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Traditional studies of educational change fail to explain how principals and teachers deal with change in curriculum and instruction on an ongoing basis. This study investigated the management and implementation of multiple innovations in curriculum and instruction over a two year period in two elementary schools. The study provides empirical support for theories which hold that principal's management style tends to be stable across multiple changes. The study also reveals that the innovation adoption and implementation behaviours of teachers in an elementary school can be patterned across multiple changes. Recurrent levels of use, outcomes and patterns of interaction between innovations were found across innovations in each school. These differences were consistent with the different management styles of the two principals.  相似文献   


This article reports qualitative research which sought to contribute to the understanding of the importance of individual learning preferences, which is important in the light of the current shift in emphasis from teacher centred to learner centred learning in further and higher education. Analysis was made of the preferred teaching and learning styles of two sub groups — engineering and humanities. The research seeks to ascertain whether there is a relationship between the preferred teaching styles of teachers and the preferred learning styles of their learners. Teachers and learners completed Teaching Style Questionnaires (TSQ) and Learning Style Questionnaires (LSQ) which were analysed using four preferences — Honey and Mumford's (1986) activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. The relationship between the teachers’ and learners’ preferred styles was shown to be variable. The engineering sub group demonstrate the same level of preference in the reflector and pragmatist categories, but differences in the other two. The humanities teachers and learners had minor differences in preference in all four categories.  相似文献   


The classification scheme of context clues tested in this study is from the preliminary edition of the Comprehension element of the Wisconsin Design for Reading Skill Development, which includes criterion-referenced context clues tests. One hundred thirty-three subjects in grades 3,4, and 5 in two Bemidji, Minnesota schools were pre- and posttested with Forms I and II. During the two-week interval between tests, subjects in the experimental school received instruction in two types of context clues. Six weeks later both groups were again administered Form I. Using an analysis of covariance, significant differences were Tound favoring the experimental school. Through an analysis of variance on the experimental school only, significant differences were found between grade levels and across all three grade levels from the pre- to posttest. Delayed posttest results were similar to immediate posttest results. Teaching a classification system seems to be effective at all grade levels, even at the beginning of grade 3.  相似文献   



The method used to record intellectual transactions in the Science Teaching Observation Schedule (STOS) is examined in the light of the theory of sampling methods and it is concluded that STOS cannot give reliable quantitative data. The usefulness of continued analysis of STOS data is questioned and it is suggested that STOS results should be regarded as indicators for further quantitative examination before scientifically meaningful conclusions can be drawn regarding science teaching styles.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-pacing in a course based on behavioral instruction. The effects of using study guide questions were also studied. Surveys of the behavioral instruction (BI) literature indicated that pacing was not creating differences in performance. The question of study guide effectiveness has not been explored. The results of the study indicated that pacing interacted with prior achievement as measured by grade point average. Those students who entered the course with high GPAs performed better under self-pacing conditions. However, over and above the prior achievement variable (GPA), the different pacing styles did not create differential course achievement. The use of study guide questions did not create significant differences in the criterion performance.  相似文献   


This research was based on the theoretical belief that student evaluations of faculty teaching are related to the person-environment congruence between students’ locus of reinforcement and the degree of control exercised by faculty instructional styles. Fifty-seven college students were classified as internally or externally reinforced based on Rotter’s locus of reinforcement theory. Students evaluated high and low faculty control instructional styles by rating daily seven classroom evaluative questions on a five-point differential scale. It was hypothesized that the evaluation of instruction by students experiencing congruent control styles (internal students/low control and external students/high control) would be more positive than incongruent combinations (external students low control and internal students/high control). ANOVA results yielded a significant 937’value p <.01) for interaction effects which supported the research hypothesis. Implications for student evaluation of faculty teaching are discussed.  相似文献   



