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时间效益是图书馆建筑设计理念中最重要的经济原则。建筑结构设计应具有很强的灵活性。提高图书馆建筑经济效益的重要途径是向智能化、多功能性方向发展。  相似文献   

分形学是数学中非线性科学的重要组成部分,其中的数学思想在建筑设计方面得到了充分的应用,本文首先给出分形学的相关概念及分形几何图形所具有的一些重要特点,然后,就分形学在建筑设计方面的应用进行探索,分析其在建筑设计方面的具体应用,最后,对分形学在建筑设计方面的应用进行展望。  相似文献   

Combinations of Conventional Studio and Virtual Design Studio (VDS) have created valuable learning environments that take advantage of different instruments of communication and interaction. However, past experiences have reported limitations in regards to student engagement and motivation, especially when the studio projects encourage abstraction or are detached from context or reality. This study proposes a hybrid approach that overcomes these limitations by blending conventional studio, VDS and live projects. This blend aims to foster opportunities from within a real design situation, while promoting different levels of motivation and engagement. Two case studies comprising academic projects between the University of Los Andes, Colombia and the University of Nottingham, UK were used to validate the approach. In these, students interacted with peers, teachers, people from industry and the community to build 1:1 scale projects, with budgets and timeframe constraints. The study proved that students could successfully work collaboratively and build confidence in their own abilities when placed in a real setting, which enabled interactions face‐to‐face and at a distance to solve a challenge and achieve a common goal. The article reports on lessons learnt from these collaborative learning experiences, which reflect on contemporary cross‐cultural design practiced today.  相似文献   

构件族资源不足是建筑设计教学应用BIM技术具有代表性的教学问题之一。基于设计教学兼具正向设计和教学展示需求的特点,构件族开发遵循类型完整性、使用便捷性、模型重用率和过程集成性的思路,制定基于LOD300的分类、命名和模型细度标准,在对现有族库资源梳理整合的基础上,重点补充缺漏的构件类型,形成涵盖常用建筑构件及其基础信息的基础构件库。以幕墙族为例详述了基于参数化思维的建模方法,先按几何信息分布规律创建若干具有代表性的几何原型,再将消防、结构、节能设计等应用所需的非几何信息按类型与几何模型建立联动关系,形成各类可参变的幕墙构件族。  相似文献   

广西传统干阑式建筑是集环境条件与经验智慧为一体的石木构架建筑,其结构空间理实秩序、变化灵巧,层次丰富,富有审美意境,体现了建筑对环境的适应性与协调性,反映了广西地区的人文特色,极具地域特征。从自然适应性、人文适应性两个方面对材料、结构与人文情感提出更具民族性、地域性的设计启示,阐述其当代建筑技术与时代审美特征,探索传统干阑式建筑在当代建筑设计中的传承与发展,丰富当代建筑匠技与形式的可持续性创新。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to contribute to the debate on the best pedagogical approach to developing undergraduate mechanical engineering skills to meet the requirements of contemporary complex working environments. The paper provides an example of using student–entrepreneur collaboration in the teaching of modules to Mechanical Engineering final-year students. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the most significant recent innovations in the area of education for the professions. This work proposes to make an original contribution by simulating a real-life entrepreneur interaction for the students. The current literature largely confines simulation-based learning to computer applications such as games. However, this paper argues that role playing by students interfacing with technology start-ups can also be regarded as ‘simulation’ in a wider sense. Consequently, the paper proposes the concept of simulation-action learning as an enhancement of PBL and to distinguish it from computer simulation.  相似文献   

路易士·康是美国第二代现代建筑师的重要代表人物, 试图从起源处再创建筑的模式, 从人性的角度探讨建筑。这一思想对建筑设计具有积极的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This research parallels Tongan academic Hūfanga ‘Okusitino Māhina’s assertions in the 1994 Contemporary Pacific article Our Sea of Islands, that ‘People are thought to walk forward into the past and walk backward into the future, both taking place in the present, where the past and the future are constantly mediated in the ever-transforming present’ alongside those of Professor Terry Irwin and fellow Transition Designers in which they discuss the use of Indigenous Wisdom to enable designing for the Long Now as defined by Brand in his 1999 book The Clock for the Long Now: Time and Responsibility. In the 2015 Transition Design Monograph Irwin asserts that, ‘Transition Design draws on knowledge and wisdom from the past to conceive solutions in the present with future generations in mind’. This paper draws on the pre-industrial wisdom of indigenous knowledge, specifically that of the Pacific regions, Moana, who have lived and designed sustainably in-place for generations to illustrate the value it holds for the formulation of sustainable and sustaining futures.  相似文献   

建筑装饰构造是一门实践性很强的工程技术类课程.其教学实践活动中存在理论与实际脱节,教学方法、手段单一,教材内容老化,学生思想上不重视等问题,为此,在该课程的教学中应将前沿的工程技术和新材料引入课堂,更新教学观念、教学内容,变通教学方法;加强建筑装饰构造与室内设计等课程的结合;加强实践性教学环节,构建多媒体教学模式,加快MCAI课件开发;通过互联网,查阅各种相关信息,作为教学内容的补充;加强建筑装饰构造课程对学生创新能力的培养.  相似文献   

