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考察建国以来我国农村社会建设理论与实践的发展历程:一、农村社会建设史实质是党的发展观演变史,历经从"自力更生,建设社会主义新农村"到"反哺农业,建设社会主义新农村"的发展变化。二、农村社会建设经历了从尽力满足人民最低生活需要到实现人的全面发展、从致力平等社会关系到建构和谐社会、从依靠政治动员到加强社会体制机制建设的过程,反映了建国以来党的农村社会建设思想与实践"扬弃"过程。启示是:新形势下农村社会建设必须坚持科学发展观;要始终把农民的根本利益作为农村社会建设的出发点和落脚点;要充分发挥农民在农村社会建设中的主体作用;农村社会建设要坚持和改善党的领导。  相似文献   


The State of Alaska, by some measures the United States’ most rural state, has long supported correspondence schools, a popular school choice option available to all students statewide and used primarily by homeschooled students. This paper first explores Alaska correspondence schools in historical context, and then quantifies capture rate, enrollment by race/ethnicity, grade distributions, and cohort graduation rates for the years 2010–17. Findings include a steady increase in the proportion of Alaskan students enrolled in correspondence schools between 2010 and 2017; disproportionate enrollment of Alaskan students identified as White in correspondence schools between 2010 and 2017; enrollment peaks in late high school during 2014–17; and significantly lower 4- and 5-year cohort graduation rates among students enrolled in correspondence schools compared to those enrolled in traditional public schools.  相似文献   

五年制师范生历史学习动机呈现多样性 ,阻抗因素具有复杂性。随着三级师范过渡到二级师范并向一级师范迈进和五年制师范学校实行“专升本”选拔制度 ,历史学科教学在不断加强的情况下 ,研究学生历史学习动机及对其阻抗因素进行分析 ,对于提高教学质量具有非常重要的意义  相似文献   


In mainstream discourse, rural generally implies white, while urban signifies not-white. However, what happens when ‘rural’ communities experience demographic change? This paper examines how students from a rural, New Latino Diaspora community in a Midwestern state complicate traditional notions of rurality. Data from participant observations and ethnographic interviews indicate that students from this near-majority-Latino community do not view it as rural even though its population is under 2500. Students allude to an alternative youth subculture influenced by incoming Latino students from cities in Mexico, Guatemala, and California. They contrast this with the more stereotypical subcultures they observe in neighboring, rural, majority-white communities. Demographically transitioning, rural schools present unique contexts for students to not only encounter their own privilege, but also to learn how to leverage that privilege to further the aims of social justice. However, this will not occur without explicit and careful planning, implementation, reflection, and teacher training.  相似文献   

通过访谈和问卷,对重庆师范大学552位农村定向小学全科免费师范生从教信念进行调查分析发现:全科生报考动机主要受免费师范教育政策影响;他们的从教信念总体水平一般,其对农村教师的社会价值评价高于自我价值评价,农村从教和终身从教意愿显著低于一般从教意愿;其从教信念在年级、生源地、家庭收入等因素上有显著性差异;职业价值观与从教意愿之间,从教信念与信念行为之间都存在显著性正相关;从教信念形成过程主要受学校环境、见习实习、自身性格及父母观念等因素影响。应通过完善全科免费教育政策、调整培养方法和内容来增强农村全科免费师范生的从教信念。  相似文献   

While there is a wealth of literature on young people and politics, most studies have examined their interest, trust and participation in politics as well as their attitudes toward and knowledge about formal politics. Little is known, however, about young people and the concept of politics. This article investigates 16‐year‐old students’ perceptions of the concept of politics and their conceptions of the relationship between people and politics. This knowledge is valuable for citizenship and social studies education, as an increasingly polarised political climate poses challenges to democratic politics and, consequently, to young people's political engagement and participation. In this study, semi‐structured interviews were conducted with nine students at five Norwegian upper secondary schools. The students varied in their interest and involvement in politics. A main finding is that the students perceived politics as processes related to shaping society, as decisions and activities related to ruling a country, and as the activities of discussion and debate. Three conceptions of the relationship between people and politics are presented: engagement, passivity, and detachment. In addition, while the 16‐year‐olds participated in political discussions privately and at school, they stated that they did not participate in political discussions in social media. Implications for citizenship and social studies education include the need to strengthen the bottom‐up perspective on politics and focus on in‐depth understanding of political processes and tools and methods of social‐scientific enquiry, as well as providing students with opportunities for and practice with handling opposition in political discussions online.  相似文献   