In this paper, the authors summarize the main findings which resulted from a recent major research study of the processes and products of science teaching in English schools. For the purpose of this study, a Science Teaching Observation Schedule (STOS) was developed by means of which the intellectual transactions taking place between teacher and pupils during science lessons, can be recorded and analysed. Using STOS, the teaching behaviour of some 94 teachers of biology, of chemistry and of physics was studied. On the basis of this, three main styles of science teaching were identified. These styles are described and discussed both in terms of their educational effectiveness (as measured by pupil achievement) and in relation to the implementation of modern school science curricula.  相似文献   


In this study, the authors examined efficacy beliefs and choices of differentiated instructional strategies needed for effective teaching in inclusive classrooms. Participants included 191 Israeli prospective teachers. They responded to a modified form of the Teacher Efficacy Scale (Gibson & Dembo, 1984) and a 59-item instructional strategies scale. Findings revealed that the Personal Teaching Efficacy factor (PTE) was related to choices of instruction, but the Teaching Efficacy factor (TE) was not. Prospective teachers focusing on junior high education obtained the highest PTE scores compared with those focusing on early childhood and elementary education, and participants focusing on early childhood education obtained the highest TE scores. Participants expressed intent to make adaptations directed toward all students and less willingness to use differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

课堂教学与人类的解释活动存在着密切联系,是教师通过解释文本帮助学生生成文本意义的解释活动。文本解释包括“背景解释”与“前景解释”两种模式,课堂教学是以“前景解释”模式为主导的文本解释活动。阐释学视域中的课堂教学具有解释内容的文本性、解释方式的多样性以及解释对象的差异性三种特征。课堂教学的文本解释特征对当前教师教育提出了三点启示:关注学生理解的“前结构”;运用多样性的教育学话语表达式解释文本意义;在传递知识与满足学生的精神需要之间保持张力。  相似文献   

This paper reports on instructional practices observed in a high school English Learner (EL) Science course serving newcomer Mexican immigrant youth. The school is located in a rural Midwestern meatpacking community in which labor at the hog plant is economically- and racially-segmented; it is the town’s Mexican residents, many of them undocumented, who comprise most of the unskilled labor force. The general purpose of the paper is to document how the economic and racial context of this community influences science instruction in the EL Science course and to describe how this presents particular challenges in achieving equitable science instruction for Mexican immigrant youth in these rural, globalizing places. Entering the data via critical discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1995) and then utilizing Barton’s (2003) “practice of science” perspective, with an eye toward achieving “radical contextuality” (Grossberg, 1997), we describe the science events, identities, and structures of the pig dissection lesson and detail how what these students could do with science, as rendered by that lesson, was limited by the roles the teacher attributed to the students, her inability to draw on their funds of knowledge as resources for learning, and the voice and position she allowed them to take up. The data reinforce conventional understandings of schools as sites of cultural reproduction (Bowels & Gintis, 1976), as well as of resistance (Giroux, 1983), but afford us a glimpse of the particularity of those mechanisms within the demographically-transitioning American Heartland, iconic of the era of global capitalism.
Katherine Richardson BrunaEmail:


In the context of our work as literacy specialists, we taught teachers to use sentence frames to support ELL students’ writing. We then studied the impact of their instruction on students. Our analysis of student writing samples revealed no groupwide developmental trends so we posed deeper questions about their work using the data analysis methods learned through the action research process. We report our findings about the relationship between student writing development and language instruction. We discuss our learning as well as implications for our work supporting teacher instruction.  相似文献   


One important factor concerning the internationalization of higher education might be the adoption of a common language as the medium of instruction. For non‐English speaking countries this language tends to be English. Though educational institutions in Europe have already started to conduct (parts of) their curricula in English it is still not clear what effects this change of instructional language will have either on the lecturers involved or on the quality of their instruction. The present article is an attempt to provide an answer to these questions, based on Dutch experiences.  相似文献   


Background and Context: Current introductory instruction fails to identify, structure, and sequence the many skills involved in programming.

Objective: We proposed a theory which identifies four distinct skills that novices learn incrementally. These skills are tracing, writing syntax, comprehending templates (reusable abstractions of programming knowledge), and writing code with templates. We theorized that explicit instruction of these skills decreases cognitive demand.

