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foot forward,put one's best这一习语的意思为“尽最大努力”,“给人以尽可能好的印象”。1.We mustput our best foot forward if we are to reach town tonight.我们若要今晚到达城里,就必须要尽最大努力。2.When he applied for the job,he put his best foot for-  相似文献   

eye,to eye see这一习语的意思为“看法一致”。1.Fortunately,we see eye to eye in thematter of repairing that fence.好在,我们在修理那篱笆的事件上看法一致。2.He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate superioron a number of important matters.他辞职是因为在一些重要问题上与他的顶头上司看法不一致。  相似文献   

allowance,make allowance for这一习语的意思为“原谅”,“考虑到…的情况”。1.The boy had certainlydone wrong,but his father made allowance for his youth.这孩子肯定做错了,但是他父亲原谅了他的年轻。2.In judging his work,we must make allowance for hislack of experience.在评定他的工作时,我们必须考虑到他缺少经验的情况。Andhow  相似文献   

mark,make one's这一习语的意思为“成功”,“出名”,“留下深远影响”。1.Despite the helpgiven to all of them by their father,Henry was the only one of the five brothers whomade his mark in the world.尽管五兄弟都得到了父亲的帮助,但真正有出息  相似文献   

crush on,have a这一习语的意思为“狂热地爱上某人”,“非常喜欢某人”。1.He has had a crush on her ever since they met at that party last summer.自从去年夏天那次宴会邂逅后,他就一直狂热地爱着她。2.She has a crush on thenew gym mistress.她非常喜欢新来的女体育老师。cry one’s heart(eyes)out  相似文献   

角 肠妞姗,51比I进 这一习语的意思为.严厉斥贵”,“(老无道理地)冲…发脾气”。 1 .Y.如,tb如eto肠沈衅】泊司心」时肠国翻1.山日卿。山喇e,幽-石翻.你不必仅因为我问了你一个简单的间皿而严厉斥贵我。 2 .1 11.川k娜以试恤明哪,I如,t业e抽vi邢呵.曰日肠也n叮at此肖少川户田幽‘二我必须远离他,我不想因小事而被他严厉斥贵。 日.业,山眯a日.走 这一习语的愈思为“未成功”,“白搭”。 1.。皿公目汕协鱿h叮‘司to脚此州画回,。神,地山山,。目巨‘.我们的英语老师试图得到校长之职,但她没有成功。 2.头州司to mak吧腼正。褚冲.肠,恤鱼塑渔…  相似文献   

bowl over这一习语的意思为“使大吃一惊”,“使惊呆”。1.We were simply bowled overby the news of Jack's marriage.杰克结婚的消息确实使我们大吃一惊。2.Her impudence bowled me over.她的厚颜使我大为吃惊。brain,have something on the brain这一习语的意思为“老想着某事”。1.That fellow has sports on the brain.He  相似文献   

对于英语为外语的学生来说,在如何正确运用美国习语时,大多数人缺乏信心。甚至,那些能熟练地讲一口流利英语的人,对习语的语言结构,也同样没有把握。为了能使广大英语自学者能够了解和正确运用美国习语。作者从这一期开始,对部分美国习语作一简要的介绍。  相似文献   

babes in the woods这一习语的意思为“幼稚盲从的人”,“无经验而易受骗的人”。1.In that difficult and competitive business the Hunts are like two babes in thewoods.在那困难和竞争的买卖中,守猎队就象无经验而易受骗的人。2.Some people who are otherwise asrewd are mere babes in the woods wherethe stock market is concemed.有些人在其他方面很机警,但在股票市场上却  相似文献   

kill two birds with one stone这一习语的意思为“一举两得”,“一箭双雕”。1.We can visit Aunt Jennie andalso see New York City on the same trip, thus killing two birds with one stone. 同一次旅行,我们既可以看望珍妮姑母,又可以参观纽约市,真是一举两得。2.The history teacher told us that making an outline kills two birds with one stone; itmakes us study, the lesson till we understand it, and it gives us notes to review before  相似文献   

dressing-down,give someone a dressing-down这一习语的意思为“狠狠的训斥”。1.His sister gave him a real dressing downfor wasting so much time.他的姐姐因他浪费了那么多时间而狠狠训了他一顿。2.The sergeant gave the soldier a good dressing-down because his shoes werenot shined.中士因那士兵的鞋没有擦亮而痛斥了他一顿。dribs and drabs  相似文献   

coals,haul(rake)over the coals这一习语的意思为“责备”,“谴责”。1.When his company discovers that E-vans was responsible for the loss of that important account,they will certainly haulhim over the coals.当他的同伴发现埃文斯对那份重要报告的遗失负有责任时,他们肯定要谴责他。2.They were raked over the coals for turning out  相似文献   

bend over backwards这一习语的意思为“尽最大的努力”。1.She bent over backwards to showthat she had overlooked the incident.她尽最大的努力来证明她忽视了这一事件。2.She bent over backwards to make sure that he was always pleased.她竭力使他经常感到高兴。  相似文献   

high and dry这一习语的意思为“孤立无援”,“处于被弃境地”。1.She excused herself say-ing that she would be back in a moment, but she left him there high and dry for therest of the evening.她找个借口走开了,却说一会儿回来,使他孤单单地空等了一夜晚。2.When the work got hard, Bob found himself high and dry. 工作艰苦起来了,鲍勃发现自己处于孤立无援的境地。hit the nail on the head  相似文献   

wound, cover(the)这一习语的意思为“谈了(多少)内容”,“论及”,“提到”。1. I'll try to cover all the ground in the short speech of half an hour.我会尽量在半小时的短短演讲中,把有关的各方面都谈一谈。2. He talked for two hours without covering any new ground.他谈了两个多小时却没有任何新的见解。  相似文献   

correspond to(or with)这一习语的意思为“相符”、“符合”。1.He explained to me that the signature onthe check did not correspond with the signature which they had in their files.他给我解释说我支票上的签名与他们档案里的签名不符合。2.Her white hat andshoes correspond with her white dress.她的白帽、白鞋和她的白色衣服是相符  相似文献   

do one out of这一习语的意思为“欺骗”。1.His cousin, aided by an unscrupulous lawyer, didhim out of his entire inheritance.在一位无耻的律师的帮助下,他的堂兄骗去了他全部的遗产。2.The furniture store did me out of several hundred dollars.那家具店骗去我数百美元。  相似文献   

check up on这一习语的意思为“检查”,“调查”,“核对”。 1.Two detectives have beenassigned to check up on the prisoner's statements.两名侦探被指派调查囚犯的  相似文献   

习语是语言的精华,承载着民族文化特色和文化信息,是与文化传统紧密相连的。因此,在翻译英语习语时,我们要特别注意英汉两种语言文化背景的较大差异。而四字短语是汉语中的一大词汇特色。本文着重探讨如何恰当地将四字短语融入习语汉译中,既忠实表达出原文含义,且发挥锦上添花的作用。  相似文献   

<正> MeaningSleep well.Origin'Sleep tight' is a very well-used phrase in manyparts of the English-speaking world. It's common atbedtime in the form of the rhyme "good night, sleeptight, don't let the bedbugs bite".There are many meanings of the word 'tight' and,unsurprisingly, there are several theories going therounds as to the origin of'sleep tight'. One is that thephrase dates from the days when mattresses were  相似文献   

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