乏、老年人学习的需要、休闲时代和消费文化的冲击、风险社会的形成以及市场的挑战。面对这些挑战,西方视为新生的机遇,在学习化社会发展过程中表现出很有特色的教育发展趋势:全面整合国家教育系统和资源,在企业中培训职业适应性,推广员工发展计划,重新理解和阐释大学理念,提供灵活性学习指导以及运用信息技术实施开放性学习,等等。  相似文献   

This paper synthesises the main findings from three co-ordinated reviews of national career guidance policies carried out by OECD, the European Commission and the World Bank. Some important differences are evident, with services in middle-income countries being less well-developed than in high-income countries. But the dynamics of globalisation, together with policy borrowing, have led to a great deal of convergence. In all countries, career guidance is viewed as a public good, linked to policy goals related to learning, the labour market and social equity. These goals are being reframed in the light of lifelong learning policies, linked to active labour market policies and the concept of sustained employability. Career guidance accordingly needs to be accessible not just to school-leavers and the unemployed, but to everyone throughout their lives. With career guidance taking increasingly varied and disparate forms, there is a need within countries for stronger mechanisms to articulate a vision and develop a strategy for delivering such access.  相似文献   

通过对近三年浙江省高校毕业生毕业一年后的就业情况跟踪调查发现, 该省高校应届毕业生的起薪水平虽逐年增长,但高校毕业生的总体起薪水平不高,甚至出现“身价不如农民工”的个别现象,究其原因,与政府就业政策指导、高校人才培养质量、用人单位对毕业生评判和大学生综合素质等有关。据此,本文从政府加强政策指导、高校改进人才培养模式、用人单位合理确定薪酬体系和大学生努力提升就业竞争力等方面提出对策,以期形成高校毕业生合理的起薪水平。  相似文献   

农民工是缩小城乡差距的创造性实践者,农民工问题是事关城乡统筹成败的重大问题。农村改革的实行,工业化、城镇化的推进和政策松动、制度变迁是农民工问题形成的主要原因。因此农民工问题的解决有赖于农村改革的深化,工业化、城镇化、现代化的最终实现和为解决农民工问题而进行的专门的政策设计和制度安排。解决农民工问题会有一个相当漫长的过程。在这个过程中需要注意统一认识,政策引领,保障农民工的权益,提高农民工自身的素质和构建以社区为依托的农民工服务和管理平台。  相似文献   

The papers in this issue of the journal stem from the largest harmonised set of international reviews of national career guidance policies ever undertaken. Separately they cover 37 countries. They provide a rich set of data for researchers on comparative career guidance systems, and they contain many important lessons for policy makers. Nevertheless they leave important questions about the determinants of differences between national career guidance systems unanswered.  相似文献   

Live-in home care provided to older adults blurs the boundaries between private and professional, personal and public matters, and working hours versus off-duty time. As a result, live-in home care workers are at risk for exploitation. The present study examines the extent to which older adults, family members, and migrant live-in care workers are familiar with the rights of migrant live-in care workers. A random stratified sample of adults over the age of 70 who receive home care services was conducted. Overall, 338 migrant live-in care workers, 224 older adults, and 442 family members were interviewed and asked about their knowledge regarding 10 basic migrant live-in workers’ rights. Moderate levels of knowledge regarding migrant live-in care workers’ rights were found. On average, older adults were aware of 4.22 workers’ rights (out of a possible number of 10 rights), whereas family members and migrant live-in care workers were aware of 7.77 and 7.34 rights, respectively. No more than 4% of older adults, 18% of family members, and 10% of migrant live-in care workers were aware of all 10 workers’ rights. It seems that whereas some rights regarding social benefits were well acknowledged, core issues related to the job and to the status of migrant care workers remain unclear. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

晚清政府对华工的政策经历了由严禁到主动保护的过程。保护主要分为两方面:一是制定相关章程,从根源上保护华工出国的自愿性;二是通过在招工国设置领事、与招工国签订条约等方式对华工进行保护。  相似文献   