校企合作背景下的设计工作室创业教育模式,有利于艺术设计人才实践能力培养和岗位需求零距离目标的实现,有利于毕业生的顺利就业和自主创业。文章论述如何通过模式设计、师资配置、教学管理等方面,构建设计工作室创业教育模式教学。  相似文献   

Computer-based complex information systems are used increasingly more often, for a growing variety of purposes, in both educational and professional contexts. Since the effectiveness of information systems will largely depend on the particular purpose and the particular task context at hand, at least part of our research efforts should be directed at studying specific application areas. This paper reports a study on the use of hypertext information systems during architectural-design problem solving. Theoretical notions on design problem solving, such as distinguishing between a problem-structuring and a problem-solving phase, provide us with expectations about the changing informational needs during the design process. Specific information structures are proposed, incorporating design principles from learning research, to accommodate these informational needs. Results of an empirical study indeed showed interactions between design phase and information structure when separately inspecting the outcomes for problem structuring and problem solving. Educational implications include the use of a combination of hierarchical decomposition and cross-referencing for certain instructional goals, such as teaching complexity and abstraction.  相似文献   


There is now an increasing body of knowledge on creative practice-based doctorates especially in Australia and the United Kingdom. A particular focus in recent years has been on the written examinable component or exegesis, and a number of studies have provided important information about change and stability in the form and nature of the exegesis and its relationship to the creative project. However, we still know relatively little about the pedagogical practices that supervisors use to support these students’ development as scholarly writers, nor of how supervisors view ‘writing’ in relation to the creative practice components of the degree endeavour. This paper draws on data from a recent study of supervision in creative practice higher research degrees and it highlights the transformative nature of writing for the development of creative practice research scholars in the context of competing discourses on research writing. In contrast to institutional silencing of writing, the study relates numerous examples of effective writing-rich supervisory pedagogies illustrating how successful supervisors work with their students to bring their creative projects into articulation.  相似文献   

“以人为本”的服务理念在图书馆界已达成共识,“以人为本”的思想体现在图书馆建筑上,主要通过良好的空间环境和精神环境的营造,为读者打造舒适的空间体验。本文从人性化的设计理念为出发点,指出图书馆建筑在设计方面存在的问题并提出图书馆建筑设计应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

富有中国传统文化的建筑元素在现代室内设计中的运用是当今的热门话题之一。纵观近年来我国室内设计师的作品及设计理念可以发现,在当代室内设计中,很多方面都呈现出传统建筑元素与现代设计的有机结合。在快速发展的室内空间设计中,重视中国传统建筑元素的运用,取其精华,不断创新,使当代建筑更具观赏性,更具中国的传统文化特点。  相似文献   

随着建筑和房地产市场的迅猛发展,以及市场对室内设计人才的需求增大,高等职业技术院校的室内设计专业发展很快,其办学理念、培养目标不同于本科院校,针对这种情况,很多高校正在探索行之有效的教学模式,本文提出的工作室教学模式是室内设计专业教学方法的一种实践及探索,能有效地促进教学和提高办学水平。  相似文献   

杭州茶楼的装饰设计是物化的杭州茶文化与西湖文化的结合,其设计特色突出历史与文化氛围的营造。  相似文献   


Sector-wide research has shown the benefits of student-staff partnerships in course design whilst highlighting the complexity of this work, and the difficulties in gaining traction to create sustained ways of working. Reflections by academic developers on the roles and partnerships in course design at one Australian university reveal the critical three-way partnership among academic developers, students, and academics. The benefits brought by a Course Design Studio model in providing a liminal space to sustain positive three-way collaborations are outlined. This paper offers a conceptual argument that addresses areas of concern often encountered in traditional course design student-staff partnership relationships.  相似文献   

析林徽因诗歌中的建筑性灵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林徽因是我国著名的建筑学家,也是诗人,她在建筑事业和诗歌创作中都融入了对艺术美的独特追求。文章从林徽因的建筑性灵角度切入,通过建筑主张与诗歌蔓学的交融、建筑意象与诗歌情感的交融、建筑造诣与诗歌原理的交融,对她的诗歌进行审美欣赏。  相似文献   

编排文字和图形是一门艺术,这门艺术有着悠久的历史,是人类文化的重要遗产,是提高作品的欣赏度的重要环节,能够直接影响到作品的销量、价值评估等。可以说,图形和文字设计是提高作品的诉求力,赋予版面审美价值的一种重要构成技术。由此说来,图文的编排工作也可以说成是艺术创作种类的一种,它是根据人的审美学角度合理的将图片文字编排成一种让人感觉最舒适的模式,以最好的角度来传达作品的核心思想。图形和文字永远是视觉设计的两大重要设计元素。  相似文献   

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