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This paper presents an innovative approach to introducing pre-service early childhood teachers to math, science and technology education. The approach involves the creation of partnerships between pre-service early childhood and engineering students to conceive, develop, implement and evaluate curriculum in the area of math, science and technology by using robotics and the engineering design process. In this paper we first present the theoretical framework for the creation of these partnerships. We then introduce an experience done at Tufts University in which three different forms of partnership models evolved: the collaborators model, the external consultants model and the developers model. We also present different case studies from this experience and finally we conclude with some remarks and observations for making this work scalable and sustainable in other settings and universities.  相似文献   

This study compares the views of teachers and professional development facilitators about effective professional development (PD). We analyzed interviews with 72 teacher participants and 23 PD facilitators involved in nine science and mathematics PD projects. The teachers' themes for characterizing effective PD included classroom application, teacher as learner, and teacher networking. Similarly, the PD facilitators discussed effective PD as having classroom application and experiences for teachers as learners. In addition, PD facilitators shared the need to develop collegial relationships with teachers and improve teacher knowledge. These views correspond to some of the standards and recommendations described in policy and research documents on effective PD. Criteria of effective PD in these documents that the participants did not mention included: (1) challenging teachers' content and pedagogical content knowledge with transformative learning experiences, (2) encouraging teacher leadership for sustained support, and (3) focusing on student learning by instructing teachers on how to use student data to inform their teaching practice. Our findings have implications for designing PD that reflects the criteria of standards-based reform.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effectiveness of large-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development (PD) intended to improve early childhood educators' knowledge, beliefs, and practices. PD was offered in a real-world context and delivered at-scale across the state, implemented by an independent contractor. Educators (n = 535) were randomly assigned to participate in one of three types of PD: 30 hrs of language and literacy PD presented in a workshop format, 30 hrs of language and literacy PD plus monthly coaching, or PD on alternative topics (comparison). Baseline and outcome measures were collected by an independent research team to determine PD effectiveness. Growth curve analyses showed little change in educator outcomes over an 18-month period, with no differences among conditions or evidence of moderation by educator or classroom characteristics. Explanations for lack of PD impacts and the importance of evaluating educational investments are discussed.  相似文献   

论幼儿科学教育儿童化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着幼儿教育理论研究的深入和幼儿教育实践的不断发展,科学教育越来越受到理论和实践工作者的广泛重视。虽然国内外关于幼儿科学教育的理论与实践研究势头尚好。但总体而言,我国幼儿科学教育的研究起步较晚,在科学教育理论与具体的教育实践活动中仍然存在许多问题。需要在幼儿科学教育课程、环境、方法及评价等各方面进行改革,力求实现幼儿科学教育的儿童化。  相似文献   

全美幼教协会(NAEYC)是美国影响力最大的民间幼儿教育组织,其在制定幼儿教育从业者专业标准、保证美国幼儿师资水平方面发挥着重要作用。NAEYC发起的"幼儿教育从业者系统行动计划"(ECWSI)明确提出了美国幼儿教育从业者专业发展系统的政策领域、基本原则及一系列支撑措施,为帮助各州建立专业、稳定、高效的幼儿教育师资队伍,保证幼儿教育质量做出了积极贡献,对我国加强幼儿教师队伍建设具有重要启示。  相似文献   

后现代主义对传统课程理论进行了系统的批判与反思,从新的课程理论视角和价值观念来理解课程,构建了一个有价值和启发意义的课程体系.文章对后现代课程的基本理念进行了阐述和分析,并借用它所提供的视角,重新从课程观、课程目标、课程实施、课程评价等方面重新审视了幼儿科学教育课程.  相似文献   

New Zealand is moving towards increased qualification requirements for early childhood educators. There is an underlying assumption that there is a correlation between quality early childhood education, teacher qualifications and quality practices in teaching and learning. Two fields of literature, early childhood pedagogy and science specific pedagogy, are reviewed briefly to provide a framework with which to consider why student teachers' attitudes, misunderstandings and misconceptions in science can limit their ability and willingness to create quality teaching and learning opportunities. The study reported in this paper highlights, in general, that early childhood student teachers' subject knowledge in science was poor. It also emerged that the student teachers were unaware of how little they knew and how this might affect their ability to provide appropriate science experiences for young children.  相似文献   

刘宇 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z3):73-76,84
通过对学前教育领域具有代表性的四种学术期刊近十年来刊载的有关幼儿科学教育的论文进行计量分析发现,在《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》颁布后,我国幼儿科学教育研究从量上看时有起伏,但总体来说发展态势良好,目前已经形成由较为稳定的核心作者群及尚未形成持续研究兴趣的边沿作者群组成的研究者队伍,且研究方法初步呈现多样化趋势,但研究主题存在分布不均衡现象。未来需加强对当前研究力量较为薄弱的课题的研究,注意理论研究与实践研究的双向沟通,进一步推进研究方法的多元化。  相似文献   

