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在英译汉中,常译出错误的句子,这主要是由于对语法结构的错误理解而造成的,特别是对句子的词语分隔的语法理解错误。本文分门别类地分析与归纳它们的错误之所在,并通过实际例句指出正确的理解途径,分析句子的词语分隔所存在的语法问题。  相似文献   

张宝元 《海外英语》2011,(2):228-229
英语学习者能否有效地拼写,记忆单词以及其阅读能力的高低与语音意识有着直接的关系。语音意识独立发展假设认为,语音意识结构中各成份的发展取决于儿童在某方面所接受的语言训练,即语音意识的发展与学习者的特殊语言经历有关。语音意识可以培养,语音意识的提高有益于单词拼写能力的提高。该文以语音意识在单词拼写中的作用为核心,着重论述语音意识在单词拼写过程中的影响作用;同时,文章还以辩证唯物主义观点出发,指出单词拼写能力的提高反过来也可以促进语音意识的提高。  相似文献   

The relationship between linguistic experience and phonemic representations in spelling was investigated in two groups of Mandarin–English bilingual children (aged 5–6 years) who spoke mostly Mandarin-L1 (n = 23) or mostly English-L1 (n = 27) at home. A 60-item cloze task including high- and low-frequency words with word-initial and word-final target phonemes that are either common to Mandarin and English (/f/ and /p/), or found only in English (/v/ and /b/), was developed and administered to both groups. With performance for a neutral control phoneme /m/ matched, spelling accuracy for the common phonemes was equivalent but the Mandarin-L1 children's performance for /v/ and /b/ was significantly poorer than that of their English-L1 classmates in low-frequency words. For both groups, performance on word-final targets was poorer for English-only phonemes than common phonemes. If early literacy development depends on stored phonological representations of the first language, these findings have implications for language minority communities.  相似文献   

不同理论派别对拼写或书写知识和能力发展看法不尽相同。拼写发展论从形素对音素表征随时间变化角度出发,提出阶段论观点。Henderson及同事和学生受Read和Chomsky等人的启发,追踪调查英语母语学童创造性拼写现象,发现呈现与阶段性相关的共同特征,从开始涂鸦式,依次经过字母-拼音、单词内部结构、音节词缀的转变,最后是派生关系。在此基础上创建了单词学习法,作为融拼写与语音和词汇于一体的综合性教学法。本文先介绍拼写发展论的演进和主要论点,以及单词学习法的具体应用,然后回顾对该理论和教学法的检验和评价,最后总结了两者对中国外语学习者开展英语拼写教学和研究的启发。  相似文献   

Morphological analysis of words has been shown to characterize skilled reading. A manipulation on the presentation of words, designed to encourage this process, was examined in dyslexic readers. Fifty-eight Hebrew-speaking university students with dyslexia were divided into three groups. One underwent a very short-term morpheme-based training, consisting of a time-restricted exposure to the root morphemes of words presented in a lexical decision task. The rest of the words’ letters remained on screen until a response. Another group received a control training consisting of the same procedure, except that the presentation of a nonmorphological orthographic unit was manipulated. Two untrained control groups, of dyslexic readers and of typical readers (n = 20), received pre- and posttest measures without training. The results suggest modest but positive effects on reading and spelling following the morpheme-based training, thereby suggesting that the morphological manipulation examined should be integrated in more intensive trainings.  相似文献   

在英语学习中 ,令初学者和学生们感到茫然和头痛的是怎样正确使用动词的各种形式。动词在英语学习中占有极大的份量 ,它的变化形式多 ,运用极其广 ,学生们学习和掌握动词自然就感到吃力困难了。为了使学生直截了当 ,简捷明了地正确运用英语动词 ,在这里我把英语动词运用的基本形式以简要的判断方式展现出来。首先要判断该动词是否作谓语。作谓语即谓语动词 ,不作谓语即非谓语动词。一、谓语动词动词主要有“be”动词 (及其它行为动词转化成的系动词 )、行为动词 (及物和不及物 )。当我们应用的动词是作谓语时 ,头脑里马上就要反映出该动词…  相似文献   

To assess whether different response patterns were associated with differences in the naming and placement of response categories, 1,000 undergraduate students in educational administration completed a 10-item personal-values questionnaire. Five different forms, each answered by 200 students, were employed, differing only in the response categories which could be selected. Different distributions were obtained, depending upon whether “Undecided” was placed in the midpoint of an agreement-disagreement scale, or separated from that scale. Naming of the midpoint by “Undecided” and “Neutral” also produced different response patterns. The results indicate a need for further investigation of the effects of given scales upon responses before advanced statistical techniques are applied.  相似文献   

从对CLEC的分析看不同年级英语学习者的拼写错误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拼写错误随学习的语音、词汇、语法水平和拼写策略不同而变化。典型与发音关联的辅音错误、非重读央元音错误有随年级上升而下降的趋势,表明拼写错误受发音失误影响的程度随年级上升而降低。字母顺序错误、同音异形词错误的减少以及构词型错误、生造词的增加则反映出拼写策略的改变。  相似文献   

