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目的:构建护理软技能的定义和体系。方法:在文献整理的基础上,结合课题组多次讨论,初步界定了护理软技能的定义和构成指标。然后通过两轮专家函询,界定了护理软技能的定义和构成体系。结果:专家的平均年龄(48.65±8.57)岁,平均工作年限(27.00±9.92)年;两轮专家问卷回收率分别是:87%和75%,专家平均权威系数为0.728,两轮函询专家协调系数差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);确定了护理软技能的定义,确立了包含2项一级指标、5项二级指标、20项三级指标的护理软技能构成体系。结论:本研究界定了护理软技能的定义和构成体系。  相似文献   

大学生软技能水平对其职业发展有重要的影响。通过对大学生软技能自我评价的问卷调查,发现大学生在软技能的某些方面具有一定的优势,但也存在诸多问题和不足,如自信心不足、批判性思维能力、创新意识及能力、沟通交流能力和组织管理能力不强等。针对这些问题,文章从高校人才培养的视角,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

While the current debate about the effects of vouchers focuses on the effects of private schools on achievement, it is also important to examine how the introduction of need-based scholarships influences change in school systems. This study uses a qualitative method to examine the influence of a privately funded scholarship program on strategic adaptations within urban public and private schools in a major metropolitan area. The study revealed that senior administrators in public and private schools rapidly adapted their strategies to contend with the new program: suburban public schools prevented scholarship students from enrolling; urban public schools increased choices for public school students; and private schools actively recruited students. However, the scholarships had little influence on the ways these administrators viewed school choice.  相似文献   


This article describes the ways in which critical events in the lives of college students may contribute to their career development and personal well being. These critical events are referred to as 'butterflies', adopting as a metaphor that concept from chaos theory which states that relatively small events can have large effects. The study analyzes these events and their effects from the perspective of the students' mentors. Results of the study are related to other concepts from chaos theory including bifurcation points, autopoiesis and emergence. The study explores both the different kinds of critical events students experience as well as how mentoring may help students to deal with them. The role of the mentor as interpreter of events, as change agent and as intervener are identified. The article argues that mentors need to be aware of the potential power of critical events in the career development of college students.  相似文献   

通过对高职高专学生所需要的软技能进行分析,结合用人单位的实际要求,构建出一套符合高职高专教育层次的软技能培养指标体系,并提出如何在现有条件下贯彻和实施该指标体系,以及围绕该指标体系的建立应该怎样进行相应的教学改革。  相似文献   

注重可迁移能力的培养已经成为最近三十年主要博士生培养国家的教育新动向。改革的形式多种多样,其主要目的在于应对博士就业多元化的趋势。在改革实践中,存在着多种张力。可迁移能力的概念本身就存在理解多元化和外延泛化的缺陷。培养博士生可迁移能力的缘由存在"短板论"和"全人论"的冲突。培养模式存在"附加式"和"融入式"的争议。可迁移能力的评价则有分散式和整合式的差异。应正视这些张力并从培养单位和博士生自身角度进行有针对性的消解。  相似文献   


This article examines the impacts of Opportunity New York City–Family Rewards, the first holistic conditional cash transfer (CCT) program evaluated in the United States, on parental financial investments in children, and high school students' academic time use, motivations and self-beliefs, and achievement outcomes. Family Rewards, launched by the Center for Economic Opportunity in the Mayor's Office of the City of New York in 2007 and codesigned and evaluated by MDRC, offered cash assistance to low-income families conditioned on family investments in three areas: children's education, family preventive health care, and parents' employment. Results that rely on a random assignment design find that Family Rewards resulted in statistically significant increases in parental spending and saving on education for all students, and increased savings for those students most academically prepared at baseline and for girls, as well as statistically significant increases in academic time use and achievement outcomes for these same academically prepared students. There were no impacts on student motivations and self-beliefs. Implications are discussed for conditional cash transfer programs as well as for interventions targeting high-risk children and families.  相似文献   

基于硬技能与软技能一体化的高职应用生物化学课程开发,应针对职业岗位综合能力明确课程定位,确定课程目标,针对职业岗位需求选取课程内容,基于生化产品生产过程序化课程内容,基于行动导向设计教学方法,基于综合技能考试考核构建硬技能与软技能一体化的课程。  相似文献   

硬新闻(Hard News)和软新闻(Soft News)是西方新闻界新闻业务中的两个基本概念。由于对这两种新闻形式的科学区分直接涉及对新闻报道类别和写作方法的确认,因此关于硬、软新闻的分类一直是争论的话题,本文对此问题的宏观把握有着重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

This study examined whether the structural attributes of a formal mentoring program and/or certain demographic characteristics of participants in the program influence protege satisfaction. Proteges, employed in a traditionally male occupation, were sampled from a federal agency's mentoring program. According to policy, the agency attempted to assign proteges to one of three mentors they previously requested. An internally-developed measure, designed to assess protege satisfaction, was distributed after their completion in the program. A total of 565 surveys were received from 1998 to 2000. Results indicated that feedback in the assignment process and the frequency of meetings between the protege and mentor were more important determinants of protege satisfaction than racial and gender differences between proteges and the dyad.  相似文献   