A growing body of research and policy focused on ??older workers?? is attempting to address perceived concerns that older workers?? skills are declining, along with their participation in employment and in employment-related learning opportunities. The discussion here seeks to contribute to this research. Its focus is the learning of older professional workers, about comparatively little has been published. The article presents research conducted in Canada involving 60 personal interviews with older Certified Management Accountants (CMAs). This qualitative study was designed to understand older professionals?? participation in learning through their reports not only of when, how and why they participated in specific learning activities, but also through their stories of practice and work, their understandings of knowledge, and how they view themselves as knowers and as knowledge workers. The findings showed that older CMA professionals appeared to position themselves deliberately as knowers, performing particular knowledge orientations aligned with their work priorities, and to resent external provisions for and assessments of their ??learning??. Four orientations appeared most prominently, which are here described as ??consolidating??, ??outreaching??, ??re-positioning??, and ??disengaging??. The concluding section argues that far from withdrawing from learning, these older professionals are particularly strategic in what, when and how they engage. In fact most are astute in employing diverse strategies and resources in knowledge development, according to the knowledge orientation they adopt in their practice. These understandings may suggest ways to more effectively recognise and support older professionals?? learning in organizations and professional associations.  相似文献   

在国外,关于促进就业创业的研究已经比较成熟.通过国内外就业创业政策的对比研究,分析国外就业创业政策的一些特色对我国就业服务体系具有一定的借鉴意义.同时结合我国实际,从政府和学校两个层面积极探索促进我国大学生就业创业的政策,为我国就业指导工作提供更有效的理论指导.  相似文献   

农民工群体自20世纪90年代中后期开始发生代际分化.80后的新生代农民工逐步取代了老一辈农民工,成为进城务工的农村劳动力主力.而小组工作在新生代农民工的个人、家庭等层面起着多方面辅助的作用,对社会政策的制定与社会风气的形成也起着推动作用.  相似文献   

This paper explores the process of policy formulation and implementation in relation to children commonly described as having ‘special educational needs’ and disability (SEND), in Cyprus and in England. Drawing on qualitative research evidence from key primary documentary sources including legislation, statutory and non-statutory guidance and reports, it provides a comparative analysis of the content and the spirit of policy in both countries over the cycle of a century. The findings indicate that Cypriot policymakers have engaged in a process of ‘policy snatching’ from England, following four phases: charitable segregation and categorisation; enlightened legitimisation and categorisation; integration, ‘special educational needs’ and categorisation; inclusion, SEND and categorisation. Using the analogy of Aesop’s well-known fable ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’, the paper concludes that England, symbolically characterised as the hare, appears, overtly at least, to have moved ahead; while Cyprus, characterised as the tortoise, has been following slowly behind. However, progress has been slow in both countries, and the hare may well have fallen asleep. It is argued that whilst some common ground exists between the two countries, there is an inherent danger in transplanting selected elements of policy texts from one socio-cultural historical context to another.  相似文献   


Although workforce aging is among the major challenges facing developed countries, organizational communication about this issue has received little scholarly attention. Drawing on a content analysis of corporate media, we reconstruct how Dutch organizations (N = 50) framed older workers’ employability during the period 2006–2013 in diagnostic (problem-definitions) and prognostic (solution-definitions) terms, and we trace the influence of corporate media types and organizational characteristics on these frames. Results reveal that organizations frequently highlight problems on the macrolevel (societal) and the mesolevel (organizational), while most solutions are located on the microlevel (individual). Using multilevel modelling, we found support for the expectation that the issue is more strongly problematized in internal compared to external corporate media, and that problems related to individual older employees are most pronounced in public sector organizations’ communication. Our findings highlight diverse ways in which organizations can communicatively address factors that hamper older workers’ employability.  相似文献   

Population ageing signals the need for a responsive community aged care workforce respectful of older people’s diverse healthcare needs. Person-centered care premises individual needs and preferences to enhance participation in health care. Training for diversity does not yet exist for this workforce, but is necessary to ensure appropriate care for diverse community-dwelling older people. This article aims to review the range of research traditions for conceptualizing diversity training, theoretical approaches, and empirical findings to understand the relevance for the community aged care sector. Using a meta-narrative approach, research from health, education, psychology, sociology, and business literature was reviewed for meaningful contribution to supporting training for community aged care workers. Meta-narrative review principles included: planning, searching, mapping, appraisal/synthesis, and recommendations. Six meta-narratives were identified, consolidated into three areas: person-centered and culturally competent health care; human rights approach; and psychological approaches to diversity training. The meta-narratives highlighted diversity within diversity and a move toward intersectionality. Meta-narratives were linked through concepts of inclusion, reduction in bias, and access and equity healthcare policy and practice. Training for community aged care workers is challenging, with this synthesis providing new understandings of diversity training, paramount for provision of responsive and equitable health care for older people.  相似文献   