异形词的存在,给书面语的使用增加了负担,给汉语教学、辞书编纂、中文信息处理带来了困难,影响了语言文字交际功能的发挥。异形词的整理规范是汉字规范化工作中的重要一环,关乎如何正确运用语言的实际问题。从学理和语言使用的实际出发,"恢宏、恢弘、恢闳、恢纮"、"自曝、自暴、自爆"这两组异形词在现代汉语中应分别选用"恢宏"、"自曝"作为推荐词形立目并做注解。  相似文献   

作为一种即时测量的研究手段,眼动方法可以动态地、同步地监控被试的阅读行为。从歧义词通达与非歧义词通达两个角度出发,对词汇识别过程中形、音的作用以及词汇歧义消解过程中语境、相对频率的作用等问题上存在的不同观点进行对比分析。在此基础上,分析总结词汇识别的眼动研究特点及有待于研究的问题。  相似文献   

In 2 studies, we compared the effectiveness of 4 different methods for acquiring initial reading vocabulary. Training emphasized similarity of word beginnings (onset plus vowel), similarity of word endings (rimes), phoneme segmentation and blending, or simple repetition of whole words. These 4 training regimes were compared with a control group given only regular classroom instruction. Beginning nonreaders acquired the trained words fastest in the onset and rime conditions, and most slowly in the whole word condition. Retention was excellent after 1 week and after 4 to 6 months, with no differences due to method of acquisition when only children who met the learning criterion were considered. Generalization to reading new words and nonwords was 40% to 50% on the first encounter for all children who acquired the entire word set during learning. In Experiment 2, the same pattern of results was obtained for delayed readers in Grade 2.  相似文献   

视觉词汇识别过程中包括一系列阶段,它们是字形特征探测阶段、字母识别阶段、语音编码阶段、词汇通达阶段和语义激活阶段。在过去的几十年中,它们都已被研究者们深入研究。但是,对词内字母位置的研究,最近几年才被大家所关注。研究发现:字母位置对整词加工具有重要作用。换位字母假词比替换字母假词更加容易激活原词,即出现换位效应。回顾以往研究我们发现:换位效应的研究主要集中在换位效应的理论研究、不同实验范式中的换位效应研究及日常阅读中换位效应的研究上。换位效应的未来研究方向应是:汉字位置效应研究及深入分析换位效应的其他影响因素。  相似文献   


This special issue bundles a set of eight empirical studies and one review article that explore the role of statistical learning (SL) mechanisms (both domain-specific and domain-general) in supporting word reading and spelling development, and vice versa. In this introduction to the special issue, we worked to summarize the extent to which studies support our hypotheses relating SL to reading and spelling development while pointing out inconsistencies across studies that require us to refine and rethink our hypotheses.  相似文献   

承认的形式以及教育意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
爱、权利的尊重和社会重视是承认的三种形式。获得承认是人性中的自然倾向,是每个人进行交往的动机。教育中的交往结构是一种相互承认的关系结构。儿童作为完整的人,其精神品格是通过教育对他的"特殊性"的承认获得发展的。教育承认包括了爱与关怀、权利的尊重、社会重视以及完整发展的内涵。在这种承认的教育关系中,不仅儿童形成了独特的、完整的、有尊严的自我,培养了主体间的道德感和共通感,而且教育本身也形成了一种友爱的共同体。  相似文献   

Immediate word recognition is widely accepted as an important skill in developing fluent reading, but many of the most common words appearing in texts present particular problems to some children with reading difficulties. Roger Merry, a senior lecturer in education at the University of Leicester, and Irene Peutrill, a special needs teacher at Uplands Infant and Junior Schools in Leicester, describe a technique for helping such children, and provide experimental evidence of its effectiveness.  相似文献   

刘群 《襄樊学院学报》2011,32(10):71-74
有限状态转移网络是语言形式化表达手段之一。通过对词语重叠音节数目的限制、语义内涵的限制、典型形式的限制,确定有限状态转移网络可接受的词语重叠的范围,运用有限状态转移网络再现了汉语词语重叠的生成过程和生成模式,以此说明静态的语法规则或语法结果是可计算的。  相似文献   

Lexical competition that occurs as speech unfolds is a hallmark of adult oral language comprehension crucial to rapid incremental speech processing. This study used pause detection to examine whether lexical competition operates similarly at 7–8 years and tested variables that influence “online” lexical activity in adults. Children (n = 20) and adults (n = 17) were slower to detect pauses in familiar words with later uniqueness points. Faster latencies were obtained for words with late uniqueness points in constraining compared with neutral sentences; no such effect was observed for early unique words. Following exposure to novel competitors (“biscal”), children (n = 18) and adults (n = 18) showed competition for existing words with early uniqueness points (“biscuit”) after 24 hr. Thus, online lexical competition effects are remarkably similar across development.  相似文献   

文学翻译中普遍存在着语言错位的现象,译者不自觉的文化误读和自觉的文化取向是引起语言错位的主要因素。面对文学翻译过程中语言错位必然存在的现实,文学译本只有尊重文化的多样性,尽量发挥语言错位的积极意义,才能促使异质文化共存于同一个文本之中且相得益彰。  相似文献   

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