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在全球化挑战及现代性冲击背景下,文化认同危机日益凸显。档案是人类文化遗产的重要组成部分,是建构集体记忆的重要资源;其具有的证据价值、文化价值、记忆价值、情感价值,使之成为形塑文化认同的重要来源和依托载体。采用描述性研究方法从公民、社群、国家三个维度剖析档案作用于文化认同的功用,进一步探讨档案文化认同价值的具体体现,既是对档案价值丰富内涵与价值意蕴的深化拓展,也为档案部门基于文化认同视角开展公共服务提供理论参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着数字文化遗产日益普遍化,其资源建设、技术赋能、服务供给等亟需通过协同治理实现提质增效。[方法/过程]首先,通过文献研究法,论述数字文化遗产协同治理提出的合理性;其次,采用内容分析法,从论文、政策等文本中析出文化遗产治理中的协同要素,结合数字文化遗产特性构建其协同治理的逻辑框架;最后,借助案例分析法,选取 Europeana项目进行映射分析,验证上述逻辑框架并探讨其实现路径。[结果/结论]数字文化遗产协同治理的逻辑框架主要由主体协同、资源协同、服务协同与技术协同构成,并在实践中有所验证。其实现路径包括:缔造多主体合作网络、创设统一化标准方案、打造各色多元资源服务、提供可操作技术方案。  相似文献   

An Oregon State University Libraries (OSUL) study group's review of its current policies, practices, and costs provides an illustrative case study of the challenges in managing government documents during this period of transition from print to digital. In its exploration of more aggressive approaches to greatly increasing access to electronic collections and reducing the size of the print footprint, OSUL learned that the current requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hamper such efforts. This case study provides background on prior internal studies, OSUL's participation in a shared housing agreement, statistics on size and current usage of its government documents, and the costs to receive, process, and provide access to its document collection. It concludes with the recommendations for OSUL to be as proactive as it can be under the current FDLP rules and regulations while bringing projected costs to manage government documents more in line with higher priorities.  相似文献   

The author examines the adoption and evolution of macroappraisal at Library and Archives Canada from the point of view of managing program information. Practices inherited from an earlier period were improved in the areas of accountability and control of the administrative process, but these improvements could not support the new approach's most recent needs in terms of communication, research and analysis, and reflection on the program's consistency and results. The operational sector responsible for the program took the initiative to build an information system, the Records Disposition Authorities Control System (RDACS), which proved a key asset in re-engineering the program, both in identifying problems and in sharing knowledge essential to ist sucess.  相似文献   

文章对2019年出版的《图书馆阅读推广案例赏析》及《图书馆阅读推广的理论与实践》两部阅读推广主题的书籍进行了横向比较。两书从形式到内容,均是对我国阅读推广研究的重要补充,前者侧重对图书馆阅读推广的成功案例进行专业性评析,后者则聚焦于图书馆阅读推广的基础理论和专业实践。无论是阅读推广的理论研究、实践探索,还是经典案例的总结归纳,都应在专业化分析研究的过程中朝着纵深方向发展,使阅读推广在新的时代背景、技术条件和读者需求中焕发新的生机。  相似文献   


This article describes a library's implementation of digital resources for research, teaching, and learning at a higher education institution in Portugal. A school specializing in education and teacher education established strategic performance areas related to digital resources for the fulfillment of its mission, which included some functions of the academic library. The library implemented a discovery system, and the school invested in a wider range of resources, including e-books, both acquired and institutionally published. The library's training programs were also revised to promote the new system and electronic resources. This case study describes how an academic library in Portugal responded to institutional needs, illustrating how libraries everywhere must connect to the larger vision and demonstrate value through technologies, integrating digital and print resources to provide access built around users' needs.  相似文献   

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