The number of people aged 60 and over across the globe is expected to double by 2050, reaching a share of more than 20 percent of the population total. Governments are therefore taking more and more policy actions to encourage ageing workers to extend their working lives and their employers to retain them. According to the OECD lifelong learning opportunities and inclusive labour markets will be essential to ensuring that workers of all educational backgrounds have the possibility of extending their working lives. This article examines the relationship between adult education completed after age 40 and the subsequent active participation of older adults in employment, using individual register data from Statistics Norway. The results show a substantial effect of upgrading formal education on subsequent labour market participation. Overall effects are quite similar for males and females. Attaining a lower level tertiary degree has the largest impact on labour market participation both for males and females. Completing a secondary education has a strong, long term impact among males. The results suggest that facilitating access to formal education among older workers may be an important contribution to extending working lives.  相似文献   


Recent developments in Europe show that policymakers acknowledge the role of qualitative research in evidence building. A number of qualitative research studies, including narrative inquiry, have been contracted out to gather information into selected policy issues. The management of career transitions and lifelong learning has become a focus of research and policy interest in many countries. Based on the findings of two Cedefop studies, which included the collection of narrative interviews among mid-career adults in several European countries, this article argues in favour of narrative inquiry as a tool to inform policymakers and influences policies, for example in the field of career guidance and counselling and lifelong learning. A selection of narratives is provided as an example to show how unique situated knowledge within the context of mid-career adults’ life is influenced by existing policies or implies that policies need to be changed. By providing snapshots of the findings from these two studies and exemplify their informative value for policy, the article advocates for the usefulness of narrative inquiry. The presentation of qualitative data humanises the commonly found statistical representations of individuals’ life circumstances and enables imagination and meaning making.  相似文献   

A policy consensus has emerged in Australia that there is a workforce literacy and numeracy crisis, similar to many other Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. The study informing this paper examined this framing of crisis by interviewing and observing production workers in three manufacturing companies. Each company was implementing new lean production methods, known as ‘competitive systems and practices', based on a visual workplace management system. In this paper, we look at what is visible and invisible in production workers' literacy and numeracy practices at Hearing Solutions, one of the companies in the study. We begin by considering the overarching policy discourse around workers' literacy and numeracy before exploring the underpinning rationale of the new expression of lean manufacturing, in particular, its implementation through the Visual Workplace Management System. Detailing an example of the literacies used in producing hearing aid shells, we discuss the under-valuing by workers and managers of the skills being used; and the hidden process of industrial relations, reward and remuneration. Using an ethnographic and social practices approach, what emerges is a better understanding of the complex range of vocational knowledge and social skills being used that go unrecognised by policy makers, lobbyists and managers, and even by the workers themselves.  相似文献   

This research assesses younger worker perceptions of older and same age worker stereotypes and communication in the USA and Thailand. Results indicate that older workers are generally seen by younger workers as more uncomfortable with new technology, less flexible and more cautious on the job, and more loyal (and having fewer absences) to the organization than younger workers. As compared to younger American workers, younger Thai workers agree more with negative stereotype items that older workers make more mental mistakes, are slower to adapt to new technology, are more fearful of technology, and are less flexible at work. But they also agree more with positive stereotype items that older workers are absent less, have a better attitude toward work, and have a higher level of commitment to the organization than younger workers. In terms of their communication, younger Thai workers perceive both other younger Thai workers and older Thai workers as exhibiting more avoidant communication than their counterparts from the USA. The younger Thai workers also perceive members of their own age in-group as communicating in a more nonaccommodating manner than younger American workers. Implications for the aging process across cultures and the workplace are discussed.  相似文献   

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