The goal of this paper is to describe and analyze the relationship between ability tracking and student social trust, in the context of low-income students in developing countries. Drawing on the results from a longitudinal study among 1,436 low-income students across 132 schools in rural China, we found a significant lack of interpersonal trust and confidence in public institutions among poor rural young adults. We also found that slow-tracked students have a significantly lower level of social trust, comprised of interpersonal trust and confidence in public institutions, relative to their fast-tracked peers. This disparity might further widen the gap between relatively privileged students who stay in school and less privileged students who drop out of school. These results suggest that making high school accessible to more students may improve social trust among rural low-income young adults.  相似文献   

过去对废除科举制的研究,主要侧重于其是否有利于清季政治改革这一层面,较少从社会结构变迁的角度观察问题,尤其缺少从乡村社会演变的角度来考查科举废除的影响。基于社会史的方法和理论分析科举制的废除对乡村社会的消极影响,如乡村社会精英——士绅阶层的消失及由此造成的社会整合能力的削弱,乡村社会治理与发展的受阻,乡村社会文化生态平衡的破坏,乡村教育的衰败,城乡之间逐渐分离等,客观而深入地探讨和评价科举制度废除后的社会影响。  相似文献   


In 2014, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century rocked the economic and political world, with its argument that inequality is destined to increase; in the field of education, however, this book has been almost entirely ignored. I argue that Piketty’s treatise is relevant to educational theories for three reasons: his rejection of meritocracy contributes to theories of social mobility; his critique of human capital theory provides fodder for debates about educational purpose; and his interdisciplinary analysis supports the political economy tradition in education. However, I also argue that it is necessary to move beyond the economic determinism in Piketty’s arguments, to explore the transformative potential of education as a consciousness-raising process, the agency of communities, the production process, and alternative solutions to inequality. I argue that education scholars should use the renewed interest in inequality generated by Piketty’s book to shift the dominant discourses about education, schools, and social justice.  相似文献   


No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has been proclaimed by some as a reform that will improve education for students from all backgrounds, in all locations. The main components of NCLB, however, are biased against students in small and rural schools. This bias, called “placism,” discriminates against people based on where they live. This rural incompatibility is evident in NCLB's accountability provisions, sanctions, and highly qualified teacher provisions. Problems in these areas are the result of ignoring, or distorting, the realities of rural schooling. The accountability provisions are constructed so that small schools will frequently be incorrectly labeled as failing. The sanctions, inappropriate for rural areas, fail to provide solutions to existing rural challenges. The “highly qualified” teacher provisions make it more difficult, not easier, for rural districts to attract and retain competent teachers. Unless these injustices are corrected, NCLB will serve to decrease educational quality for rural students.  相似文献   


School results for children of poverty ‐ those forced by that poverty to live in inner‐city neighbourhoods ‐generally indicate educational failure at a much higher rate than is seen for students nurtured by wealthier school districts. This failure in school severely limits chances of social and economic upward mobility, which translates into a waste of human capital for the nation's business‐industrial‐political complex, and dashed hopes, dreams and self‐esteem for the individual. Parents and concerned citizens from across socio‐economic strata, long aware of the general inadequacy of schools in poor communities, have demanded improvement, often seeking it through legal and political means. Important strategies among the various federal, state and local school reform efforts to make schooling a meaningful process for all students, and particularly the minority poor, are decentralization and citizen/parent empowerment, the focus of this chapter. The movement to decentralize school governance ‐ an effort to place control into the hands of the people being served ‐ has gained momentum and exists in some form in most large‐city school districts today. An extension of administrative decentralization, citizen/parent empowerment is seen as one of several factors, including teacher and administrator preparation, curriculum renewal, school financing, and school restructuring, vital in the improvement of schools. A look at the meaning and scope of decentralization, operationalized through citizen/parent empowerment, and its probable effectiveness in improving school outcomes indicates that, alone, it is insufficient to ensure positive academic and social performance in school.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Zapatista schools which arose in 1996 in the state of Chiapas in Mexico as a pillar of Zapatista autonomy and also as a result of the indigenous communities’ dissatisfaction with the government's bilingual education programme. Based on ethnographic field work, the author reveals the objectives of the schools as being the protection of indigenous culture, values, languages and rights, the promotion of sexual equality, the gearing of education towards the rural context and the strengthening of communities’ independence of external organisations. The author finds that despite the political, financial and didactic obstacles they face, the schools are succeeding in making progress in fulfilling their objectives and building an alternative to the neoliberal development model.  相似文献   