儿童福利:学前教育事业发展研究的新视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
儿童福利从儿童的权利和需要出发,以儿童的幸福为宗旨,关注儿童发展问题,学前教育由此是儿童福利的重要组成部分.相比其他学制阶段,学前教育除了具有教育性外,还具有显著的福利性.它能为幼儿提供必要的照顾与保护,从而解放母亲,有助于增加社会劳动力,同时能帮助家庭解决子女养育中的问题,缓解家庭育儿压力与亲子关系冲突,是保证家庭幸福、社会和谐的重要途径与手段.从儿童福利视角看待学前教育,有助于敦促政府从提供社会公共服务的角度出发承担发展学前教育的责任;有助于促使政府为学前教育具有的社会服务功能买单,加大对学前教育的财政投入;有助于政府改变以往经费投入体制与方式,更多关注弱势家庭子女平等接受学前教育的机会;有助于政府协调各个职能部门,建立专门负责儿童福利事务的部门,与教育部门统筹管理,保证有关学前教育政策执行到位,落到实处.  相似文献   

《幼儿教育和保育国家课程指导》是芬兰政府颁布的指导芬兰幼教工作的纲领性文件。芬兰的幼儿教育和保育强调尊重儿童的内在价值,为儿童发展提供支持。在课程实施中体现公平性、整体性、集体性、环境舒适性、快乐性、语言中心等原则:课程内容主要包括数学、自然科学、社会-历史、艺术、道德和宗教一哲学等六个方面。芬兰《幼儿教育和保育国家课程指导》重视保障体系的建构,关注地方差异,强调政策的弹性,对我国具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Applications of growth mixture modeling have become widespread in the fields of medicine, public health, and the social sciences for modeling linear and nonlinear patterns of change in longitudinal data with presumed heterogeneity with respect to latent group membership. However, in contrast to linear approaches, there has been relatively less focus on methods for modeling nonlinear change. We introduce a nonlinear mixture modeling approach for estimating change trajectories that rely on the use of fractional polynomials within a growth mixture modeling framework. Fractional polynomials allow for more parsimonious and flexible models in comparison to conventional polynomial models. The procedures are illustrated through the use of math ability scores obtained from 499 children over a period of 3 years, with 4 measurement occasions. Techniques for identifying the best empirically derived growth mixture model solution are also described and illustrated by way of substantive example and a simulation.  相似文献   

早期教育领域一直存在两种不同的游戏取向,一种是文化传播或文化定位取向,一种是生成式或响应式取向。在早期教育领域,儿童自由与教师掌控之间的矛盾一直难以解决。教师可以采用综合教学法,增加教师与儿童共同建构知识的可能性。  相似文献   

在考察学前教育对儿童发展的积极影响时,人们引用最多的是美国佩里幼儿园项目、芝加哥儿童家长中心、卡罗莱纳初学者项目等示范项目.然而,事实上这些示范项目都主要是针对低收入家庭儿童的,其产生的显著效果并不具普遍性.借鉴这些示范项目的成功经验,我国政府在学前教育领域的政策与投入应加大对社会处境不利儿童的关注;应充分考虑文化背景对教育效果的影响机制,而不能一味照搬这些示范项目;应审慎对待这些示范项目的研究结论,引导公众建立对幼儿教育的合理期待.  相似文献   

美国幼儿教师教育标准及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
制定幼儿教师教育标准是幼儿教师教育的基础性工作。美国全国幼儿教育协会制定了幼儿职业准备标准,提出了“促进幼儿发展与学习”、“构建同家庭、社区的关系”、“对支持幼儿及其家庭的措施进行观察、建立档案、开展评估”、“开展教与学的活动的知识和能力”、“成为一名专业人士”等五项幼儿教师教育的核心标准,还提出了范围广泛的普通知识教育标准。为了适应我国幼儿教育发展的需要,我国应尽快制定专门的幼儿教师教育标准,美国幼儿教师教育标准为我们提供了镜鉴。  相似文献   

早期儿童发展政策是一个社会性政策,它通过政府的投入对有关早期儿童发展重要问题的解决提供指导,为儿童及其家庭提供服务。这一政策应具有社会、政治、经济和人力资源方面的可持续性。政策的组成部分包括理想与目标、活动、管理和财政。政策制定的过程强调多方人员的参与以及有据可依。亚太地区多个国家近年来在早期儿童发展政策的制定方面取得了很大的进展,但同时在政策的实施、管理和财政方面仍面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

美国优秀幼儿教师专业标准及其启示   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
美国全国教学专业标准委员会制定的优秀幼儿教师专业标准提出了优秀幼儿教师所应达到的专业发展要求,成为美国幼儿教师专业发展的理想目标,在美国幼儿教师专业化的过程中发挥着重要的作用。对这一专业标准内容的介绍与分析,可以为构建我国幼儿教师专业标准提供借鉴。  相似文献   

当代西方幼儿教育研究有三个主要特点:基础研究与应用研究相结合、课程开发研究与课程评价研究相结合以及课程开发研究与教师发展研究相结合。  相似文献   

对于是否应该对幼儿进行识字教育,从20世纪初开始就是教育界争论的热点话题,至今没有人能给出一个明确的定论。笔者认为,婴幼儿时期是识字的关键期,幼儿大脑皮层已经具有了分析、综合能力以及幼儿识字所需具备的认知结构基础,在幼儿期可以开展识字教育。早期识字是早期阅读的重要内容,而识字教育本身就是一项全面而优越的智力活动,早期识字教育的实施可以促进幼儿智力的发展和大脑发育,激发幼儿学习汉字的兴趣,为幼儿的全面发展甚至幼儿的一生奠定良好基础。在实施过程中,教育者应该以幼儿的识字特点与认知规律为基础,采用游戏法、情景法,并在主题活动和创意阅读中进行渗透,对幼儿进行识字教育,促进幼儿的发展与提高。  相似文献   

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