Three UK studies on the relationship between a purpose‐built instrument to assess the importance and development of 15 ‘soft skills’ are reported. Study 1 (N = 444) identified strong latent components underlying these soft skills, such that differences between‐skills were over‐shadowed by differences between‐students. Importance and improving ratings on these skills predicted academic performance and accounted for the effects of personality on academic performance. Study 2 replicated the structure of the soft skills inventory and associations with academic performance in a larger sample (N = 1309). Examination of mean differences across faculties (humanities, life sciences, hard sciences) revealed higher soft skills ratings in ‘softer’ courses. Study 3 (N = 87) incorporated an IQ measure, which was found to be negatively related to importance ratings on soft skills. Results highlight the cohesive structure of beliefs concerning various non‐academic skills and their significant links to educationally relevant individual differences. Theoretical, methodological and applied implications are considered.  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化进程中高等教育质量问题的凸显,近年来关于高校教师作为"导师"指导大学生,尤其是促进本科生学业成功的研究不断升温。理清美国关于导师指导研究的理论和实践框架,梳理近20年来美国发表的相关文献,从教育学、心理学和管理学的研究视角重构并更新有关导师指导的定义和特征,进而对导师指导的相关理论和实践进行批判性分析,可以发现,导师指导研究至今仍缺乏理论和实践上的可操作性定义及有效的导师指导模式,因此今后应进一步加大对导师指导的相关理论研究和实证研究。  相似文献   

Mentoring is widely advocated as an educational experience for academically talented students because mentors may provide stimulation for academic growth and serve as positive role models for students in areas of career interest. This study examined the experiences of 72 talented teenagers attending a university-based summer mentorship program. Students completed pretest and posttest measures assessing self-concept and perceptions of research aptitude; they also shared their perceptions of their mentoring relationships in written journal entries. Results demonstrated increases in students' perceived research skills and job competence; students reported positive relationships with mentors, particularly when they felt that their mentor spent a great deal of time with them and was approachable, friendly, and engaging.  相似文献   

当前研究生实验技能培养的若干问题及其对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究生科研工作实践性很强,研究生实验技能的高低,将决定其科技创新的水平的高低.当前研究生技能课程教学和实践中还存在重视不够、渠道不畅、管理机制封闭落后、实验室队伍不强等问题.为此,应从以下方面加以改善:一是改革研究生实验课程设置和教学方式;二是改革实验室管理机制;三是不断改善实验技术人员待遇;四是不断调整充实实验技术队伍.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of moral dilemmas mentors from three different national groups (Jewish, Druze, and Arab) encounter in their work in Israeli Arab schools, how they manage these dilemmas in practice, and how the nature of particular dilemmas might connect to their management strategies. Given the multicultural and politically conflictive context of the Israeli society, a cultural and political reading of in-service mentors’ moral dilemmas reveals that mentors’ encounter and management of recurrent moral dilemmas is embedded in cultural and political issues in a way that seem to hinder their mentoring practice. Preparation programs for mentors need to highlight awareness of mentors’ own culture and that of their mentees in order to implement a culturally and politically responsive practice.  相似文献   

任何人的动作记忆都会随着时间的推移而慢慢的遗忘,很多专家和学者对此进行了研究。在该文中,笔者通过对物理实验操作性技能的遗忘规律曲线进行探讨,对物理实验操作性技能遗忘规律提出质疑,通过物理实验操作性技能的遗忘与艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线进行比较,对物理实验操作性技能的培养以及课程设计提出自己的建议和意见,希望能够进一步提升物理实验课程的教学质量。  相似文献   


This issue is the first of a special PRIMUS two-part issue collecting articles from experienced faculty mentors. We offer it as a valuable resource for faculty leading undergraduate research programs. It is inspired by the “Regional Faculty Workshop on REU Issues” in 2013 and the Joint Mathematics Meeting 2015 Mathematical Association of America’s “Themed Session on Perspectives and Experiences on Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Research.” This issue consists of seven papers focusing on the larger issues involved in creating, running, and sustaining an undergraduate research program in mathematics.  相似文献   

Given projected increases in workplace diversity, an understanding of diversity’s intersection with mentoring is a critical topic in the literature. This article involved an interview with Belle Rose Ragins, one of the world’s leading thinkers on diversity and mentoring in the workplace. After providing an overview of Ragins’ key achievements and contributions to the mentoring literature, the article delved into the interview, which involves four parts: (a) Ragins’ education and early influences; (b) her views on the extant literature as well as insights around future areas for inquiry; (c) her current research interests; and (d) her views on consulting and teaching.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to explore peer mentoring styles and examine their contribution to academic success among mentees. Data were collected as part of a comprehensive evaluation of a peer mentoring program. The sample consisted of 49 mentors (advanced students) who supported 376 mentees (first year students) in small groups. Indicators for peer mentoring styles were constructed using mentee assessments of mentoring functions and mentor quality, and unobtrusive data gathered in an analysis of online mentoring activities and a content analysis of the quality of the online mentoring activities. Using cluster analyses, three distinct mentoring styles were identified: Motivating master mentoring, informatory standard mentoring, and negative minimalist mentoring. Motivating master mentors were shown to have a positive influence on success in the mentoring program among those mentees who failed two preliminary exams. Implications for the training of peer mentors in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

Science as profession is generally defined narrowly as research. Science education as preparation for a profession in research is usually perceived as course work and laboratory training, even though the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a research career are more extensive and diverse and are learned in one-on-one interaction with mentors. A complete education of science professionals includes the values, ethical standards and conventions of the discipline since they are fundamental to the profession. Mentoring and education in the responsible conduct and reporting of research and in the ethical dimensions of science are among the professional responsibilities of scientists and need to be discussed as part of science education. Moreover, science as an enterprise is much more than research and includes a number of other components, including science teaching, science journalism, and science policy. Each of these contributes to the nature of science and its role in society.  相似文献   

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