2011年我国甘肃庆阳、江苏徐州先后发生重大校车交通事故,造成多名学生伤亡,引起社会广泛关注。校车之痛实质是中小学布局调整,是近十几年来中小学大规模撤并过程中,学生上学璐途远而产生的社会问题。本文分析了我国历次较大规模中小学布局调整的历程及背景.并在此基础上提出了我国中小学布局的标准。  相似文献   


Little is known about the influence of isolation on the vocational choice processes of rural students except that such people often make very traditional career decisions. In remote areas of Australia vocational choice has to be considered at a comparatively early stage of a student's education because of the lack of full, locally available secondary education facilities. Students, in some cases accompanied by their families, migrate to urban centres to complete years 11 and 12 in order to matriculate. In the Western Australian community in which this study was located, the influence of family and school on the vocational decisions of 24 rural students was investigated. Family influence was found to be much stronger than that of the school, a matter that has implications for schools that are remote from vocational opportunities.  相似文献   

农村寄宿制学校在农村社会发展中具有重要地位和作用,主要表现在教育、文化和经济意义上。目前农村寄宿制学校的主要问题表现在学生儿童心理发展、学校教育管理、教育经费短缺、师资建设等维度。农村寄宿制学校发展需要的外部条件和政策支撑是国家专项经费的支持、农村寄宿制学校相关的教育法规标准体系、科学的布局、教师交流制度等。  相似文献   


Chile is recognized in the educational policy field as one of the first laboratories of neoliberal initiatives. These policies, initiated under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, did not change with the new democratic governments after 1990. This characteristic led international organizations to promote the Chilean policies in different contexts in Latin America and beyond. In 2006, a high school student movement occupied public and private schools, demystifying the outcomes of these policies. A new wave of demonstrations took place in 2011, with a college student leadership that paralyzed a significant amount of universities and schools throughout the country. After both waves of mobilizations, the political system opened the process of policy-making that considered the demands of social movements. In this article, we explore the dynamics between educational policies and social student movements in Chile, and the possibilities of change in favor of public education.  相似文献   


The essays in this volume mark a watershed in the study of urban public education in the United States. By virtue of their intellectual breadth and substantive concern for the welfare of city schools and students, these papers forecast an integration of political and organizational analysis of education in the big cities ‐connecting the structures and processes of policy‐making with the structures and processes that comprise the everyday lives of school administrators, teachers and students. These essays derive their theoretical and practical import from their ultimate focus on how city schools work and on the experiences that their students have in schools and classrooms. This focus on consequences for schooling as it is experienced in the city school marks a significant departure for students of urban school politics and policy in the US.  相似文献   

2011年我国甘肃庆阳、江苏徐州先后发生重大校车交通事故,造成多名学生伤亡,引起社会广泛关注。校车之痛实质是中小学布局调整,是近十几年来中小学大规模撤并过程中,学生上学路途远而产生的社会问题。本文分析了我国历次较大规模中小学布局调整的历程及背景,并在此基础上提出了我国中小学布局的标准。  相似文献   


Young people living in conflict-ridden areas in the southern part of the Philippines, Mindanao, experience hostility from communities motivated by religious ideologies and political beliefs. With this premise, this study will uncover emerging themes on the way students form their views towards people who have a different faith based on three distinct religious cultures of six schools situated in conflict-ridden areas in Mindanao. Guided by the precepts of phenomenology, this study utilized focused-group discussion with art-based activities and in-depth interviews to show the three dominant religious cultures in schools have distinct influences on their students’ perspectives of others.  相似文献   


Unsatisfactory motivation levels related to learning and studying among students is a universal problem. Students represent a diverse collection of abilities, talents, personalities and aspirations and come from different social and political backgrounds which may affect their motivation to learn and study. Some students are taught in schools where there is an abundance of resources and facilities, whereas others are taught in schools with inadequate resources and facilities. Student motivation, however, is a prerequisite for academic performance. Consequently, students’ potential, qualified teachers and school resources and facilities count very little if students are not motivated. This article examines the development of the lack of student motivation and academic performance in township secondary schools. The study has found that the motivation of students in these schools has been eroded by the students’ and teachers’ protracted involvement in anti-academic activities which have disrupted the education process. Due to the poor motivation of students, academic performance has deteriorated markedly and this situation should be resolved.  相似文献   

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