Method: We conducted an exploratory mixed-methods study and compared students’ exercise completion rates, error rates, ability to explain code, and engagement when learning to program. We compared material that reflects this theory to more traditional material that does not distinguish between skills.

Findings: Teaching skills incrementally resulted in improved completion rate on practice exercises, and decreased error rate and improved understanding of the post-test.

Implications: By structuring programming skills such that they can be taught explicitly and incrementally, we can inform instructional design and improve future research on understanding how novice programmers develop understanding.  相似文献   


A case study of an experienced professor's comments on a design report in a first‐year engineering class was conducted over the period of an academic year. When compared with the commenting styles of technical writing teachers, the engineering professor's comments were found to be highly directive, and thus at odds with the preference for facilitative comments that prevails in composition studies. However, differences in genre conventions explain much of the discrepancy.  相似文献   


Drawing on 48 in-depth interviews with Black immigrant and second-generation boys at Bridgewood secondary school in New York City, this article points out how the high educational aspirations expressed by Black African and Caribbean boys are strategically deployed as features of an ethnic project to counter anti-immigrant sentiments and anti-Black racism in US society. The findings indicate that in a context of rising xenophobia along with the historical and continual stereotypes of Black people in the US, participants’ aspirations for elite higher education function as strategies to enhance their individual and ethnic reputations. High educational aspirations were also used to justify emigration to and worth within the US. At its core, this article illustrates how participants mobilized aspirations to represent themselves as moral migrants and ‘worthy’ ethnic minorities. Moral claims and ethnicity-based campaigns associated with aspirations are problematized because they reinforce the hierarchical racial order that informs US society.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated how people perceive others' self-presentation styles (such as enhancement and effacement) in forming first impressions and how culture influences the process. Most of those studies have, however, investigated self-presentation styles in the context of informal and intimate interpersonal relations. Few studies have examined the perceptions of self-presentation styles in formal communication contexts such as instruction in classrooms. This study examines how college students from different cultures perceive professors' self-presentation styles in terms of competence and likability with the samples from the Mainland USA, Hawaii, and South Korea. The results from the latent mean analyses showed that professors with self-enhancement were perceived as more competent but less favorable in the Mainland USA and Hawaii, but not in South Korea – self-promoter's paradox was not found, while trade-offs between competence perception and likability seemed to exist. Structural equation models showed that, in explaining the variances of self-presentation perceptions, self-construals were significant variables in the Mainland USA and Hawaii, but not in South Korea. Academic motivations, on the contrary, appeared as significant variables in South Korea only. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of cultural differences through self-construals in perceiving others' self-presentation styles.  相似文献   


Challenge-based teaching facilitates students’ simultaneous development of content mastery and strategies for applying technical knowledge innovatively. The University of Texas at Austin Department of Biomedical Engineering has offered a challenge-based course on biotransport as an accelerated study-abroad learning experience in Cambridge, England. We used a mixed methods approach to characterize students’ learning trajectory, to include technical prowess, problem-solving self-efficacy, and engineering identity throughout the entirety of this course. Students developed problem solving strategies and confidence over the semester and readily transferred their acquired solution framework to technical domains outside of the course subject of biotransport. Students identified challenge-based pedagogies as their preferred methods of classroom instruction, became familiar with corresponding assessments, and identified strongly as practitioners within the engineering field. We believe this illustrative case study provides significant evidence for the effectiveness of challenge-based instruction and can serve as a model for pedagogy-sensitive classroom assessment in engineering.  相似文献   


We bring together the theories of Bourdieu and Sen in order to understand the processes that influence the study paths chosen by young people with a general degree from a science university in France. The weighting of economic and cultural capital within study options taken in secondary education and during the premier cycle (the first three years of tertiary education) helps characterise elements of students’ trajectories which either stymie or reinforce a nonetheless dominant reproduction.  相似文献   

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